Thursday, June 21, 2012

China Superhero Saving The World !


或许是为了宣传自身正义的国家形象,中国参与投资了一部讲述中国超级英雄拯救世界的好莱坞电影。影片角色出自斯坦•李(Stan Lee)之手,这位89岁的老人创作了绿巨人(Hulk)、钢铁侠(Ironman)等经典形象。

这部以“超能侠”为主角的3D影片计划于2014年上映。国影投资管理有限公司(National Film Capital,简称国影投资)总裁王国伟对英国《金融时报》表示:“超能侠在中国学习气功,之后来到美国,并在美国偶然成为了超能力者。”国影基金是一 只有政府背景的电影产业基金。

王国伟说:“之后,他为整个世界——包括中国——化解了一场危机。影片融入了中国拯救世 界的思想,以此对抗‘中国威胁论’。”

长期以来,中国执政党共产党一直有感于中美在“软实力”方面的巨大差距。然而,过分急切 的舆论宣传攻势对中国提升“软实力”的努力构成了负面影响。

王国伟指出,未来这种情况有望改观。他表示,“我们国家太强调‘走出去’了”,在国外展示自己的文化,“但宣传力度越猛,越难以取得好效 果”。他补充说,中国电影的版权出口收入“几乎可以忽略不计”。


“超能侠”的投拍反映出中国在全球电影业中的影响力正迅速增强,这主要得益于中国电影市场的蓬勃发展。“超能侠”是国影投资在上海电影节上宣 布将参与投资的十部国际大片中的第一部。十部合拍片的计划投资总额达到2.3亿美元。

“超能侠”的1亿美元制作预算将主要由中国提供艺术 创作投入则将主要来自美国影片剧本将由《谍影重重 4:伯恩的遗产》(The Bourne Legacy)编剧丹•吉尔罗伊(Dan Gilroy)操刀制片方则是位于好莱坞的魔力风暴娱乐公司(Magic Storm Entertainment)。

中国电影票房收入去年增长30%达到12亿美元,包括美国在内的其他主要市场票房收入则持平或出现下滑。今年第一季度,中国超过日本成为按票 房计全球第二大电影市场,中国也因此成为好莱坞最大的海外市场。

虽然中国电影票房收入中来自好莱坞制作的比重超过70%,但中国对此类影片的放映仍有严格限制。这表明,免受进口电影配额限制的合拍片是好莱 坞进一步提升其在中国电影市场份额的最佳选择。从去年公布的一连串中美联合制作及电影投资计划中即可反映出好莱坞深挖中国电影市场的急切心 情。

,杨步亭担任董事长。杨步亭此前曾任国有电影制作与发 行机构中国电影集团(China Film Group)董事长。国影投资自2008年成立以来经历了数年沉寂。今年2月,它积极活动成立了一只投资好莱坞制作的新基金。

For an early look at the latest super-powered warrior conceived by Lee – along with what may possibly be either a rival or comrade of his – check out some rumored Annihilator conceptual artwork  below:
The Annihilator Conceptual Artwork #1
Magic Storm Entertainment has acquired the rights to a new superhero movie titled The Annihilator, based around an idea conceived by none-other than Stan “The Man” Lee. The titular character is one of the (almost) 90-year-old comic book legend’s most recent “unorthodox” creations, alongside the sci-fi manga/anime Heroman and the still-in-development Governator comic book/cartoon series.
The company’s CEO has announced that screenwriter Dan Gilroy is officially onboard for the project and will work from Lee’s original POW! Entertainment treatment, while penning the Annihilator’s big-screen debut.

The Annihilator‘s namesake is a man of Chinese heritage who “is given a second chance as an international superhero and returns home to mete out justice.” Presumably, that means the character will be an ordinary person who gains extraordinary abilities (like many other Lee-created superheroes) and not someone who is resurrected from the dead with unnatural powers (a la The Crow).

So, assuming this artwork is indeed official, Lee’s The Annihilator will visually resemble an Asian and somewhat taller, less-hairy version of Wolverine, albeit without mutation-based powers and the Adamantium-laced skeleton. What exactly his fighting capabilities will be, outside of some deadly Martial Arts skills, remains to be seen.
Annihilator writer Dan Gilroy (the younger brother of Oscar-nominated writer/director Tony Gilroy) is currently handling co-screenwriting duties on his sibling’s next project, The Bourne Legacy. He has previously penned (or co-written) the scripts for films like the pulpy sci-fi flick Freejack, the sports drama/thriller Two for the Money, Tarsem Singh’s The Fall, and, most recently, Real Steel.
That’s all to say: D. Gilroy has a decent, if unspectacular, resume as a writer and seems a reasonable fit for Lee’s latest creation. If nothing else, international superheroes are few and far-between; so, The Annihilator should stand out in the crowd (hopefully, in a good way).

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