Sunday, September 29, 2013

中国人疯狂的爱美国 - 中国富人寻美国代孕 公民身份成考量

中国的中介机构对找美国女性代孕的基本报价介于12万和20万美元之间。 如此高昂的费用,意味着这种服务只能针对中国最富有的人群。
不过中国父母在寻求代孕母亲时也存在一些文化观念上的冲突。有些美国的机构要求代孕者和寻求代孕客户之间建立某种往来关系,而这让很多中国 的客户感到意外,因为他们感到代孕是一种纯商业的行为。
很多中国人希望成为美国公民,这已经不是什么新鲜事。 按照美国宪法第14条规定,只要在美国出生的人就可以成为美国公民。
跨过大洋前往生孩子的中国孕妇越来越多,很大程度就是因为希望让孩子成为美国公 民。而就在今年初非常受推崇的电影《北京遇上西雅图》也与前往美国生子有关系。
根据美国移民局的统计数字,近年来前往美国的中国游客人次几乎翻番。而其中一家代孕机构负责人则表示,潜在的中国客户几乎都希望让孩子获得美国身份。另外一些则 希望孩子在美国受教育。

吓尿了吧美帝 驻港部队惊呆美海军舰队司令

American imperialist soldiers crying after been shown great mother country's great might

今天,中国人民解放军驻香港部队司令员张仕波中将在中环军营会见了随“蓝岭号”来港休整的美海军第七舰队司令斯科特·斯威夫特海军中将一 行。双方就驻香港部队与美海军第七舰队增进多层次友好交流,组织海上联合搜救演练和加强打击海盗等共同感兴趣问题进行了交流


投错时空:其实是,土鳖不忘在任何机会 炫富||还有那大沙发,脚底下那地毯。
ulihc998:妈的狗日的真有钱就 是不用正地
算不清:打仗靠的是武器和战术不是木 雕。
量变与质变:还没看叠被子呢,叠死你美 帝反动派!什么?没叠死?麻痹的唱歌将军出洞!
FREEDOM1912:我们武器自给 率低,但享受度高昂。美国军队,低头吧
11除以2:这个吧,流氓的本性不是三 代能改的,至于第四带估计
yanglyj:应该送给美国客人一句 成语——习以为常。||
五行乾乾:吓尿了吧米帝,不行吧!啊哈 哈
黑 人/左派毁掉底特律

Pay attention to his South Africa example. I tend to agree with him on South Africa swiftly becoming another failed state. And I also totally agree with his opinions on as why Detroit collapses - like if the Hispanics (most illegals) can find jobs in America and feed themselves and their family and ship back money to their home country, why the Blacks cry like Bolehland's bumiputras?  :-

超过排其后的十大国总和),经济比重占世界近四分之一。但曾为美国 第四大城市的底特律,却宣布破产了!
根本无力偿还;因缺乏资金,40%的城市路灯已损坏,全市废弃房屋10万幢,凶杀 率40年来最高,每通报警电话需等58分钟才得到响应(而全美平均11分钟);救护车只有1/3在服务,失业率高达20%(是全美7.4%的 近三倍)。
他必须穿过长达一公里的黑暗街道,两旁全是废弃的房屋。“你不知道会不会突然有人跳出来,会发 生什么。”底特律更像是一座“鬼城”。
是促成经济繁荣的最佳环境。因为这种制度给予人的发明、创造和自由(交易),提供最大的 平台与可能。但在美国这种制度下,底特律怎么会衰败,甚至到了破产的地步?
汽车城”(美国三大汽车公司都曾在该市设厂),底特律没有因汽车行业的衰退而 及时经济转型。

那么美国其它大城市怎么没有衰退或破产?汽车行业衰退是个事实,但现已大幅复苏。 而且美国三大汽车公司只是总部设在底特律,主要工厂近年早就迁出该市。即使设厂高潮时,全部车厂雇员才20万,对人口180多万的底特律并不 构成绝对性的影响(虽然是个重要原因)。
很难把底特律真正破产原因公布于众并讨论。因为它涉及在美国谁都不敢惹、不愿碰的“黑人问题”,当然更有左派媒体不愿提及的“民主 党左翼意识形态”问题。
它是美国北部大城市中黑人比例最高的,达82.7%(白人10%)。黑人多的地方,治安就不好,这是明显的事实(但却是美国媒体不愿提、不敢碰的议题)。像美国最大的城市 纽约,曼哈顿的黑人区“哈莱姆”,即使大白天去那里,都心有余悸,因为街头到处是游手好闲、令人恐惧的青年黑人男子。在美国,人们习惯 “政治正确”而不谈论黑人区治安不好问题,但选择居住时,却明显用脚投票。就像那个骂“白人是美国的癌症”、痛恨白种人的文学评论 家苏珊.桑塔格(Susan Sontag),她可绝不去黑人区居住,至死都住在曼哈顿繁华、基本全是白人的富人区。她本身 是白人,为什么不因为自己“是美国的癌症”而自杀呢!桑塔格这类虚伪透顶的左疯,才是害美国、害黑人、害人类的真正魔鬼!
也有很多黑人,但那些城市不仅没有变成“底特律第二”,反而吸引了美国的三大汽车公司, 还有日本、南韩的汽车公司去那里设厂,因为那些地方的黑人没有像底特律那样组织工会(动不动就罢工威胁和损害车厂);在那些比较保守的南部 州,执政的多是强调传统价值的共和党(注重家庭价值和商业)。

政府和议会一直是黑人左派(民主党)当选执政。美国虽说是两党制,但在底特律, 却在长达半个世纪的时间里,一直是一党当权,左派当道。在美国,黑人绝大多数支持左翼民主党,奥巴马连任总统,拿到95%的黑人选票。克林顿 时,也拿到近80%。
黑人多支持左翼民主党,所以当选的黑人左派市长、议员们就热衷实行大政府、高税收、高福利、宽 容犯罪等社会主义政策。黑人加社会主义,才是底特律灾难的根源
例如在非洲最大的国家南非,黑人占人口78%,白人种族主义政权被结束后,一直是黑人掌权(至今黑人已连续执政19年)。南非的曼德拉们 实行跟底特律的黑人左派一样的政策,结果把南非拖入同样的灾难深渊:南非失业率高达25%,凶杀率和强奸率全球第一,艾滋病感染者世界居 冠,人均寿命只有52.1岁,比白人统治时代下降近20岁,经济增长率今年第一季低于1%。只不过南非没有像底特律这样“宣布破产”而 已。

南非黑人当权只有19年,就把曾被誉为“非洲之珠”的国家糟蹋成这个样子。而底特律左翼民主党 的黑人当政已40年,如果不是在美国这么好的大环境下,底特律早就得跟北韩比谁更穷了。《福布斯》杂志2012年把底特律评为“美国最悲 惨城市”。上世纪五十年代,底特律是美国最富的城市,被称为“城市建设的样本”,当时有185万人口,是全美第四大城市,现在则人口降至 70万!治安恶化,犯罪猖獗,已成为无法居住的城市。


底特律的悲惨,是政策错误造成的,主要体现为:一是高税收。底特律的房产税是全美 国最高的,你花一美元买栋房子,但每年的房产税却是一大笔,
再加上整修费等(很多废弃房子的水管 水槽都遭盗贼洗劫),导致一块钱一栋的房子都有很多卖不出去的。除房地产税之外,底特律的个人所得税,是全美三个最高的。
从根上把民间的钱搜括到政府手里,结果企业家没钱,就不会扩大再生产(建更多工厂才能降 低失业率),老百姓没工作没钱,就没法增加消费(美国大众消费占国民生产总值GDP的70%)。所以,底特律的高税收,把商家“收”跑了(水 往低处流,商人往税低处走),把经济“收”缩了。
因政府开销越来越大。左翼民主党热衷用政府干预经济和所谓国家项目来炫耀政绩,同时用扩大政 府服务来吸引或收买选票。底特律的左翼市政府和议会,没有能力控制预算,赤字近200亿美元,最后无法支撑而致财政崩盘。
更应控制福利开支。但底特律是左派当政,他们鼓励申请福利,热衷发放食品卷等,既显得政治正 确,又收买人心。说白了,就是用税收的钱“买”选票。其性质之恶劣,比从商人那里拿钱直接买选票更糟糕!因为用私人的钱买选票,是个别人的堕 落;而用纳税人的钱理直气壮地“骗”选票,是败坏制度。
黑人总统奥巴马上台后,美国发放福利卷更加宽松,甚至到了“猖獗”地步,现在美国领取福利 卷的高达4800万人,差不多每六个美国人就有一个领福利。而事实是,美国根本不存在每六人就有一个活不下去的情况。太多的人在钻福利的空 子。底特律黑人比例高,领取福利的人更多。有福利可领,那些在鬼城废弃房屋旁转悠、在曼哈顿黑人区哈莱姆的街头游手好闲的黑人等,才可以不去 工作,因为可以躺在福利上吃别人,吃勤劳创造者的财富。美国 很多装修、清扫、修整庭院等工作,都是西裔在做,那些活儿黑人怎么干不了?就 因为他们已成不需工作的“贵族”(因有福利可吃)。
多达1500万人(近人口四分之一)领取各种政府救济。庞大的福利支出使本来拮据的南 非经济捉襟见肘。但南非的曼德拉们,更是热衷社会主义。曼德拉在监狱中就熟读毛泽东的著作,是毛的“粉丝”。他的继承人们,也都是社会主义信 徒(还反美反西方)。

更高道德”旗帜,找各种理由宽容罪犯。南非的曼德拉当选总统,就宣布废除死刑,结果 导致南非的凶杀率飙升。据南非《公民报》民调,高达98.1%的南非人赞成恢复死刑,但遭曼德拉们拒绝。在底特律等黑人左派掌权之地,所以犯 罪猖獗,跟民主党的“自由观”有直接原因。他们以人权的理由保护犯罪分子,却同时热衷炒作“种族问题”。不久前轰动美国的辛默曼案,辛默曼本 人是西裔,却硬被左派媒体炒作成白人杀黑人的“种族冲突”。在底特律,还有黑人很多的芝加哥,几乎每天都有黑人杀黑人的案件,却不仅没人炒 作,甚至都不被当作新闻,“杀”以为常了。无论底特律还是南非,治安恶化,都跟黑人左派掌权者的无能有关,他们在缺乏治理国家或城市的能力的 同时,被左派意识形态严重毒化了头脑和心灵。
当地的腐败已居世界前列。据中国社科院亚非所南非问题专家贺文萍的数字,“透 明国际将85个受腐败困扰的国家列入黑名单,南非名列第32位。近年来,南非司法部门登记在案的腐败案件达22万件,根本无力处理。”
南非责任研究所主任保罗哈夫曼估算,自1994年曼德拉执政以来,南非政府每年因腐败而造成的经济损失 达300亿兰特(相当30亿美元),累计已达6750亿兰特。
在底特律也同样,1973年首位黑人市长科尔曼•扬开始,底特律经济和治安更加恶化。因为他被 报道为“憎恨白人”,向富人(大多是白人)多收税,然后给穷人(大多为黑人)发福利。白人感到不公,纷纷逃离,黑人却高兴,所以他连选连 任,市长一当20年!

上任黑人市长克瓦姆.基尔帕特里克(当政6年),因欺诈、勒索、贪污、受贿等24项罪行,被判刑20年。现任黑人市长戴维炳,是退役的 NBA球员。据福克斯电视记者斯托赛(John Stossel)的报道,这位黑人球星市长也是腐败无能,他坐公家的豪华礼车去“夜总会”多达50次,还把29个亲戚朋友安插到市政府部门。为什么底特律 市政府如此腐败却能继续掌权,就因为他们得到黑人的支持,很多黑人不问是非,只问肤色。

黑人受歧视”。上世纪六十年代,由于这种煽动,底特律的黑人居民与白人社会发生流血冲 突(导致43人被杀,1100人受伤,2900个商店和建筑物被毁),出现美国历史上有名的“白人逃离”事件。中产阶级的白人逃走了,底特律 的税收和治安更加糟糕。这跟当前黑人执政的南非一样:曼德拉们推行黑人种族主义,结果白人大量逃离,治安和经济比赛恶化。
如果像南非那样占多数,美国总统可能就永远是“奥巴马”了(在南非看不到白人当选总统的可能前 景)。奥巴马是放大版的底特律黑人市长,也是热衷社会主义,要昂首阔步把美国带向“破产”之路(美国债务已高达16万亿美元,等于每个美国人 负债5万元)。幸亏美国总统只允许当两届,三年后奥巴马就得下台。而美国下届再选出黑人总统的可能性几乎没有,不再是奥巴马这种左派执政,美 国才可能避免底特律式的破产。



但也有一些人认为,错失这样一家大牌公司的上市,对该交易所乃至香港都不是一件好事。熟悉 阿里巴巴思路的一名人士称这个决定是一个大错误,在全球交易所争夺上市交易的角逐中让纽约赢得一场大胜。

今年迄今已有30家公司在香港交易所首次公开发行(IPO),募资总额达74亿美元。相比之下,美国 纳斯达克(Nasdaq)有76宗IPO,募资总额达103亿美元,而纽约证交所(NYSE)有69宗IPO,募资总额达241亿美元。

合伙人制”——能够提名多数董事会董事。这种结构将使合伙人高度掌控阿里巴巴的 事务,就像美国一些高科技公司借助双层股权结构(让创始人拥有多于其他所有人的投票权)做到的那样。

Credit Suisse)分析师阿让•冯•维恩(Arjan van Veen)表示,最终而言,这是一个正确的决定。


失去阿里巴巴的上市交易对香港作为未来上市地点是不利的。其中一人指出,在中国内地过去10年里上市的30余家互联网 公司中,只有两家在香港上市。

无论阿里巴巴在香港或是纽约上市,这两点差别不大;真正的关键在于有能力捍卫富于企业家精神 的创始人。

”一名银行家表示。“有些投资者欢迎这种结构,视其为保护企业家的一种手段, 正是这些企业家的创意和干劲在驱动着这些企业。”

美富律师事务所(Morrison Foerster)合伙人安娜•皮内多(Anna Pinedo)表示,多年来,
此类结构每隔一段时期受到美国发行人的青睐。她回顾说,几十年前,《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)和《纽约时报》(New York Times)等报业集团曾利用这种结构,而近年高科技企业和私人股本集团纷纷利用这种模式。


香港并没有相应的配套机制使双层股权或类似的控制结构可行。在美国,上市公司必须做出高水平的财务披露,小投资者还可利用集体诉 讼机制,把行为不当的企业或其高管告上法庭。香港投资者得不到这样的保护。

知名的香港公司治理活动人士戴维•韦布(David Webb)表示,此前阿里巴巴在试图两头占便宜。“
阿里巴巴不能期望挑选每一种管辖制度的最薄弱元素,然后把它们拼凑起来,形成它自己的上市制度,”他表 示。

香港监管机构正在收紧监管制度。香港证监会(Securities and Futures Commission)正要出台严厉的上市规则,使上市保荐人对他们帮助上市的企业所陈述的虚假信息承担刑事责任








中国作为缅甸最大的贸易伙伴,多年下来给缅甸留下的却 是一种未能肩负投资者应有责任与及未能顾及缅甸人民期望与需求的感觉。反对派领袖昂山素姬婉转呼吁中 国对缅甸进行投资时须要更负责任而且要注意反映缅甸人民的期望与需求,此乃留有余地的客套礼节说话,说得白一点,就是叫中 国不要以为财大就可以气粗,挟庞 大资金贸易投资当儿也得要尊重顾及缅甸人民的利益与感受。人贵自重,堂堂大国岂能丢尽国人 的脸?


在结束对新加坡进行5天访问的昂山素季在记者会上针对提问时表示无需为投资额下滑感到担忧,但也呼吁中国企业对缅甸进行更负责任的投 资,并更了解人民的需求。


其中原因除了因为中国的投资并没有惠及百姓之外,有小企业在缅甸唯利是图,也给当地人民留 下不好印象。





继国际评级机构惠誉警告中国信贷泡沫后,法国兴业银行经济学家姚炜做出了更惊人的预测,认为目前中国企业贷款的本金与利息合计约为国内GDP 的38.6%,相当于约合3.2万亿美元要用来还债。

到2017年底中国债务占GDP比率仍将接近250%。报告称中国毫无去杠杆迹象,预计到今年8月,年度新增贷 款将达到人民币21万亿元。这将是中国第五年新增贷款规模超过三分之一的GDP。去年中国的债务规模相当于3.4万亿美元。

中国债务规模整体可控,但个别政府可能出现问题,要防止出现像美国底特律那样的问 题。他预计目前中国M2比GDP高一倍多,地方政府债务约为人民币20万亿元(约合3.3万亿美元)。























Why I changed my name to Marvin Gaye Chetwynd

The performance artist formerly known as Spartacus has changed her name again. Marvin Gaye Chetwynd explains what's going on …
  • Marvin Gaye Chetwynd
  • The Guardian, Wednesday 25 September 2013 18.23 BST

Marvin Gaye
What's in a name? … Marvin Gaye Chetwynd. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian
I always felt very comfortable and happy with Alalia, the name I was given by my parents. It is very beautiful – and I had no problem with Lali, the nickname that came from it.
In 2006, however, I changed it to Spartacus. I was working as a kind of actors' manager with my performance group in London, and I needed a name that was more robust, to use as a nom de guerre or a kind of shield. It occurred to me that the idea of solidarity evoked by the name Spartacus really worked with the theatre group I ran.
Spartacus led a slave uprising against the Roman republic, drawing together people of different nationalities and cultures. He was an innovator and good at thinking on his feet. When his army was cornered on a cliff edge, they strung together some vines and climbed down. I just really related to the way he was someone who made things happen and held a group together. There's also that famous scene in the Kubrick film where they all say "I'm Spartacus" to protect him.
Artists should live experimentally, I think, so this was just a simple and cheap idea I tried, to see what would happen. I didn't go through the legal process, as if to get the authorities on my side, so all my documents still say Alalia and my married surname, which is Cichosz. (It means "hush-hush" in Polish and I embraced it happily. I'm in love with my husband and proud of it.) Chetwynd, on the other hand, has associations with landed property. I kept it because it's cheeky. I like the juxtaposition with Spartacus.
I was with a young gallery at the time. When I told them I wanted to change my name to Spartacus, they said: "No, you can't do that." I said: "I want to, I'm going to, I'm doing it now. You have to change it." So they changed it on their website, and I explained it to everyone I met from then on. I also changed my email address. I felt happy and confident. I didn't care if people used their own inventiveness and initiative to give me a nickname. So there's been Sparky, there's been Spanky. It could be anything.
Even so, Spartacus caused incredible irritation. People would want to call me my other name, and I'd say: "No no, you have to call me Spartacus." Then they'd purse their lips in frustration. My poor parents hated it to begin with, and my dad had trouble with it being a man's name. He was really upset. But the more they've watched what I've done, the more proud they have become. They understand that Spartacus is quite a good name for me.
It was almost like having a tool, a piece of litmus paper for finding out what kind of issues people have with me, what kind of agenda. If I met someone in a work situation, someone who doesn't like what I do but has to work with me, they'd give me an incredibly hard time over the name. They'd stumble over it. They'd find problems and have a big argument with me about why I want to be called that. Using the name was also a joke, of course, but it would never occur to them that it was funny or enjoyable. It's like they were telling me they don't like what I do.
At one point, people started saying it was a performance – that by making them call me Spartacus, I was making them enter into a performance. So they felt they were being pushed around. When I was becoming better known, after the 2012 Turner prize nomination, two people asked me if it was a PR trick. But it wasn't. It really wasn't. It was interesting how intense the thing became.
For the last six months or so, I've been thinking about changing my name again – this time to Marvin Gaye Chetwynd. Again, it's a good experiment. It could work like a shield, or a spell. In the end I just thought: "I'm going to try it, because nothing matters very much."
For a long time, I've been interested in the way Marvin Gaye died. He was very much a free spirit all his life, but his father, Marvin Sr, was a preacher, cross-dresser and disciplinarian who used to beat him with a belt. At a time when Marvin Jr was very paranoid, he went back to live with his parents. He bought a gun to protect himself and gave it to his father – really putting his head into the lion's mouth. Later, they had an argument, and his father shot him dead.
I've spoken to Sadie Coles, whose gallery represents me, and she was very positive about the idea, changing the details immediately on their website. She said her hips were swinging. If someone calls up the gallery now and asks for Spartacus, they will say: "Do you mean Marvin Gaye?"
I feel the Spartacus name worked really well. But now it feels even better going for a second change, but I'm not planning on a third. I enjoy being Marvin Gaye. It feels like a really good fit, Marvin Gaye Chetwynd. My parents are going to have to get used to it again, although they don't know about it yet. If someone called me Lali now I'd say: "Get with the groove and call me Marvin, man! And cheer up!"
China's Local Government Debt Problem May Have Doubled

In August, China's National Audit Office embarked on a comprehensive attempt to determine how much money is owed by the country's local governments as the result of a massive borrowing binge that began in 2008. While no official report has been released, it appears that the figure may be twice as big as it was thought to be just two years ago - 19 trillion yuan, or US$3.1 trillion, more than a third of the country's annual gross domestic product.

The 19 trillion yuan figure was printed in domestic Chinese-language newspapers, citing leaks from the national audit office. Other unofficial estimates by Chinese officials range anywhere from 15 trillion yuan to 25 trillion as local officials, still driven by the need to measure their performance by GDP growth despite a decade of warnings by Beijing not to do so, have turned to debt-driven projects to polish their resumes.

Top officials in Beijing have repeatedly said the local government debt problem is manageable.

The attempt to discover the dimensions of the problem was kicked off by Li Keqiang, who took over as premier earlier this year. It comes amid rising concerns over the governments' ability to pay and the murky schemes they used to borrow in the first place. A large portion of the money may have disappeared overseas, one economist told Asia Sentinel.

China's local governments started their mammoth development spree in 2008 as part of a national effort to roll back the recession that was gripping western economies and threatening China's as well. Beijing poured 4 trillion yuan into development at the onset of the global financial crisis, with the local governments required to do their part to match national goals.

However, the local governments, handicapped by the fact that Beijing was taking the lion's share of tax revenues, had to find new sources of financing. China's national budget law stipulates that local governments can't do deficit financing and are prohibited from issuing bonds without the approval of the State Council, although China, with its new leadership in place, is now experimenting in some areas with allowing local governments to issue bonds.

Trapped by their need to obtain development funds, the local governments turned to what are known universally as LGFVs - local government financing vehicles that could borrow to fund new roads, airports and other infrastructure, often without considering their ability to repay the loans. A 2012 report by the Samsung Economic Research Institute estimated at the time that at least 8.5 trillion yuan came from bank loans, more than half of which were to be repaid this year.

The National Audit Office in January questioned 530 billion yuan as "having irregularities" in local government debt. Even projects that were properly sanctioned are running into trouble, let alone poorly managed ones as local governments used nonexistent or illegal collateral to secure loans, with some of the borrowed money being funneled into the stock and property markets. There are also widespread suspicions that at least some of that money disappeared overseas as corrupt officials siphoned off funds from the borrowing binge. Capital flight has been a major problem in China for decades, with an astonishing US$3.97 trillion being sneaked out of the country between 2000 and 2011, according to a report by the Washington, DC-based Global Financial Integrity, a research and advocacy group - as much as 10 percent of China's annual GDP.

Although it was estimated earlier this year that as much as 2-3 trillion yuan in the local government loans had gone bad by early 2012, that doesn't mean the local and national governments face the loss of the entire 19 - or 15 or 25 - trillion yuan, depending on who is doing the estimating.

Beginning in 2008, the money was poured into 10 programs including low-income housing, rural infrastructure, water, electricity, transportation, the environment, technological innovation, and reconstruction from several disasters. The central government provided 1.2 trillion yuan in stimulus, with the rest expected to come from local governments - which, given the shift in tax revenues to Beijing -- didn't have the money to fulfill their part of the bargain. Thus the local governments hit on the LGFVs to borrow on a huge scale. Ultimately more than 5,500 of the funding schemes came into being.

At the same time, the national government flooded the market with credit, creating an opportunity for the local governments and the LGFVs obtain loans on an unprecedented scale. The credit structure and monetary policy of banks intensified the flow of capital to financing platforms.

To meet their commitments, the local governments have hoped to generate income through land sales - already a major source of income. For instance, Guangzhou obtained 48 percent of its income in 2010 through land sales. But while some areas of China's housing market are red hot, in other areas it has begun to fall as banks tighten credit. Suicides have been reported in Wenzhou as homeowners have gone underwater.

The local governments and developers are under considerable pressure as home inventories continue to climb and debt levels escalate. By one industry account, the total inventory of the top 500 property developers is up by 50.3 percent year-on-year, reaching almost 5 billion yuan. The downturn is thus expected to weigh on the cities and provinces that had planned to pay off debt by selling high-priced land.

Over the past couple of years, more than half of China's GDP has been generated by investment in fixed assets, which may make economic sense but are not necessarily commercially viable, creating additional pressures.

For now, it doesn't appear certain that the central government will bail out the municipalities. Nobody knows at this point just how big the problem is although reports of fraudulent operations have continued to leak out. Extensions of local-government debt started last year, and are expected to continue. IN some cases, banks have been accused of hiding non-performing loans by transferring them from one enterprise to another.
All You Want To Know About Tammi Terrell 

Unsung - Tammi Terrell



FCPO - Bulls Are Still Fighting Back Hard - 9/30/2013

The market hit my stop on last Tuesday when price went above prior day high. But the market failed to hold but instead went to another low again on last Thursday. By following the system, I sold again on last Thursday but then got close out again on last Friday when price went above the prior day high/signal day high. At this point, the market is beginning to get interesting as the Stochastic is inside the oversold zone and price has closed back up above the bottom band. If price can continue to go upward, I would think the Stochastic would cross up its 20's signal line and effect an initial new buy signal. I would also watch a clear break above the 2329 resistance as an aimportant confirmation for a new buy.  The MACD and DMI stay negative. The MACD is now below its zero signal line means  bears may still have an upper hand. But the ADX has just gone flat again, so I still read the current market as lacking direction.
The weekly chart remains almost as last week. Both the Stochastic and MACD remain positive and continue to climb, though they may seem lacking in momentum. The DMI stays negative with the ADX remains flat for the second week. So the reading should be there is no new trend in this market yet. Price went down and tested the bottom band but it held the ground. Visually speaking, the Bollinger Band has been moving along horizontally, so this is also telling us there is no new trend in the market.

The monthly chart is also telling us it is a listless market as prices have been sideway since last October. The ADX has been flat and stays below 20's signal line, a sure confirmation that the market is "dead". The MACD is also negative but seem to be trying to turn around. The Stochastic is still inside the oversold zone and is now positive. But I would need ot see it go through its 20's signal line to feel the return of the bulls. Price is managed to stay above the bottom band but is unable to go above the prior month's high of 2485.
I continue to pay attention to the multiple supports of 2137 (double bottoms) and 2230 (multiple bottoms) , if prices go close below these 2 levels, it would most probably mean my super bull story is kaput. Otherwise I am still maintaining my assumption that a super bull cycle should be coming back regardless what the Godrej gentleman said last week. (his second published opinion within a month)
FKLI - The QE Tapering Illusions Dissipated - 9/30/2013

 Market hit my stop on last Monday when price went below the prior day low.  Price has broken below the top band on last Wednesday with the Stochastic gone negative. Since the Stochastic remains above the 80's level, it may not be a very good sell signal for the more prudent traders, but for the more adventurous traders, that should be good enough to enter some sell positions. If you are one of the latter group, place stop at the top band plus 1 point.
The Stochastic may be crossing down below the 80's signal line by the coming week. If so, that would offer a more comfortable sell signal. The MACD remains positive but seems to be turning its direction. The DMI is also remaining positive but the the D+ is falling which is telling us the bulls are pulling back their forces. The ADX has begun to fall again and it has reached the 20's level, this may hinting that the market is going into another listless mode again.

The weekly chart's Stochastic has turned positive but the MACD remains negative. The DMI stays positive but the ADX continues to fall. The contradicting indicators and falling ADX are signs that the market is lacking direction. Price was not able to close above the top band is also confirm this. For the short term, I would watch both the top and middle band breakup or breakdown as the next possible direction that this market is going to take.

The monthly chart does not look too pretty too. The Stochastic has already crossed down its 80's signal line while the MACD seems to be turning downward. Both the MACD and DMI remain positive, so I would still call the market in a bull cycle. But with the Stochastic turning down, I would think we could be near or already at the end of the bull cycle. I would also like to draw your attention to the bearish divergences formed at the Stochastic and MACD. I always take their appearance as the ultimate warning that the market may be at the end of its road. As I am writing this, we still have one more trading day to complete the monthly Candlestick. If the Monday's closing is below the top band, then there is a good chance we may be witnessing the end of the current cycle.
As I mentioned last week, the market reacted as if  the American QE tapering was going to bring us all those beloved/cursed hot money immediately. And we have a lot of strange talks among the fundamental analysts as if we are still the darling of the foreign funds. The Japanese Candlestick Shooting Star/Spinning Top was a dead giveaway that the bulls lacked balls to push up the market. So it was prudent that we kept our stop tight. As far as the nation's big picture is concerned, I think the government is now been pushed to a corner by IMF, World Bank, rating agencies etc. to seriously cut subsidies and stop distorting the real economy. It is because of the removal of the subsidies, the long suppressed inflation forces will come out soon. For the short and intermediate term, the nation's economy is going to suffer "the sins of our fathers". But in my opinion, it is better that we take the punishment now before the whole subsidies thing gets out of control. We just have to look at what is happening in Sudan now as subsidies has to be removed drastically.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Israeli commando force joins Kenyan military storming Nairobi mall seized by Islamist gunmen
DEBKAfile Special Report September 22, 2013, 3:12 PM (IDT)

Terrorist attack in Nairobi mall
Terrorist attack in Nairobi mall
AFP reports from a security source in Nairobi that Israeli special forces joined the Kenyan military in storming the Westgate shopping mall, Sunday, Sept. 22, to break the standoff with some dozen Al Qaeda-linked Somali Al Shabaab gunmen barricaded there with hostages for the second day. The death toll from the Saturday shooting-grenade attack has risen to 59 with 205 people injured. 
debkafile, the only world publication to reveal the Israeli involvement from the start of the Nairobi mall attack Saturday, now discloses that the Israeli commandos were airlifted to Kenya when the Westgate mall was first attacked. Nairobi invoked a secret security pact between the two governments under which Jerusalem guarantees military assistance should the Kenyan government be threatened by a foreign force.

This was the first time Israeli special counter-terror forces have fought Al Qaeda terrorists face to face on foreign soil. The Israeli foreign ministery refused to confirm or deny any inovlvement in Kenya.

debkafile reported exclusively Saturday that the AQAP-backed Somali terrorists singled the target out to hit two targets – Kenya and Israel

After releasing Muslims, the raiders held onto an unknown number of hostages, some on the ground floor where Israeli shops are located; more in other parts of the seven-floor building. Unknown too is the number of injured and possibly dead victims, including foreigners, who are still trapped in the building. American, British, Canadian and French citizens were reported killed or injured in the initial attack Saturday.

The Kenyan and Israeli authorities have blanketed with secrecy the scene inside the mall, from which a barrage of gunfire and explosions were heard during the morning. Local police and special forces are trying to force the Islamist gunmen to surrender and give up the hostages.

Israeli security experts are known to be assisting in the operation.

The US sent a commando unit to Nairobi from bases in Italy and the UK, an advance counter-terror forward team. The Cobra cabinet is holding continuous sessions in London as the situation unfolds.
In Israel, no one in authority is willing to comment on the incident, despite Israel’s involvement. Three Israelis were reported rescued from the mall Saturday, but there is no word on any who may still be trapped there.

Since its creation in 2006, the Somali Al-Shabaab has maintained strong operational ties with the Yemen-based AQAP command for its long and bloody insurgency against the Mogadishu government.  Our counter-terror sources report that the Somali wing receives training, munitions and medical care at al Qaeda’s Yemeni camps. They interact frequently by means of speedboats plying regularly between the Yemen and Somalia.

The scale of the Westgate mall attack, which was carried out by up to a score of well-trained fighting men armed with large quantities of ammunition, pointed to heavy AQAP involvement from the word go.

In the past, Al Qaeda has notoriously singled out American and Israeli targets in East Africa – the 1998 attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2002 assault on Israeli tourists in Mombasa.

However, the Nairobi attack was related to the present.

Al Qaeda’s eyes and ears in Kenya didn’t miss the military and intelligence assistance Israel renders Kenya for its operations against Islamist terror in two areas: The Israeli army and security bodies send combat equipment and provide tactical advice to the Kenyan units fighting alongside Somali government forces against Al Shabaab; and Israel’s intelligence agencies and police are helping the Kenyan government build a strong shield or barrier against the Somali war’s spillover, to guard against Al Shabaab opening up a second front to the rear of the Kenyan forces fighting across the border.

This protective barrier clearly sprang a large leak Saturday.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

It Is Another One Of Those CIA's Dirty Plot !!!!

Venezuelan Crisis Worsens: Water Twice as Expensive as Gasoline

Due to years of underinvestment in the water processing system, and a rich abundance of crude oil, water in Venezuela is now twice as expensive as gasoline.

Residents in Caracas have become wary of tap water after it was discovered that Lake Mariposa, a reservoir that supplies tap water to 750,000 Venezuelans, has become seriously contaminated due to its role as a site for followers of Santería, a syncretic religion of West African and Caribbean origin influenced by and syncretized with Roman Catholicism, to dispose of their garbage and sacrifice animals.

The lake was last cleaned four years ago, when dozens of animal carcasses were dredged from its bottom, a councillor of the Los Salinas municipality told Bloomberg.

Water from the lake is pumped into a 60-year-old treatment facility that lacks the adequate technology to clean it of the toxins and make it safe for drinking. Fernando Morales, an environmental chemistry professor at the Simon Bolivar University of Caracas, said that “the treatment process has not adapted to the steady degradation of the water source. I wouldn’t use this water at home.”

He explained that the utility’s water treatment systems were incapable of dealing with the level of contamination at the lake. The chlorine used would kill the bacteria, but not the viruses. In order to make the water safe for consumption, the viruses must be removed with molecular sieves and modern biological monitoring systems which do not exist in Venezuela.

The market for bottled water is booming, with families paying $4.80 for a five gallon jug of clean water, twice the price of gasoline.

The water crisis really began with Hugo Chavez’s rise to power. In 1998 a year before his election as president, the state-owned water monopoly, Hidrocapital, had a yearly budget of $250 million, but in 2010 that had been reduced to just $9.7 million, according to the company’s former vice-president Norberto Bausson.

The socialist revolution supported by Chavez redirected the funds from the state-owned companies to be used in projects that helped to reduce poverty and widen access to education, health care and housing. 422,340 houses were built for Venezuela’s poor in the past two years, but all at the cost of basic services.

Venezuela has the world’s largest oil deposits, and eight times as much fresh water per capita than France, yet the country is suffering blackouts and a water crisis.


The X Factor’ USA: Trio Roxxy Montana reportedly

Granddaughters of Marvin Gaye

Here we go
          again -Well, isn’t this becoming a trend? For the second time this week, we are writing an article about an act on “The X Factor” USA who has a story that is far more significant than what was originally presented on television, and this time around, it is all about the bloodline more so than any sort of recording history.
According to a report from the Daily Mail, the three sisters who comprise the group Roxxy Montana are actually granddaughters of soul music legend Marvin Gaye, who has been covered on so many of these singing competitions over the years. Tenija, Tiara, and Temperance did not mentioned their famous connection on the show Thursday night, but that does not mean that they did it by any means. As with Lillie McCloud, it was probably hidden from the viewing public for the sake of presenting the best story possible.
At the end of the day, though, we don’t see these three being in the same sort of situation as Lillie now. The show did not conceal from viewers that they had already recording some successful songs or even recorded the theme song for an edition of the “Got Talent” franchise. Instead, they were just related to someone famous, and who’s to say that they have seen any of Gaye’s money at all? We wish that this was shown on the show so we could get to know the three better, since even Chris Rene from season 1 had a connection to one of the masterminds behind “Rockin’ Robin.” It just feels weird and shady on the show’s part to make us believe something about an act, and then change it up later when they feel like it. (We’re sure that this backstory will be included if the ladies go far enough.)
What do you think about this revelation, and do you think that it is much of a big deal? Click here if you want to see the other highlights from Thursday’s show, including a country singer with major Broadway credits to her name.


揭密李嘉诚 坐等中国经济崩溃收渔利

近期,亚洲首富李嘉诚连续在香港和大陆抛售大量资产的举动引发外界的热议。因为素有“超人”之称的他,数十 年商海遨游鲜有败绩,一举一动颇受关注。有人认为:李嘉诚撤资中国大陆和香港,是坐等中国崩溃收渔利。那李嘉诚为什么要这样做呢?以下是 各方揭密原因之所在。


据中国大陆《第一财经》报导,李嘉诚此举很可能是一个连环计,包括了以退为进、隔岸观火、趁虚而入等多项考虑,而且很可能一举多得。首 先,李嘉诚从香港起家,贵为亚洲首富,香港市场的作用毋庸置疑,所以,对一个八十多岁的老人而言,情感是不可能脱离香港的。所以,他的撤 资不是不爱香港,也不算不爱中国,这都是商人的商业算计。

报导还指出:尤其是李嘉诚这样的商人,在大风暴来临之际,他都会敏感地出售资产,这就像是种庄稼成熟了就要收割,玉米熟了如果不摘下来, 风雨一来就会烂在地里。所以,现在李嘉诚撤资香港一是因为之前的投资已经成熟,可以摘果子了,二是因为播种要等下一季,现在需要土地休养 和轮种,三是欧洲正提供了一个好机会。

但是,从中国撤资,到欧洲投资,只是李嘉诚的连环计的前两环,他不会就此离开中国、离开亚太,因为同样的道理,对于资本而言,没有国籍可 言。欧洲的公用事业本来就非常成熟,不可能获得超额的利润,而且这个领域换成李嘉诚或者换成巴菲特,其实服务上不会有什么太大的改变。李 嘉诚不是比尔•盖茨,也不是乔布斯,他不是依赖技术革命而成为世界富豪,所以他要想始终保持财富或者事业的平稳增长,光是依靠欧洲公用事 业是不够的。

因此,欧洲也只是李嘉诚的跳板,他在等待中国的危机到来,无论是由楼市泡沫崩溃导致的经济危机,还是由地方债务危机造成的金融风险,只要 是危机发生,那就是挤泡沫、减风险的好机会。一旦在未来五到十年里,中国经济发生这样的大危机,那对于李嘉诚就是绝好的机会。



最新公布的胡润财富调查报告显示,对未来两年的中国经济“非常有信心”的中国富豪占总数的25%,比去年少了3%,更是2011年的一 半。而表示“没有信心”的富豪比率从2011年的3%持续上升至9%。

胡润财富报告还显示,2012年,中国富豪中拥有海外资产的已达三分之一,海外资产在总资产中的平均占比为19%。在没有海外资产的富豪 中,也有将近三成的人在未来三年有海外投资的计划。房地产是富豪们海外投资的主要目标。

子女教育和移民带动了投资向海外发展。去年以来,计划送子留学的富豪一直占八成以上,美国、英国、加拿大等地受到欢迎。而国际留学目的 地,也是海外购房的主要所在地。



欧洲低迷的房地產市场,近来成為中国“买房团”的热门投资标的,光是西班牙巴塞隆纳一地,中国富豪半年多来便砸下近400亿元台币,狂买 海滨别墅。葡萄牙与希腊也涌入大批中国投资客。他们除了逢低买进之外,更看上当地新推出的房產投资移民机会,趁买房的同时也拿张护照,以 获得更多自由。

据《21世纪经济报道》,西班牙、希腊与葡萄牙等地,近来愈来愈多中国炒房富豪,专门处理商务移民案件的西班牙律师樊滨愷透露:去年12 月开始,近10批中国富豪横扫巴塞隆纳北部的别墅群“,佔领了布拉瓦海岸和黄金海岸,其中最贵一栋佔地约1512坪的别墅,售价约3.9 亿元台币,整批价值高达399亿元台币。

美联移民顾问公司总裁吉安说,遭中国“房產大军”入侵的国家,多可透过购买房地產取得居留权,其中葡萄牙的规定最宽松,只需现金投资近2 千万元台币,本人、配偶与未满18岁的子女便可取得5年居留权,这段期间只要每年在葡国居留满7天,第6年起便可申请入籍。


“中国首富”宗庆后女儿宗馥莉日前在接受凤凰财经专访时称,“你知道李嘉诚都已经搬出去了,为什么我以后不可能搬出去呢?”宗馥莉还自称 为处理和政府的关系头疼不已,“我觉得政府需要面对我们这一代。我们一代永远不可能像我老爸这一代一样。”

据悉,宗馥莉目前在哇哈哈集团中有两个职务,分别是杭州宏胜饮料集团有限公司总裁及杭州娃哈哈进出口有限公司总裁。在集团内部,宗馥莉和 父亲宗庆后有大致分工,她负责生产管理,父亲宗庆后负责营销销售。尽管还没有完全接班,但宗馥莉是这家中国最大饮料集团的唯一家族继承 者。

宗馥莉自称初中未毕业其即赴美国念书,在美国念完高中,1998年9月至2002年9月,其在美国佩珀代因大学(Pepperdine University)完成国际商务专业,并在毕业后直接到娃哈哈集团工作。在宗馥莉看来,8年的留学经历给了她完全不同的思维模式,而 因此,对于她的一切都应该被重新思考。这也包括了处理企业和政府的关系。当记者问及难道要把企业整个搬到国外去吗?宗馥莉反问“真是有可 能,你知道李嘉诚都已经搬出去了,为什么我以后不可能搬出去呢?

有评论人士认为,有钱有势的人在中国拼命捞钱,捞到钱已后就办移民或者准备办移民,移民之后再回中国拼命捞钱。风向不对,马上撤资走人。 苦的是被榨干了的中国老百姓。


中国制药公司是如此不同, 他们没有一家公司被查处 .他们是如此诚实,追求高尚的道德!!!!



爱尔康被指向中国医生 行贿

诺华(Novartis) 的眼科产品部门爱尔康(Alcon)表示,将调查有关其在中国利用假冒临床试验向医生行贿的指控。这是中国近期出现的一连串腐败指控的最新一 例,其对象大多是在华经营的外资药企。

《21世纪经济报道》(21st Century Business Herald)昨日报道,爱尔康通过一家中间机构,以事实上从未进行的上市后临床试验为名义,向医生付款。该报近期发表了一系列指称外资和本土药企腐败的 报道。

涉嫌从事的贿赂行为以来,中国报纸和官方广播机构中国 中央电视台(CCTV)频频发表举报者的爆料,指称医疗行业存在种种腐败。

《21世纪经济报道》援引一名化名“佐罗”的举报者的话称,爱尔康公司将其人工晶体产品“临床满意度调查”(PES,医药产品上市后临床研究 的一种形式)的经费,用来向200余家医院的医生行贿。该报上月曾根据举报者提供的消息报道称,诺华借助回扣来提高一种抗癌药物的销售。诺华 表示,正在调查这名前雇员提出的指控;此人曾向诺华索要赔偿。

“爱尔康绝不容忍公司的业务运营有任何违背国家法律法规的行为,”该公司昨日在一份声明中表示。“如有任何不当的商业行为,公司会迅速采取措 施。”

据《21世纪经济报道》称,爱尔康将这些临床试验外包给一家第三方公司,由其向参与的医生提供“研究经费”。爱尔康则表示,该项目“由业内知 名的独立第三方机构执行,该机构在调查设计、电子数据采集、数据分析和项目管理方面有着丰富的经验”。




今日的报纸援引“佐罗”的话称,爱尔康去年在此类研究上支出140万元人民币。报道称,其中一名医生得到4.5万元人民币,作为研究150名 患者的报酬。


g20 中俄领导人在国际事务中扮演越来越重要角色
由德国马歇尔基金会所作的一份问卷调查显示, 大多数的欧美人士不希望看到中国和俄罗斯在国际事务中占主导地位
总部位于美国华盛顿的马歇尔基金会在星期三(18日)发表了这份调查报告。这也是该组织连续12个年头公布类似调查报告。共有欧美13国家 的公民参与了此次问卷调查。
调查还发现在西班牙、斯洛伐克以及法国,人们“反华”的比例比较高,分别是83%、 77%和71%。
62%的美国人和46%的欧洲人把中国看作是经济威胁,只有49%的美国人和37%的 欧洲人把中国看作是军事威胁。
调查同样发现大多数欧美人不欢迎俄罗斯在国际事务中占主导地位,其中最反对俄国的国家 有西班牙和波兰。
在过去一年,欧洲人对俄国的负面看法有所上升,2013年有62%的欧美人不喜欢俄 国, 而这一比例在2012年是55%。
大多数的欧美人支持以经济制裁来解决伊朗核武问题,但如果最终需要做出抉择,是选择一个有核的伊朗还是动用武力,那么64%的美国人和 48%的欧洲人将会支持使用武力钳制伊朗。
与此同时, 欧美公众对政府经济政策的支持率有所下降。

泰国公主 献上花圈缅怀


陈平 的灵柩在今日下午3点30分左右,运抵泰国曼谷的Wat That Thong庙。泰国朱拉蓬公主殿下(Chulabhorn Walailak)送上花圈,并套在陈平灵柩前,两名泰国的退役将军也亲自上门哀悼。

前来瞻仰陈平遗容的退役将军吉迪(Kitti Rattanachaya)表示,大家应该缅怀陈平为英雄,而不是恐怖分子。

陈平的灵柩在今日下午3点30分左右,运抵泰国曼谷的Wat That Thong庙。泰国朱拉蓬公主殿下(Chulabhorn Walailak)送上花圈,并套在陈平灵柩前,两名泰国的退役将军也亲自上门哀悼。



陈平的灵柩在今日下午3点30分左右,运抵泰国曼谷的Wat That Thong庙。泰国朱拉蓬公主殿下(Chulabhorn Walailak)送上花圈,并套在陈平灵柩前,两名泰国的退役将军也亲自上门哀悼。

前 来瞻仰陈平遗容的退役将军吉迪(Kitti Rattanachaya,左图)表示,大家应该缅怀陈平为英雄,而不是恐怖分子。









此 外,去年退役的泰国将军阿卡尼(Akanit Muansawad,右图)也前来哀悼。他认为,只有原谅才是促进和平的唯一途径。








Are They Trying To Hide Their NOT TOO SHINING History during the Japanese Occupation Period ?

FCPO - The Bears Testing The Market Again - 9/23/2013

This market has been a tough cookie to trade as the daily range challenged the extreme points of the market. I went back in to sell the market on last Monday when price went below the prior low. But on that day, market went back and close near the day's high and above the bottom band. I was getting very uncomfortable with the shorts position and was getting ready to abandon on the next day if price goes higher. But then on the next 3 days, prices kept do lower. But I continue to stay cautious and place my stop at the prior day high plus 2 points , especially now that the Stochastic has reached the oversold zone. The MACD has now dropped to near its zero signal line.If it continues to go down, I would get really worried about the bigger picture going back to the bears control. The DMI remains negative. The ADX has turned flat for the past 6 days, this is basically telling me that the market is still in a listless mode. But I watching out for the 2294 support, if it fails to hold, then more bears may jump in for the taste of blood.


The weekly chart's Stochastic and MACD stay positive and continue to climb and this is good for the bulls. But the DMI stays negative and price is now below the middle band. They are for the bears. The ADX is still falling, so the market fails to find any trend yet. But I have a feeling that it may go back to test the bottom band or its recent low again.

The big picture is still favoring the possible return of the super bull as the setups remain intact. But we need to see its recent fractal high of 2485 cleared off and also I watch its recent twice tested 2137 levels as immediate solid support.
FKLI - Market Gets Silly Over QE Tapering - 9/23/2013


By following my trading plan, I bought in long position on last Thursday when price broke a new high. Again I am placing a stop at prior day low minus 2 points. This is especially so needed as the Stochastic has already reached the overbought zone. That is the mechanical system trading plan side of the story, the human emotion/feeling section would be I actually was laughing the market's reaction to the Americans' QE announcement as if the local equities market is definitely going to explode because of that. They always think as if Malaysia equities market is still the darling of the foreign funds.

As mentioned above, the Stochastic is inside the overbought zone. I am paying more attention to Stochastic because the ADX has turned flat. The oscillator indicator should be watched closely until ADX starts swing up and then it will be the MACD that we should pay attention to. The MACD remains positive and has now risen above its zero signal line. This is a bullish sign as the zero signal line usually define the bull and bear cycle. The DMI also remain positive and the D+ is spreading out, this is telling us the bulls are flexing their muscle. Price remains above the top band, everything in the chart are supporting the bulls. The ADX has stopped falling and turned flat, it may be signaling a possible new direction.

But the strange thing occurred on last Friday as the Japanese Candlestick is a shooting star/spinning top. When this appears near a resistance area, it usually mean the bulls may be having second thought or the bears are calling the bulls a bluff. My thinking is if the bulls feeling so strongly about the latest Americans' announcement of the QE, why did price retraced back near to the day's opening ?

Of course the Japanese Candlestick is not infallible, especially when they are used in the daily chart. I never trade by them but I would keep an eye on them as a warning/alert signs for possible market reversals, as in the current case.


The weekly chart gets increasing more bullish biased as the Stochastic has turned positive. The DMI also remains positive. The  MACD is still trying to turn around but it remains negative now. Price has now cleared above the middle band and went tested the top band, but it has not able to close above the top band yet. I have marked out 2 horizontal lines at the weekly chart, this is telling us that the market is basically within a large range since May this year. I would need to see price goes beyond the top line before I am convinced that the bulls are in command.