Monday, February 28, 2011

The Qaddafi Song !

Arab World Embraces Israeli’s YouTube "Zenga Zenga" Spoof of Qaddafi Rant

The New York Times reports Arab World Embraces Israeli’s YouTube Spoof of Qaddafi Rant.

    A satirical YouTube clip mocking Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s megalomania is fast becoming a popular token of the Libya uprising across Middle East. And in an added affront to Colonel Qaddafi, it was created by an Israeli living in Tel Aviv.

    Noy Alooshe, 31, an Israeli journalist, musician and Internet buff, said he saw Colonel Qaddafi’s televised speech last Tuesday in which the Libyan leader vowed to hunt down protesters “inch by inch, house by house, home by home, alleyway by alleyway,” and immediately identified it as a “classic hit.”

    “He was dressed strangely, and he raised his arms” like at a trance party, Mr. Alooshe said in a telephone interview on Sunday. Then there were Colonel Qaddafi’s words with their natural beat.

    Mr. Alooshe spent a few hours at the computer, using Auto-Tune pitch corrector technology to set the speech to the music of “Hey Baby,” a 2010 electro hip-hop song by American rapper Pitbull, featuring another artist, T-Pain. He titled it “Zenga-Zenga,” echoing Col. Qaddafi’s repetition of the word zanqa, Arabic for alleyway.

    Mr. Alooshe said he was a little worried that if the Libyan leader survived, he could send one of his sons after him. But he said it was “also very exciting to be making waves in the Arab world as an Israeli.”

    As one surfer wrote in an Arabic talkback early Sunday, “What’s the problem if he’s an Israeli? The video is still funny.” He signed off with the international cyber-laugh, “Hahaha.”

Two Versions, With and Without Dancers

original smash hit with dancers

Zenga Zenga Original Link:

revised version without dancers

Zenga Zenga Revised Link: 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

KCPO:- A Temporary Bottom Reached ? -2/28/2011


Last week the "shock and awe" kind of selling came just as I predicted. I do not think we have seen the end of it yet, but the market may has just reached a temporary bottom here as last week low was almost hit the 38.2% retracement level. You should take at least some of the profit off the table . Place stop at 3602.

The MACD remains negative and below its zero signal line which is confirming the bear cycle. The Stochastic has reached below 20's and seem to be turning. I would not take this as a buy signal yet. The ADX has begun to rise which is telling us that a trend is still intact.

There is a possibility that the market may recover back to 3565 and 3650 before collapsing again. I will take previous day low minus 3-5 points as new signal to sell again.


The weekly chart's MACD has finally crossed down but the Stochastic is still maintaining above its 80's signal line. Prices has crossed down the middle Bollinger Band which is the 20 periods moving average, but it was able to close back above there. So this week I would look for (1) the Stochastic to cross below its 80's and (2) price closes below the middle band. With these 2 conditions fulfilled, it would a solid sell signal. 

Many  markets have turned extremely volatile under the excuse of the current geo-political problem . But this kind of volatility  usually occur when market is approaching their major terminal points. So you may want to start doing your homework to determine your next course of action.

FKLI:- Selling Stopped But Stay Cautious - 2/28/2011

As I had noticed last week that the ADX has turned flat , hinting the market may has gone stuck up in a range. The long trade also did not work out well as the stop of 1500 was hit last Wednesday. With the bigger picture remains bearish, I have again turned short when price went below the lower Bollinger Band and the Stochastic has crossed down again. 1481 level is important support now, if prices go and stay below that level, it would mean selling has re-emerged, otherwise most probably we will see prices range bounding here and the current short trade may not be profitable.

Place stop at 1500.


The weekly chart remains bearish as both the Stochastic and MACD continue their descent. The Stochastic has just crossed below its 50 signal line which is usually a more confirming sell signal. But since the ADX continues to fall and now it is at 20 and prices have so far stayed above the lower Bollinger Band, I think this market may just hang around here for a while. Watch out for any weekly closing of below 1486 for a new signal for a new selling signal.

All the messy geo-political crisis has brought attention to crude oil which experts are telling us it may hit USD200+ soon which causes the equities market to fall. And one of our local Chinese daily even reported in their front page that Libya is the world's 3rd largest oil producer (meaning their problem is everybody problem) . Of course that is absolutely incorrect. Libya is the world's 17th biggest producer and Africa's 3rd. None of their oil goes directly to US. Their production can be easily filled in by other producers and IEA. IEA alone holds 1.6 billions barrels which is equivalent to 6 months of US total imports. And Saudi's minister of oil has been telling everybody for the past few year that he is unable to sell all their oil every month. Markets are usually ruled by players' perception ,another example here is when Libya's leader was rumored  shot, oil prices broke down. Logic would tell: if the opposition is to win the revolution today, with almost of oil industry people already left the country, would the oil supplies go back to normal tomorrow ?  It is about their emotional "thinking" that is moving the market at the moment and has little to do with the real fundamentals.

Looking at many charts now, they seems to be hinting some really nasty crisis across the horizon. With the exception of Saudi Arabia,  I do not really think all these Middle Eastern or African failed nations would really be the fuses to it. What I think the real problem  still remains at EULand and China. Never let your eye off these 2 areas for next possible real crisis blowout.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

门口狗 - 人民幣外強硬內妥協

在美國的壓力下,預計 未來的日子裡,人民幣還將不斷升值, 無論人民幣升值多少,中共在這場匯率戰中一敗塗地是鐵定的事實,加上國內投資拉動經濟的失敗,經濟結構轉型成了中共無奈的選擇與必走的路。

自2008年金融危機爆發以來,匯率戰成了挽救經濟、減輕債務的重要武器,最起碼對於美國是這樣。美國連續兩輪的量化寬鬆政策蒸發了超過 16,000億美元,這讓美元迅速貶值,得以刺激出口,提振經濟。繼美國之後,為防止出口競爭力喪失,各國貨幣競相貶值以求自保,歐盟、澳大 利亞、日本等國此前均採取不同的經濟手段倣傚。


根據2月4日公佈的美國財政部《國際經濟和匯率政策報告》,去年6月以來,人民幣對美元已經累計升值3.7%,按名義匯率計算,這一升值幅度 折合成年率計算約為6%,如果加上中國通脹的因素,升值幅度將達到10%。




不過面對公眾,中共的口氣依然強硬。2011年2月17日,中共央行行長周小川在法國巴黎表示,對人民幣升值的外部壓力從未特別關注,中國政 府將自行決定人民幣升值步伐。言外之意,中共政府會根據自己的需要來操縱人民幣匯率升值。

自2008年7月1日以來,中共一直將人民幣兌美元的匯率穩定在6.83:1。外界普遍認為,中共政府強制壓低 其貨幣幣值,在剝削中國工人廉價勞動的同時,也導致了國際市場競爭的不公平。美國也堅持認為,人民幣匯率嚴重低估,提出《公平貿易貨幣改革 法》法案的萊恩(Tim Ryan)認為,人民幣匯率低估可能高達40%。


因為中國一旦被列入了匯率操縱國,美國就會動用超級301條款,將中國所有出口到美國的產品增加27.5%的關稅,這對中國出口產品將是一個 沉重的打擊。

做為反應,中共一方從溫家寶總理到部分經濟學者,一再強調人民幣匯率沒有低估,中國國務院總理溫家寶在紐約表示人民幣繼續升值20%將會造成 中國嚴重的失業問題。

但與言辭的強硬相反,中共打開了人民幣升值的通道。6月19日,中共宣佈推進人民幣匯率改革,之後人民幣開始升值的步伐,到6月26日至27 日在多倫多舉行的20國領導人第四次峰會(G20峰會)前,人民幣兌美元升值約1.6%。

此後每當中共首腦或要人訪美,或參加重要國際會議時,人民幣必定快速升值以減弱西方的指責。在溫家寶去年9月21日訪美前,人民幣升值連升八 個交易日攻破6.7;胡錦濤今年1月18日訪美時,人民幣匯率也迅速創造新高,進入6.5區間。



根據美國1988年《綜合貿易與競爭法》(the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988),每隔半年,美國財政部應當向國會提交一份《國際經濟與匯率政策報告》,提交日期一般為5月和11月,對美國主要交易夥伴國上一個半年度的匯率 政策進行分別評估,確定其是否存在「匯率操縱」。

2011年2月4日,美國財政部公佈了針對主要貿易對象的《國際經濟和匯率政策報告》,這份原定於2010年10月公佈的外匯政策報告,在多 方考察了中共的表現後終於發佈。報告表示,包括中國在內的主要交易夥伴都沒有操縱貨幣匯率以獲取不公平貿易優勢。




美國國會眾議院去年9月下旬通過了《匯率改革促進公平貿易法案》,旨在對所謂低估本幣匯率的國家徵收特別關稅的法案,輿論認為這一法案針對的 是人民幣匯率。儘管到目前為止,這項法案還沒有在參議院提上議事日程,但這也將使中共坐立不安。



可以想像,在通貨膨脹形勢嚴峻的情況下,原有的工資水準不再對農民工有吸引力,而對於大量出口加工企業來講,據業力人士估計,利潤也就 3~6%,人民幣升值對他們來講是艱難的日子,自己的生存都難以維持,如何能再考慮給農民工加工資?


在美國的壓力下,預計未來的日子裡,人民幣還將不斷升值,除了出口的損失、企業的倒閉、農民工返鄉外,高達2 8,000億的外匯儲備也會不斷縮水。美國的目標是人民幣升值20~40%,不知中共能將人民幣升值多少?

Should You Put Your Savings in a Chinese Bank Account? WTF For ?


中國銀行的美國分行於1月中旬宣佈開放美國公民開立人民幣帳戶,然而,開戶者無法以人民幣開立支票、無法提取人民幣、無法以美元 開立支票、無法在北京提款、無法在上海使用金融卡、更無法在香港機場存錢。這使美國人一頭霧水,到底開立這個帳戶做啥呢?

《時代》雜誌網路部落格於2月7日發表卡拉貝爾(Zachary Karabell)的文章〈你應該把錢存在中國銀行嗎?〉Should You Put Your Savings in a Chinese Bank Account?針對中國銀行Bank of China的美國分行於1月中旬宣佈開放美國公民開立人民幣帳戶,卡拉貝爾以親身經驗分析開立此帳戶的優缺點。


卡拉貝爾認為,人民幣因為被低估而且對美國經濟具有負面作用,所以在美國一直受到非議。美國各級官員都批評中共刻意阻止人民幣升值,使中國公 司擁有不公平的競爭優勢,同時加速了美國製造業的工作流失。

針對美方的批評,中共以民族主義捍衛自身,聲稱美國的態度不過是西方試圖阻礙中國發展的另一個例子。中共需要藉由人民幣獲利,以增加中國國內 財富,並減少對多變的外銷市場的依賴。



從技術層面來看,這實際是兩種帳戶,一個是美元帳戶,另一個依據官方匯率兌換的人民幣帳戶。不管如何,意思就是你可以藉此擁有你自己的人民幣 帳戶。

卡拉貝爾指出,人民幣目前仍無法自由轉換和買賣,其價值也不會跟著國際貨幣浮動。在中國銀行開立新帳戶無法改變這項事實,因此,這使在美國開 立人民幣帳戶看起來格外奇怪。



卡拉貝爾轉述中國銀行人員的話說,目前美國儲蓄帳戶和貨幣市場的利率幾乎為零,如果人民幣每年升值3%至5%,在中國銀行有這種人民幣帳戶的 人就可以獲取比美國儲蓄帳戶還高的利潤。

然而,此中國銀行帳戶跟傳統儲蓄帳戶不同──它不支付利息。其帳戶金額隨著人民幣起伏,而且中國銀行也不保證人民幣會升值。此外,聯邦存款保 險不擔保人民幣匯兌損失,只有當中國銀行破產,存款戶無法取款時,此保險才會提供賠償。


《華爾街日報》網路版專欄作家阿倫斯(Brett Arends)於1月14日發表文章〈你需要中國銀行帳戶嗎?〉Do You Need a Chinese Bank Account?開立人民幣帳戶會有什麼風險呢?阿倫斯認為,主要的風險可能是不保證人民幣在不久的未來會大幅升值,所以你的錢可能會套牢很長一段時間。

In the middle of last month, the Bank of China quietly announced a startling new bank account available to America citizens. At one of three Bank of China branches in the United States–two in New York and one in Los Angeles–an American can walk in, open an account and convert their grubby dollars into the currency of the hottest, and arguably the most important, economy in the world, the Chinese renminbi.

To get a better sense of what this is all about, I went to the Bank of China's main branch in Manhattan on 5th Avenue and 48th Street. The branch office is fairly ornate and staid, a study in 1950s elegance. The staff couldn't have been more welcoming, and I was ushered over to a young Chinese-American who walked me through the account process and answered all my questions. The biggest of which was this: Why would anyone do this?

Now, the Chinese renminbi or RMB (the “People's Money”, often referred to as the yuan) has been much maligned in the United States for its low valuation and its harmful effect on the American economy. Official Washington, from President Obama to much of the Congress, have criticized the Chinese government for maintaining an artificially low valuation and purportedly giving Chinese companies an unfair competitive advantage and accelerating the loss of American manufacturing jobs.

The passions stirred are real – and China has reacted to U.S. criticism with its own nationalistic defense, seeing in American attitudes one more example of the West trying to hold China back. But the reality is more ambiguous, especially given that China has been allowing its currency to appreciate after a two-year freeze during the financial crisis and that the U.S. has been shedding manufacturing jobs for decades, long before the current rise of China. In addition, China needs the currency to gain in value to increase its domestic wealth and become less reliant on a fickle export market, but it is loath to under American pressure. The currency war is nothing if not a proxy of overall China-U.S. tensions.

So the unveiling of this new product by the Bank of China came as a surprise, and may have been bigger news were it not for the massive changes sweeping through Tunisia and now Egypt.

The Chinese currency remains unconvertible. It does not float on international exchanges; you cannot trade it, and it does not fluctuate in value based on the same global currency market that determines how many Euros there are to the dollar or how Mexican pesos you get for one Turkish lira. The new bank account does nothing to alter that, which makes opening an account in the United States denominated in RMB that much odder.

Any American citizen can open an account with a minimum of $500. Technically, it is two accounts, one opened in dollars and the other then converted into RMB at the official exchange rate (and $1 currently gets you 6.56 units of Chinese currency).  No matter. The point is this: If you're in New York or LA (and you can only open this account at those branches in person), you can have your very own Chinese currency account.

So should you? To begin with, the very nice Bank of China representative, who talked me to the process, explained that you can't actually do anything with the account.

“Can I write checks in Chinese currency?” I asked.

“No, you cannot.”

“Can I withdraw Chinese currency?”


“Can I go to Beijing and withdraw currency from my account there?”


“Can I have a debit card and use it in Shanghai?”


“Can I deposit currency in my account at the airport in Hong Kong on my way back to the states?”


“Can I write checks in dollars?”


“So what can I do?”

“You can deposit at minimum of $500 and it will be converted to RMB. If the value of the Chinese currency rises, your dollar account will increase in value. Then you can withdraw dollars. And it is insured by the FDIC.”

“Why would I want to open an account that I can't really use?”

“Well, if the rate on your savings or money market account is barely zero percent and if the Chinese currency appreciates between 3% and 5% a year as it is expected to, then you can have a savings account at the Bank of China that yields you much more than any equivalent domestic American savings account with the same FDIC protection.”

So there you have it: the Bank of China has created a savings account for Americans that has a strong likelihood of significantly outperforming a U.S. savings account. The Chinese have been making cars, solar panels, electronics and furniture that outcompete American alternatives; now they are creating better bank accounts?

Well, that depends on where you think the renminbi is headed. Unlike a typical savings account, the account at the Bank of China pays no interest. The account rises and falls with the RMB. And the Bank of China cannot guarantee that its currency will appreciate. What's more, FDIC insurance doesn't protect you against the possibility that your investment in RMB, which is essentially what you are doing, will lose money. The FDIC insurance only comes into play in the unlikely event of that the Bank of China becomes insolvent, and you unable to withdraw your money.

But all things being equal, I do think there is something to the Bank of China's pitch. US savings accounts pay close nothing these days. And it is in China's national interest to allow the RMB to appreciate at least 3% to 5% a year for the next few years. It enhances the Chinese economy and simultaneously gives a nod to U.S. demands that China revalue. The result is that average investors – or at least those living in or passing through New York or L.A. who happen to know about this rather obscure and arcane account being offered – can open a juiced-up, no-guarantees-but-likely-to-gain-more than-your-average savings account in one of the leading banks of China.

So have the floodgates opened? I was told that demand had been brisk, but no figures are being released and the afternoon I was at the main branch, no one else was there. Maybe it seems to be good to be true, but in this case, maybe not. You could do worse than park $500 in an account insured by the U.S. government tethered to the growth of the domestic Chinese economy.  And the Chinese government could do worse than curry American favor – and attract American dollars – than offering average Americans a chance to enhance their savings care of China's economic miracle. Renminbi savings bonds, here we come.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

South Korea - Replay of 1997 ?

South Koreans have withdrawn massive quantities from savings banks since last week, when regulators published a list of banks with below-grade capital adequacy ratios.

On Saturday five banks were asking for capital injections.

By Wednesday a total of eight banks have suspended operations, according to JoongAng Daily.

The latest to fold, Domin Bank, says $28.2 million were withdrawn since Thursday, including $16.7 million on Monday. Domin voluntarily shut down its banks "as a means to soothe the crisis involving massive withdrawals."

Large banks like Woori are providing emergency funds.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

哈爾濱廣場上高呼「還人民自由」 中國茉莉花革命烈女被拘控顛覆
by 天安門母親 Tiananmen Mothers on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 11:04am

我们廣東人精神=『丟哪媽!頂硬 上!幾大就 幾大!』







;她那   帶着濃重廣東口音  的普通話,吸引不少人駐足圍觀。不到10分鐘,公安趕到將她拖離,並塞進警車帶走。


她叫梁海怡,今年34歲,原籍廣州,畢業於廣州市土地房產管理學校,數年前由廣州嫁到哈爾濱, 但去年初與丈夫離異。她的行動給現場目擊的市民留下深刻印象。昨日,有網民在twitter講述她當日的表現,並讚揚她


出事後 的第二天,她在廣州的家人即收到公安通知,梁海怡因為「涉嫌煽動顛覆國家政權」被當局刑事拘留,囚禁在哈市第二看守所。

「我早預咗佢會出 事!」梁海怡在廣州的媽媽,昨日接受本報電話查詢時,難過地講述女兒的經歷。據梁媽媽透露,海怡從小就性格好強,且有政治天賦,在廣州讀書時曾做過班長、 學生會幹事,得過廣東省級「三好學生」;到社會工作後,她更是執着於政治,關心國家的前途,為社會問題憂慮。梁母表示:「我同佢老竇都擔心過,但次次同佢 講,都係話不投機……」


本報記者昨在她的QQ空間首頁,發現一段她的話:「射手座(梁海怡所屬星座) 的女子,天真直率,容易相信人;直言無諱又容易得罪人……她最需要你的尊重、理解和鼓勵,支持她繼續用光明天真的人生觀,與現實世故的社會戰鬥。」但她的 空間卻已經被「存在不良信息」的理由所屏封,無法登入。

「她是一位了不起的烈女!」北京維權律師梁小軍昨日表示,梁海怡敢挺身呼籲爭取民主自由、隻身面對強大的專政機器,令人敬佩,他願為她提供免費的法律援 助。此外,參與傳播今次茉莉花行動的四川遂寧維權人士陳衞,亦被公安以「煽動顛覆國家政權」刑事拘留,他成為已知第二位因為中國茉莉花革命遭刑拘的支持 者。

Will The Next US President Bash China ?

Trump: China is Our Enemy

Last night Piers Morgan had Donald Trump in-studio.  Trump is a love-him-or-hate-him proposition for most.  For me, his book The Art of the Deal was the first business book I ever read and I know how to separate the entertainment side from the business side if public persona, so I guess I'm cool with him for the most part.

Anyway, his appearance last night was awesome.  Basically, he's probably going to run for President (GOP?) and he is a staunch capitalist free-trader except when it comes to the Chinese, whom he views as our enemy.  Check it out:

Doing Business in China Is Foolish

" The Chinese may be signing a contract to humor their guests."
Taiwanese businessmen often get more trouble than they bargained for

Every year an astonishingly large number of business investors from Taiwan are victimized in China, according to data obtained from cross-strait agencies for both countries.

Known as taishang, many of the Taiwanese businessmen are cheated out of horrendous sums, have their property expropriated in violation of due process and are often dragged into court on trumped-up charges by local governments.

One of the victims is William Kao, who went to China with a family-invented technique to strengthen steel. He invested US$500,000 to establish a factory in Hebei, only to have his machine tools, molds, raw materials, finished products and computers looted shortly afterwards.

Local officials not only ignored Kao's request for help, he says, but also attempted to silence him with a fabricated court case. The entrepreneur returned to Taiwan and made it his mission to pressure the government to ban Chinese officials who wronged Taiwanese businesspeople from entering Taiwan.

And, whether the Chinese Communist Party and Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang like to admit it or not, even in times of much-applauded growing economic cross-strait ties, the individual safety of Taiwanese living in mainland China is still an issue.

This is made apparent by 20 years of data made available to Asia Sentinel by Tung Chen-yuan, a Taiwanese professor who analyzed statistics of Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF), the semi-official organization set up by the Taiwan government to handle technical or business matters with mainland China.

What Tung, a professor at Taipei's National Chengchi University, found is striking. In the last two years alone -- the years when cross-strait relations supposedly have been at their best ever – at least 84 taishang were killed by accident or illness and another nine were murdered.

In the same period of time, Tung found, 132 taishang were injured and hospitalized. Another 52 were victims of looting, destruction of property or extortion; 35 were abducted or illegally detained; 308 were detained by law enforcement agencies in disputes gone bad, and 160 businessmen or their dependents went missing.

In addition, Tung's statistics show that from 2008 to 2010, there were 1046 cases in which Taiwanese were involved in property and trade disputes in China. There could well have been lots more that were not reported.

Although the incidents took place in mainland China, the professor expects answers to the questions his findings have raised from the Taiwanese government.

"The Ma administration owes the Taiwanese an explanation as to why the individual safety of China-based Taiwanese businesspeople continued to deteriorate while cross-strait relations ostensibly improved," he said. "It shows that the channel of communication between the KMT and Chinese Communist Party is of questionable value."

The British Embassy in Beijing, in a paper titled Doing Business in China, warned that "traditionally, commercial law scarcely existed in China and certainly indicated bad faith. The early appearance of a draft legal contract was seen as inappropriate or, more likely, irrelevant, because it carried no sense of commitment. The business clauses might form a useful agenda, but obligations came from relationships, not pieces of paper. Today, returning home with a signed piece of paper is a symbol of progress, but nothing more. The Chinese may be signing a contract to humor their guests."

Led by William Kao, Taiwanese businessmen who had a particularity bad stint in mainland China have founded the Victims of Investment in China Association (VICA). Kao says information from Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Office, the Chinese body responsible for setting and implementing guidelines and policies related to Taiwan, showed that every year, around 2,000 Taiwanese business investors are victimized in China.

"In the past 20 years, not a single Chinese official has been punished for actions targeting Taiwanese businesspeople," Kao said in an interview.

One of the Chinese officials Kao wants to hold accountable is China's top cross-strait negotiator, Chen Yunlin, chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), who is scheduled to visit the island on February 23.

Chen headed Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Office for more than 14 years. Kao claims that while Chen was at the helm of the agency responsible for the coordination with overall planning the economic relations and trade related to Taiwan and exchanges, he received 30,000 complaints related to the victimization of taishang.

"In the best case, those people lost everything; in the worst case, they were thrown in jail or murdered," Kao said. "Chen Yunlin claimed that 86 percent of these cases were settled, but that's a lie." Kao's NGO investigated more than 100 such cases, he said, in none of which justice was achieved.

As an example, Kao tells of the fate of a Taiwanese investor named Liu Yi Jin. Liu signed a contract for the development of a park in Jiangxi with local authorities. In exchange for a US$900,000 investment, Liu was promised the right to conduct business in the park for 25 years. As stipulated, Liu built bridges, arbors and shops. Shortly after completion, however, the local officials told him to go. When Liu protested, walls surrounding the park were demolished overnight, and within days without the walls as protection, even the last flower pot in the park was stolen. Liu's local employees sensed trouble and left. Fearing for his personal safety, Liu went back to Taiwan, financially ruined.

The Chinese government goes to great lengths to avoid publication of news of victimized taishang, Kao says.

"When a case happens, agents sent by the Taiwan Affairs Office show up immediately to make things calm," he says. "They then make a deal with the Taiwanese: 'We assure that you will get justice as long you don't tell anybody.'"

That, Kao said, is a delaying tactic. Only those who ultimately lose all trust in the Taiwan Affairs Office's assurances make their stories public.

But by then the Taiwanese media may well have decided they are so stale that they are no longer worth reporting. The defrauded consequently don't function as political ammunition for Taiwan's opposition parties, which oppose the KMT's policy of rapid cross-strait rapprochement.

To illustrate his claim that Taiwanese victims are silenced by China's Taiwan Affairs Office, Kao brings yet another example into account. Zhang Zunyi, Kao said, bought a villa at Jiangxi 's Lushan mountain. When Zhang set out to move into his property, he discovered that the locks had been changed and someone else was living there.

"Yesterday, Zhang went back to China to go to court against the seller," Kao says. "But I know what will happen: He will be back in Taiwan in a month and will not be willing to breathe a word about the whole issue."

Another 1997 In Making ?

There Are Fears Of A Massive Run On The Banks In A Country You'd Never Suspect

This doesn't fit with the current perception that East Asian economies are sturdy from a growth and financial perspective.
South Korea's JoongAng Daily reports on a crisis among savings banks, and the fears of a run-on-the-banks that engulfs the entire industry.
More than a thousand customers lined up in front of the Busan II Savings Bank located in Busan yesterday as soon as the nation’s financial regulator announced a six-month business suspension of Busan Savings Bank and its affiliate Daejeon Mutual Savings Bank.

The line formed by depositors extended about 100 meters (328 feet) from the door of Busan II Savings Bank. “You won’t be allowed to withdraw your money if you are just standing there without a queue ticket number,” a bank employee told the crowd using a microphone.
The government is doing its best to calm people, but it's not working:
“I’ve saved 40 million won ($35,810) over my whole life. That money was going to be used for my grandson’s marriage but I cannot trust these people [bank employees] saying that I am guaranteed to get my money back,” said Cho So-young, 79.
All told, five savings banks have been put on watch for inadequate capital. They're being bailed-out by larger institutions:
The state-run Korea Finance Corporation and four commercial banks - Woori, Kookmin, Shinhan and Hana - have decided to inject 2 trillion won of emergency liquidity into the savings bank sector.
Just something to keep an eye on right now.
Strange Days

There is a weather crisis, there is a geo-political crisis and every experts are claiming there is/willing be  a shortage of everything .
How come most food commodities are dropping like a rock recently. Last night saw most of them gapping down with a massive big bar. Even the mighty cotton doing same.

Strange day , indeed.

But does this mean you do not have ask your darling ampuan go hypermarkets to horde up cooking oil ?

China Telling Their Banks To Get Ready For A BIG One

China is seeking to avoid a repeat of its last banking crisis, when the government spent more than $650 billion over a decade to bail out banks after years of state-directed lending. Photographer: Nelson Ching/Bloomberg
China’s banking regulator plans to require lenders to set up procedures to allow them to restore their finances in the event of a crisis, a person with knowledge of the matter said.

Banks deemed systemically important, including Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., may have to sell debt convertible into equity, the person said, declining to be identified because the regulator’s deliberations are private. Regulators will also be given broader powers to supervise those lenders in an effort to discover risks early, the person said.

China is seeking to avoid a repeat of its last banking crisis, when the government spent more than $650 billion over a decade to bail out banks after years of state-directed lending. Concerns that a deterioration of lenders’ asset quality could derail the world’s fastest-growing major economy surfaced after credit expansion surged to a record 96 percent in 2009, prompting the banking regulator to tighten capital rules.

“The regulator is incorporating a crisis mentality into its daily supervision of banks to make sure they have everything in place when big trouble comes,” said Tang Yayun, a Shanghai- based analyst at Northeast Securities Co.

China’s major banks cut their combined bad-loan ratio to 1.15 percent as of Dec. 31 from 17.2 percent in 2003, when the China Banking Regulatory Commission was created, official data show.

‘Bail-in’ Debt

A CBRC official, who declined to be identified citing agency policy, said in a text message response to questions that the regulator is studying the issue of self-rescue mechanisms.
ICBC, China Construction Bank Corp., Agricultural Bank of China Ltd., Bank of China Ltd. and Bank of Communications Co. -- the nation’s five largest lenders -- are currently designated as systemically important by the Chinese government, the person said. Spokespeople for the banks either declined to comment or weren’t immediately available.

ICBC, the world’s largest bank by market value, fell 0.2 percent at the midday break in Hong Kong. Agricultural Bank dropped 1 percent and Bank of China slipped 0.7 percent.

Setting up “self-rescue” mechanisms is part of efforts to make sure equity- and bondholders take greater responsibility for salvaging a bank should it encounter financial difficulties, the person said. One possible measure is selling “bail-in” debt, the person said without elaborating.

“Bail-in debt is a positive to banks because it gives them a new channel for raising funds, given that big banks will be subject to higher capital requirements,” Tang said. Such debt could be counted as supplementary capital, according to Tang.

Law Revisions

Global regulators spent the past two years devising ways to ensure taxpayers won’t be on the hook in the event of another banking crisis.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision announced last month that hybrid debt securities need to include triggers that force banks to convert them into common stock or write them off, averting government bailouts by providing capital buffers that can fund a “bail-in” by stakeholders if a bank gets into trouble. Hybrid securities blend characteristics of equity and debt.

The U.S. spent almost $500 billion bailing out its financial institutions during the global financial crisis, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. China holds majority stakes in its four largest publicly traded banks.

Regulators will have the power to decide when a bank in trouble must activate its self-rescue mechanisms, the person said. The government may seek revisions to China’s Commercial Bank Law to accommodate the new requirements, according to the person.

Capital Ratios

China’s systemically important banks may also be subject to higher liquidity standards than domestic competitors, and may be required to have lower concentration of loans to a single borrower, the person said.

Should a troubled lender’s own measures fail to revive it, the government would seek to broker an acquisition by a healthy bank to avoid the consequences of a closure, providing support with tax and credit policies if needed, the person said.

The CBRC may raise the five biggest state-controlled lenders’ capital adequacy requirement to as high as 14 percent, from 11.5 percent currently, if credit growth is deemed excessive, a person familiar with the matter said last month. That includes an additional 1 percent of capital charged on them to reflect their systemic importance, the person then said.

Chinese banks’ weighted average capital adequacy ratio, a measure of their ability to withstand financial stress, rose 0.8 percentage point last year to 12.2 percent as of Dec. 31, the CBRC said last week on its website.

New loans in China more than doubled from December to 1.04 trillion yuan ($158 billion) in January, the central bank said on Feb. 15. Credit expansion decreased from 1.39 trillion yuan in the year-earlier month. Banks typically expand credit at a faster pace at the start of a year.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

《精武门之打Q一个大马》的幕后重要成员被国震逮捕 !

Sunday, February 20, 2011

cn220 - 神州的茉莉花


「不管你是結石寶寶的家長、拆遷戶、群租戶、複退轉軍人、民辦老師、銀行買斷工齡人員、下崗人員,還是上訪者;不管你是或是對 “錢雲會案”結論不滿、不喜歡有人說“爸爸是李剛”、不喜歡被人要求“理性對待社會公正”,還是不喜歡看溫影帝表演;不管你是零 八憲章的簽署者、法輪功的練習者,還是共產黨員、民主黨派人士;甚至你只是一個圍觀者;在這一刻,你我都是中國人,你我都是對未 來還有夢的中國人,我們必須為自己的未來負責,為我們子孫的未來負責。」


走到一起來的,都是兄弟姐妹,請守望相助。如發生參與集會人員受到不良對待請以最大的容忍處理,旁人也請及時支持。集會結束時,不要留下 垃圾,中國人,是高素質的,是有條件追求民主自由的。」

撰文者又叫參加人士叫統一口號,包括「我們要吃飯、我們要工作、我們要住房、我們要公平、我們要公義、保障私有產權、維護司法獨立、啟動 政治改革、結束一黨專政、開放報禁、新聞自由、自由萬歲、民主萬歲」。

不論有關文章內容是真是假,已夠觸動偉大祖國的神經了。朋友A說「茉莉花」已被和諧了;在內地工作的B說,他的公安朋友告知全部人取消休 假,嚴陣以待;而生果報報道則更嚇人:「傳聞解放軍嚴陣以待,已提升至「戰備狀態」,也有大量訪民被攔截嚴查。」

一篇未知是真是假的「中國茉莉花革命」的網上文章,已足夠把中共弄得神經緊張,A說不論今天全國是否有行動,這篇文章目的已達到:中共表 面強大,實質內裡虛弱,只是一篇沒有來源、沒有作者的網文,已足夠嚇他們過半死了!

有網民已在Twitter中開了「茉莉花」cn220這個戶口,去報道相關消息。我相信,就算今次「茉莉花」行動未能成真,總有一天,茉 莉花必定會開到中國大地之上。
From:- thosewerethedays. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ivory Tower Occupying "Experts" - there's no European bank crisis

Last year, hedge funder Hugh Hendry slammed Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs for "not living in the real world," and not being worthy of having an opinion because he's not accountable.

(See the photo of them fighting )

Hendry responded to Sachs' saying that there's no European bank crisis by saying,

"Was Jeffrey skiing two months ago? I was working, Gillian (Tett, who was also on the show) was working. So we can tell you about the real world."

And it was so offensive that the host has to jump in and say, "Now that's just a low blow."

Sachs got pretty angry too
. He said:

"Please watch your language, it's just ridiculous. Watch your rhetoric a little bit."
KCPO:- The Selling Has Begun-2/21/2011


The market suddenly broke down last Wednesday when it opened below the upper Bollinger Band with the Stochastic and DMI turned negative. The MACD followed suit the next day and the Stochastic crossed down below its 80's signal line, thus putting all the initial sell signals in place.

Place stop at 3788 or at 3888 if your risks appetite is bigger.

With a picture perfect triple bearish divergence formed in chart, this sell down, if worked out properly shall be one of those shock and awe type of bear market. I am waiting for it to break below the lower Bollinger Band of 3677 which would offer the final confirmation of this super bear. And of course, the ADX's rising would confirm the selling power.
Last week I was warning about the ADX getting above the DMI as a possible sign that the market may has gotten overbought. The correction comes swiftly as price has now closed below the upper Bollinger Band. But The Stochastic still stays above the 80's signal line and the MACD remains positive (though it is turning around fast). I would need to see the Stochastic going below the 80's or the MACD turning negative to call for a weekly sell. Meanwhile the ADX has begun dipping its head which is confirming the end of prior bull trend.

As I have always mentioned here in this column:- whenever many fundamental experts start to sing a song in unison, you should always start to consider taking an opposite trade.  CPO market has once again shown another real life example.

FKLI:- One More Round Before Hitting The Road ?- 2/21/2011

The market has failed to carry through the prior down move and instead it triggered my stop on last Tuesday. Price has now closed above the lower Bollinger Band and that is complimented by a positive Stochastic.   Though the overall bigger picture may remains bearish, but I notice that the ADX has turned flat and that is telling me that the prior down move may has stalled. I have now turned buy. Please also take note the trendline resistance has also been broken up.

Place stop at 1500.


The weekly chart remains bearish as both the Stochastic and MACD stay negative and continue to fall. Take note that the Stochastic has now fallen through its 50 signal line which is a more bearish signal. But last week we could not have further confirmation as price went back and closed above the middle band which is the 20 periods moving average. And we did not get a closing of below the lower band. The weekly ADX continues to fall to 21's, if it fells under the 20's, the market may get stuck in another range.

The market may be acting up as in the previous few occasions where it just refuse to "die". I would trade the long side on the short term but I remain bearish on the longer term. The great Euroland financial crisis specter is still around, news of Portugal may be falling soon has begun to crept out the last few days, this is something that is not too encouraging for the equities markets.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Marvin Gaye’s tribute to Nat King Cole was a classic

By Ben Edmonds

To Janet Jackson, Marvin Gaye was a brilliant rebel, soul music’s own John Lennon . To others he possessed the potential to become an all-round entertainer of unprecedented proportions, nothing less than a black Frank Sinatra. This is an assessment the singer himself enthusiastically endorsed. His first album for Motown (“The Soulful Moods of Marvin Gaye,” 1961) consisted primarily of standards like “Love For Sale” and “My Funny Valentine.” It flopped, but even when he began to have rock & soul hits like “Stubborn Kind of Fellow” and “Hitch Hike,” his true artistic longing was to make his mark as a smooth crooner. Where many in the Motown stable had to be coached through their all-purpose shows at the Copacabana and other supper clubs — the label’s way of claiming mainstream legitimacy — Marvin legitimately yearned for this level of artistry and acceptance.

Forty-five years ago Marvin released “A Tribute To the Great Nat King Cole.” The 1965 album, prompted by Cole’s death earlier that year, was the last released in Gaye’s lifetime that showcased this side of the singer’s ambitions. Nat Cole held a place of honor in Marvin’s personal pantheon. As the leader of the King Cole Trio, the jazz pianist became an admired and influential purveyor of small band swing (and his 1943 hit “Straighten Up and Fly Right” is often identified as one of the precursors of rock & roll). Cole’s sophisticated pop balladry crowded out the jazz as it became more orchestrated, giving him an entree to mid-America previously unthinkable for black entertainers. His 1956 show on NBC-TV was the first hosted by an African-American, though the concept scared enough advertisers to effectively kill the program the following year.

Nat Cole possessed enviable jazz cred and massive mainstream success, but it was as a vocal stylist that he most inspired Marvin Gaye. Sinatra may have had cool, but Cole had ease, a palpable comfort with himself, his command of the material and his relationship with his audiences. It allowed him to melt effortlessly into the mood of his songs, whether burnished jazz, breezy pop, heavy balladry or outright novelty. To a basically awkward performer like Marvin, this was a quality worth emulating. Gaye’s tribute highlighted Cole’s smooth versatility and, the younger man hoped, his own. Combining tracks cut by Hal Davis and Marc Gordon with Los Angeles session musicians and by Harvey Fuqua in Detroit with the Funk Brothers, it covered Cole touchstones “Mona Lisa,” “Sweet Lorraine,” “Unforgettable” and “Ramblin’ Rose.” Marvin’s readings were earnest and affectionate, and the versions of “Nature Boy” and “Calypso Blues” that book-ended the collection were first-rate, yet it suffered the same ignominious fate as his previous albums of standards. Marvin occasionally claimed that these aspirations were thwarted by Motown, but a fresh listen says otherwise. If the Cole album and the others have a shortcoming, it is the singer himself. For all his affection and ambition, in 1965 Marvin Gaye simply had neither the physical command of his instrument nor the emotional maturity necessary to pull this music off. Not yet.

Two years later Gaye privately commissioned arrangements of a set of standards from the composer Bobby Scott. When he listened back to the results, Marvin realized that his own performances were not up to Short’s arrangements, and he shelved the project for more that a decade. During that time “I Heard It Through The Grapevine” made him Motown’s premier male artist, a position he used to foment revolutions both socio-political (*What’s Going On*) and sexual (*Let’s Get It On*). When he returned to the Short sessions in the late 70s, it was with an expanded creative consciousness, but also with a personal life in tatters. “I had to suffer,” Marvin admitted to biographer David Ritz, and the combination of accomplishment and pain produced some of his greatest vocal performances. (This material was finally released in 1997 under the title *Vulnerable*.) Having demonstrated that he was finally the singer his early albums of standards demanded, and with “Sexual Healing” (1982) returning him to his rightful place of prominence, there is every reason to think that Marvin Gaye might have settled into his own version of the ease he so admired in Nat King Cole. Who knows what wonders might have unfolded in Marvin’s sunset? All the tantalizing possibilities were snuffed out when Marvin Gay Sr. shot his eldest son to death in a domestic dispute on April 1, 1984.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

KCPO:-  Near To The Top ? Maybe - 2/14/2011.

Though it is a buy signal all the way,  I took my profit early but I do not regret it much as the market did not go much further. Please take note that the Stochastic has now entered the overbought zone and may be turning soon. But I also take note that the ADX is turning and has begun to rise. Since the MACD is still positive , I would not be thinking going into sell yet.


Everything in the weekly chart remain as bullish as ever. Price above the upper Bollinger Band; MACD is positive ; Stochastic remain above its 80's signal zone. The only item worth paying attention is the ADX is now above both the D+ and D-, this is usually taken as an overbought indication.

The fundamentals experts are getting increasing bullish on this market and that get me a bit more cautious. But at the moment , there is still no sell signal yet. 
FKLI:- Will The Market Collapses Further ?-2/15/2011

Even price managed to closed above the lower Bollinger Band with a positive Stochastic, I waited for the next day for price  to take out the previous day high before entering new long position. But market failed to fulfill that condition, so I did not do anything. Instead I took a new short trade when the Stochastic turned negative again with price went below the lower Bollinger Band. The trade is in line with the bigger bearish picture.

Place stop at 1514.

I take note that now the ADX has resumed its ascent which is confirming a trend and a strong sell. Since the ADX is now at 29, so I would pay more attention to the MACD instead of the Stochastic.The MACD is solidly below its zero signal line and seems to be picking up more momentum. This is the first time that it has gone below zero signal line since May last year.

The weekly chart is getting more confirming bearish signals as price has now closed below the middle Bollinger Band which is the de facto 20 periods moving average. The next immediate support will be its lower band of 1482 which was briefly tested last week. Any weekly closing below that level would definitely bring out more intense selling. Both the MACD and the Stochastic continue to fall. Another new signal is the DMI which the D- has just crossed above the D+. If any new low hit by the coming week
would confirm Wilder's extreme rule for selling.

As I have warned on several occasions on the presence of bearish divergence found at both the daily and weekly chart, I feel after one whole year of bull rally, the good times for KL stocks may finally be coming to an end. With a bearish divergence found in the weekly chart, it usually mean we should be entering a brand new bear cycle. And my experience tells me that this kind of bear cycle will not be those of minor corrections or retracement type. It is usually more about those of we last seen during  1997 and 2008.  Last week I warned you of the possible return of US Dollars bull, many international financial markets  may be at major terminal point. With that my readings on the  AUD , JPY , CHF and Rinngit charts is telling they may be depreciating soon. And you should keep an eye on commodities and interest T-notes. These are  interesting times indeed .

Saturday, February 12, 2011

越 來越多對沖基金認為中國經濟的泡沬已臨界崩潰邊緣。

正當世界還在尋求中國作為一個擺脫經濟衰退的跳板的時候,一些對沖基金已經在看空中國經濟,他們認為,這個全球最大的泡沫經濟正 在奔向爆破。並開始押注「看衰中國」,準備大賺一筆。

大約半年前,基金大鱷亨德裡(Hugh Hendry)與美國著名空頭大師查諾斯(James S. Chanos)就對中國的經濟前景表示憂慮,打賭中國經濟面臨驚人衰退。現今,越來越多的對沖基金認同這個看法,認為中國經濟的泡沬已臨界崩潰邊緣,並以 實際行動放空中國。

一月中旬,正當中國商務代表團訪問英國,並聲稱預計中國經濟將繼續保持兩位數的增長,英國已從中受益之時,英國《每日電訊》發表 了一篇文章,指出一些對沖基金認為中國的信貸和經濟增長水平並不能持久,
把中國視 為世界經濟復甦之希望的觀點是站不住腳的

文章中說,一位住在倫敦上流住宅區梅菲爾(Mayfair)的對沖基金經理在瀏覽無數的主權債、企業信用違約互換(CDS)、利 率與外匯期權的報表之後,做出了一個結論:「放空中國」。

中 國的泡沫是最大的。而現在卻還有人把中國當作能使全球經濟走出衰退的跳板,這簡直是瘋了。」



基金大鱷亨德裡(Hugh Hendry)是歐迪(Odey)資產管理公司前明星經理人,半年前他就開始打賭中國的經濟將出現驚人的衰退,並在自立門戶的對沖基金公司 Eclectica資產管理公司發行了一檔看衰中國的基金。當時他向《紐約時報》說「我的意思是,很多將會發生的事,眼下還都被 認為是不可能的,尤其是中國經濟將出現大逆轉。」

他表示近期到過中國考察,看到很多空置的辦公大樓,以及通往荒蕪之地的新型大橋。這一切都是信貸泡沫的顯像。他把中國的情況與星 巴克咖啡連鎖店相提並論。星巴克咖啡連鎖店網絡發展迅速,卻沒帶來可觀盈利。他當時還透露,正與其基金經理拍檔,謀劃方法去押注 中國經濟戲劇性地急速惡化,但拒絕透露任何詳情。

而比亨德裡更早看空中國的,是美國對沖基金科裡連顧問公司(Corriente Advisors)的經理人馬克.哈特(Mark Hart)。他因預測美國的房地產次貸危機和歐洲主權債務危機而放空獲利,賺進數百萬美元。哈特近期也募集了一檔新基金,他堅信

有經濟學家表示:「經濟學家經常會反向思考。但這些對沖基金 要自負盈虧,有自己的準則,他們的研究很小心。一連串『看衰中國』基金的募 集,是事態嚴重的訊號。」


《每日電訊》的文章還說,越來越多的分析師也對中國經濟持悲觀態度。隆巴德街研究所(Lombard Street Research)發表評論,警告
中國「已經深陷本土的通貨膨脹危機中了」。 文中說,數據顯示,中國持續的繁榮不被歡迎。分析師同時警告,英國的復甦計畫不該依賴中國,反而要提防中國帶來的另一個衝擊。

中國的需求並不真實,是國家造假的。這位不具名的梅菲 爾(Mayfair)對沖基金經理說,他看到中國「鬼城」的一些報導之後,才著手進行研究的。

他說,去年中東電視頻道半島電視台(Al Jazeera)對內蒙的鄂爾多斯市蓋了一座可容納100萬人,但卻無人居住的「鬼城」進行了簡短的報導。該報導拍攝了無人居住的街道、房子、商店與餐 廳。當地居民喜歡住在鄂爾多斯舊城,無需搬進新城。


除去出口,中國只消耗 了國內水泥生產量的65%。中國的鋼鐵產量比世界七大鋼鐵生產國產量的總和還多,中國有2億噸鋼鐵生產過剩在房地產方面,中國有33億平方米的空置樓面,但現在每年還有2億平方米的新 樓盤正在被興建,而高房價仍然使城市新房屋對大多數人來說遙不可及。其中,在北京,房價是人均可支配收入的22倍左右。 國際貨幣基金會(IMF)表示,中國東部沿海城市的房價已脫離實際,「逐漸與基本面脫節」。

伊利諾伊州西北大學的史宗瀚(Victor Shih)教授估計,
中國的銀 行已向國營企業放款1.7萬億美元(約合1.1萬億英鎊),但其中大部分貸款不創造任何商業價值,只能使其土地價格膨 脹。

文章作者在結語中說:中國的專家可能認為對沖基金的觀點有些狹隘誇張,而對沖基金也承認他們的時間表可能不那麼準。科裡連顧問公 司就警告那些投資在100 萬美元的投資者應該做好心理準備,因為「看衰中國」基金在得到最終收益之前,每年虧損可能高達20%。但這似乎是一個很多人都願意承擔的風險,因為他們認 為中國的經濟泡沫即將破滅。◇

Oh No, Egyptians Suddenly Realize They Have A Jews Loving/America Ass Kissing President After 30 Years !

Long story short, Pres-for-Life Mubarak was full of it all along and announced last night that he has no intentions of leaving.

Bloomberg reports:

    Egyptians vowed to hold their biggest demonstrations so far during the crisis over the country’s leadership after President Hosni Mubarak went on national television to defy calls for his immediate resignation.

Where could he even go, anyway?  Like he's gonna just take his looted $50 billion and move next door to Bobby De Niro and Jay-Z in Tribeca?

I haven't decided if I'm on the side of the "common Egyptian protester" anymore or not - or whether or not I even care at all.  They're wearing on me at this point and I'll tell you why:

After 30 years of All Moob, All the Time - now they're fed up?  So everything was cool in the late 90's?  Or five years ago?  Or in 1989 when the Soviet Union was being toppled?

And now we're seeing some of the Egyptian people's true colors begin to come out in their uglier protest moments.  It's unfortunate but so typical.  They're using Mubarak's moderate view toward Israel in their protests and the world's media is trying to disregard that.  They are chanting "Leave" in Hebrew - the implication being that Mubarak is a Jew-Lover and hence is not welcome as president.

So in other words, the Egyptian people were willing to endure 30 years of secret police, torture, mass unemployment, government censorship, abject poverty, corruption, nepotism, looting and pillaging along with only god knows how much missed opportunity for quality of life improvement...and in the end, it's all about Jew-Loving?

Why can't it just be about democracy?  It always has to turn into an America-bash and a Jew-scapegoating.

Nice.  Keep protesting, I'm so over it.  Enjoy your next anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Western Strongman or Brutal Fundamentalist Theocracy or Military Dictator or Royal Sheik.
Joshua M Brown

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Greatest Slow Jams of All Time

Marvin Gaye comes out several spots on the result from a recent poll on  the Greatest Slow Jams of All Time .  Luther Vandross topped the charts, but there are some really great choices that sound just right for an evening of romance.  So sit back and check out this awesome collection.  

1    A House Is Not A Home - Luther Vandross
2    Distant Lover - Marvin Gaye
3    The Closer I Get To You - Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway
4    Fortunate - Maxwell
5    Let's Get it On - Marvin Gaye
6    Fire & Desire - Rick James and Teena Marie
7    Reasons - Earth Wind & Fire
8    Let's Stay Together - Al Green
9    You're All I Need to Get By - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
10    Pretty Wings - Maxwell
11    Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye
12    Ribbon In The Sky- Stevie Wonder
13    Love Ballad - LTD
14    Sweet Love - Anita Baker
15    Always and Forever - Heatwave
16    Between the Sheets - Isley Brothers
17    Turn Off The Lights - Teddy Pendergrass
18    Loving You- Minnie Riperton
19    Wishing On A Star - Rose Royce
20    For the Love of You - The Isley Brothers
21    If You Don't Know Me By Now - Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes
22    Sweet Thing - Rufus & Chaka Khan
23    Here and Now - Luther Vandross
24    Love TKO- Teddy Pendergrass
25    The Secret Garden - Quincy Jones
26    Close The Door - Teddy Pendergrass
27    My My My - Johnny Gill
28    Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time) - The Delfonics
29    Just My Imagination - Temptations
30    Just To Be Close To You - The Commodores
31    If Only You Knew - Patti LaBelle
32    You Are My Starship - Norman Connors
33    Betcha By Golly Wow - The Stylistics
34    A Song For You - Donny Hathaway
35    Giving you the Best That I Got - Anita Baker
36    Your Precious Love - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
37    You Are My Lady - Freddie Jackson

38    Through the Fire - Chaka Khan
39    Ooh Baby Baby- Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
40    You Make Me Feel Brand New - Stylistics
41    Zoom - The Commodores
42    Neither One of Us - Gladys Knight & the Pips
43    My Girl - The Temptations
44    Me and Mrs Jones - Billy Paul
45    Love Won't Let Me Wait - Major Harris
46    Stairway to Heaven - O'Jays
47    If You Think You're Lonely Now - Bobby Womack
48    When A Man Loves a Woman - Percy Sledge
49    Lady in My Life - Michael Jackson
50    Sara Smile - Hall and Oates
51    Superstar / Until You Come Back to Me - Luther Vandross
52    You Are Everything - Stylistics
53    Love Don't Live Here Anymore - Rose Royce
54    After The Love Is Gone - Earth, Wind & Fire
55    No Ordinary Love - Sade
56    At Last - Etta James
57    Cause I Love You - Lenny Williams
58    I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
59    This is for the Lover In You - Shalamar
60    In the Rain - Dramatics
61    La-La Means I Love You - Delphonics
62    Purple Rain - Prince
63    Still In Love With You - Al Green
64    Midnight Train to Georgia - Gladys Knight and the Pips
65    Yearning For Your Love - The Gap Band
66    Feel the Fire - Peabo Bryson
67    Don't Say Goodnight - Isley Brothers
68    Love Calls - Kem
69    Kiss and Say Goodbye - Manhattans
70    Make It Last Forever - Keith Sweat
71    One in a Million - Larry Graham
72    Can You Stand the Rain - New Edition
73    Groove With You - Isley Brothers
74    Love Don't Love Nobody - Spinners
75    End of the Road - Boyz II Men
76    Got To Be There - Michael Jackson
77    I'll Be There - Jackson 5
78    All This Love - DeBarge
79    Stay in My Corner - The Dells
80    If You Were Here Tonight - Alexander O'Neal
81    Tender Love - Force MD's
82    Joy And Pain- Maze
83    Wildflower - New Birth
84    Going In Circles - Friends of Distinction
85    This Masquerade - George Benson
86    Love on a Two Way Street - The Moments
87    Oh Girl - Chi Lites
88    Your Body's Callin - R Kelly
89    On My Own - Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald
90    Ain't No Way - Aretha Franklin
91    Spend My Life With You - Eric Benet with Tamia
92    Human Nature - Michael Jackson
93    Since I Lost My Baby - Temptations
94    Breakin' My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes) - Mint Condition
95    You Don't Know My Name - Alicia Keys
96    I'll Make Love to You - Boyz II Men
97    Just Once - Quincy Jones with James Ingram
98    Still - The Commodores
99    Sideshow - Blue Magic
100    You Put a Move On My Heart - Quincy Jones feat. Tamia

Songs About Racism

Maybe Namwee should write something like Sly Stone's "Don't Tell Us To Balik China! 

You #@*% !"


Songs About Racism

Oldies that deal with the civil rights struggle of African-Americans

Racism in oldies music has been a recurring theme ever since the blues was born. The struggle for African-Americans to assimilate and also to thrive has been a long, hard, often angry but sometimes hopeful one, culminating in the inauguration of Barack Obama as America's first black President, a watershed moment for a country whose history is interwoven with white-on-black racism. The R&B and pop songs listed here actually did quite a bit of integrating on their own, spreading to white audiences while spreading their message.

1. "Strange Fruit," Billie Holiday

So moving that listeners often broke down on tears after hearing it -- including the famed jazz singer herself -- this ballad began life as a poem written (and later set to music) by a Jewish man horrified at photos of lynchings in the American South. This being 1939, Holiday had to secure a one-song breach of contract and switch labels to even get it made, but history was on her side: it eventually became her show-closer and her signature song. And the metaphor, while powerful, did not filter the ugliness of those images, with vivid descriptions like "blood on the leaves and blood at the root / black bodies swinging in the southern breeze."

2. "Living for the City," Stevie Wonder

Stevie's known for his positivity, but this soul epic, featuring at least four different documentary-sized slices of black urban life tied together by Wonder's narration and a Greek (gospel) chorus, sounded like the revolution was just at the nation's doorstep. Or, even more accurately, like a race coming apart, spiritually starving itself to death. Arguably the high point of Wonder's astonishing early-Seventies output, especially when the music stops entirely and Wonder reveals just how easily a black man could slip into the prison system back in the day.

3. "A Change is Gonna Come," Sam Cooke

Much has been made about the fact that this was Cooke's last single before his very untimely and equally suspicious death at the age of 33 in 1964. Yet this was really just the b-side to "Shake," which couldn't have offended anyone not already put off by rock and roll. After hearing Dylan's "Blowin' In The Wind," a protest song largely about war, Cooke decided a civil-rights version was needed. Hence this soaring secular spiritual, which many say contains his best non-gospel vocal performance. And as evidenced by the rarely-heard third verse, Sam was dealing with even more dangerous change than Barack Obama's: "I go to the movies, and I go downtown / Somebody keep telling me, 'Don't hang around.'"

4. "We're a Winner," The Impressions

Perhaps the ultimate black self-determination anthem (which is not quite the same thing as a "black power" anthem), this 1967 R&B smash -- blessed with not only the pen and vocal of the legendary Curtis Mayfield but one of the fattest backbeats of its era -- this song, studio crowd noises and all, makes upward mobility sound like the ultimate party. The lyrics are hopeful, yet pointed: when Curtis exhorts his people to "Keep on pushin', like your leaders tell you to," he ain't talking about Nixon. And note the odd but equally pointed syntax of the title, which suggests that the black race can and should move as one.

5. "Is It Because I'm Black," Syl Johnson

It's no wonder this rare-groove classic has been sampled by endless numbers of hip-hop artists, finding as it does the perfect mix of street cred, urban blues, crawling funk, damaged optimism, and racial awareness. "I wanna be somebody so bad," Syl repeatedly wails over these nearly eight minutes, also testfying "if you're half-white, light, brown-skinded, or high-yellow, you're still black, so we all got to stick together" and quoting Sly's "You Can Make It If You Try" as an example of how the dream seemed to be slipping away, even as it came into view. More of an extended ad-lib than a song, it still resonates as one long, aguished cry from the heart of an oppressed people.

6. "Black Pearl," Sonny Charles and the Checkmates, Ltd.

Written by two white people and produced by a third, this was nevertheless a pivotal anthem for the times, the very last burst of soul brilliance from Phil Spector's "Wall of Sound" before it wandered off to wait on Beatles hand and foot. Almost holy in its reverence of the black female, it's still a product of its time: Sonny wants to "put you up where you belong," which is not exactly what the feminists wanted. Still, couched in the dynamics of a romantic relationship, Charles is making a bold pledge. "You'll never win a beauty pageant, no they won't pick you," he sings. "But you're my Miss America." It's not because she's ugly.

7. "Say It Loud -- I'm Black and I'm Proud," James Brown

The Godfather of Soul was as influential a fixture in black America by 1968 as Dr. King or Malcolm X had ever been -- when he talked (or sang, or grunted), people listened. Backed by a call-and-response chorus of children, Butane James made sure to fan the flames of self-respect with this slab of funk demanding "a chance to do things for ourself." As always with Brown, there weren't many words, but he made the most of every single one, declaring that "We'd rather die on our feet than be livin' on our knees." Most of the kids shouting out the title phrase turned out not to be black, but no matter. His people got the message.

8. "Message From a Black Man," The Temptations

This one's very direct. "The laws of society were made for both you and me / because of my color I struggle to be free." Perhaps in line with their poppy, non-political image, Motown relegated the original Temptations version of this pronouncement to an album track, despite wide requests on black radio. (Truth be told, the Temps thought this Norman Whitfield song to be a little too much.) Later, the Whatnauts recorded it for the indie Stang label, and the Spinners cut it as well; it surfaced only once, as a quickly-forgotten single, never given any kind of push on Motown, and has never been reissued on CD, due largely to the repeated refrain: "No matter how hard you try, you can't stop me now."

9. "Chocolate City," Parliament

You expect the deep, fat funk from George Clinton, and the occasional social commentary -- he was, after all, born of psychedelia and Sixties awareness -- but you don't expect prophecy, necessarily. "They still call it the White House, but that's a temporary condition, too," he intones within the first few seconds of this jazzy little number, presaging Obama by a full thirty-five years. What he's actually talking about here is Washington, DC, where blacks had just become a majority after whites moved to the suburbs. A roll call of cities becoming increasingly black, this extended jam also imagines a whole cabinet of black heroes, and concludes, "You don't need the bullet when you got the ballot." Apparently not.

10. "Don't Call Me N*****, Whitey," Sly and the Family Stone

There's only one verse to speak of in this album track, a very representative slice of Sly's masterful, forward-thinking psychedelic funk. But when you have a title and a chorus like that, you're gonna get your point across pretty quickly. More of a sad commentary on racism than an attempt to rile up either side, this long, hypnotic workout, punctuated with horns like long, shocked exclamation points, laments the standoff rather than stumping for any sort of solution. Which makes perfect sense, because the positive, intelligent, multiracial and pansexual Family always led by example.