Thursday, November 30, 2023

《易中天中华史》被下架 - 习近平和袁绍一样?




斗胆反讽习近平如袁绍易中天中华真的有价值?(组图) - 易中天中华史- 神传文化- 曹操- 动向- 今涛拍暗-看中国网- (移动版)中国影像诗人夏天11月5日介绍,《易中天品三国·论袁绍》中说:“这个人的特点野心大,智慧少,态度凶,胆子小,刻薄猜忌人缘不好,政治上短见,军事上弱智,组织上低能,指挥上就一误再误愚蠢透顶。俗话说兵熊熊一个将熊熊一窝,主帅是这个水平,这场仗肯定是打不赢的。指挥失误的根本原因在于,此人缺少帅才,他的特点是,见事迟,总是不能立即做出决断,而且优柔寡断,用人失当。他的用人原则很简单,就是我高兴,他高兴的原则也很简单,谁拍他马屁,他就高兴。这种局面,不失败才是天理难容。”





How Biden's farewell jab at Xi over Taiwan traveled across the Pacific

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping have far to go to lift Cold War clouds over the  globe - Taipei Times 

 How Biden's farewell jab at Xi over Taiwan traveled across the Pacific

When U.S. President Joe Biden bid farewell to Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at the Filoli estate in California earlier this month, both leaders were all smiles, neither betraying that Biden had just delivered a stern warning to Xi about interfering in Taiwan's elections.
"I made it clear: I didn't expect any interference, any at all," Biden later told reporters, adding that the discussion on Taiwan's presidential election, scheduled in January, came just as the Chinese leader was leaving.
US elections: who does China really want to win, and will it make a  difference? | South China Morning PostBiden's remark made a big splash within Taiwan's political inner circle, according to a source familiar with U.S.-China and China-Taiwan relations.
Nine days after Xi and Biden met, an alliance between Taiwan's two main opposition parties -- each promising to forge better ties with China -- collapsed as the parties were unable to stop wrangling over who would be their unified presidential candidate.
Earlier, on Nov. 15, the parties' announcement that they had agreed to join forces attracted much attention, at least partly because it came only hours before Xi and Biden were to start their summit in California.

欧洲 – 北约秘书长:普京将俄国未来抵押给了中国


欧洲 – 北约秘书长:欧洲 – 北约秘书长:普京将俄国未来抵押给了中国

欧洲 – 北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格在北约外交部长理事会召开后举行新闻发布会,会议主要讨论乌克兰战争问题。 他说,“莫斯科正在把自己的未来抵押给北京”,并“变得更加依赖中国”,同时它在邻国“失去了影响力”。





斯托尔滕贝格称这次北约乌克兰理事会首次外长级会议“是富有成果的”。会议讨论了支持乌克兰、筹备华盛顿峰会以及北约面临的其他迫切的挑战。乌克兰外长库列巴(Dmytro Kuleba)也参加了会议。



苹果、迪士尼等100 多家金主停止在X 投放广告后,马斯克说:“Go fuck yourself” - 动点科技 


(纽约30日讯)全球首富马斯克(Elon Musk)近日身陷“反犹风波”,访问以色列回美后,他首度接受节目访问并公开道歉,称当初引爆风波的贴文是他个人史上“最蠢发言”,但同时他也开呛苹果、迪士尼等因风波撤资广告金的这些大广告商,“X你的滚”。

马斯克在《纽约时报》举办的“交易录峰会”(DealBook Summit)上发表超呛发言,“我不要他们来下广告,如果有人要利用广告或金钱放我黑函,X你的滚。X,你,的,滚。”
他直接点名迪士尼CEO鲍勃艾格(Bob Iger),“嘿,鲍勃,如果你在台下的话,这就是我的感受。






马斯克跟着内坦亚胡以及以国总统赫尔佐格(Isaac Herzog),一同前往10月7日遭哈马斯突袭的屯垦区,他和以色列人质的家属谈话,并在事后赞成要解决这样的战争灾难,“必须要消灭哈马斯”,因为确实已到了别无选择的地步。



马斯克跟着内坦亚胡以及以国总统赫尔佐格(Isaac Herzog),一同前往10月7日遭哈马斯突袭的屯垦区。

疫情蔓延南方失控 天津单日破万人急诊 中共急封媒体

中國多病原疫情失控! 天津單日破萬人急診呼吸道疫情大爆發蔓延南方! 死亡病例 流出傳中共封口媒體避免家醜外揚│記者陳姵如楊駿宗│【國際大現場】20231128│三立新聞台- 

 疫情蔓延南方失控  天津单日破万人急诊   中共急封媒体





北京疫情爆發- 新唐人亞太電視台微博影片:“露营(推)车成为了患儿的输液神器,可以随意地移动,避免扎堆(群聚),孩子躺着也舒服,家长也不会太累。”




疫情蔓延至中國南方東莞有班級停課- YouTube北京消息人士杨青(化名):“北京的各大外媒也是又收到通知了,不允许采访,然后现在国内媒体,对这种事情是一律不允许做加重报导。



Finally Khaishuland finds out there are skies beyond Cina

Keppel buys into major European property asset manager | The Straits TimesSingapore's Keppel to buy European real estate manager Aermont

Keppel Corporation Limited has entered into an agreement with Aermont Capital Group SCSp to acquire an initial 50% stake in European real estate manager Aermont Capital.

Aermont Capital | LinkedInSubject to regulatory and other approvals, Keppel will acquire a 50 per cent stake in Aermont in H1 2024, creating a 50 / 50 joint-venture.

Acquisition of the remaining 50 per cent stake in Aermont by Keppel is envisaged to close in H1 2028. The consideration for each stake is expected to be funded through a combination of cash and shares in Keppel.

Keppel delivers total shareholder return of 49.3% for 2022 amid  transformation efforts | The Straits Times”The consideration of up to S$517 million for the initial 50% stake in Aermont, which can be funded through a combination of cash and treasury shares acquired through Keppel’s earlier share buyback programme, implies an attractive valuation of c.13x EV/EBITDA,” said Keppel in a press release.

Established in 2007, Aermont is an independent asset management business focused on real estate and real estate-related investment activities in Europe.

Aermont Capital completes sale of Marienturm, its fully-let LEED Platinum  landmark development in Frankfurt, to DWS - Pecan Development GmbHAs at 30 June 2023, Aermont had a total FUM of S$24 billion across four active funds and a single asset vehicle, of which approximately S$10 billion in equity commitments were raised in 2022, reflecting the strong support from Aermont’s LPs.

Aermont’s investments have included assets and businesses in the office, student accommodation, workforce housing, luxury hospitality and production studio infrastructure sectors, among others. Through its funds, Aermont has generated an average realised 25% gross internal rate of return and 2.8x gross multiple on invested capital to date.

Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel Corporation, said, “Aermont Capital runs an established and highly successful asset management platform in Europe, raising the most capital among European real estate funds in the last five years, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The acquisition of an initial 50% stake in Aermont, with a pathway to an eventual 100% ownership and full integration, marks a major strategic step forward in Keppel’s ambition to be a global asset manager and operator, availing us of a highly attractive European platform with strong recurring fees and a premium network of global LPs.

“We are very pleased to welcome Aermont Capital and its experienced team, helmed by its Chairman, Mr Léon Bressler and Managing Partner, Mr Paul Golding, who together with their partners, have built a top performing and impressive franchise in Aermont that has attracted some of the world’s most prominent LPs. Aermont’s operating culture is very similar to Keppel’s, with a strong emphasis on value adding and active management, while their opportunistic strategy is a good complement to our core and value add investment approach. Keppel looks forward to the partnership and is committed to support and build on the culture that has made Aermont successful, as we add value to each other by harnessing our collective expertise for growth.”

Léon Bressler, Chairman of Aermont Capital, said, “We are looking forward to building a close partnership between Keppel and Aermont. Keppel offers something specific and compelling to our franchise; its technical and operating expertise are well-aligned to key megatrends such as the energy transition, digital transformation and urbanisation. For Aermont, access to that expertise will help us better capitalise on a number of technology-driven opportunities. It will also open the door to new fund strategies, enabling us to eventually offer more to our LPs and to broaden the professional opportunity to our team. Moreover, we will continue building on Aermont’s unique culture rooted in operational expertise, deep value creation and an LP-first approach, all of which Keppel shares. Teaming up with Keppel today therefore makes us stronger, more capable and better positioned, which will be to the benefit all Aermont stakeholders.”

Ukraine's strike drones


Russian sources write that the Armed Forces of 🇺🇦Ukraine, in addition to kamikaze aerial drones, are beginning to use remote-controlled ground drones. Mobile drones are maneuverable and silent. According to Russian soldiers, these drones have a heat sensor, as soon as they get close, the drone detonates .


May be an image of 1 person, helicopter and text


May be an image of 1 person, fishing rod and text

May be an image of 1 person and textMay be an image of 1 person, skeet shooting, helicopter and text

Putin’s Imperial dream

Chart: Russia: 1914 and Now | Statista 

Putin’s imperial dream

Russia’s leader continues to profess his goal of annexing Ukraine. Vladimir Putin believes its citizens should be part of one “Russian nation” and a wider “Russian world” including other non-East Slavic ethnicities in both modern Russia and the former territory of the Soviet Union and Russian Empire, according to the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War.

A Map of Russia's Third Empire (2053) - Big Think 

Russia 2053

Putin delivered that message again in a speech Tuesday at an event known as the World Russian People’s Council. By his way of thinking, current Russian citizens and “all other peoples who have lived and are living in [Russia]” make up Russia, which extends to “Russian compatriots” in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

 Why it matters: “Putin’s articulation of a Russian nation (including Ukrainians and dominated by Moscow) reiterates longstanding Kremlin justifications for its invasion of Ukraine and aggression toward its neighbors,” ISW writes; “and Putin’s claim that ‘western Russophobia’ affects all the ethnicities in the Russian state is likely intended to rally support among Russian citizens who are not ethnically Russian for Putin’s war.”  

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 履行气候协议,中国还没有作出表率- 纽约时报中文网


根据德国波茨坦气候变化影响研究所(Potsdam Research Institute for the Effects of Climate Change)通过气候观察工具提供的数据,2021 年中国的二氧化碳排放量为 143 亿吨当量,成为当今世界最大的排放国,排名第二的美国温室气体排放量为 62.8 亿吨(C02 当量)。

关于中国碳排放权交易市场,你应该知道的四件事- 纽约时报中文网法新社报道称,如果将各国长期累积的排放量考虑在内,中国则位居第二。


在2023年联合国气候大会开幕前,国际能源机构(IEA)指出,没有中国合作,就不存在将全球变暖控制在比工业化前水平高 1.5°C 的 "合理方案"。

法新社报道根据国际能源机构的数据称,煤炭是中国二氧化碳排放的一半来源,煤炭发电量占中国总发电量的 60%。工业排放了 36% 的二氧化碳,运输业占 8%,建筑业占 5%。


但2024 年可能是一个转折点:根据 碳简报(Carbon Brief) 网站的一项研究,装机容量的增加和水电生产的预期反弹将从 2024 年起 "减少中国以化石燃料为基础的电力生产和二氧化碳排放"。

报道称, 尽管中国国家主席在煤炭问题上做出了承诺,但中国一直不愿接受任何建议放弃甚至减少化石燃料的方案,而这正是困扰每一轮气候谈判的问题。实际上,2020 年,中国国家主席习近平承诺,中国将努力在 2030 年达到碳排放峰值,在 2060 年实现 "碳中和",即实现碳排放与大气碳吸收之间的平衡。第二年,他承诺停止在国外资助和建设新的燃煤发电站,并宣布了一项包含新目标的五年计划。

中国已承诺,与 2005 年相比,将国内生产总值 (GDP) 排放量减少 65%,到 2030 年,太阳能或风能装机容量将超过 1200 千兆瓦。

根据国际能源机构(IEA)的数据,到 2021 年,中国的太阳能和风能装机容量将达到 10.56 亿千兆瓦,远远超过排名第二的美国(3.45 亿千兆瓦)。

11 月,中国政府公布了一项控制甲烷排放的计划,但没有设定任何量化的减排目标。


智库能源与清洁空气研究中心(Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air)询问了 89 位专家,其中 70% 的专家认为中国将在 2030 年前达到排放峰值。联合国环境规划署在 11 月表示,中国 "很可能 "实现其目标,并指出目前中国一半以上的发电能力来自非化石燃料。

这一目标已在最初设定的日期(2025 年)之前实现,而且这一比例还将进一步提高。但据同一消息来源称,对能源的需求预计还将进一步上升,对供应的担忧已导致燃煤发电能力的扩大。

纽约时报 - 中国资金是如何用金条、外币大规模外流

外媒:中国富豪透过地下钱庄转移资金今年逾7000亿料流出境外| 财经| 東方網馬來西亞東方日報 

 纽约时报 - 中国资金是如何用金条、外币大规模外流



Money Outflows From China Strengthening Renminbi And Sustaining Exports纽时称,外流在一定程度上表明,中国国内对疫情后复苏乏力以及更深层次的问题感到不安,比如作为家庭财富主要来源的房地产市场出现了令人担忧的放缓。对一些人来说,这也是因为对中国领导人习近平治下经济走向感到担忧,习近平打击商业活动,加强了政府对社会许多方面的控制。











Everyday Differences Between the United States & Buenos Aires 



激进右翼经济学家哈维尔·米莱 (Javier Milei) 于 11 月 19 日在选举中大获全胜,为陷入深度危机的拉丁美洲第三大经济体开启了一段不确定时期,因为他承诺对此采取休克疗法。米莱 (Javier Milei) 的办公室在社交网络 X(前身为 Twitter)上表示,他向美国白宫通报了“他的地缘政治立场将与西方一致,以及他对自由价值观的捍卫意愿”。

据法新社今天报道称,这位未来的阿根廷总统定于 12 月 10 日就职,他特别与美国国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文、白宫负责拉丁美洲事务的官员胡安·冈萨雷斯和国务院布莱恩·尼科尔斯会见并进行讨论。




稍早,米莱离开白宫前往机场,他没有会见人在华盛顿的国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯塔利娜·格奥尔基耶娃(Kristalina Georgieva),但他于上周五通过视频会议与格奥尔基耶娃进行了交谈。

法新社说,然而,他的紧密合作者仍然参加了国际货币基金组织的技术会议,由于阿根廷外汇储备处于最低水平,该国正在努力偿还 2018 年签订的 440 亿美元巨额贷款。



华尔街巨头梦醒 唱空中国经济

华尔街巨头梦醒中国!曾助中国收购英美7家关键企业的“白手套” 现唱空中国经济所罗门:中美紧张局势或持续数年#fx168 #每日财经大小事# 

英国《金融时报》最新撰文称,高盛集团首席执行官大卫·所罗门(David Solomon)警告,华盛顿和北京之间的紧张关系可能需要数年时间才能解决,而这家华尔街银行已经放弃了对世界第二大经济体“不惜一切代价增长”的战略

据提交给香港证交所的文件显示,高盛今年已经放弃了几宗香港 IPO的委托,其中包括一家皮肤药公司和一家医药产品在线平台的IPO交易。








Chinese banking crisis: Four Henan banks froze cash withdrawals | World  News | WION - YouTube











Taiwan’s third-party candidate Ko Wen-je From Green to Blue

  From Green to Blue: The Political History of Ko Wen-je  

 From Green to Blue: The Political History of Ko Wen-je

Who is the third-party candidate shaking up Taiwan’s presidential race?

 Ko Wen-je , the former Taipei mayor currently running for president, has stolen the spotlight in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election. Before this election cycle, only those who followed Taiwan’s domestic politics likely knew who he was, where he came from, and what makes his quirky brand of populism so appealing to some Taiwanese voters.

In the past few weeks, however, Ko has commanded Taiwanese media’s attention because of the potential that he would agree to a joint presidential candidate with the Kuomintang (KMT) – an alliance that, according to polls, could potentially defeat Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate William Lai.

Taiwan opposition set to reveal who will lead joint election bidThis development is nearly unimaginable considering where Ko’s popularity started from 10 years ago. When he first crashed onto the political scene, he was considered pan-Green, closer to the DPP camp; early on, Ko supported and endorsed mostly pro-independence-leaning politicians. Today, however, he is closely aligned with pro-China politicians, and even almost ran for president with the KMT.

How his political trajectory has taken such a color-shifting turn is fundamental to understanding why Ko is so controversial to so many voters.

What does Kang-Lin Cheng think of the Sunflower Student Movement in 2014? -  QuoraKo’s popularity began around the time of the Sunflower Movement – the 2014 protests against a controversial trade pact with China. The Sunflower Movement, with its strong anti-KMT and anti-President Ma Ying-jeou sentiments, was revolutionary for Taiwan, and laid the foundation for the DPP’s continued electoral success for eight years. It is also what gave Ko his political start, with Ko participating in and throwing his support behind the movement.

Sunflower Influence of Taiwan Elections – Think TaiwanKo’s first political victory was being elected mayor of Taipei in 2014. While Ko ran as an independent, he won largely because of an endorsement from the DPP, Sunflower Movement activists, and pan-Green voters. At the time, Ko framed himself as a progressive, Green-leaning, albeit frequently politically incorrect politician.

In the 2016 national elections, Ko endorsed Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP. He even endorsed the New Power Party, a newly formed movement-party that grew out of the Sunflower Movement and was explicitly pro-Taiwan independence. Ko himself shared the stage and endorsed politicians including Freddy Lim, the long-time pro-independence advocate who later became a legislator.

After the 2016 election, however, Ko’s politics began to shift in a way that took his pan-Green support base by surprise. During the 2017 Summer Universiade games in Taipei, Ko began to use rhetoric that was far more warm to China and its government, which made his Green base of support uncomfortable. Most infamously, he began repeatedly using the line “two sides of the Strait, one family” (兩岸一家親) as a regular slogan to express his connections to China. He also began a new robust relationship with Shanghai’s city government, which became a hallmark of his projects as mayor.

Developing these ties with China alienated Ko’s pan-Green support. An incident that crystallized the growing pan-Green consensus against Ko was his defense of his exchanges with China – even after student demonstrators protesting events held as part of the exchanges were attacked on the campus of National Taiwan University by gangsters with ties to pro-unification groups in September 2017.

By 2018, Ko was seen as more pan-Blue than pan-Green. The DPP did not endorse him for re-election, instead choosing to field its own candidate. However, he still enjoyed support from pan-Green voters, since he was seen as a more realistic prospect to defeat the KMT candidate in Blue-leaning Taipei. Ko scraped through his 2018 re-election, defeating KMT candidate Ting Shou-chung by less than 1 percent. The DPP’s decision to contest the polls against Ko, in turn, sharpened his increasingly overt animus against the party.

Ko’s political ambitions took a serious turn in 2019 when he formed his own political party, the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). The TPP branded itself as being above Blue-Green politics. Despite such claims, Ko recruited heavily from the pan-Blue established politicians to form his new party. His number two and the TPP’s candidate to succeed Ko as Taipei mayor in 2022, Huang Shan-shan, was even previously a member of the pro-unification New Party.

Ko has also long-standing, close relations with current and former KMT politicians, most notoriously Foxconn founder Terry Gou, who unsuccessfully ran for the KMT’s nomination in both the 2020 and 2024 presidential races. One of the most prominent politicians from the TPP, Ann Kao, seems to have been recruited to the party primarily on the basis of her strong link to Gou.

Ko and Gou’s close friendship has also cast doubt on whether or not Ko really is above typical Blue-Green politics. Now that Gou has withdrawn from this year’s presidential race after a bizarre televised spat between the major candidates, analysts and voters alike are watching to see if he throws his support behind Ko.

Ko’s political appeal began to grow during Tsai’s second term as president. Those in Taiwan with continued dissatisfaction against both major parties continued to see Ko as a meaningful third option. Rumors that he might try to run for president grew, leading to a formal announcement in 2023.

Today, Ko’s political appeal is quirky; he has established a brand for himself as a non-establishment figure who differs from slick, traditional politicians. His support comes from a social media savvy team that makes Ko out as a “different” kind of politician, one who is less formal, more direct, and says “whatever is on his mind.” His politics are often vague, but positive enough that it woos over a certain voting demographic in Taiwan that is tired of the two big parties and formal established politicians. However, Ko has courted controversy numerous times over misogyny, and more recently was criticized for comments read as suggesting that LGBTQ people were mentally ill.

Despite his insistence that he and the TPP are above discussing cross-strait relations, Ko and the TPP have both come out repeatedly as pro-status-quo. He, however, is far more open to relations with China, similar to the KMT’s interpretation of the status quo. When asked about the 1992 Consensus, a staple of the KMT’s China policy, Ko said Beijing should call it by a different name because of how unmarketable it has become in Taiwan.

Otherwise, Ko’s views on cross-strait relations are inconsistent. Ko has suggested that the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement, the trade deal with China that the Sunflower Movement opposed, should be revised and that Taiwan should construct a bridge between the outlying island of Kinmen and the Chinese mainland.

Ko distinguishes himself from other candidates because of the perception he is strongly supported by many young people. This would seem to be at odds with rising identity trends in which Taiwanese young people increasingly identify as Taiwanese rather than Chinese, leading them to not support the pan-Blue camp. Ko’s seemingly unique appeal has sometimes been termed the “Ko model,” though critics frame him as simply being another populist candidate. Ko himself strongly banks on his support from young people.

In the past, Ko’s political switch from pan-Green to pan-Blue has given plenty of voters whiplash. Today, his base of support is a mixture of jaded Taiwanese who dislike both big parties, young people who find appeal in his quirky personality as a politician, and pan-Blue voters who are unsatisfied with the KMT’s performance.

Ko has come a long way from participating in an anti-KMT and anti-Ma protests and standing on stage with Freddy Lim, to standing on stage with former President Ma in a now-scrapped deal to run with the KMT. He continues to make the upcoming election interesting, to say the least.

Taiwan to continue shifting investment away from China

Taiwan Wants China to Think Twice About an Invasion - The Atlantic Taiwan to continue shifting investment away from China

TAIPEI -- Taiwanese companies invested more in Southeast and South Asia than in China for the first time in 2022, a cabinet minister told Nikkei Asia, as Beijing flexes its economic might to pressure voters ahead of Taiwan's presidential election.
Taiwan manufacturers quit China over trade tensions and rising costsIn an exclusive interview, Taiwan's Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua called this investment move a significant milestone in President Tsai Ing-wen's efforts to pivot to the region and away from China under the New Southbound Policy launched in 2016.


May be an image of text that says '南韓調查: 查:在韓買樓的外國人裏 逾半是中國人 在韓國擁有房產的外籍人士佔比 中國 54.3% 美國 23.5% 加拿大 6.8% 台灣 台灣|3.8% 3.8% 資料來源 南韓國土交通部 中國人爲何熱衷在韓買樓? Business Digest' 根據南韓國土交通部最新公布的數據,截至今年6月底,共有85,358名外籍人士在韓國擁有房產,相比六個月前增長了4.6%。這些外籍人士總共擁有87,223套住房,佔韓國住房總數的0.46%。在這些外國人中,超過一半的房產所有者是來自中國大陸的公民。具體來說,中國大陸人士擁有的房產數量達到47,327套,佔總數的54.3%。





Pakistan paying the economic crisis price for Afghan refugees

Pakistan's new business: Asks struggling refugees to pay a heavy exit fee -  India Today 

 Pakistan paying the economic crisis price for Afghan refugees 

the real reasons for the American military left Aghanistan - spilling chaos into Pakistan and Cina

ISLAMABAD -- An Afghan man was arrested outside his Karachi home in October for "not having the documentation to live in Pakistan legally."
Pauper Pakistan's BoP gets out of balanceHe and thousands like him are subject to a sudden deportation order by Pakistan's government, which insists the economy is breaking due to the influx of Afghan refugees. But the U.N. has called the mass deportations a "violation" of human rights law.

Pakistan makes Afghan refugees pay the price for economic crisis - Nikkei  AsiaThe government says it considers the Afghan refugees to be a huge economic burden on Pakistan. Since 1979, the government said in an unpublished study shared with Nikkei, Afghan refugees have caused Pakistan's economy a loss of $413.4 billion. Global aid to help them has only amounted to $4.55 billion, the study said.


大陆爆多种病毒大流行京津沪等地儿科爆满| 支原体肺炎| 流感| 合胞病毒| 大纪元 







Chinese hospitals overburdened with sick kids as mysterious pneumonia cases  rise - World News另据《人民日报》健康客户端27日的报导,进入10月中下旬,河南省儿童医院三个院区每天门急诊量持续在1万人次以上。



比想象严重 美疾控中心正联系中共


拜登将委任麻省总医院感染科主任瓦伦斯基掌管CDC - 华尔街日报美国疾病控制与预防中心CDC发言人戴维‧戴格尔(David Daigle)周二(11月28日)告诉美国《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)说,美国将“继续监测局势,与全球卫生合作伙伴合作”应对疾病的增加,同时也“与当地卫生当局及美驻中国办事处保持联系”。CDC没有回应关于疫情是否蔓延到美国,美国是否发现任何肺炎聚集性病例,或者是否考虑对从中国来美旅行的人士进行呼吸道疾病筛查等问题。



China tests thousands to calculate true spread of coronavirus - The Japan  Times中国国家卫生健康委员会官员将住院治疗和肺炎病例的增加归因于流感、COVID-19等已知疾病,而不是新型病原体。而冬季天气寒冷容易导致病毒和其它感染传播增加,往往呼吸道疾病会相应增加。

Cartoons: Coronavirus kills dozens, spreads globally from China三年前,北京被认为隐瞒了有关疫情严重程度和范围的信息,同时还隐瞒了死亡人数激增的证据。北京对呼吸道传染病的不透明糟糕记录,促使一些国际医疗专业人士将刚出现的肺炎与COVID疫情进行比较。


 De-Dollarization'? Don't Believe the… | RiverFront Investment Group 






Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with DroneGun Mk4

DroneShield releases DroneGun Mk4 - EX2 for Defence InnovatorsAustralian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with DroneGun Mk4

  • Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pictured with DroneShield DroneGun Mk4 portable counter-drone system at the White House complex in Washington DC

  • Australian Government supports DroneShield as a sovereign solution provider as global tensions continue to escalate, reflected in the aid package

  • $10.4 million of DroneShield equipment included under the latest $20 million aid package from the Australian Government to Ukraine, announced in late October 2023


DroneShield Limited - Australian Defence Magazine   DroneShield ("DroneShield" or the "Company") is pleased to share the ongoing support by the Australian Government for its cutting edge counter-drone capability, including the image of the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with DroneShield DroneGun Mk4 handheld counter-drone system, at the White House complex in Washington DC.

View All Counterdrone (C-UAS) Products — DroneShieldLast month, DroneShield’s counterdrone equipment was selected for deployment to Ukraine under the latest Australian Government aid package. The total value to DroneShield is $10.4 million (out of the $20 million package to four Australian companies). Full delivery and payment under this contract is due to occur prior to end of this year.

From the helm: DroneShield (ASX:DRO) CEO, Oleg Vornik - YouTubeOleg Vornik, DroneShield CEO, commented: ”DroneShield continues to receive strong support from both Australian and US Governments, being our two home bases. This image of the Australian Prime Minister holding our flagship product is a showcase of this support. Most work we do, is under strict confidentiality due to the nature of our customers, and its pleasing to see this public endorsement of our work, as global tensions and hostile use of drones continue globally.”DroneGun Tactical Counterdrone (C-UAS) Protection

Image: Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese holding DroneShield DroneGun Mk4, a handheld counterdrone system, with DroneShield US CEO Matt McCrann (far right), at the White House complex in Washington DC