Friday, December 31, 2021

蒋介石腐败透顶贪赃枉法 ?

  web page template  蒋介石腐败透顶贪赃枉法 ?
























 Impose stop-work order on Lynas, says long-time critic Wong Tack | Free  Malaysia Today (FMT)


自近几年的中美关系紧张开始,全球供应链产生了严重的波动。而全球的产业链很多方面又跟中国有着直接的联系。稀土的产业链便是这其中的一个重要部分。近几年来,西方各国正全力试图打破中国在稀土供应链上的垄断地位。 但愿望是一方面,实际存在的条件到底又如何呢? 


The race for rare earth minerals: can Australia fuel the electric vehicle  revolution? | Electric vehicles | The Guardian


稀土矿开采本身就会对生态改变产生影响。而稀土的分离冶炼,也因全过程需要大量的化学药剂,如果环保标准低,那则对环境产生很大的污染。 正是这个原因,相当一段时间,西方的公司不太在乎让中国来当稀土出口的“第一把手”。于是乎,在2020年,中国已掌控全球54%的稀土开采能力和85%的稀土精炼能力。换言之,美国的80%以上,欧盟的95%以上的稀土都是从中国进口的。


中国在全球稀土出口之所以占有垄断的地位,是因为它的稀土产业拥有多个世界第一: 储量第一、产量第一和销售量第一。

中国在上世纪的90年代开始,凭借“低标准(特别是环境标准)、低工资”,降低稀土开采和精炼的成本,并用 “白菜价”出口稀土,倾销式的出口,打垮了原来在西方稀土开发和加工的竞争产家。英国的稀土磁铁产业,就是在这种情况下在上世纪90年代消失的。曾经风云一时、供应全球90%以上产量的美国稀土龙头“芒廷帕斯” (Mountain Pass)也是因为同样的原因,也不得不在2002年全面关闭。


2010年前后,美国的企业又决定,开始大举投产本土内的稀土生产。而中国却在2015年突然取消了出口配额限制和高关税,表面上是遵守WTO规定,实际上是再次掀起了一场“价格战”,目的搞垮美国和其他中国以外的稀土企业。其结果是,押注稀土的美国莫利矿业公司最后被一家名为MPMO的跨国集团收购,而股东之一正是来自中国的盛和资源 (Shenghe Resources Holding Co.)。

从90年代开始,中国在一系列国家产业政策的指导下,建立了五个资金充裕的国家级稀土实验室。 到2021年,中国所拥有的稀土技术专利数量超过美国和世界其他国家专利数量之和。


Seltene Erden Mine




中国对日本的“惩罚” 、加之中国政府决定大量减少出口,大大震荡全球稀土市场。于是,2012年3月,美国、日本和欧盟联合在世贸组织(WTO)起诉中国,原因是中国对稀土、钨、钼三种原材料出口配额和关税不符合有关世贸规则和中方入世承诺,结果中国败诉。

2010年的记忆至今无法抹去。而前两年的情况又让西方国家增加一份担忧。 2019年5月20日,中国国家主席习近平考察江西赣州稀土产业,官方也接连几次释放中国可能跟美国打“稀土牌”的信号。于是,保证稀土供应链的问题又重新被提到西方各国的日程上来。


为什么呢? 首先,中国在宣布了双碳目标后,比以往更努力地发展电动汽车、风电和太阳能。这意味着将大大增加中国国内对稀土的需求。全球逾70%的电动车电池产能在中国,而美国不及10%;全球兴建中的142座锂离子电池超级工厂中,中国占了107座,而美国仅有9座。同时,实现双碳目标也意味着,严重耗电的有色金属的提炼工业的产量,在目前严重排放的问题无法解决的情况下,会受到限制。 2021年中国的镁产量约为正常水平的50%,就是因为煤炭价格飙升和限电导致冶炼厂削减或关闭业务。上述的努力方向已在中国于工信部2021年初公布“稀土管理条例(征求意见稿)” 表述出来。



为了保持中国的垄断地位,中国政府决定通过合并几家大企业,不久成立了“中国稀土集团”,构建集稀土矿开采、冶炼、研发、生产、应用为一体的稀土矿业航母。为了强化中国对稀土的定价权,中国也加强了国内3 个交易所合作。当然现在还很难说,这些办法是否能凑效。

中国、日本、美国和欧洲国家是全球最大的稀土消费国, 目前的消费量分别占到全球消费总量的 57%、21%、8%和 8%。 而这个比例在今后随着欧盟美国加速实现碳中和,肯定有一个巨大的变化。所以,西方各国必须突破单面依靠中国这个瓶颈。一场跟时间的赛跑已开始。


从今年全球稀土矿开采情况来说,中国占全球的54%,北美、亚洲(中国除外)和澳大利亚分别为18%、14%、12%。而欧洲在此占比仅为2%。 有迹象表明,中国稀土资源像以前的优势似乎正在减弱,中国在全球稀土采矿的份额已经从2010年的98%下降到2020年的58%。当然,要使西方国家完全摆脱对中国的依赖至少还需要5-8年时间。


稀土开采固然重要,但加工与精炼至今对西方各国还是个薄弱环节。中国在稀土冶炼加工产量占全球的 88.2%。西方好多公司开采不成问题,但一旦涉及到提取稀土,那就取决于环境、技术和政治因素的综合影响。按照环保的高标准行事,克服来自环保组织和政府机构的阻力,不可避免地会使西方各国公司的稀土成本提高。

好在英语国家的努力,跟中国已经形成一定的竞争能力。即使是分离冶炼环节,澳大利亚 Lynas每年生产近2万吨的稀土氧化物,足以完全满足美国需求。但如果中国再用大倾销方式来打一场价格战,那将会对现有的西方产家,依然可能产生毁灭性的打击。而在消费这一块,即便西方的企业永远是跟着价格低的稀土走的,它们才不讲“爱国主义”呢。


目前,中国稀土产业在全球竞争优势明显,西方稀土冶炼分离产能有限,且资本开支和运营成本均高于中国。澳大利亚的Lynas稀土有限公司其开采一公斤矿物的成本为10美元,而大多数中国生产商则为7美元。如果没有西方政府的补贴,西方的公司很难持久。当然,随着 稀土加工技术能力提高 (比如美国Purdue University 已经研发出一种对环保有利的价格可接受的稀土精炼方式),成本可能降低。但其技术的商业化估计至少还需5年左右的时间。

从地域战略角度看,中国以稀土为武器是其现实政治的一部分。 但中国似乎对美国不会也不敢随便惩罚。而欧盟的成员国倒是可能成为中国惩罚的目标,尤其是当某一国比如说在台湾问题上,不是按照中国旨意行事,那么掌握在中国手里的稀土就是最好的武器了。

欧盟有很多功课要做。 欧盟进口的稀土有98%来自中国。跟美国不一样,欧盟目前手中拥有的已开发稀土矿并不多,才是全球的1%。而欧盟的“可持续性”的高标准,必然会提高今后开发的成本。欧洲在建立一个没有中国的供应链要走的路肯定比美国更长。

Mother Teresa, one of the most controversial figures from the 20th century

What They Didn't Tell You About One of the Greatest Historical Figures: Mother  Teresa  Mother Teresa, one of the most controversial figures from the 20th century. Controversial in that everything you might have heard about her in recent years is likely to be quite negative, despite her winning a 1979 Nobel Peace Prize and being renowned throughout the world as an advocate for the sick and poor, and a tireless and selfless aid worker without a thought for her own plight in the most horrid conditions. But find any article about her online these days, and it's more than likely to be a harsh criticism of her practices — and of her personally — from virtually every angle. Was she all that bad, was she truly a saint, or might there be other nuances yet unspoken?

Mother Teresa was born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in 1910 in the Ottoman Empire, in what is today Macedonia. At 18, she moved to a Catholic abbey in Ireland to learn English and to become a missionary, and after just one year she was sent to India to begin that work. Soon she took her nun's vows and adopted the name Sister Teresa. After teaching at a convent school in Calcutta for some 20 years, she changed paths and founded a congregation for tending to the poor in 1950. This eventually became the Missionaries of Charity, for which she is best known. By the time of her death in 1997, Missionaries of Charity had 610 missions in over 100 countries. Some are hospice facilities, some are orphanages or homes for women and invalids, but most are purely for missionary work and do not perform any social work or have any residents.

Those of us outside Mother Teresa's sphere of influence might have never heard her name were it not for a 1969 book and BBC documentary Something Wonderful for God, which brought news of her doings to the world, and arguably planted the seed which grew into all of her life's accolades and recognitions including her 1979 Nobel Peace Prize and probably also her 2003 beatification and 2016 canonization. But even as Something Wonderful for God was portraying her as uncommonly good and selfless and a boon to the poor, dissenting opinions had already begun to rumble.

The first thing to understand is that despite the well-known image, Mother Teresa's missions were never about relieving suffering. She believed strongly that suffering brought one closer to God. Consequently, Western volunteers who signed on at her missions, based on their conception of what it was, often came away reporting deplorable conditions. Trained medical professionals are nowhere to be found; medical supplies are expired, inadequate, or reused. Painkillers are frowned upon as Teresa believed pain was an integral part of the all-important suffering.

But all this seems unaccountable in light of the magnitude of donations Teresa brought in. At its peak, before her death, Missionaries of Charity raked in an estimated US$75 million per year in donations. That averages out to $125,000 per year per location — or it would, except for one little detail. Missionaries of Charity does not report any numbers, so the task of untangling its true financial picture has fallen to independent researchers. What's been uncovered has been startling. Only about 7% of Missionaries of Charity's budget has gone to its programs — or a little less than $9,000 per location. Her original missions in Calcutta are by far the largest and best known and probably receive the bulk of those funds, leaving a pittance to the others. Missionaries of Charity has been described as the wealthiest Catholic order in the world, so it seems inexcusable that their staff and facilities should be any fraction short of the world's finest, let alone so staggeringly far from it.

We might be inclined to guess that with such resources, Missionaries of Charity must be a major force in Calcutta. However, a 1998 investigative report from Germany found that Missionaries of Charity was not even among the 200 largest charitable service providers in Calcutta. She may have had this larger-than-life international image of a great healer, but within Calcutta, she was little more than a small-time missionary.

It becomes easier to understand when one studies Mother Teresa herself, what she believed, and what she wanted to accomplish. She came to Calcutta to minister to the sick and the poor, not to treat them, to heal them, or to find them better jobs and opportunities. To minister to them. She was a missionary, not a doctor, not an employer. She believed their poverty was a crucial component to their spirituality. If you sought aid at one of her missions you may have gotten a clean bed and possibly an aspirin, but you certainly got a Catholic baptism. The image of Mother Teresa as a healer was a Western fiction, promoted in Something Wonderful for God and many other similar works that followed it. It was never the reality of her missionary work.

This fact also makes it easier to understand why the Vatican so eagerly brushed aside its normal practices to fast-track her path to sainthood, to be completed in 2016. And this is the best segue to the man who must be included in any critical discussion of Mother Teresa: Christopher Hitchens, author of the 1995 long-form essay The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice. Unlike most writers, Hitchens interviewed her extensively and knew her well, and she'd made it clear to him in no uncertain terms that hers was a mission of conversion and baptism, and not of social work. Credit, then, to the Church for calling Hitchens as the "devil's advocate" witness at her 2003 beatification hearing, to testify against the Church's claim that she had miraculously healed a woman. Hitchens described it best himself:

As for the "miracle" that had to be attested, what can one say? Surely any respectable Catholic cringes with shame at the obviousness of the fakery. A Bengali woman named Monica Besra claims that a beam of light emerged from a picture of MT, which she happened to have in her home, and relieved her of a cancerous tumor. Her physician, Dr. Ranjan Mustafi, says that she didn't have a cancerous tumor in the first place and that the tubercular cyst she did have was cured by a course of prescription medicine. Was he interviewed by the Vatican's investigators? No. (As it happens, I myself was interviewed by them but only in the most perfunctory way. The procedure still does demand a show of consultation with doubters, and a show of consultation was what, in this case, it got.)

Nevertheless the beatification carried unopposed, as will, no doubt, her 2016 canonization citing another similar "miracle".

Update: It did. —BD

In his essay, Hitchens also took her to task for siding with questionable politicians, such as praising Indira Gandhi for suspending civil liberties in 1975, and accepting the Legion of Honor from corrupt Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier in 1981. She supported the oppressive Communist leader of Albania, and took money from any source, including more than one corrupt businessman.

One of Teresa's most notorious relationships was with Charles Keating, poster boy for the American savings & loan scandal from the 1980s and 1990s. Keating, a Catholic, had donated over a million dollars to Missionaries of Charity over the years, and gave her the use of his private jet and helicopter whenever she was stateside. She received these donations before the scandal happened and she had no reason to suspect it might have been dirty money. So when he was prosecuted, Mother Teresa wrote the judge a letter in support of Keating, saying "He has always been kind and generous to God's poor".

Disclaimer: In the interest of transparency, I should mention that during Charles Keating's prosecution, I was a youthful court specialist at the law firm Alvarado, Rus & McClellan that represented the class of victims from his Lincoln Savings and Loan, mostly retired people who lost their life savings. Part of the Lincoln Savings training materials said "Remember the weak, meek and ignorant are always good targets." We were all pretty gobsmacked that Mother Teresa had stepped in on Keating's side. I guess her advocacy on behalf of the weak, meek, and ignorant was inversely proportional to the size of the donation. —BD

Upon learning of her letter, the prosecutor wrote back:

You urge Judge Ito to look into his heart... and do what Jesus would do. I submit the same challenge to you. Ask yourself what Jesus would do if he were... in possession of money that had been stolen...? I submit that Jesus would promptly and unhesitatingly return the stolen property to its rightful owners. You should do the same... If you contact me I will put you in direct contact with the rightful owners of the property now in your possession.

She never wrote back.

I would not have expected her to. Mother Teresa was not sophisticated. She lived in Calcutta. She had no significant education. She probably didn't even know what a junk bond was. She was often criticized as a hypocrite for seeking treatment in advanced western hospitals when she got sick at the end of her own life, while patients withered and died in her missions, but I have trouble seeing it this way. Teresa never claimed to give medical care. She told Hitchens as much outright. She often shocked audiences with admissions that critics trumpeted, even saying during her Nobel Prize acceptance speech that abortion was "the greatest destroyer of peace". It wasn't a faux pas; it was what she believed, and she never said anything different.

She never claimed to be anyone different than what Hitchens and other critics charged her with. We did. Her Western admirers, in love with a fictional image, created the merciful nun who healed the sick and tended to the poor. We made the bogus documentaries and gave her undeserved awards and honorary degrees that had nothing to do with her real work. She never asked for any of them.

It can be argued that the criticism of Mother Teresa is a bit unfair, first because her shortcomings are only in comparison to a paragon who existed nowhere but in our own minds, and second because the real beneficiary of our gullibility was never her at all. Follow that other 93% of the $75 million per year, and you'll almost certainly find that it leads to the Vatican Bank. I say, give the old lady a break; and start demanding instead that when donors give millions of dollars to treat the sick and feed and clothe the poor, the Church should do exactly that, and nothing less.

Is Elon Musk’s satellites aiming to destroy Cina's Tiangong space station ?

 Laser Cannon Incapacitates Enemy Satellite. 3D Illustration Stock Photo -  Alamy

Is Elon Musk’s satellites aiming to destroy Cina's Tiangong space station ?

  • The two incidents this year involving satellites from Elon Musk’s company SpaceX prompted a complaint to the UN and calls on the US to act
  • China is worried America wants to dominate space and some observers believe the tech entrepreneur’s company may serve that ambition

China can destroy satellites of opponents, according to US Armed Forces |  ORDO NEWS The recent near-misses involving Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites and China’s Tiangong space station have highlighted Beijing’s concerns about space becoming weaponised.

Chinese observers said Washington wants to maintain its dominance in space and warned that the South African-born entrepreneur’s company SpaceX, which has been given a contract to build a new satellite for the US military capable of tracking hypersonic missile launches, may form part of that strategy.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

文革从未结束 广西街头惊见游街示众

 广西靖西市街头惊见违规者游街示众- 国际- 即时国际| 星洲网Sin Chew Daily

文革从未结束   广西街头惊见游街示众 








11 月,在两名身穿白色隔离衣被拘留者在场的情况下组织了一次类似的示众,并由警察监督。 一名官员随后公开宣读了他们被控的罪行。LCI和L'Avenir (avec AFP)网站在报道上述消息时配上了“新闻拍案惊奇”提供的26秒视频。

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Life of Heinrich Himmler

 Heinrich Himmler | Biography, Crimes, Death, & Facts | Britannica

The Life of Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler was the Reichsführer - or Commander - of the Schutzstaffel, or the SS, the military arm of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party.

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Born in Munich in 1900, Himmler's father was a respected professor and his mother, a devout Catholic. He was not a very strong child physically and was always sickly. He worked hard at school but sadly didn't do very well, and in 1917 he joined the army, training as a gunner. He didn't finish army training and never saw action during World War I, though he does lie about this later in his career.

As early as university, he was a vocal anti-semite and was a nationalistic militarist who took great pride in Germanic culture and traditions. He then became a member of Hitler's brand new Nationalist Socialist Party (the Nazi Party) in 1919, its radical far-right ideologies meshing perfectly with his prejudice.

At first, he was only a volunteer, travelling the countryside to talk about the Jews and why they were "evil." From there, he was given small jobs like editing their newsletter and checking their secret armories around Germany (because he had a motorcycle). He joined the newly formed SS, a bodyguard unit for the VIP Nazis. In 1926, he became the Deputy Propaganda Chief and worked with Joseph Goebbels.

He quickly rose through the ranks, catching Hitler's eye by reorganizing the SS so only the best, strongest, and most Aryan, Germanic and pure-blooded were allowed to join. He established the Nazi counterintelligence unit and, in 1934, set up the first concentration camp - Dachau - which would become the model for all the others to come.

At this point, he now controlled all the German police forces and the Gestapo. With Hitler in supreme control, anti-semitism reigned supreme. Jews were not allowed to marry non-Jews, non-Aryans had their German citizenship revoked, and most were sent to the ghettos and blocked off from the rest of the population.

When World War II broke out in earnest, the Nazis executed thousands of people via death squads. It was messy, unsanitary, took too long, and affected the German soldiers' psychological state. Being meticulous and process-oriented, Himmler helped design "The Final Solution", which was an efficient - and modern - mass-killing and extermination process of Jews and all other prisoners - including gypsies, people of color, homosexuals and more.

Despite being high up in the party, Himmler realized that Hitler was losing and secretly reached out to the Allies. This eventually led to Hitler's suicide when the Russians were about to storm Berlin. Upon Hitler's death, Himmler pretended to be a regular German soldier. He was caught and committed suicide by biting down on a cyanide tooth cap while in captivity.

Himmler's legacy is a gruesome, inhuman and evil one. Maybe this was his way of compensating for being a blandly ordinary and even underwhelming human being early in his life.

20 Years after Portugal's Drug Decriminalization

 Portugal&#39;s radical drugs policy is working. Why hasn&#39;t the world copied it?  | Portugal | The Guardian

It has indeed been more than 20 years since Portugal famously decriminalized all illicit drugs. Their reason had been a noble one: HIV infections from shared needles were rampant, and the country's existing policy which focused on criminalization and punishment had failed to make any dent in that. It was reasoned that if drug addiction was treated more like a disease and less like a crime, authorities would be more directly confronting the true underlying causes of the problem. So what's the verdict after 20 years? Some ups, some downs, a lot of praise and a fair share of criticism. Today we're going to have a look at the reasons for Portugal's big move, and whether it has accomplished them — according not to pundits, but to the data.

Chart: Then &amp; Now Portugal&#39;s Drug Decriminalization | Statista At the time, Portugal's drug problem was a relatively new and unique one. Since 1926, Portugal had been an isolated dictatorship with little tourism and almost no illegal drug problem. Then, with 1974's bloodless Carnation Revolution, the country was opened, and more significantly, all its soldiers were brought back from fighting colonial revolutions in Africa — and many of them brought back vast amounts of drugs and serious drug addictions. The whole country had a drug epidemic essentially dumped in their lap.

By 1999, only 25 years after the Carnation Revolution, Portugal had Europe's highest incidence of AIDS among intravenous drug users, accounting for nearly half of all AIDS cases in the nation. In addition, their prisons were filling fast, with over 40% of prison sentences handed out for drug-related offenses. They were throwing more and more drug users into jail, but it hadn't helped the AIDS problem. And so they launched their new drug strategy to decriminalize all illicit drugs, the first such program of its size and significance in the world. It's called the PDPM, the Portuguese Drug Policy Model.

It is important to note the difference between decriminalization and legalization. Legalization makes the product legal, and people can manufacture, sell, and use it. This is not what Portugal did. They decriminalized the use of all drugs; meaning there are no longer any criminal penalties for drug users, however those penalties remain for those convicted of manufacturing, importing, and selling drugs. Drug dealers are still subject to the same criminal penalties as before.

If this was a little bit of a misconception for you, well, that's the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot of misinformation about Portugal's decriminalization. If you're caught using, buying, or possessing drugs, the cop is not going to say "Hey, right on, enjoy! Have a good one," you are still in trouble. If you have more than 10 days of personal use worth, you're still going to jail. If you have less than that, your drugs are confiscated and you are issued a summons to appear before an administrative panel called a Commission for the Dissuasion of Drug Addiction. Nothing will go on your criminal record.

That commission consists of an attorney, a psychiatrist, a chemical dependency social worker, and sometimes a judge. They'll consider your history and your situation, and then render their decision. They may choose to let you go with no sanctions at all other than some advice to stop doing drugs, which is usually what happens to first time offenders whose cases are deemed low risk, and this is what the commissions do in the majority of cases. They can fine repeat offenders, but the fines are typically small and tailored to your ability to pay. They can sentence you to community service. They can suspend your professional licenses. They can ban you from going to certain places or associating with certain people. They can terminate any social assistance you may receive. They can confiscate personal property and cancel your firearms license. They can require you to report back to them. About the only thing they can't do is send you to prison. Getting caught using drugs in Portugal is no laughing matter; it is not a place where you can freely roll around doing drugs with no concern. They've simply restructured the punishments from those that are proven to prolong drug problems to ones that are intended to reduce them.

The primary architect of the PDPM was João Castel-Branco Goulão, a physician and currently the Director-General of the Service for Intervention on Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies. In designing the program, Goulão's central idea was that drug abusers are not criminals, they are ill, and should be treated as such. Goulão's commission recognized three principles around which the program was designed. The first was to not differentiate between soft drugs and hard drugs. It doesn't matter what the drug is; what matters is whether the user has a healthy or an unhealthy relationship with it. Second was to recognize that an unhealthy relationship with drugs is often a symptom of an underlying cause, which could be any stressful chronic challenge a person can face in life. Third was to note that an all-out war on drugs, to get all drugs off the street, is impossible and quixotic, and thus a losing strategy that would not be a part of the solution.

So, all that background brings us to the moment of truth, which is to turn to the data and answer our big question: Has it worked?

The most honest answer to this begins with an anticlimactic disclaimer, which is that any such statement like "Drug use has declined by xx%" or "New cases of AIDS are down by xx%" is incomplete and misleading. Implementation of the PDPM was not an overnight panacea for recreational and dependent drug users, it was a complex process fraught with conflicting policies and passionate differences among public attitudes toward it. Keep in mind that Portugal is heavily Roman Catholic, and the belief that there should be zero tolerance for drug use of any kind is predominant. Consequently, ever since the PDPM was put into action, public sentiment has been a mixture of deep moral repugnance toward it, and approval by those with public health in mind.

Much of the complexity arises from the fact that, as Goulão has pointed out, decriminalization alone — doing nothing else — makes the problem worse. It's an improvement only when partnered with the needed treatment resources, which are expensive and required Portugal to invest massively. That investment has had all kinds of challenges thrown at it. First, the United Nations threatened sanctions against Portugal for decriminalization, sanctions that would have struck at the heart of their already-limited ability to pay for it; but they managed to dodge that bullet. Next, the left-wing government that approved the PDPM was voted out and replaced with a right-wing government that only just barely decided to keep it in place. Then the global economic meltdown of 2008 made Portugal insolvent and it had to accept a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, which put it under more pressure from the United Nations to bring back criminal prosecution for all drug offenses. Since then Portugal has had to continue deep cuts in government spending across the board. Through all of this, the PDPM treatment and recovery services survived, though it's been a very rocky road.

Generally, at first the PDPM did work very well in addressing its primary goal: reduction of HIV infections; and that's basically the only reason the incoming government didn't stomp it out of existence in its infancy in 2002. And that trend has continued. The reduction of HIV cases has been its greatest success, and is about the only graph that shows a steady trend, going from 600 per year in 1999 to only about 10 today. Another, which goes without saying, is the percentage of new prison sentences that are for drug related offenses, which is down from Portugal's high of some 40% in 1999 to about on par with the rest of Europe, around 15% today.

But drug deaths? They have not improved. Part of the reason for this is that Portugal has always had low numbers for this, usually less than half of what it is in the rest of Europe. Deaths today are about the same as before the PDPM. Total rate of drug use has also not improved, also because Portugal was always pretty low. It's actually up a bit, again generally in sync with the rest of Europe.


Yet if you do an Internet search to see how Portugal's doing 20 years later, the results are almost universally positive. Much of the reason for this was an extremely influential report published by the Cato Institute in 2009, which was paid for by the Marijuana Policy Project, a US nonprofit that promotes legalization of marijuana. So we should expect the Cato Institute's report on Portugal to be biased in favor of the merits of decriminalization and legalization, and it was. Whether you agree with a position or not, you want it to be based on data, not on bias. In 2010, the Obama administration, faced with pressure to mimic Portugal's policy based on the Cato report, published a white paper listing a number of flaws in Cato's report. Following about a dozen bullet points, it concludes "It is safe to say that claims by drug legalization advocates regarding the impact of Portugal's drug policy exceed the existing scientific basis."

But we should not let the perfect become the enemy of the good. That Cato overstated the PDPM's positive impact doesn't mean the impact hasn't still been positive. It certainly hasn't solved everything, and has had little effect in many areas, but did put an enormous dent in the HIV and AIDS cases among heroin addicts. And in doing so, it has ended up saving Portugal a lot of money. When you take all the costs associated with drug addiction, everything from police and ambulance services, hospital treatment, social services, and so on, it was found in 2015 that social costs associated with drug use dropped 18% by 2010.

The best way to characterize the first 20 years of the PDPM in summary is to note that it has had some major, though somewhat narrow, successes. Importantly, it hasn't failed anywhere; all of its outcomes have been either favorable or neutral at worst. Portugal's policy was implemented in a resource-starved test environment, among a population with a strong element that opposes it. It was done in a country that had a drug problem that was unusual due to Portugal's unique history, and may fare better if implemented in some other countries, and may fare worse in still others. It has suffered from international pushback, but has also inspired plenty of international imitation. The results, as defined by a number of metrics, are not as good as many of us might hope for; in others, they are. But that it's been able to produce results ranging from positive to neutral, with really nothing in the negative, says a lot for it; and that it produced these results under tough conditions says more. It is a model that will work best in countries with a strong interest in public health and data-driven policy, and will likely not work as well in countries that value religion-driven zero-tolerance policies above public health. In that sense, Portugal's drug program is not too far different from many other innovations.

减少粮食西方的依存度 中共備戰?

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中国大使秦刚党声党语 美国媒体集体采访 事后竟无一家媒体发表

解体党文化】之四:被改造思想后人们的表现(上) | 大纪元 中国大使秦刚接受美国媒体集体采访    事后竟无一家媒体发表

秦刚 资料照片 


中国副外长秦刚出任新驻美大使- 国际- 天下事| 星洲网Sin Chew Daily






Japanese authorities - Beijing behind cyberattack, cyberespionage plot

 China Broadens Cyber Options - Asian Military Review

Japanese authorities - Beijing behind cyberattack, cyberespionage plot

Japan police suspect a former student of China tried to illegally purchase computer security software sold in Japan for carrying out cyberattacks.

Japanese authorities suspect a former student of China tried to illegally purchase computer security software sold in Japan for carrying out cyberattacks and cyberespionage. Back in 2016, the 30-year-old former student allegedly tried to own the software containing advanced technology. The sophisticated software is only sold to Japanese companies after verification. The police suspects that the Chinese man attempted to purchase the software under the influence of a person who belonged to China's People's Liberation Army, reported ANI, citing NHK World.

The investigation team suspects that the 30-year-old used the name of a fake company to obtain the Japanese software. However, he did not succeed, as the company that sells the software grew suspicious and canceled the deal. Meanwhile, the police suspect that a few members of the PLA tried to obtain information on security measures taken by Japanese companies. They wanted to know companies' weak points in order to launch cyberattacks against them and breach important data.


Japanese authorities - Beijing behind cyberattack, cyberespionage plot

The Investigation team questioned the man but later came to know that he had fled from Japan. However, an arrest warrant has been issued for the man by the Tokyo Metropolitian Police on suspicion of attempted fraud. It is to be mentioned that the Japanese authorities are now planning to put the Chinese suspect on an international wanted list with the help of the International Criminal Police Organization, reported NHK World. The Japanese investigation team believed that fraud attempts were allegedly made in the direction given by the PLA members.

Cyberattack against Japanese companies

Earlier, in 2016, hackers linked to the PLA carried out a massive cyberattack against 200 companies and institutions, including some major defense-related firms and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. According to the investigation team, in the latest case, the Chinese man has some connection with PLA unit 61419, which only deals in carrying out cyberattacks. In view of the situation, Tokyo is concerned that the threat to security is increasing and suspects that the Communist regime in China is behind all the major cyber attacks.

Japan seeks arrest of Chinese ex-student over alleged link to space agency cyberattacks
Japan seeks arrest of Chinese ex-student over alleged link to space agency cyberattacks
Japan seeks arrest of Chinese ex-student over alleged link to space agency cyberattacks
Japan seeks arrest of Chinese ex-student over alleged link to space agency cyberattacks

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

女教师李田田被送精神病院事件是一个愚蠢政权为自己制造的“枷锁” on Twitter: &quot;【各界关注敢言女教师李田田被精神病事件两女教师遭迫害】 近日,两名中国年轻女教师 ——上海震旦学院讲师宋庚一和湖南湘西永顺县乡村小学语文教师李田田——因为发表言论而遭受当局严厉处置,引起海内外支持者密切关注。 ... 女教师李田田被送精神病院事件是一个愚蠢政权为自己制造的“枷锁”











A human rights activist, a secret prison and a tale from Xi Jinping&#39;s new  China | China | The Guardian 中国政府特别是基层政府常干这种“蠢事”,它的反对派很多就是这样出来的。说它“蠢”,是因为它制造对手或“敌人”的很多做法愚蠢透顶,事后复盘,根本不应到这一步,但最后的结果偏偏是谁都不愿看到的最坏一种。从个体来说,这个政权囊括了中国最好的精英恐怕不过分,基层政府虽然精英少了些,但要说他们是低于常人的笨人,怕也不合事实。一些地方政府官员开始可能也不想把事情搞砸,可后来偏偏搞砸,根子就在政权的机制,宁可“错杀一千,不可放过一个”,即凡事将它的子民往最坏想,把不合官方意特别是长官意的人都看成不安分的坏分子,用阶级斗争的思维模式和方式去处理所谓“人民内部矛盾”,当下所谓的新时代更是这样,斗争思维充斥政权内部。



中国“眯眯眼”妆容为何和辱华有关?还是文化自卑 ?


眼睛太小不配当中国人?国货三只松鼠也辱华了? – 看传媒新闻网  中国“眯眯眼”妆容引热议 为何和辱华有关?



Outspoken editor of Chinese state tabloid Global Times retires | China |  The Guardian  网民评论称批评三只松鼠的广告“阴阳怪气”、“丑化亚裔”三只松鼠26日回复《财经网》表示,该广告宣传页面于 2019年10月上线,时值国潮风流行,因此选择“国潮风”来进行广告拍摄,绝无刻意丑化之意。至于上海市消保委27日则发文指出,消费圈的审美也要与时俱进。

Carrie Lam says Hong Kong 'won't rule out' Chinese help over protests |  Phnom Penh Post面对批评,“三只松鼠”海报中的模特儿“菜娘娘”26日对此微博发文称:“确实就是长成这个样子,因为我的性格,和表演风格被选中做这个广告模特。也没有故意要去营造什么辱华形象。”她并写道:“爱国我举双手赞成!但事事都要上纲上线,那这就是一种病态了!大家做一个心态健康的网民吧。”
















中国女人长这样?西方奢侈品牌的老毛病又犯了…-荆楚网-湖北日报网 事实上,法国奢侈品牌迪奥(Dior)11月时,因为照片《傲慢的矜持》中年轻女模拥有凤眼,梳着夸张的刘海及脸部布满雀斑,惹怒许多中国网民,也遭批评“辱华”,后来迪奥删除该作品并致歉,摄影师陈漫亦发声明道歉。