Friday, July 31, 2009

KL Stocks - Tanjong, Weida & CSC Steel

Thursday, July 30, 2009

KL Stocks - SEG, Pensonic, Perstim & Asiaep

Wednesday, July 29, 2009




美名远播。所谓营妓,即是官妓。在宋朝, 法律规定,官妓可坐台伺陪官员,但不能同床伺寝,是只卖酒不卖身的夜总会小姐。但这禁令往往有名无实,官员狎妓之风大盛。




这件充满噱头的桃色新闻很快闹得沸沸扬扬,最后传到了皇帝耳朵里。孝宗平衡了一下全局,轻描淡写地下了个结论:“此秀才斗闲气耳”。秀才斗闲气,妓女遭殃,实在不公。然而为政治做牺牲品的, 向来多是无辜之人,有口难辩。后朱熹调任,岳飞的儿子岳霖接任,严蕊才被释放出来。临出狱时,她写下了这首《卜算子》 :不是爱风尘,似被前身误。花落花开自有时,总是东君主。去也终须去。住也如何住。若得山花插满头,莫问奴归处。这首词应算是她最好的作品。




Tuesday, July 28, 2009

KL Stocks - Cenbond, DRBHcom, Eng, Goldis, Gunung & Scomien

Monday, July 27, 2009

KL Stocks - Advpkg, Astino, Hwaitai, Konsort, TA & VS

Friday, July 24, 2009

CPO - The bear is still lurking around -26/7/09

As I mentioned last week even when the MACD is positive but if it is relatively 'far' away from its zero signal line, it is usually not a reliable buy signal. As it turns out to be such case for CPO. It did not really go anyway and got stuck within the Bollinger Band. Though the MACD and the Stochastic are still positive and continue to rise, the D- is still above the D+. What I would suggest you to do is place your stops at 2029 to protect your earlier longs positions and to add on more long positions if price goes above the upper Bollinger Band at 2194. But since the ADX has turned flat, there is a chance that this market may get stuck in another range bound situation.

The weekly chart is still bearish as both the MACD and the Stochastic are negative and continue to fall. I would pay attention to both of these as MACD is fast approaching its zero signal line and the Stochastic is also falling near its 20 signal line. If they are breached , we may see a renew selling forces coming out. Another item you should keep an eye on is if price breaks below the lower Bollinger Band again which may bring forth more selling.

Summarily you should maintain a bearish bias on this market unless price can clear above its recent high at 2184.

FKLI - Uptrend intact But remain cautious - 26/9/09

The market on last Friday just short of hitting 1168 target. Everything seem to be alright as the MACD continues to rise, so is the ADX which is confirming the trend is still intact. Place your stop at 1129 to protect profit.

The weekly chart is still bullish as price remains above the upper Bollinger Band and the MACD is still rising. Most significant of all is the weekly ADX has begun to rise which could mean a more powerful move may be coming soon.

But with all these bullishness, I still think you should keep an eye on the exit door as the bearish divergence found at the daily MACD is still intact. Until I see a higher peak as marked out in the daily chart erasing this divergence, would I be senang hati.

KL Stocks - Uchitec

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

KL Stocks - Ireka, Sime & CIhldg

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

KL Stocks - Analabs

Monday, July 20, 2009

KL Stocks - DNP, HSL & TNB




接下来,再在〈独立新闻在线〉读到陈文华揭露如何被反贪委员会盘问,调查官员极尽恐吓威胁之能事;如此对待一名市议员,甚至比犯人也不如,这个国家是极权的共产主义国度吗?www1.tvboxnow.com4 U9 b2 N5 h' ^% I$ Z c* ~- Z% g

更糟糕的竟然还是调查官员不允许陈文华坐着「协助调查」(这是好听说词,哪有人如此对待协助者),还指着他的眉心,开口大骂他「CINA BODOH!」。

一名市议员被调查官员以如此种族主义的字眼谩骂,如果这个官员不被对付,你以为这个国家可能对一般华人平民有多好?公仔箱論壇, ], m! V8 y" P" O, m# Y, h

不能调查,但更明目张胆的基宫案到底是怎么一回事?一名牙医到底有甚么本事兴建壮观如皇宫般的住家,一扇门就可以等于一幢单层排屋的价格,钱从哪里来?明显的问题不查,却敲锣打豉查几个年轻的民联议员,这是甚么意思?! p+ e2 m. K! b+ x- w

. P7 T1 u; y, N; P6 ^
不过,或许他骂得对,或许华人真的是笨蛋!否则,怎么可能默默忍受这种侮辱?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) \% ~) N- Y5 _6 V9 `" w1 M& v# p: R

华人真的可能是笨蛋,明知贪官那么多,明知马华民政当家不当权,还有华人支持马华民政,还有华人投票支持国阵。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb,tv series,tv drama,movie,bt,download" ^! N. L( j* U$ Z2 ~
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb,tv series,tv drama,movie,bt,download$ z8 l, l( c+ i' x% H* S

华人真的 非常有可能是笨蛋,安华当年的黑眼圈,马哈迪说他是自己打自己,真的有人相信,一大把一大把的选票就这样给了当年的马哈迪和国阵,根本不理马哈迪是怎么以 种种恶法治国。许多华裔优秀学生进不了大学,拿不到外国深造奖学金,马来人却没有这种问题。这是种族主义,还不够明显吗?笨蛋!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb,tv series,tv drama,movie,bt,download3 ^7 y* `" e6 `! z. s

可是面对种种不公平的政策,动不动国阵还有人拿出513来吓选民,可还有华人还是支持国阵,这些华人不是笨蛋又是甚么?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb,tv series,tv drama,movie,bt,download/ n' Q9 m9 u. _

华人是笨蛋?!, e% f* m! N. _* h+ q

真的,我越来越怀疑马来西亚有许许多多的华人是笨蛋。懦弱、无知、贪生怕死、欺善怕恶、别人施舍一点甜头,就晕头转向,只想赚钱,只想发财,有奶就是娘,这种人不是蠢才笨蛋又是甚么? D. l, P( }9 O! k; j* A" N. m, C. X1 _! V7 N

Friday, July 17, 2009

CPO - Stopped out but not bullish yet - 19/7/09

Everybody should know where his stop is before he places in a trade. I was quite confident that this market will continue to fall last week but it rebounded strongly by Wednesday. Our stop was taken out but you are able to keep your profit and did not have to get anxious about the trade.

The indicators have begun to change. The Stochastic has crossed up above its 20 signal line which is offering an initial buy signal. So has the price which has closed above the lower Bollinger Band which is also an initial buy.
The MACD has crossed up its moving average, but since it is still 'far' away from its zero signal line, I would not get too bullish about it. Another indicator that has not confirm the return of the bull is the D+ which is still below the D-. The ADX is now above the D- and has started to fall, this is telling us the prior bear trend has stopped , at least temporarily.

The weekly chart is not pretty yet as both the Stochastic and MACD are still negative and remain falling while the D- maintains above the D+. The only arguably "bullish" sign is price managed to close above the lower Bollinger Band.

You may want to venture in some initial long contract based on the Stochastic and BBand signals, but you should keep a tight stop at 2037 because a positive MACD that is 'far' from its zero signal line is usually unreliable. We may see the market reverses again and resume for its prior bear target of 1900.

FKLI - Return of the bull ? Remain cautious -19/7/09

None of my laid down conditions calling for a sell materialize last week. The Stochastic did not cross below the 50 signal line but instead cross up again. The MACD also did not cross down its zero signal line and instead crossed up again. And everything else have suddenly turned bullish:- the D+ has also crossed up above the D- ; prices closed solidly above the upper Bollinger Band and also above the recent highest high. Perhaps the most significant item is the ADX which has begun to rise, which may be signaling the return of a strong trend in this market.

You would had placed in some long positions with all the abovementioned confirmations by last Wednesday. BUT with the bearish divergence still intact, you should NOT be too carried away with this new direction unless the divergence is taken out. By that you would need to see a higher peak formed at the MACD than its prior peak.

The weekly chart remains positive with price closed above the upper Bollinger Band and its prior high.

The immediate upside targets should be 1168 and 1255. Place your stop at 1092.

US Stocks - JC Penny & American Express

Both these 2 US stocks belong to the financial sector. Both have bullish divergences at their respective daily and weekly chart which usually means they are already or near the end of their prior bear cycle. If one is looking for a longer term holdings in their portfolio, these should be it.

American Express has already flashed another buy signal, but JC Penny has not as it is still caught in a range.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

KL Stocks - Hirotako & Unisem

U.S. home prices likely to decline for another year

U.S. home prices likely to decline for
another year by watching the futures market

The Case-Schiller Composite-10 index of home prices in 10 cities fell by 18.0% y/y in April, which was not as bad as the maximum year-on-year decline of 19.4% seen in January 2009. There was some further potentially good news in the latest Case-Schiller report on June 30, which showed that home prices in eight of the 20 cities in the Case-Schiller Composite- 20 index actually showed an increase on a month-on-month basis. The cities showing an increase included Dallas (+1.7% m/m), Denver, Cleveland, Washington DC, San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta and Seattle. Nevertheless, the other 12 cities showed declines in home prices, thus pushing the overall index lower for the 34th consecutive month.

The Case-Schiller Composite-10 Home Index peaked at 226.29 in June 2006 and has so far fallen by a total of 33.6% from that high. The CME futures market for the Case-Schiller index is discounting a continued decline in the index to a low of 133.60 in May 2010, where the index would be down by a total of 41.0% from the peak and by another 11% from the current level. The Case-Schiller index is showing much larger declines than broader housing indexes (such as those compiled by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and National Association of Realtors) because the broader indexes include homes in rural and less populated areas of the country, which saw a smaller housing price bubble than the cities and thus do not have as far to fall as the bubble deflates.

The downward pressure on U.S. home prices is likely to continue over the next year because of the huge inventory of homes that are already on the market and because more homes will be coming onto the market from the rising foreclosure rate. Up to 40% of recent existing home sales have been at distressed prices involving either a foreclosure or a short sale. The Mortgage Bankers Association reported that mortgage delinquencies as a percentage of total loans rose to 9.12% in Q1-2009, which was by far a record high for the series that has history back to 1979. A large proportion of those delinquencies are likely to move into foreclosure as the recession drags on, thus putting additional downward pressure on home prices.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

KL Stocks - Aeon Credit, Amanahraya Riet & Cocoland

Is the USD getting ready for another major move ?

The US Dollar Index daily chart has been range bounding for a while after falling as a result of a bearish Head & Shoulder pattern. This range bounding action has been confirmed by the falling and now flat ADX indicating there is no trend in this market. And please take note the Bollinger Band has been squeezing tighter. If you have been following this blog, you would know I usually get very excited whenever I see the BBand squeeze as it is the classic pattern forewarning us that the market will be blow up or down violently soon which can bring us in some handsome profit if you get ready for them.

As any student of BBand will tell you, it does not tell us which direction will the blowing will be, so we would have to look at other indicators to smell out the clues. At this moment, the Stochastic has truned negative but the MACD remains positive and turning closer to its zero signal line. But the D- is still above D+ so at this moment, I would still remain bearish.

I have drawn 2 horizontal lines to marke out its recent range, so any breaking up above it or breaking down below it should be our new signal.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

CPO - The wrath of the bears - 13/7/09

Nothing in the daily chart suggest the bears are finished with their trashing down of this market. The MACD is still falling and price remains below the lower Bollinger Band. Though the Stochastic may be below the 20's which many will claim it is oversold. As I have explained here before - once the ADX is rising above the 30's, then we should watch the ADX as a more reliable overbought/oversold signal An "oversold" Stochastic can remain oversold for weeks and price will continue to fall to new lows. Such is the intrinsic weakness of the oscillators indicators in a strongly trending situation. Since the ADX is still below the D- and still continue to rise, I cannot say that this market is oversold yet. But as a compulsory part of our trading, you should just place a stop at 2105.

The weekly chart finally flashes its significant selling signal which is price has closed below the lower Bollinger Band which is a very solid confirmation of the bear is the overlord now. The next major confirmation would be to watch out when the MACD crosses down below its zero signal line.

CPO's next near term downside target should be 1,900. The more intermediate term target would be 1,570.

FKLI - Zzzzzzzz -13/7/09

Another week of going nowhere. Price continued to stay within the Bollinger Band while the daily ADX has drifted below 20's signal line. Both confirming a total lack of direction for this market.

Both the Stochastic and MACD continue to drift downwards. The Stochastic is getting nearer to its 50 signal line and the MACD is also falling towards its zero signal line. If by next week, both these indicators cross down their respective signal line, it could be the beginning of a more significant sell down. Another sell signal would be price crossing down the lower Bollinger Band of below 1055. But with the falling ADX, you may engage some initial selling positions but I would not take a too heavy positions yet. If done, place stop at 1070.

Due to the presence of a bearish divergence found in the MACD and the deterioration in the indicators, I am getting more worked out for a major sell signal.

As for the weekly chart, it is again failing to offer any solid sell signal. The Stochastic continues to fall, as mentioned last week, you are watched for a possible cross down below its 80 signal line for an initial sell signal. The MACD has beun to "bow" its head which is telling us its earlier upside momentum is fizzling out. A cross down with its moving average will signal another initial sell. The ADX has begun to fall again which can be interpreted as the end of the prior trend. Last week I cautioned about a weekly closing of below 1060, but that did not materialize. Though it did went below there but it still managed to close back up above. This week I would watch 1051 which is below last week's low for a sell signal.

Trading strategy will be same as last week's - trade small, keep stop tight. But you should be more bearish biased and act on new sell signals but do not jump immediately for any new buy signal unless you see more confirmation.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

CPO - 6/7/09 - Bears are taking over

I was not too bullish on the price crossed up the lower BBand and the Stochastic crossing up above its 20 signal line last week as the MACD and DMI failed to compliment their buy signal. I suggested a tight stop should be placed in case the signal turns out to be a fake one. And by last Monday, market action already forced out our buy positions. As price again went below the lower BBand , I turned back again to initial new shorts position.

The new short position is confirmed by a negative MACD that stays below its zero signal line; a negative Stocastic; an expanding D- over the D+ and best of all - an again rising ADX which is confirming the selling power is back in business. So stay short and place your stop at 2225.

More damages are done at the weekly chart as the MACD finally crossed down while the falling Stochastic is fast approaching its 50 signal line. Both of these are major selling signal. Last week the D- crossed the falling D+ which I told you to apply Wells Wilder's extreme rule which is to sell if this week price goes below last week (signal week) lowest low. This signal was confirmed. And if price closes below the lower BBand of 2015, then the bears would have the complete control of this market.