Friday, October 23, 2009

Die! America die !

For the past year, never a day goes by that you do not hear or read something about the coming demise of the world's great Satan as other countries would finally get fed up and stop buying their debts and USD. And we even get some nations' leaders saying it loud in the public on their "worries". But wait, what is this ? The facts and figures seem to be saying the MFs have been jiving. Read on:-

"Treasury markets are attracting record demand -- Until foreign central banks flee from US Treasury debt, one plank of the inflationists’ platform is missing. Wholesale abandonment of US Treasury debt would cause interest rates to soar, which would raise the cost of capital in the US. But the data clearly shows that foreign central banks have not abandoned the US Treasury. As the chart indicates, foreign net purchases of Treasuries hit an all-time high at $100.53 B in June 2009, with China and Japan leading the way."

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