Friday, February 13, 2009

Politicians who know it all

We may think we are having extreme low view on our Malaysian politicians as most are just NOT qualify for the jobs. Well, Mr. Syed Hamid, don't worry, you have many friends among the US Congress - Below is one of the US bloggers who are laughing at theirs too:-

"Watch this 7-minute video of Maxine Waters’ random rantings at the Congressional hearings yesterday, where she roasts, er, the “Captains of the Universe”:

You guys know I want to see these CEOs raked over the coals as much as anyone, but I truly wonder how the hell Maxine Waters ever got sufficient rank to be in a position to do it. TigerHawk’s characterization cracked me up really hard:

Her questions to the bankers are so bizarre that they don’t know what to do. Ken Lewis looks like a deer in the headlights as Waters asks her about offshore loss mitigation efforts. He can’t even figure out what she’s talking about, and neither can I. She also asks the bankers, few of whom are in the credit card business, how many of them have cut credit limits to people on the basis of where they shop. It’s like watching your crazy aunt challenge your boyfriend to prove that fairies aren’t real.

It is starting look like standards are not so high for being an elected official. I think I should run for Congress, and I’m throwing the name of LoLo, Esq., into the hat for Sec’y of Commerce."

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