Julia Gillard's 'small breasts' served up on Liberal party dinner menu
Fundraiser for Liberal candidate Mal Brough in Queensland featured 'deeply sexist' dishes based on prime minister
A photo of the menu
from a fundraiser for Queensland Liberal National Party
candidate Mal Brough.
Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey was the guest of honour at the fundraiser which was held in Brisbane in March for LNP candidate Mal Brough who has apologised for the menu and admitted it was sexist, according to the ABC.
A spokesman for the Queensland LNP has since said Brough will not be speaking again on the issue on Wednesday.
His silences comes as former prime minister Kevin Rudd called on Brough to donate the money raised to an animal charity.
“It’s snide, dirty and, I think, a sexist trick,” he said.
“It’s wrong, inappropriate and he (Brough) should donate every dollar raised to the RSPCA.”
Opposition leader Tony Abbott said the menu was “tacky and scatological” but confirmed Brough’s candidacy was safe in a press conference on the Gold Coast after he spent the night in Queensland.
“I condemn it,” he said.
“I think we should all be bigger and better than that.”
When asked if the menu would damage Brough’s pre-election in Fisher Abbott replied “absolutely not”.
The menu began circulating on social media websites before it was confirmed as authentic. Hockey composed a carefully worded tweet saying he was not aware of the “offensive” menu’s existence.
“I don't recall ever seeing any such menu. It is offensive and inappropriate whenever it was put out and it is now,” he wrote.
Brough is the focus of a suspended police investigation into his involvement in a conspiracy to bring down then-speaker of the House of Representatives Peter Slipper and the Gillard Government.
The investigation came after a judge threw out a sexual harassment case against Slipper - the current member for Fisher - which involved him sending text messages comparing vaginas to mussels removed from their shell and blasted Brough in the process.
The menu was first posted by a Brisbane chef who claimed he used to work at the unnamed restaurant which hosted the Liberal National Party soiree and a staff member who was catering the dinner had taken a photo of the menu.
The menu also included “Rudd’s a Goose Foie Gras” and instructed guests to eat up all their greens “before they take over”.
The prime minister’s office, along with Hockey’s, have been contacted for comment.
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