Thursday, May 16, 2024

Russia’s Sixth-Generation Warplane Fantasies

 Officially Replacing the MIG-31, Russia's 6th Generation MiG-41 Will Make  Its First Flight This Year

Russia’s Sixth-Generation Warplane Fantasies  MiG-41  Is Truly an Aviation Dumpster Fire

Supposedly the MiG-41 is capable of going beyond Mach 4. Russian designers want to equip the warbird with an anti-missile laser, too. Relatedly, Mikoyan aims to place first-of-their-kind directed electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons onboard the bird to be used against rival fighters in a dogfight

Summary: Russia's aviation industry is supposelly developing the MiG-41, a sixth-generation fighter jet aimed to replace the aging MiG-31. Promised to reach unprecedented speeds beyond Mach 4 and altitudes including near-space, the MiG-41 may feature advanced technologies like anti-missile lasers and EMP weapons.


-Despite these bold claims, Russia's historical challenges in fulfilling its aviation promises, notably during and after the Soviet Union's dissolution, raise doubts about the project's feasibility.

-As the MiG Corporation struggles with current demands, notably the MiG-35, skeptics remain wary of the MiG-41’s ambitious deployment timeline targeting the 2030s amidst ongoing tensions with Ukraine.

Russia's MiG-41 Fighter Is Flying to Nowhere 

Russia is planning to “push the boundaries of aviation engineering” with the development of its newest fighter, the MiG-41, which is a proposed replacement for the MiG-31 “Foxhound.” According to Russian sources, the MiG-41 will fly at altitudes that no other warplane can fly—not only to the highest points in the atmosphere, but to lower space, if necessary, as well. 

It gets better, Russian aviation sources have been whispering that the MiG-41 will be so superior to anything deployed by other countries that “it will introduce features not seen by the aviation world yet.”

If the Russians are to be believed, we’ve come a long way from the dark days when Mikoyan Aircraft Corporation (the makers of MiG), following the collapse of the Soviet Union, could not produce its fifth-generation warplane, the supposed rival to America’s F-22A Raptor, the MiG-1.44. 

Russia’s Sixth-Generation Warplane Fantasies 

Of course, it wasn’t just the 1990s and early 2000s when the MiG Corporation could not live up to its extravagant promises.

Even today, as the Ukraine War rages—which Russia’s strongman, Vladimir Putin, has described as an existential struggle for Russia—the MiG Corporation cannot meet Russia’s demand for their MiG-35 product. And the MiG-35 is a relatively easy plane to build compared to the proposed MiG-41. 


Still, in today’s upside-down world, it rarely serves anyone to underestimate their rivals. 

Whatever one’s opinion about Russia in the wake of their illegal invasion of Ukraine, the fact of the matter is that, generally speaking, Russia’s defense industrial base has benefited greatly from the war (whereas Western defense industrial bases, both in Europe and the United States, can barely keep up with peacetime demand, let alone wartime commitments). 

In fact, it looks as though the situation from the 1990s and 2000s might be slowly reversing with the United States looking like the declining power with a shrunken and decrepit industrial capacity versus the Russians, who are reinvigorated by their war against Ukraine (and, therefore, NATO). 

Anyway, the proposed MiG-41 has some truly insane-sounding capabilities that almost demand one be skeptical until one actually sees the proposed warplane in action. 

MiG-41" The Last Starfighter…in Russia?

Supposedly the MiG-41 is capable of going beyond Mach 4. Russian designers want to equip the warbird with an anti-missile laser, too. Relatedly, Mikoyan aims to place first-of-their-kind directed electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons onboard the bird to be used against rival fighters in a dogfight.

These weapons are non-kinetic and target the electronics of a rival warplane, knocking them out, turning that rival warplane into a falling brick.

Russia’s military claims that its directed EMP weapons will be ready for testing by next year. Again, remain skeptical about these claims until verifiable proof is released about the existence of these systems. 

One reason for the MiG-41’s potential space-borne flight capabilities is its unique pulse-detonation engines.The internet is chock full of conspiracy theories about secret US military planes using this advanced and innovative engine system to cruise at incredible speeds and altitudes. But the US military has never confirmed that they have, in fact, developed such capabilities. 


The Russians, however, are claim that their next major warplane will employ this method of travel. Let’s just say the engine system is a work-in-progress. 

Yet, MiG Corporation insists that the test flight for this bird will be next year. 

After that, Russia asserts that the MiG-41 will go into mass production for deployment by the 2030s. Given that nearly every aspect of this proposed warplane is experimental, it seems unlikely that the Russians will meet these lofty timelines, despite their defense industrial base being reinvigorated by the Ukraine War. 

After all, if MiG Corporation is struggling to meet the increased demand for the conventional MiG-35 then it certainly is going to struggle building the MiG-41. This project could go the way of the aforementioned MiG-1.44. 

Dream Big, Russia 

Even if the Russians manage to pull this program off, the likelihood they will meet their speedy deadlines is low. 

What Mikoyan Corporation has announced is not a next-generation warplane at all. It is a starfighter; a work of fiction that would perform well on the silver screen. Although, getting this bird into the unfriendly skies in any meaningful way by the close of this decade is, well, fantastical. 

Still, it makes for some great propaganda—and likely some really cool concept art. 

Keep dreaming big, Moscow. Eventually, you’ll go far.

“冒犯君主罪”下被起诉 泰国28岁女权斗士狱中绝食亡

 泰国女权斗士内提蓬 Netiporn Sanesangkhom

(曼谷15日讯)据英国广播公司(BBC)报道,泰国一名被控“冒犯君主罪”的女权斗士内提蓬(Netiporn Sanesangkhom),在狱中绝食抗议数月后,于本月14日逝世,得年28岁。这起事件引发泰国社会对“冒犯君主罪”以及司法制度的强烈质疑。

Jailed activist's death during hunger strike sparks calls for Thai justice  reforms — BenarNews内提蓬是泰国青年运动“塔鲁旺”(Thaluwang,意为“粉碎王宫”)的成员,该组织主张改革泰国王室。她于今年1月26日被捕,面临7项指控,其中包括2项“冒犯君主罪”。


泰国的“冒犯君主罪”(lese majeste)是全球最严格相关法律之一。根据法律援助团体“泰国人权律师”的统计,自2020年以来,约有260起案件依“冒犯君主罪”被起诉。今年早些时候,一名男子因违反该法被判处50年监禁,这是迄今为止最长的刑期。



改革派“前进党”议员洛查诺(Rukchanok Srinork)也因“冒犯君主罪”等罪名被判处6年徒刑,目前正在保释期间上诉。她指出,还有其他被拘留的活动人士正在绝食抗议,“要求他们的权利”。


鼓舞乌克兰人 布林肯在酒吧弹吉他演唱《在自由世界继续摇滚》

 布林肯鼓舞乌克兰人  布林肯在酒吧弹吉他演唱《在自由世界继续摇滚》


14日稍晚,布林肯在参观基辅一家地下酒吧Barman Dictat时,拿起了吉他,在乌克兰音乐家的伴奏下,演唱了尼尔杨(Neil Young)的经典歌曲《在自由世界继续摇滚》(Rockin' in the Free World)。











新国总理黄循财:最欣赏美国前总统艾森豪威尔 受其领导方式启发 艾森豪威尔(国外名人传记丛书) (Chinese Edition) eBook : 池昕鸿编著: Kindle Store 

新国总理黄循财:最欣赏美国前总统艾森豪威尔 受其领导方式启发












“这意味著我们时不时会说或做令一些国家不太开心的事……这不是攸关在两个国家之间取得平衡,不是一天采取有悖某个国家的立场,隔天又向其他国家 说不同的话或做不同的事,以求取所谓的平衡。

巴黎法庭没收中国富豪9座酒庄 判3年 罚款1百万欧元





检察官声称,曲乃杰和其团队使用一家离岸公司掩盖资金来源。曾由波尔多商会主席Pierre Goguet领导的会计公司Exco Ecaf则被指控为其从犯。曲乃杰手下的一名雇员刘建(音译)被判18个月缓期徒刑,罚款5万欧元。


中国民众 银行存款领不出来被刁难!

 謝田時間】銀行擠兌惡化接下來人民幣會崩盤麼?(視頻) -中小银行- 存款挪用- 存款消失- 人民币崩盘- - 財經評論- 李靜汝- 看中國網-  (移動版)

中国民众 银行存款领不出来被刁难!


钱存中国银行看得到领不出-中国瞭望-万维 ... 然而根据推主“财经真相”在X(前推特)发布的推文指出,一位中国民众在工商银行内存款有426万元人民币(折合新台币约1,908.5万元),但每日可取现金额仅为2万元人民币(折合新台币约8.96万元),想把自己所有存款全部取出至少要花213天,接近七个月。而且每日取出2万元,银行与当地警方肯定也会找上门进行调查,要求该位民众提供资金来源的证明。




Wednesday, May 15, 2024

澳大利亚Four Corners揭露了中共臭名昭著的秘密警察部门的内部运作

 Investigating China's illegal operations on foreign soil | Four Corners 

一名前特工在《四角方圆》(Four Corners)的调查中揭露了中共臭名昭著的秘密警察部门的内部运作,以及该部门如何追捕在海外——包括澳大利亚——的持不同政见者,这引发了有关澳大利亚国家安全的严峻问题。




Former spy alleges global Chinese spy network hunts and abducts dissidents这名特工名叫埃里克(Eric),曾在2008年至2023年初期间为中共国家警察和安全机构——公安部的一个部门担任卧底特工。





埃里克逃离了中共,于去年抵达澳大利亚,并向澳大利亚国内间谍机构澳大利亚安全情报组织( ASIO) 透露了自己的过往。澳大利亚安全情报组织拒绝对此事置评。





How China spies on dissidents in Australia | ABC News Daily podcast他的上司给他的任务是在全球范围内追捕持不同政见者,有时使用精心设计的伪装身份——一次是作为一名房地产高管,另一次是作为一名反共自由斗士——试图获得他们的信任,并将他们引诱到那些可以被绑架并遣送回中共的国家。




该活动针对的人士之一是尹科(Edwin Yin),一名政治活动人士,他在网络上的一些视频矛头直指习主席和他的女儿。


尹先生在2018年移居到了澳大利亚。(Four Corners: Keana Naughton)



“然后获得了一些材料, 这些材料都是中共在澳大利亚通过这个情报机构在找我的踪迹。”





细节惊人!中国最臭名昭著情报部门特工逃离中国2021年尹先生遭到袭击的监控录像。(Victoria Police)









霍尔登·特里普利特(Holden Triplett)曾领导美国联邦调查局驻北京办事处,因此经常与 中共公安部打交道。



在习近平的统治下,这种控制变得更加严格。自从习近平于2012年成为 中共领导人以来,他重新调整了中共的安全情报部门,加强了党对海外华人的控制。








曾任美国中央情报局分析师的彼得·马蒂斯(Peter Mattis)说:“统战工作是藏蛇的长草。”






“公安部派官员......到澳大利亚与一名女性进行所谓的谈心,然后劝说她回去,”人权非政府组织 “保护卫士”(Safeguard Defenders)活动主管劳拉·哈斯(Laura Harth)说。







中共驻澳大使馆。(ABC News: Dylan Anderson)







中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚大使馆和 中共外交部没有回应置评请求。

中国不良信贷数据的一系列研究报告 不许说!

 $8 Trillion Bad Debts Topple China’s Big Four Banks, Banking Collapse  Looming? 不许说!




China: listed banks NPL volume 2023 | Statista据彭博新闻社看到的一张截图显示,招商证券公司固定收益分析师张伟(音译,Zhang Wei)通常发布研究报告的微信账户中,一份报告被删除。



China Property Debt Crisis Spurs Record Bad Loan-Tied Bond Sales - Bloomberg上周末公布的数据显示,4月份总信贷需求自2005年以来首次下降。这一出人意料的糟糕结果是由企业和家庭借款需求疲软以及全国各地的地方政府缩减债券销售造成的。






白宫5月14日宣布:将对从中国进口的电动车增加关税到100%,美国总统拜登发表讲话时说:“我们在世界各地的伙伴也在进行类似的考量。他们也希望电动汽车的供应链,不会受到中国不公平贸易行为支配。“ 这指的首先是欧盟,因为欧盟正对中国电动车进行反补贴调查。

受到各方关注的欧盟通过发言人回应表示:欧盟与美国同样忧虑中国的产能过剩和不公平贸易行为。据报道:欧盟执委会贸易议题发言人吉尔(Olof Gill)14日在例行记者会表示:尚不评论美国的决定,美国是根据自身利益而行,而欧盟的行动则是为了欧盟利益。不过他也坦言:欧美在许多双边会议中讨论过相关议题,因为确保全球贸易公平竞争是欧美的共同利益。





美国贸易代表办公室在白宫宣布加征关税之前,公佈了一份对中国的301关税进行的审核报告。戴琪在一份声明中说,在维持现有的对华关税的同时,拜登总统指示她采取进一步行动。报告指出,美国根据301条款而採取的关税行动已经有效地鼓励中国採取措施,以消除一些与技术转移相关的政策,并减少了美国个人和企业受这些技术转移行为的影响。 但中国并未消除,这些行为、政策和做法则持续对美国的商业造成负担或限制。



当被问及对美国这一决定有何反应时,德国总理强调两点:首先,目前从中国进口的电动汽车中有 50% 是西方制造商的产品。此外,“欧洲和北美的制造商在中国市场取得了成功,并在中国销售汽车,我们必须考虑到这一点。”他强调西方和中国市场之间的交流很重要。也就是说:德国总理害怕本国汽车公司的利益受到损害,害怕受到中国的报复。




看看誰在瘋狂印鈔 - 中国M2到305万亿了

 Otavio (Tavi) Costa on LinkedIn: You think US money supply is surging?  That's just a blip. China… | 35 comments 


Money Supply M0, M1, M2, M3 in China 2024 | Take-profit.org中国广义货币M2突破300万亿,达到了305万亿人民币,相当于美国,日本和欧洲的总和。对于这个事实,官方和半官方的认知战战士们,统一口径:“美国的M2统计口径不同,中美无法对比!”但是,事实是什么呢?


Debt Soars to $54.29 Trillion in 2024 ...另外,美国流通的货币还有5.29万亿美元。这两者相加,基本上等同于中国M2的定义。也就是说,如果用中国的M2广义货币标准,美国的M2大约在22.87万亿美元。这比美国公布的20.84万亿美元的M2多了2万亿美元。所以,按照7.24的汇率,美国的M2,满打满算,也就是166万亿人民币,相当于中国的一半左右。


中国企业靠近美导弹基地 白宫下令120天内出售有关房地产


中国企业靠近美导弹基地 白宫下令120天内出售有关房地产


英国广播公司(BBC)报导,白宫称MineOne Partners 的多数股权由中国公民持有,该公司已被要求在120天内出售该资产,该公司在该资产上经营加密货币挖矿业务。

据报导,该地距离存放洲际弹道导弹的怀俄明州空军基地不到一英里(1.6公里)。BBC已联系MineOne Partners和中国驻美国大使馆请其置评。


怀俄明州的弗朗西斯.E.沃伦空军基地(Francis E. Warren Air Force Base ),是民兵III(Minuteman III)核洲际弹道导弹的存放地。


印尼获日本贷款利率为0.3%逾1400亿日圆 建雅加达地铁部分线路

5月7日,雅加达大众捷运 (MRT) 第2期专案安装了隧道掘进机。(图取自法新社)
印尼获日本贷款利率为0.3%逾1400亿日圆 建雅加达地铁部分线路


新加坡《联合早报》报导,印尼和日本政府周一签署总值1406亿9900万日圆(42亿3544万令吉)的贷款协议。印尼媒体报导,款项主要用于建造从勿加泗市(Bekasi)棉兰勇士站(Medan Satria)至雅加达西区多芒站(Tomang)、长24.5公里的线路。












日企也正探讨投资主要地铁站周边的公共交通枢纽综合体(Transit Oriented Development,简称TOD)建设。






















Cobra Gold Helps the US Strengthen Its Indo-Pacific Partnerships

How Cobra Gold Helps the US Strengthen Its Indo-Pacific Partnerships 

Cobra Gold Helps the US Strengthen Its Indo-Pacific Partnerships

Through combined exercises and enduring engagements, the United States is building “deterrence through assurance.”
Contested waters in the South China Sea, the war in Ukraine, and escalating tensions between great power rivals have all created opportunities for the United States to strengthen its alliances in the Indo-Pacific region. Since 2022, the National Defense Strategy has established integrated deterrence as the framework for strengthening alliances, providing an adversary-focused approach to comprehensive security. Integral to the success of deterrence is providing “integrated assurance,” a campaign to “assure” partners and allies through security cooperation to reinforce joint, multinational partnerships that can credibly deter rivals.  

Seven Countries Join the Cobra Gold 2024 Opening CeremonyAs Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt.-Col. Tim Devine wrote in a recent piece for Proceedings on land-naval integration, “The Army is consequently fostering unity of effort by welcoming others with skin in the game and helping them build more credible means to support shared national interests on land and at sea. Campaigning as a combined joint force allows the United States and its allies to apply unity of effort to achieve common objectives.”

Exercise Cobra Gold stands out as a case study that can illustrate the importance of campaigning to build integrated assurance, and takes place within a network of enduring engagements that are critical to understanding regional challenges and supporting military-to-military relations. As the risk of conflict may increase within the Indo-Pacific, it becomes more critical than ever to communicate U.S. commitment to regional partners to build a shared investment for security cooperation.

Integrated Assurance

S. Korea, U.S., Thailand take part in Cobra Gold drills | Yonhap News AgencyIntegrated assurance is the other side of the coin from integrated deterrence. Deterrence tends to be threat-based, focused on denial and then on inflicting punishment or other costs if an aggressive action is taken. Integrated assurance, meanwhile, is partner-focused, physically posturing, protecting, and sustaining U.S. people and resources alongside those of friendly nations. This builds tangible trust and mutual responsibility to provide security for shared interests. Integrated assurance deepens diplomatic, military, economic, information, and technological cooperation and in turn can feed the capabilities for punishment or denial through deterrence.

Delegasi TNI Mengikuti Latihan Bersama Cobra Gold 2024 di ThailandIntegrated assurance translates the integrated deterrence approach articulated in national strategy into an actionable, ground-level framework. It deters adversaries at the strategic level by materially focusing on partners and allies at the tactical and operational levels, building mutual understanding and human interoperability. Within military campaigning, joint exercises and security cooperation provide integrated assurance through training and relationship building while supporting strategic ends with a combat credible force.

This assurance can only be done through showing commitment — the commitment of time, resources, and service members to support allies and partners in response to shared opportunities and threats. Integrated assurance provides the connective tissue that ties the strategic framework to purposeful understanding at the tactical level.

DEFENSE STUDIES: AMPHIBEX-JFEO Amphibious Operations Training, Combined  Exercise of Cobra Gold 2024Moreover, integrated assurance is the linchpin to effective campaigning. It is one of the distinctions that would make an infantry platoon training with NATO allies during the Cold War understand their overarching purpose, while units elsewhere during the relatively peaceful 1990s may have struggled to understand how their combined training made a tangible difference. While the United States military has participated in multinational exercises for years, the focus on campaigning has concentrated efforts to have purposeful, incremental engagements that are mutually supporting and have a clear shared end-state.

This type of assurance moves horizontally between nations and forms of national power, and vertically by providing meaningful interactions, from cooperation between senior leaders down to join training between service-members at the tactical level. The foreign academy exchange program at West Point is one example of how key military leader relations can be first developed and consistently fostered in an officer’s career through annual exercises like Cobra Gold to provide integrated assurance. These continual engagements build friendships and personal connections that can be instrumental in shaping pro-U.S. military policies for senior leaders and trust between units in time of conflict. During steady state operations, the U.S. military primarily competes through combined exercises and enduring engagements with partners to build integrated assurance.

Key Security Cooperation partnerships

Exercise Cobra Gold, most recently held during February 27-March 8 in Thailand, serves as a tactical platform for facilitating military-to-military interactions and creating greater integrated assurance. In the most recent iteration, there were 10 participating nations: Thailand, the United States, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, China, India, and Australia. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, joint multinational exercises have only grown and provide additional opportunities for militaries to work together.

On a tactical level, exercises are necessary to demonstrate commitment, building interoperability and readiness. On a strategic level, it signals a positive trend in coalitions and international affairs within the region. At Cobra Gold, each member of the Quad (the United States, Australia, India and Japan) were present, as well as the Republic of Korea (ROK) which has gradually warmed relations with Japan as demonstrated in the trilateral security pact summit at Camp David in August 2023. One measure of cooperation is identifying how many interactions certain countries have (or not) at the tactical level.

Cobra Gold focuses on a multinational force command post exercise (MNF-CPX), combined joint field training exercises, senior leader seminars, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR). During the most recent iteration of Cobra Gold, India, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and Australia limited their participation to the humanitarian and civic assistance portion. Yet, several key Cobra Gold events highlighted growing cooperation between countries.

The largest training portion in Cobra Gold is the MNF-CPX, in which each of the major contributing countries participated. Within the MNF-CPX, seven nations participated in solving a notional regional crisis with the intent of broadening mutual understanding of capabilities and limitations, developing interoperability, and building relationships. This exercise emphasized large-scale combat operations and maritime security within a multi-domain environment. Command post exercises are not superfluous to the U.S. Army Pacific’s approach to campaigning. Rather, “collectively, Operation Pathways combines individual and tactical actions to solve operational and strategic problems.” The MNF-CPX offered a chance to observe interactions between each country’s staffs, as well as providing first-hand accounts from service members about today’s security challenges and insights into growing partnerships.

During the Cyber Exercise of Cobra Gold, U.S., Japanese, and South Korean service-members integrated operating practices to conduct a combined digital defense. Photo provided by Cody Chick.

Japan-ROK Relations

Relations between Japan and South Korea continue to stabilize in response to growing regional threats. During Cobra Gold, both countries participated in civic assistance projects, the ROK conducted a combined amphibious exercise with the Thai and U.S. Marines, and all three members of the trilateral security pact shared a table for the cyber exercise.   

Outside of Cobra Gold, Japan and South Korea have traditionally conducted some form of tactical hedging due to economic coupling with the PRC, but both have also made various public commitments to increasing security cooperation with the United States. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prompted Japan to normalize its military, increasing its capability and scope to deter aggression.

Likewise, an unprecedented amount of newly sophisticated North Korean missile tests and a growing hostility by the PRC in the region have signaled the need for Japan and South Korea to present a unified front. Unlike anything in the past decade, Japan, South Korea, and the United States held 30 trilateral meetings between August and December 2023. Mechanisms put in place at the Camp David Summit in August 2023 were finalized, as countries established a multi-year military exercise plan and a joint alert system for any potential threats. In response to a missile launch by North Korea in December 2023, the United States held trilateral military drills with South Korea and Japan that included U.S. long-range bombers and fighter jets from both allies.

By all accounts, Japan and South Korea have made exceptional strides as leaders have aligned security interests, enabling integrated assurance that develops the human and military domain at the tactical and operational level.

Competitors, Together

Unlike many other multinational exercises, the Thai-led Cobra Gold exercise brings competitors together for civic assistance and HA/DR. During the civic assistance project, American, Thai, Malaysian, and Chinese engineers worked together to erect a new multi-purpose facility at a local school in Prachinburi province. Service members spent the bulk of their days constructing the facility and engaged in cultural events at night to build understanding and comradery. In military units that are often insular, these exchanges provided the soldiers with an appreciation for the complexity of cultural differences and commonalities.

The U.S. component was led by First Lt. Tyler Clarke, an Army Reserve officer from 871st Engineer Company in Hawaii. Clarke has been a carpenter for years and was grateful for the experience. Reflecting on the project, Clarke said “There was an eagerness or excitement from everyone that I wasn’t expecting, to get to know each other and work together, especially among the junior enlisted. I think there was an unspoken awareness of how rare of an opportunity it was for these soldiers to work side by side, and they genuinely wanted to get to know one another.”

Isolated as they were to a small village in Thailand, service members from all four countries built bonds through shared experience, away from the weight of political tensions that burden the strategic level and hinder collaboration.

For Thailand, a security ally of the United States that has a close economic relationship with China, such events underscore the value of engaging in collaboration, wherever possible. Unlike during the Cold War, which had clear lines of distinction between adversaries and allies, the great power competition of today operates in a more ambiguous environment where partners often hedge their interests between competitors. At the construction site, the interactions between Chinese soldiers and U.S. allies highlighted the dynamics of balancing relationships and extending opportunities to work together.

While Cobra Gold is coordinated by Thailand, it represents an increased opening in the lines of communications between the U.S. and PRC. Communication between competitors is critical to de-escalate conflict and coordinate in a crisis or HA/DR environment within the region.

Enduring Engagements by SOF, SFABs, and SPPs

Beyond and behind these large multinational exercises are enduring bilateral engagements by special operations forces, Security Force Assistance Brigades, and the State Partnership Program, which pairs individual U.S. state national guards with foreign partners.

Special operations forces (SOFs) have contributed a significant amount to security cooperation through their dedicated focus on foreign internal defense (FID). They have maintained the lead in conducting the military portion of FID and conduct engagements worldwide. Within Cobra Gold, U.S. special operations forces conducted combined training with Thai special forces and the Japanese Special Operations Group.

In Thailand, the First Special Forces Group works closely with the Royal Thai Army Special Warfare Schoolhouse to advise and assist. Enduring engagements by units like SOFs demonstrate trust and commitment to integrated assurance.

Likewise, Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFABs) maintain a persistent presence with partner forces that transcends annual exercises and events. The 5th SFAB has been assisting Royal Thai Army Stryker units after receiving new vehicles at the Non-Commissioned Officer’s Academy and the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy.

Integration at key development schools and with operational units builds generational assurance to U.S. military support. Maintaining continuous touchpoints with counterparts enables large military exercises. Lessons learned in one year can be re-trained and emphasized through enduring engagements, so units are better prepared and operating at a higher level by the next year.

Multinational civilian and military groups prepare for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. Photo provided by Cody Chick.

Working in tandem with Cobra Gold, the State Partnership Program (SPP) increases security cooperation by regional emphasis. During Cobra Gold, the Washington State National Guard took the lead as the U.S. representatives in the HA/DR demonstration. Unlike conventional military units whose leaders change every one to three years, National Guard units allow for long-term relations between military leaders, adding another layer to integrated assurance. Col. Michael Ake, the chief of staff for the Washington State National Guard Joint Force Headquarters, has interfaced with his Thai partners in Cobra Gold for the past 14 years.

In response to the SPP’s unique role, Ake said “Our [Nation Guard] service members have a broad level of expertise and experience from their civilian occupations that is value added to any mission- particularly in the HA/DR lines of effort.”

One clear demonstration of the SPP’s potential can be drawn from Europe. Like SOFs, the National Guard had a consistent role through SPP in training with Ukrainian forces prior to the Russian invasion in 2022.

Enduring engagements are critical to understanding regional challenges and supporting military-to-military relations. In Thailand, U.S. Special Forces have close ties with SOF partners through more than 50 years of engagements; meanwhile, the 5th SFAB and the SPP have provided means for conventional units to establish consistency towards integrated assurance. Improving interoperability is done at the technical, operational, and human levels but must be in conjunction with integrated assurance and a shared understanding. Increased engagements can also lead to foreign military sales, ultimately feeding increased interoperability and diversified placement for certain equipment in the circumstance of denied logistics.


Exercise Cobra Gold provides a platform for regional partners to build military cooperation and interoperability to foster integrated assurance. The United States utilizes combined exercises and enduring engagements as key components to campaigning within the Indo-Pacific. Integrated assurance provides credibility, commitment and resolve to partners and allies, directly tying into the ability to build cohesive coalitions that effectively deter. Constant campaigning through the Indo-Pacific at joint and multinational levels facilitates constant partner touchpoints along with units that maintain a persistent presence with host nations. While tactical in nature, each engagement over time builds generational trust and equity, and brings regional partners to the table that share larger strategic aims.

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