Friday, December 30, 2011






如果你的爸爸健在,宜珍惜相聚的机会,多和他上茶楼,牵著他的手在公园走走,耐心地听他大发伟论。这些看似平凡的生活点滴,将要变成美好回 忆,支撑你度过失去爸爸后的每一天。


父亲退休前是小商人,老老实实,不肯冒险,没有发达。一天,我问他为何那样做生意,他说:「谁都知道,风险和利润成正比例。我带著八个孩子, 如果生意失败,全家都要行乞,怎敢冒险?」







Check Out This Awesome Occupy Wall Street 
Lego Set

Online video magazine "Slate V" has created a hilarious Occupy Wall Street parody Lego commercial just in time for the holidays.

Check out the parody commercial of Slate's "Civil Unrest" lego set featuring the Occupy Wall Street Riot Brigade vs. the protesters complete with "authentic Zuccotti Park smell."

""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">"" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"> 

It Is A Gas !


It is tough being a Natural Gas bull these days, as prices continue to languish near the $3 per mmbtu level, despite that fact that we're in the heart of the winter heating season. With front month futures trading at 27-month lows, it is getting harder to find reasons for a rally. Above average temperatures in the Midwest and east coast regions of the US have hurt gas demand, with US inventories running nearly 12% above the 5-year average. This large gas surplus has allowed traders to largely ignore recent slowdowns in production, with the Baker Hughes rig count data showing 8 consecutive weeks of lower rig counts. Though it appears that lead month Natural Gas prices are destined to see a 2-dollar handle sooner rather than later, some weather forecasts are calling for colder temperatures to reach the east coast next week. This will keep traders focused on the 6 to 10-day outlook to see if the recent warm spell may be nearing an end. Many large speculative traders continue to expect lower Natural Gas prices, with the most recent Commitment of Traders report showing large non-commercial traders adding just over 2,600 new net-short positions for the week ending December 20th. This increased the net-short position to just over 161,000 contracts. Though this sounds like a huge net-short position, it is far from the record 297,972 net short positions that were held back in July of 2008 at the apex of the Gas bull market.

Technical Notes

Looking at the daily chart for February Natural Gas futures, we notice prices beginning to consolidate between 3.250 and 3.100, with current activity holding near the bottom on this price range. The 14-day RSI remains weak, holding just above oversold territory with a current reading of 30.49. Support is found at the contract low of 3.100 made on December 19th, with resistance seen at the 20-day moving average, currently near the 3.350 level.

" 保證你走不出村口 "

有鄭雁雄這種騎在人民頭上幹 部、人民又怎能不反?

陸豐烏坎村紛爭尚未平息,汕頭市潮陽區海門鎮又因當地政府不理民眾強烈反對,堅持要增建燃煤發電廠,做成污染環境影響漁民生計,結果市民集體 上街示威,更佔據鎮政府大樓,傳媒報道人數多達10萬人。

接二連三出現村、鎮市民上街抗議,甚至衝擊政府大樓,與其說是有甚麼人在背後煽動,倒不如說是那些鄉鎮官僚特權橫行,為利益為政績嚴重損害人 民利益,於是官迫民反、只要有人打響了第一槍,其忍無可忍的市民,就會一湧而上。

中共那些中下層幹部水平之低劣,又可從汕尾市委書記鄭雁雄,日前在發給烏坎村村民的光碟錄影中,完全反映出來。他在錄影 中大擺官威,

一會兒 「投訴」人民太聰明、胃口太大,越來越難管,

一會兒又大鬧村民為何信海外傳媒,「境外媒體信 得過,母豬都會上樹」、「有這樣負責任的政府,你不指望,你指望國外幾個爛媒體、爛報紙、爛網站」,

甚至說「你以為請武警不用錢呢?大好幾百個武警 在這裏,那我們市長的錢包一天一天地癟下來」,

作為地方幹部,更上演如此一場閙劇,用近乎黑幫 大佬口吻,「教訓」不聽話的人民,只差沒有將你以為請武警不用錢 呢」,說成「你以為請打手不用錢呢」!

A說鄭雁雄並非個別例子,中共中下層幹部中,類似鄭之流的人十分常見,他們根本自以為是「土皇 帝」,可以操控生殺大權,他們眼中沒有人民、國家利益,只有自己的利益,A就曾因公務與廣東某個鄉委書記打過交道,當時因 一些商業爭拗,雙方激烈爭拗,A在內地也有點人脈,於是想找市領導介入,怎知那鄉委書記搶了他的手提,對A說這條鄉所有事由他說了算,就算總書記下來也沒有用,若A不肯屈服,保證他走不出村口云云。 A說當地方充滿著這類幹部,只懂濫權自肥,高高在上踩著群眾,今天不斷出現人民上街抗爭,自非無因!

還是B揶揄得好,全世界也知烏坎村有大批外國傳媒,鄭雁雄竟自行奉上「罪證」,讓它公諸於世,中共找來如此草包做幹部,又怎會不弄出一個「大 頭佛」出來?

IAN BREMMER: America Faces Challenges,
But Its Ideals Are Awesome And We Shouldn't Forget That

No matter what critics may say, there should be little doubt that the U.S. is pretty great.  In a new op-ed for the Financial Times, Ian Bremmer argues as much.

Its economy is not simply the world’s largest; it is twice the size of second-place China’s, and its per capita income is higher than those of China, India, Russia and Brazil combined. For all the worry over the US credit rating and emerging alternatives to the dollar, global volatility has only reinforced its dominance as the reserve currency. America’s military is not simply the most capable. It is the only force that can project power in every region. Washington spent more on defence in 2010 than the next 17 nations combined, and even significant expected cuts won’t much narrow that advantage.

This is just a sampling of the myriad of great characteristics cited by Bremmer, the founder and president of the Eurasia Group.

However, Bremmer highlights that what really makes America great is its "democratic and free-market values."

The true source of its lasting significance is that these advantages are a by-product of its faith in liberal democracy, the rule of law, and market-driven free enterprise.

Unfortunately, "These ideals have lost lustre in recent years," says Bremmer.  He recites a laundry list of shameful scandals ranging from Abu Ghraib to Enron.

These are the issues that the presidential candidates will have to confront and debate next year.  Bremmer goes on to describe how he sees the this discourse unfolding.

Far too soon to write off America

By Ian Bremmer

I hear a recurring refrain from China these days: America’s strength comes not from its democratic and free-market values, but merely from the size of its economy and the power of its soldiers and weapons. There is nothing universal about America’s democratic and economic ideals, Chinese officials insist. Democracy is a relative concept, and markets have a centuries-old habit of spinning out of control. The US remains a superpower only because its economy remains on top. Soon, they warn, this advantage will be gone.

It is no surprise that many Chinese love this argument. It flatters their system and their current success. No need for genuine pluralism or large-scale privatisation of state-owned companies. China’s economy will soon surpass America’s; so say economists on both sides of the Pacific. So, is America exceptional because it is strong, or is it strong because its values are exceptional? That is a question the next president must answer.

It is accepted wisdom that America is in decline, but what about its strengths? Its economy is not simply the world’s largest; it is twice the size of second-place China’s, and its per capita income is higher than those of China, India, Russia and Brazil combined. For all the worry over the US credit rating and emerging alternatives to the dollar, global volatility has only reinforced its dominance as the reserve currency. America’s military is not simply the most capable. It is the only force that can project power in every region. Washington spent more on defence in 2010 than the next 17 nations combined, and even significant expected cuts won’t much narrow that advantage.

The US does of course face formidable challenges. Spiralling federal debt, high unemployment, and lower real wages have taken their toll on its self-esteem. For the moment, Republican demands for smaller government have made new stimulus spending all but impossible. Abroad, Washington will have to do more with less, and developing states now have more power with which to obstruct US plans.

Yet investment in the future continues apace. No nation is home to more elite universities and graduate schools, more major multinational corporations, and more breakthroughs in state-of-the-art technology. Silicon Valley’s latest tech start-ups have built enough momentum to fuel talk of a new “bubble”. Development of unconventional gas technologies has been the single most economically significant innovation of the past several years; US-based companies have led the way. All these traditional measures of strength suggest the country is doing fine.

American values, on the other hand, have taken quite a beating. The US has been an indispensable force for stability and prosperity in recent decades, not only because its middle class is the world’s largest, its soldiers the best equipped, or its technology the most advanced. The true source of its lasting significance is that these advantages are a by-product of its faith in liberal democracy, the rule of law, and market-driven free enterprise.

The Soviet Union did not buckle beneath the weight of US economic and military might. It was pulled apart by millions of Soviet citizens who demanded the self-determination that Lenin once promised and Soviet power never delivered. It was not America’s tanks but its ideals that felled the Wall.

These ideals have lost lustre in recent years. The new century began with contested ballots and a presidential election decided in court, a spectacle that made it harder for Americans to champion democracy abroad. The September 11 attacks generated support around the world, but the opening of Guantánamo Bay prison, the Abu Ghraib scandal, and civilian deaths following US drone attacks inside Pakistan have done lasting damage to America’s ability to defend international law and human rights. Meanwhile, the collapse of Enron and WorldCom; the 2008 financial crisis; and bail-outs for American International Group and automakers have undermined confidence in US-style capitalism. As the US economy struggles to restore lost jobs, China has rebounded.

In the coming year Barack Obama and his Republican opponent in the presidential election will have extended debates over the nature of US power. It will not be easy to find differences on the details of their plans for Middle East peace, China, Iran or North Korea, but differences in their visions of America’s role in the world will be all too apparent. Mr Obama will argue that restoring the nation’s economic health is necessary for the US to project power abroad, and that values without strength cannot sustain a foreign policy. He will not use the politically clumsy phrase “leading from behind,” but he will herald the principle of limited commitment that toppled Muammer Gaddafi with no loss of American life and a minimal taxpayer contribution.

His challenger will counter that strength without values leaves America without purpose, that it is and must remain an “exceptional” nation, and that it must defend its values everywhere they are challenged. Mr Obama’s vision will fail to inspire. His opponent’s will simply ignore a decade’s damage to US credibility, its leverage and US public tolerance for new commitments overseas.

Beijing’s values represent no greater ideal. They appeal only to those who dream of maintaining power and manipulating markets for political or personal gain. China’s tens of thousands of protests each year suggest a yearning for something beyond stability and state-driven growth. Like demonstrators in Russia, Syria and elsewhere, they want responsive governance, a chance to create their own wealth, and a system that respects their rights and extends their freedoms.

To be clear: the world still needs American ideals and it is up to the next president to seize the opportunities to practise what Americans preach.

The writer is president of Eurasia Group and author of ‘The End of the Free Market’ 


朝鮮最高領導人金正日突然於12月17日乘坐火車時,因心肌梗塞搶救失效而逝世。消息傳開,舉世震驚,但並非舉世哀悼,至少以美國 為首的西方國家和南韓就不表示弔唁,因為金正日被視為「邪惡軸心國」的領袖之一,彼此沒有情誼可言。

雖 然西方世界不同聲惋惜,但對於接班人的問題和朝鮮的未來走向是格切關注的。在這方面,金正日是有所安排的,他在2010年9月經過 「精選」後,宣佈其幼子 金正恩為未來接班人,而他之所以不得不選定接班人,是因為他在2008年中風後,已知健康大不如前,如果不及早作出安排,恐怕朝鮮會 因他的離世陷入混亂和 奪權。

但為什麼朝鮮的接班人是世襲的呢?為什麼在21世紀文明社會的今天,朝鮮還在奉行封建時代的「子承父業」?這一切是與金正日的父親 金日成分不開的,而金日成在塑造一個閉封國家的過程中,又與借助蘇聯和中國的支持分不開的。

早在1895年的中日甲午戰爭後,朝鮮就處在日本的統治之下,直到1945年日本戰敗投降,蘇聯軍隊和美國軍隊分別佔領北方和南 方。於是朝鮮以北緯 38度線被切成兩半。在時間上,朝鮮或稱「朝鮮民主主義共和國」,是於1948年9月9日由金日成宣佈成立的,走社會主義路線。而韓 國或稱「大韓民國」, 則是在1948年8月15日成立,由李承晚出任總統,走資本主義路線。我們習慣上稱之為北韓和南韓。

由 於兩個國家政體與路線不同,更介入思想意識形態的鬥爭,也就變成南轅北轍兩個對峙的政體。1950年的春天,金日成秘訪蘇聯會晤斯大林;接著來到 北京拜會毛澤東,要求兩巨頭支持他的南進計劃。在同年的6月25日,北韓軍節節往南推進之際,觸動美軍登陸仁川, 切斷北韓軍補,金日成陷入危難關頭。

美軍在抓住主動權後,在麥克阿瑟將軍的領導下,越過38線,準備予北韓迎頭痛擊。有人認為,美國也計劃把中國的邊境拉下水,因為中 國東北被視為是金日成的大後方。

The Korean War Veterans Memorial honors those who died

在此對朝鮮而言千鈞一髮的危機中,金日成唯有親自要求中國派兵援助,否則朝鮮難保。毛澤東經過深思熟慮後(????),於10月派出「人民志願軍」越過鴨綠江, 與美軍決一死戰。經過三年的膠著狀態的交戰,美軍也意識到不可能拿下北韓,於1953年與中國及朝鮮達成停火協定。這樣一來,南北韓 又恢復韓戰前的狀況。


中國人民在許多年後也在追問,這場「援 朝抗美,保家衛國」的戰爭是必要的嗎?

即使不打,美軍難道又會一路打入中國 嗎?

根 據史書記載(美國歷史學家羅茲.墨菲著《亞洲史》),韓戰雙方傷亡人數近200萬人, 其中朝鮮人80萬,中國人也有80萬犧牲。聯合國部隊,主要是美國人也有5.6萬人陣亡。超過 300萬人離家出走,並有不少於400萬平民傷亡。

PLA corpses

獲得了喘息的朝鮮,也就在金日成領導下,塑造一個不對外開放,且帶有神秘感的國家。60年代中蘇關係破裂,開展思想論戰,雙方並在 邊境陳兵對峙時,金日成遊走在中蘇之間,並不特別感恩於中國為朝鮮付出血的代價,如毛澤東的兒子毛岸英也在韓戰中犧牲,從此長眠朝 鮮。

雖然如此,中國官方也從沒後悔對朝鮮的付出,只是在後期要怪責的是金日成過於保守與封建,不跟隨鄧小平在80年代的改革開放起舞, 招致國家經濟停滯不前;反而是在軍備上大加擴充,並宣稱研究核武器,以致於在千禧年被標籤為製造核武器威脅世界和平的國家。

朝鮮在備受責難和壓力下,中共還是一如既往的努力保護朝鮮在國際社會的地位。只是金日成並不怎樣領情,例如在1991年時,因為國 際普遍歡迎韓國加 入聯合國,中國也就促請朝鮮不要孤立自己,一起與韓國申請加入;否則在韓國加入後,朝鮮要再申請,恐怕會被自由民主世界所刁難;畢竟 南北韓分成兩個國家是 既成的事實,在短期內不可能統一。因為中國的曉以大義,朝鮮才同意成為聯合國的一個成員。


由於既成事實,中國也在1992年靜悄悄地與南韓談判建交事宜。當時 機成熟後,中國也在第一時間通知金日成,但後者顯然被擊中一拳,心里很不是滋味,對來 訪的外長錢其琛給予冷談接見(此事在錢的著作《外交十記》中有所披露)。

不寧唯是,金日成據說尚且企圖與台灣建立外交關係,但後來並未跟進。當年朝鮮在選擇2000年奧運會主辦國時,也沒投票給中國,以 致北京為悉尼擊 敗,未能在2000年舉辦奧運會。儘管金日成有所發洩,他還是離不開中國的支持,也只好接受中國與南韓建交的事實,以換取中國支持他 的兒子金正日成為接班 人。

於1942年出生的金正日,在1980年進入朝鮮勞動黨政治局中委,和勞動黨中央軍事委員會。1991年被委為人民軍最高總司令, 因為跟隨金日成多年,金正日也繼承了老父的衣缽。當金日成在1994年逝世時,金正日已是軍中實權人物,得以順利接班。
金日成82歲逝世(1912-1994),在位46年;但是金正日並沒有像他父親那樣長壽,得以細心栽培接班人。金正日 (1942-2011)遲至 2010年才瞭解到接班人的重要性。可是挑來挑去,只能挑出其幼子金正恩來繼位。年僅28歲的金正恩否能控制全局,也是頗令人納悶 的。

這之中的一個弔詭是:朝鮮用幾百萬人的生命,來捍衛其政體,建立一個國家,最終竟成了一個家族政治王朝這到底是在哪方面出錯了? 以當今的政治局勢 與大潮流來看,肯定是錯得離譜,簡直不可理喻。即使堅持一黨專政,也應建立一個黨內體制推選接班人。如今金氏王朝這一確立,對得起 2,400萬北韓人民 嗎?對得起5,000萬的血肉同胞的南韓人民嗎?這就是金正日逝世後給我們帶來的反思和深省。

 China Lunches Pre-emptive Strike - 

中国先下手为强 !

"Lets have our own and keep the AAAAAAA + before those kwai los start downgrading us and cause havoc !"

Head Of Chinese Central Bank: We'll Create Our Own Ratings Agencies

Bloomberg reports that the head of the Chinese Central Bank, Zhou Xiaochuan, has encouraged a reduced reliance on foreign ratings agencies. Instead, the Chairman of the PBOC encouraged domestic institutions to develop their own research resources.

In the wake of the serious misjudgments preceding the financial crisis and the explorations of fundamental conflicts of interest inherent in their business model that succeeded it, ratings agencies have been subject to criticism for many corners.

What makes Chairman Zhou's comments interesting is his suggestion that significant resources will be deployed domestically to create competitors to the traditional, Western-based ratings firms.

From Bloomberg:

"With the rapid expansion in China’s bond market, we need rating companies that are familiar with the Chinese situation," said Lu Zhengwei, Shanghai-based chief economist at Industrial Bank Co., who was rated the nation’s best analyst in 2010 by China Business News newspaper. “We see comments from rating companies during this round of the crisis have influenced the financial market to a large degree. It’s no surprise China is paying attention to them.”
Marvin Gaye On Rolling Stone Magazine Cover


Marvin Gaye Rolling Stone Magazine on 11 Apr 74: Magazine

Marvin Gaye Rolling Stone Magazine on 11 Apr 74:
Store:Wolfgang's Vault

Marvin Gaye Rolling Stone Magazine on 27 Apr 72: Magazine

Marvin Gaye Rolling Stone Magazine on 27 Apr 72:
Store:Wolfgang's Vault

The Best-Selling Drug In The History Of Pharmaceuticals

It Took A Brilliant Marketing Campaign To Create The Best-Selling Drug Of All Time

TRENTON, New Jersey (AP) —
Lipitor, the best-selling drug in the history of pharmaceuticals, is the blockbuster that almost wasn't.

When it was in development, the cholesterol-lowering medicine was viewed as such an also-ran it almost didn't make it into patient testing.

By the time Lipitor went on sale in early 1997, it was the fifth drug in a class called statins that lower LDL or bad cholesterol. The class already included three blockbusters, drugs with sales of $1 billion a year or more. Normally, that would make it very tough for a latecomer to sway many doctors and patients to switch.

But a 1996 study showed Lipitor reduced bad cholesterol dramatically more than the other statins, from the very start of treatment and even more so over time. A striking graph of those results helped Lipitor sales representatives turn it into the world's best-selling drug ever, with more than $125 billion in sales over 14 1/2 years.

Nicknamed "turbostatin," Lipitor became the top-selling statin barely three years after it was launched. It's provided 20 percent to 25 percent of Pfizer Inc.'s annual revenue for years.

But after nearly a decade as the top-selling drug, Lipitor is set to be toppled in 2012 after getting its first generic rivals four weeks ago.

It's a run not likely to be repeated.

Back in the early 1980s, the public was just starting to learn what cholesterol was. There was little evidence that controlling it with medication could be so crucial in preventing disability and early death, and the coming epidemic of obesity and diabetes in an aging population wasn't foreseen.

At the time, heart attack prevention basically amounted to telling patients to eat more oatmeal and skip the steak.

Lipitor creator Warner-Lambert, a mid-sized drugmaker best known for consumer health products including Listerine, Benadryl allergy pills and Halls cough drops, got a late start in what turned into a surprisingly fast-growing market.

Merck & Co. had a decade lead with Mevacor, launched in 1987. By 1994, its successor drug, Zocor, along with Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.'s Pravachol and Novartis AG's Lescol, had crowded the market.

"Those other companies didn't even take us seriously. They didn't think we could be a viable contender," said Adele Gulfo, then head of cardiovascular marketing at Warner-Lambert Co. who now heads Pfizer's primary care drugs business.

Doctors said they were "quite satisfied with the medicines we have," she recalled recently.

Given that, marketing executives at Warner-Lambert were projecting Lipitor sales of $300 million a year at best, recalls the drugs's inventor, chemist Bruce D. Roth.

"I wish someday you guys could make us a drug we could sell," the marketers told his team, recalls Roth, a research vice president for Genentech, a biotech pioneer now owned by Swiss drugmaker Roche.

They had, but didn't see it.

"There was a lot of controversy at Warner-Lambert as to whether we should even take our molecule into the clinic" for human testing, Roth says. "It was kind of a big risk ... It's millions of dollars."

But senior management was persuaded in 1990 to at least fund the initial round of testing on a couple dozen employee volunteers.

The results were far better than what had been seen in the animal tests.

"It tremendously, incredibly outperformed the other statins," Roth says. "It was as good at its lowest dose as the other statins were at their highest dose."

So Warner-Lambert partnered with much-larger Pfizer, considered the industry's top marketer, first to help fund the expensive late-stage testing of the drug in people and then to promote Lipitor after it was launched. Pfizer bought out Warner-Lambert in 2000 to block two other companies trying to acquire it and get control of Lipitor.

Pfizer benefited from some lucky timing: Lipitor went on sale in 1997, the year the Food and Drug Administration first allowed drug ads targeting consumers.

So Pfizer spent tens of millions on ads, including on the popular drama "ER," first urging patients to "Know Your Numbers" and then showing patients discuss how Lipitor helped them get their cholesterol numbers below guideline goals.

Meanwhile, health groups kept lowering the cholesterol targets in national guidelines, making millions more patients good candidates for statin treatment, as new research showed the link between cholesterol levels and consequences such as heart attacks. All those new patients boosted sales for the whole statin class, particularly Lipitor.

The Lipitor promotion team set new standards for a marketing campaign. They repeatedly visited family doctors as well as cardiologists, and blanketed patients with data showing that Lipitor was best at lowering cholesterol. They stressed to doctors nervous about safety that Lipitor's lowest dose worked as well as rivals' highest doses. They gave free samples of the white pills and sometimes bought lunch for the office staff.

In another savvy move, Lipitor was priced below rival drugs.

The company continued research on Lipitor, through this year conducting more than 400 studies, costing roughly $1 billion and including more than 80,000 patients. The studies have shown how Lipitor helped patients with heart problems, diabetes, stroke risk and other conditions, by preventing heart attacks and strokes and reducing plaque buildup in arteries.

Even with Zocor, Pravachol and Mevacor all going generic several years ago, and AstraZeneca PLC's Crestor joining the market in 2003, Lipitor sales have remained strong. It's the only brand-name drug among the 20 most-dispensed drugs in the U.S., according to data firm IMS Health.

But Pfizer, the world's largest drugmaker by revenue, has struggled to develop another runaway blockbuster. Its bid to create a next-generation statin flamed out in 2007 when it had to abandon heavily touted compound torcetrapib, after roughly $800 million in testing, because it raised heart attack and stroke risk.

In recent years, Pfizer has focused on creating other types of drugs and on another unprecedented strategy — this one for hanging onto Lipitor revenue until June, when multiple new generic Lipitor versions will join one sold by Ranbaxy Laboratories and the authorized generic from Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. Pfizer is offering patients and insurance plans big discounts and rebates, including cards giving patients a $4 monthly copayment, if they stay on Lipitor until then.

But branded Lipitor is by no means history.

Its patent is still in force in many major foreign countries and Pfizer is promoting it heavily in emerging markets such as China.

Pfizer's strategy to keep U.S. patients on Lipitor appears to be working a little better than some analysts expected: The number of Lipitor prescriptions filled in the first full week after generics arrived only fell by half.

Sanford Bernstein analyst Dr. Tim Anderson forecasts Lipitor sales will decline from about $11 billion in 2009 and 2010 to $3.9 billion next year and just above $3 billion in 2015.

That would make it Pfizer's No. 3 drug that year — and possibly still among the world's 20 top-selling drugs by revenue, as half those on the current list also will have generic competition by then.

Lipitor, the best-selling drug in the history of pharmaceuticals, is the blockbuster that almost wasn't.

When it was in development, the cholesterol-lowering medicine was viewed as such an also-ran it almost didn't make it into patient testing.

By the time Lipitor went on sale in early 1997, it was the fifth drug in a class called statins that lower LDL or bad cholesterol. The class already included three blockbusters, drugs with sales of $1 billion a year or more. Normally, that would make it very tough for a latecomer to sway many doctors and patients to switch.

But a 1996 study showed Lipitor reduced bad cholesterol dramatically more than the other statins, from the very start of treatment and even more so over time. A striking graph of those results helped Lipitor sales representatives turn it into the world's best-selling drug ever, with more than $125 billion in sales over 14 1/2 years.

Nicknamed "turbostatin," Lipitor became the top-selling statin barely three years after it was launched. It's provided 20 percent to 25 percent of the company's annual revenue for years.

But after nearly a decade as the top-selling drug, Lipitor is set to be toppled in 2012 after getting its first generic rivals four weeks ago.

It's a run not likely to be repeated.

Back in the early 1980s, the public was just starting to learn what cholesterol was. There was little evidence that controlling it with medication could be so crucial in preventing disability and early death, and the coming epidemic of obesity and diabetes in an aging population wasn't foreseen.

At the time, heart attack prevention basically amounted to telling patients to eat more oatmeal and skip the steak.

Lipitor creator Warner-Lambert, a mid-sized drugmaker best known for consumer health products including Listerine, Benadryl allergy pills and Halls cough drops, got a late start in what turned into a surprisingly fast-growing market.

Merck & Co. had a decade lead with Mevacor, launched in 1987. By 1994, its successor drug, Zocor, along with Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.'s Pravachol and Novartis AG's Lescol, had crowded the market.

"Those other companies didn't even take us seriously. They didn't think we could be a viable contender," said Adele Gulfo, then head of cardiovascular marketing at Warner-Lambert Co. who now heads Pfizer's primary care drugs business.

Doctors said they were "quite satisfied with the medicines we have," she recalled recently.

Given that, marketing executives at Warner-Lambert were projecting Lipitor sales of $300 million a year at best, recalls the drugs's inventor, chemist Bruce D. Roth.

"I wish someday you guys could make us a drug we could sell," the marketers told his team, recalls Roth, a research vice president for Genentech, a biotech pioneer now owned by Swiss drugmaker Roche.

They had, but didn't see it.

"There was a lot of controversy at Warner-Lambert as to whether we should even take our molecule into the clinic" for human testing, Roth says. "It was kind of a big risk ... It's millions of dollars."

But senior management was persuaded in 1990 to at least fund the initial round of testing on a couple dozen employee volunteers.

The results were far better than what had been seen in the animal tests.

"It tremendously, incredibly outperformed the other statins," Roth says. "It was as good at its lowest dose as the other statins were at their highest dose."

So Warner-Lambert partnered with much-larger Pfizer Inc., considered the industry's top marketer, first to help fund the expensive late-stage testing of the drug in people and then to promote Lipitor after it was launched. Pfizer bought out Warner-Lambert in 2000 to block two other companies trying to acquire it and get control of Lipitor.

Pfizer benefited from some lucky timing: Lipitor went on sale in 1997, the year the Food and Drug Administration first allowed drug ads targeting consumers.

So Pfizer spent tens of millions on ads, including on the popular drama "ER," first urging patients to "Know Your Numbers" and then showing patients discuss how Lipitor helped them get their cholesterol numbers below guideline goals.

Meanwhile, health groups kept lowering the cholesterol targets in national guidelines, making millions more patients good candidates for statin treatment, as new research showed the link between cholesterol levels and consequences such as heart attacks. All those new patients boosted sales for the whole statin class, particularly Lipitor.

The Lipitor promotion team set new standards for a marketing campaign. They repeatedly visited family doctors as well as cardiologists, and blanketed patients with data showing that Lipitor was best at lowering cholesterol. They stressed to doctors nervous about safety that Lipitor's lowest dose worked as well as rivals' highest doses. They gave free samples of the white pills and sometimes bought lunch for the office staff.

In another savvy move, Lipitor was priced below rival drugs.

The company continued research on Lipitor, through this year conducting more than 400 studies, costing roughly $1 billion and including more than 80,000 patients. The studies have shown how Lipitor helped patients with heart problems, diabetes, stroke risk and other conditions, by preventing heart attacks and strokes and reducing plaque buildup in arteries.

Even with Zocor, Pravachol and Mevacor all going generic several years ago, and AstraZeneca PLC's Crestor joining the market in 2003, Lipitor sales have remained strong. It's the only brand-name drug among the 20 most-dispensed drugs in the U.S., according to data firm IMS Health.

But Pfizer, the world's largest drugmaker by revenue, has struggled to develop another runaway blockbuster. Its bid to create a next-generation statin flamed out in 2007 when it had to abandon heavily touted compound torcetrapib, after roughly $800 million in testing, because it raised heart attack and stroke risk.

In recent years, Pfizer has focused on creating other types of drugs and on another unprecedented strategy — this one for hanging onto Lipitor revenue until June, when multiple new generic Lipitor versions will join one sold by Ranbaxy Laboratories and the authorized generic from Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. Pfizer is offering patients and insurance plans big discounts and rebates if they stay on Lipitor until then.

But branded Lipitor is by no means history.

Its patent is still in force in many other countries and Pfizer is promoting it heavily in emerging markets such as China.

Pfizer's strategy to keep U.S. patients on Lipitor appears to be working a little better than some analysts expected: The number of Lipitor prescriptions filled in the first full week after generics arrived only fell by half.

Sanford Bernstein analyst Dr. Tim Anderson forecasts Lipitor sales will decline from about $11 billion in 2009 and 2010 to $3.9 billion next year and just above $3 billion in 2015.

That would make it Pfizer's No. 3 drug that year — and possibly still among the world's 20 top-selling drugs by revenue, as half those on the current list also will have generic competition by then.

106 Year-Old Irving Kahn Is Still Investing In The Stock Market

Irving Kahn, who turned 106 years old earlier this month, has been working on Wall Street since 1928 and he's still investing his money today. [via Jacob Wolinski at ValueWalk]

The value investor told CNN Money he doesn't watch the stock market all that closely even though he has a Bloomberg Terminal on his desk.  That's because he follows the 20 stocks that he currently holds.

Kahn, who didn't always have a Bloomberg Terminal or a cell phone, has seen a lot of changes besides the technological ones during his days on Wall Street.

"Well when I got to the Street in '28/'29 it was much more of a rich man's game -- not that I was rich, but I mean it was designed for banks, insurance companies, railroads or public utilities," he said in an interview. "It's no longer a rich man's business. It's a business for everybody." 

Will US & Iran Slug It Off  in Straits of Hormuz?

The pieces and policies for potential conflict in the Persian Gulf are seemingly drawing inexorably together.

Since 24 December the Iranian Navy has been holding its ten-day Velayat 90 naval exercises, covering an area in the Arabian Sea stretching from east of the Strait of Hormuz entrance to the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Aden. The day the maneuvers opened Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari told a press conference that the exercises were intended to show "Iran's military prowess and defense capabilities in international waters, convey a message of peace and friendship to regional countries, and test the newest military equipment." The exercise is Iran's first naval training drill since May 2010, when the country held its Velayat 89 naval maneuvers in the same area. Velayat 90 is the largest naval exercise the country has ever held.


The participating Iranian forces have been divided into two groups, blue and orange, with the blue group representing Iranian forces and orange the enemy. Velayat 90 is involving the full panoply of Iranian naval force, with destroyers, missile boats, logistical support ships, hovercraft, aircraft, drones and advanced coastal missiles and torpedoes all being deployed. Tactics include mine-laying exercises and preparations for chemical attack. Iranian naval commandos, marines and divers are also participating.

The exercises have put Iranian warships in close proximity to vessels of the United States Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, which patrols some of the same waters, including the Strait of Hormuz, a 21 mile-wide waterway at its narrowest point. Roughly 40 percent of the world's oil tanker shipments transit the strait daily, carrying 15.5 million barrels of Saudi, Iraqi, Iranian, Kuwaiti, Bahraini, Qatari and United Arab Emirates crude oil, leading the United States Energy Information Administration to label the Strait of Hormuz "the world's most important oil chokepoint."


In light of Iran’s recent capture of an advanced CIA RQ-170 Sentinel drone earlier this month, Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Seyed Mahmoud Moussavi noted that the Iranian Velayat 90 forces also conducted electronic warfare tests, using modern Iranian-made electronic jamming equipment to disrupt enemy radar and contact systems. Further tweaking Uncle Sam’s nose, Moussavi added that Iranian Navy drones involved in Velayat 90 conducted successful patrolling and surveillance operations.

Thousands of miles to the west, adding oil to the fire, President Obama is preparing to sign legislation that, if fully enforced, could impose harsh penalties on all customers for Iranian oil, with the explicit aim of severely impeding Iran’s ability to sell it.

How serious are the Iranians about the proposed sanctions and possible attack over its civilian nuclear program and what can they deploy if push comes to shove? According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ The Military Balance 2011, Iran has 23 submarines, 100+ “coastal and combat” patrol craft, 5 mine warfare and anti-mine craft, 13 amphibious landing vessels and 26 “logistics and support” ships. Add to that the fact that Iran has emphasized that it has developed indigenous “asymmetrical warfare” naval doctrines, and it is anything but clear what form Iran’s naval response to sanctions or attack could take. The only certainty is that it is unlikely to resemble anything taught at the U.S. Naval Academy.

The proposed Obama administration energy sanctions heighten the risk of confrontation and carry the possibility of immense economic disruption from soaring oil prices, given the unpredictability of the Iranian response. Addressing the possibility of tightened oil sanctions Iran’s first vice president Mohammad-Reza Rahimi on 27 December said, “If they impose sanctions on Iran’s oil exports, then even one drop of oil cannot flow from the Strait of Hormuz.”

Iran has earlier warned that if either the U.S. or Israel attack, it will target 32 American bases in the Middle East and close the Strait of Hormuz. On 28 December Iranian Navy commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari observed, "Closing the Strait of Hormuz for the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran is very easy. It is a capability that has been built from the outset into our naval forces' abilities."

But adding an apparent olive branch Sayyari added, "But today we are not in the Hormuz Strait. We are in the Sea of Oman and we do not need to close the Hormuz Strait. Today we are just dealing with the Sea of Oman. Therefore, we can control it from right here and this is one of our prime abilities for such vital straits and our abilities are far, far more than they think."

There are dim lights at the end of the seemingly darker and darker tunnel. The proposed sanctions legislation allows Obama to waive sanctions if they cause the price of oil to rise or threaten national security.

Furthermore, there is the wild card of Iran’s oil customers, the most prominent of which is China, which would hardly be inclined to go along with increased sanctions.

But one thing should be clear in Washington – however odious the U.S. government might find Iran’s mullahcracy, it is most unlikely to cave in to either economic or military intimidation that would threaten the nation’s existence, and if backed up against the wall with no way out, would just as likely go for broke and use every weapon at its disposal to defend itself. Given their evident cyber abilities in hacking the RQ-170 Sentinel drone and their announcement of an indigenous naval doctrine, a “cakewalk” victory with “mission accomplished” declared within a few short weeks seems anything but assured, particularly as it would extend the military arc of crisis from Iraq through Iran to Afghanistan, a potential shambolic military quagmire beyond Washington’s, NATO’s and Tel Aviv’s resources to quell.

It is worth remembering that chess was played in Sassanid Iran 1,400 years ago, where it was known as “chatrang.” What is occurring now off the Persian Gulf is a diplomatic and military game of chess, with global implications.

Washington’s concept of squeezing a country’s government by interfering with its energy policies has a dolorous history seven decades old.

When Japan invaded Vichy French-ruled southern Indo-China in July 1941 the U.S. demanded Japan withdraw. In addition, on 1 August the U.S.,( Japan’s biggest oil supplier at the time), imposed an oil embargo on Japan.

Pearl Harbor occurred less than four months later.

Gold Snaps Multi-Year Support, Pointing to Major Trend Change

Gold Break Past 3-Year Trend Line Support Points to Major Trend Change
Spot Gold (NY Close): $1555.43 // -37.80 // -2.37%

The outlook for gold prices continues to broadly favor the downside as Eurozone-borne risk aversion boosts the US Dollar – amounting to de-facto downward pressure on the yellow metal – while the slide in ETF holdings points to evaporating investment demand as the Fed’s apparent abandonment of QE removes the need for an alternative-asset inflation hedge. With that in mind, the greenback may find itself under pressure if Italy’s bond auction shows improvement along the lines witnessed with yesterday’s bill sale, sapping safe-haven flows and nudging gold higher over the short term. Needless to say, the reverse is likewise the case.

The technical picture appears very ominous however. Prices broke major long-term support at a rising trend line dating back to late October 2008, pointing to a major bearish reversal (although reading too much into current price action seems unwise given atypically low holiday-induced liquidity conditions across financial markets). From here the bears target the next layer of support at 1486.52. The trend line – now at 1568.46 – has been recast as near-term resistance. 


冰島購地Vs烏克蘭購艦 - 中國说话一向车大炮


冰島購地Vs烏克蘭購艦——香港在中國外交 的獨特潛能

中國民企中坤集團企圖購買冰島土地興建旅遊區一事,終於在本月作結,雖然這項投資得到冰島總統全力 支持,卻被內政部否決,而且是終極否決,不能上訴。表面上,否決原因是冰島法例規定除本國及歐盟企 業,不得購買土地,除非得到政府特許,而這次中坤要買的土地面積達300平方公里,相當於1/3個 香港,冰島擔心先例一開,國土會不斷「淪喪」。中坤董事長黃怒波認為是西方炒作中國威脅論,配合了 冰島反對派裡應外合,才令投資告吹。


但這案例的地緣政治含義,也不是空穴來風。在未來二十年,隨著氣候變亂,北極冰川融化,極地能源將 成為下一波能源爭奪戰場,新出現的北極航道也會影響原有勢力平衡,甚至有學者預言在2050年,環 北冰洋各國(包括快將獨立的格陵蘭)都會因而成為新興大國。中國近年積極推廣全方位外交,在非洲、 拉美建立能源根據地,確是經常利用企業作為先行者,而中國要參與北極外交的決心早已公告天下,例如 它去年申請加入北極理事會為觀察員,就令美國、俄羅斯和北歐各國大為感冒。

在北冰洋各國當中,冰島小國寡民,政治相對簡單,原來較容易和北京打交道,加上經濟狀況比瑞典、挪 威等差,也更需要中國資金。中國近年不斷在冰島設立「聯合研究中心」,也買下了一 大片土地興建新大使館,屆時將會成為冰島最大的外國大使館──根據北京批評 美國駐港領事館「不成比例地龐大」的逆向邏輯,中 國駐冰島大使館的規模,自然也令西方國家不安。無論中國商人在當地真正目的如何,就是這位黃怒波從 前沒有當過中宣部官員,恐怕西方都會認為這是戰略部署,或中國往北極前緣開發的補給基地。冰島雖然 並非歐盟正式成員,卻是北約成員,美國在冷戰後撤走了基地,也依然對當地有一定影響力。


中資民企冰島失利這案例,卻教人聯想到本年度外交界的一最熱門題材:中國航空母艦瓦格良號的購買經 歷。這艘母艦原來由前蘇聯製造,竣工前蘇聯解體,流落烏克蘭,輾轉被變賣,當時的買家不是中國政 府,而是一間公司。不過那次並非中國企業,而是香港企業創律集團,儘管創律主席徐增平有在廣州軍區 服役的經歷,也被西方可作是北京的「白手套」。根 據協議,創律購買這艘母艦是為了「商業」用途,據說是要準備翻新後當賭船, 而且為了證明母艦的非軍事用途,創律不能把它啓動航行、而要拖回中國,過程消耗了整整數年。為甚麼它現在又成了母 艦?

這裡的重點是:為甚麼烏克蘭政府明知道母艦售出後可能被中國復原,明明受到俄羅斯和西方的雙重壓力 不讓交易成功,還是最終把母艦售予創律?在微觀層面,原因自然不少,由非正式的「交際費」到國家層 面的疏通都不可或缺,但歸根究底,創律的香港身份,卻成了箇中關鍵。正如徐增平本人接受一份媒體訪 問時表示,「由創律出面購買航空母 艦並用於商業用途,那些國家很難把這筆帳記到中國頭上,難以公開指責中國擴充軍 備,因為創律的法人身份和其他香港 企業一樣,被中國視為國內的境外公司,奉行不同法規,這正是李嘉誠旗下的企業得以獲得內地企業沒有 的國際機會的重要背景。而且創律把母艦變身賭船的說法,也配合了徐增平本人當時聲稱要當「澳門新賭 王」的宣傳,這就像澳門正牌賭王何鴻燊在北韓經營賭場「生意」,也可以說是「業務」。到了徐增平把 航母轉移予北京,也需要國家正式購買,這也可以令烏克蘭政府向美俄交代時自圓其說。

冰島與香港:「香港-歐洲自由貿易聯盟」 FTA

那是不是說只要香港企業出面,購買冰島土地就迎刃而解?自然不是。但客觀事實是,不少香港商人持有 歐盟內部的子公司,而冰島售賣土地予歐盟公司早有前科;而且冰島給予香港特區護照免簽證,在操作層 面上,香港商人說要建造旅遊天堂,會相對容易通過官僚程序。

更重要的是,根據《基本法》第13條,香港能與世界其他獨立關稅區簽訂經濟條約,目前它簽訂自由貿 易協定的成功案例只有三個,就是與內地的CEPA、與新西蘭的FTA,另一個正與冰島有關。 2011年6月,香港與歐洲自由貿易聯盟(EFTA)簽訂FTA,這個「聯盟」聽起來很像一回事, 其實不過是沒有加入歐盟的漏網之魚的夕陽組織,成員只有四個,即冰島、挪威、瑞士和列支敦士登,而 且冰島已申請加入歐盟,一旦成事,也很可能推出EFTA。但與此同時,雖然中國與冰島的自由貿易區 談判進行多年,雙方卻還是沒有落實條約,e而且談判已因冰島申請加入歐盟終止,可見香港這協定還是 有其獨特之處。正如商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑在列支敦士登簽約時說:「根據《協定》,雙方的商家 及投資者均在對方的市場上享有優惠的准入條件,我們期望商人會好好利用這份作為香港與歐洲經濟體系 訂立的首份自由貿易協定所帶來的商機,以開拓和擴展在北歐及西歐的業務。」

當然,這依然不表示香港企業到冰島購地暢通無阻,但似乎會比內地企業優勝。黃怒波在交易告吹後,發 表了如下感想:「中國企業民企太難 了,想在國際化步伐上能夠邁的更順利的話,路還很長,但是從另外一個方面講,還是它背 後整個西方對中國有個戰略上默契性的防堵」。如何 利用香港企業協助國家、國企、內地民企「走出去」,已成了國家級智庫近年重點研究的課題,但香港依 然被設定為純經濟城市,香港人依然被排拒於參與戰略決定的圈子以外,這樣對善用香港身份為國家服務 是不利的。黃怒波與徐增平背景相近,海外爭議投資的結局卻迴異,也是側面反映香港價值所在。


1. 希望房價大跌,買得起房子,因為現今的房子只有百萬富翁買得起;



4.希望每次的人民維權抗爭事件發生時,都有國際媒體在 場,否則非死即傷;

5. 希望不再有地溝油、回鍋油;

6. 希望賦稅減少,至少取消月餅稅;




10. 希望肺部不要再成為空氣淨化器;

11.希望人民被警察打死後至少能把屍體歸還家屬,不要毀 屍滅跡

12. 希望學生有校車可坐;


14. 希望當局釋放陳光誠、劉曉波、陳西等等等等;

15. 希望微博不要實名制;








中国国家主席胡锦涛敦促解放军做好斗争准备。他指出,“解放军海军应该“加快推进海 军转型建设,拓展深化军事斗争准备,扎实推进海军现代化,为捍卫国家安全、维护世界和平,作出新的更大贡献。”这就是说,在美国及其太平洋盟国侧 重推行可 阻止解放军打海战的现代化计划时,中国向美国及其太平洋盟国发出了一个重要信号
    近10年来,中美两国军事政治对抗十分明显。在美中两国军方进行舌战的同时,军事对抗的主要内容转向争夺制空权,尽管争夺制空权不 具备更多 公开化的军事性质。这就要求中国显示出像美国在中国边境使用F一22一样,所具备的这种军事技术实力。显而易见,中国制造的歼-10无法保证 完成这个任 务。歼-11也无法完成这项任务。但是,令人可喜的是,中国国防军事无论是从数量上来说,还是 从质量上来说,近年来的发展都得到了突飞猛进之地步。

    解放军第五代战机歼-20战机的研制成功,而歼-20战机的真实战斗力一直存有争议。歼-20是像美国F-22一样具有空中优势的 战斗机? 还是一种渗透性轰炸机或海上打击平台?另外,它是否能达到第五代战机的水平还要取决于其电子设备及软件系统等项目;而这些不能仅仅由一张照片 来确定。然 而,有一点是明确的,中国研发歼-20已经遥遥领先预期,这表明其渴望以一种自冷战结束以来未 有的方式来挑战美国的空中优势。

    由于美国力量的衰退及种种原因,F-22生产线已宣告彻底废弃美国及其 盟国军队只能依赖性能“超前”的F-35战机执行攻防任务。五角大 楼国家航空航天情报中心(NASIC) 近日发表研究报告称。中国空军“到2020年将成为世界首 要空军力量之一”,而且其正致力于“扩大影响范围和杀伤力”中国空军正在努力成为保家卫国使命 之外的“一支战略空军部队”。据美国家航空航天情报中心称,中国空军将“塑造未来亚太地区的作战环境,甚至可能在某一天超出这一区域范围”。该报 告呼吁, 美国及其盟国应需要快速开发21世纪空海一体战所需技术,面对来自中国的高超音速巡航导弹威胁和新型战机的升空,要成功实现美空军“蜂窝”攻防作 战和重新 获得美空军空中霸王的优势,前提是装备足够的F-35战机,以多制胜或许能够完成。

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


不辨真假,人 云亦云的“美帝”是最坏

在中共多年的愚民欺骗宣传中,有一个根本之谎——对美国政府及 其价值观的一再妖魔化污蔑。 (【长期以来,中共利用其控制的舆论宣传工具持续不断的向中国民众强力进行一言堂的愚民欺骗洗脑宣传,太多的中国人对中 国共产党的本质,对发生在中华大地上的诸多历史及现实事件,认识糊涂,或是偏激片面,或是认识不清,或是根本就不知道,陷在中共刻意 营造的错误泥沼中不能 自拔,严重的影响了对事物的客观判断而不自知。本文拟就当今及历史上被中共或是扭曲或是掩盖的诸多历史事件中的部份大事做如实解读, 帮助你廓清迷雾,恢复 良知。】


在中共多年的愚民欺骗宣传中,有一个根本之谎——对美国政府 及其价值观的一再妖魔化污蔑。多年来,专制独裁的中共一直把民主自由的美国视为头号敌人,很多中国人也被愚弄得不辨真假,人云亦云,对美国充满敌对情绪。 甚至在美国发生了9.11恐怖事件,全世界都齐声谴责的时候,很多人还表示快意,实际是上了中共的当。真正的美国完全不是中共宣传的 形象。
一九零零年,清政府纵容义和团(又称义和拳)杀教民、焚烧攻打各国驻华使领馆,结果导致八国联军攻入北京保护侨民与使 馆。八国联军迫清政府签订《辛丑条约》,赔付白银四亿五千万两。史称庚子赔款,西方称“拳乱赔款”。

我 们必须明白:义和团滥杀洋人是八国联军的起因,义和团绝对不是如中共洗脑宣传的是什么 反帝爱国的运动,纯粹是一场祸国殃民的祸害八国联军进入北京的时 候,清政府已濒临瓦解,几近灭亡,清廷的号令已经失效,全国各省都在准备独立,没有人去勤王帮助清政府。当时的世界,没有什么国际 法,是帝国主义弱肉强食 的大殖民时代,列强对地大物博的东方大国垂涎良久。俄国试图占领东北和西北;日本试图占领东北和台湾;德国试图占领山东;英国试图占 领福建、广东和西藏; 法国试图占领云南和广西。他们在中国划分势力范围,中国面临被永久大分裂成若干国家和被殖民的危险。这个时候,唯有美国,还不很强大 的美国,于一九零零年 七月三日由美国国务院发出通告《美国的政策与目的说明》,发往驻华列国使团,并送交美国驻柏林、巴黎、伦敦、罗马和圣彼得堡大使馆以 及美国驻维也纳、布鲁 塞尔、马德里、东京、海牙和里斯本使馆,明确提出:美国政府的政策是寻求一种 解决方案,这个解决方案的目的是能够给中国带来永久的安全与和平;维护中国 领土与管理完整;保护一切友好国家在条约和国际法保证下一切权利;维护世界各国与中华帝国各地(之间)的平等、公正贸易的原 则。”在此基础上主导了关于中 国问题的《九国公约》,条约第一条是:尊重中国之主权与独立暨领土与行政 之完整。提出尊重并保持清政府的存在,并倡导中国实行平等通商的“门户开放”政 策,最大限度地遏制了列强瓜分中国的图谋同时也设法避免了中国的内战,保证了中国的利益和统一, 使中国没有沦为第二个英占印度和分裂的中东。

在 后来的民国时期,美国坚定支持中国国民革命军和南京中央政府北伐,使中国没有陷入军阀分裂,没有重蹈封建复辟的悲剧。当蒋介石领导的 统一中国的北伐战争, 遭到割据军阀的反抗及帝国主义国家干预的时候,美国率先承认南京政府,并 支持中国的民主统一事业,最终让中国在形式上完成统一,并斡旋帝国主义列强停止对 华的敌视干涉政策,使中国没有再被分裂,没有退回到封建社会。

清廷重臣李鸿章在向朝鲜王妃闵妃传授外交经验时曾说:“要多 依靠美国,美国这 个国家与其他洋人国家不同,讲道理,重信义。”李鸿章的老师曾国藩也说:“米人秉性醇厚,与中国常思效顺之心。”事 实的确如此。《辛丑条约》列强要求瓜分 中国,美国说服列强,不要求清政府割地,只要求赔款,避免了中国被瓜分。自八国联军侵华以来,美国的表现就与众不同。在八国联军攻打 天津大沽口时,美国军 舰一炮未开,而且还退出战斗,并全力抢救受伤的双方士兵。因此核定各国赔款时,清政 府把美国当作唯一可以信赖的,让美国代理清廷与列强交涉。赔款谈判 时,美国政府认为总额太多,提议各国缩减,但未获同意一九零七年十二月,美国总统罗斯福敦请国会批准把超出美国实际损失之外的多余赔款退还中国,用于帮 助中国发展教育事业,培养赴美国的中国留学生。一九零八年五月,美国国会通过议案,批准退款。之后,美国政府先后于一九零八年、 一九二四年,分两次全数退 还多余赔款,本利共计近2800万美元。美国的善举,引起其他国家效仿,从一九二三年起,英、法、意、 比、荷、苏俄等国也竞相退款助学,用此款办起了大量 大、中、小学,甚至幼儿园。这不但大大减轻了中国的赔款负担,更促成了中国近代史上大规模的留美运动,由此产生了清 华学堂——清华大学的前身,为中国造就 了一大批杰出优秀的科技人才,对中国科技现代化的进程产生了深远影响。据统计,上世纪中叶,代表中国最高科学水准 的中央研究院院士和中国科学院学部委员 中,近半数为庚款留学生。当代中国以及海外华人中的很多知名人士,包括教育家和科学家,当年都接受过庚款赞助。一九四九年,中国大陆 政权易手,国民党退守 台湾。在台湾新竹成立的清华大学用的也是源自庚子赔款的基金。

与清华大学同样驰名的是成立于一九一九年的北京大学的前身“燕京大 学”,同样 由美国人创建,首任校长是曾任美国驻华大使的司徒雷登,办校经费主要来自于美国等地的捐助。司徒雷登成功运用美国铝业大王霍尔的巨额遗产,说服哈佛大学与 燕京大学合作,于一九二八年春成立了哈佛燕京学社,直接推动两所大学的教师互换计划,使燕京大学跻身 于世界一流大学。一九四九年十月前,中国共有14所教 会大学,分别是燕京大学、齐鲁大学、东吴大学、圣约翰大学、之江大学、华西协和大学、华中大学、金陵大学、华南女子文理学院、湘雅医 科大学、金陵女子文理 学院、沪江大学、岭南大学、协和大学。以美国为主导的教会大学史是中国近代教育史中不可缺少的重要篇章,为中国高等教育的奠基与发展 做出了不可磨灭的贡 献。二零零二年,美国总统布什访华。布什在北京清华大学发表演讲时,告诉师生们,这所著名大学是美国为了增进两国间的联系而帮助建立 的。

抗 战期间,美国对中国的积极援助,更是弥足珍贵。主要体现在三个方面。

首 先是道义支持。卢沟桥事变爆发后,美国对日本反覆提出抗议,并力图促成中国与日本的和谈。美国的主流媒体舆论一直站在中国一边,对中 国军民的英勇抗争表示 尊重与赞颂,对日本军国主义的滔天罪行予以谴责。一九三八年二月,中共党魁毛 泽东对合众社记者王公达谈话时坦言,“美国民主党的赞助国际和平,罗斯福总统 的谴责法西斯,霍华德系报纸的同情中国抗日,尤其是美国广大人民群众对中国抗日的声援,这些都是我们所欢迎与感谢的。” 同时,美国政府积极帮助提高中国的 国际地位,树立蒋介石的大国领袖形象,为中国取得国际上的话语权不遗余力。美国政府还组织拍摄了日军空袭上海的记录片,使美国公民对 日本侵华更感愤怒和反 感。美国政府更于中国抗战最艰难的一九四一年十一月向日本发出最后通牒,取消与日的中立立场,强硬要求日本从中国撤军,废除一九一一 年签订的日美商约,对 日本实行石油和钢铁禁运。中国对此深感振奋,蒋介石闻讯立即约见美国驻华大使詹森,高度称赞“总统和国务卿的伟大而辉煌的举动,减轻 了中国自卷入冲突以来 面临的极严峻的危机”。

其次是物质支援。中国拥有大量过剩白银,急需在国际市场出售,以换取外汇,购买军火等作战物资。美国政府充份理解中 国的困难,以高于市场价,分6批共购买了中国白银总值为1.38亿美元。 一九四零年十一月更进一步发表财政援华声明,以鼓舞中国士气。一九四一年三月通 过 了《租借法案》,无条件全面援助中国。通过《租借法案》,美国共向中国提供了包括武器在内的价值16.2亿美元的租借物资, 是二战期间中国最大的援助国, 极大地支持了中国的抗战。

三 是军事支援。一九四一年四月,美国总统罗斯福秘密发布命令:允许美国预备役军官和陆海 军航空部队退役人员参加美 国志援队,这就是著名的美国志愿航空队“飞虎队”。同时,中国以优厚价格购买了100架美国飞机。为保证中国的物资供应,美军开辟了飞越喜马拉雅山、横断 山脉等高寒山区的著名的“驼峰航线”,三年多时间里,向中国空运了近80万吨物资。飞虎队后来扩编为美军第14航 空队,渐渐取得了中国的制空权,共击落日 机2,600架。在著名的常德战役中,中国军队在美机的配合下,坚守城池3个月。日军费了九牛二虎之力才攻占了常德,但在猛烈的空中 打击和中国军队的反攻 下,日军在常德只待了5天便弃城而逃。在这场战役中,日军死伤人数达15,000多人,其中许多是被美军飞机炸死的。

一九四四年六月,美国 飞机从成都多个机场出发轰炸日本,出击900多架次,为抗日战争做出了杰出贡献。抗 日战争中,美军损失超500架飞机,有1,579名美国飞行员为中国人 民的民族解放事业献出了宝贵的生命中国 取得抗日战争的胜利不是靠人命的堆积、简单的如地道战、地雷战等游击战就能取得胜利的。两国之间战争归根到底拼的 是国力,是经济。如果没有能源、作战物资做保证,如果枪炮里没有子弹、弹药,如果飞机、坦克、汽车里没有汽油,如果负伤的战士没 有医药的救治,如果没有物 资的依靠……是打赢不了这场战争的。中共宣称靠小米加步枪、靠人命抢 夺敌人的武器就能取得胜利,只能骗得了一时

历史应当得到尊重。中国人 民永远不会忘记陈纳德将军以及成千上万的美国空军官兵在中国军民浴血抗日的8年中,所做出的巨大牺牲和杰出贡献。但是,在抗战胜利65周年的纪念活动中, 中共及其媒体对美国支援抗战几乎没有一字提及,反而一反常态地调赞誉当年洗劫东北的苏联军队

朝 鲜战争是斯大林唆使金日成发动的一场非正义战争,中国的参战也是上了斯大林的当;牺牲 了40万中国军人的所谓“抗美援朝”不仅费力不讨好(中国志愿军最终 被金日成赶出北朝鲜,金日成还在全国大肆清洗亲华的“延安派”),而且是以落后对抗先进、以反动对抗进步,是耻 辱。美国为首的16国参与的联合国军是为世 界和平而战,他们才是正义的。中国大陆出兵朝鲜,不仅最后被金日成赶出来,而且被联合国大会决议为侵略者。一九五一年二月一日,联合 国大会以44票赞成、 7票反对、9票弃权的结果,通过了“谴责共产党中国为在韩国的侵略者”提案。正式定义中共为侵略者。

中国在50年代末、60年代初三年大饥 荒时期,美国新任总统肯尼迪及其政府对中国的情况给与了特别关注,并于一九六二年二月,提出了两套方案,一份不带任何条件:允 许中国用硬通货向美国购买 300—500万吨小麦。另一个附带条件的方案是:如果中国同意放弃他对邻国的军事政治压力,美方同意以长期和低息 赊销的方式每年出售上千万吨小麦给中 国。不仅如此,肯尼迪利用中美华沙大使级会谈的时机,指示美国驻波兰大使比姆向中国特使王炳南明确表示:中国人民的生活受到了影 响,美国将从人道主义立场 给与尽可能的帮助,美国甚至可以给中国的穷人送救济包。可惜,这一可以挽救千万人生命的善意建议被邪恶的中共严词 拒绝了。

一九六九年中苏珍宝岛战役期间,苏联国防部长扬言使用核武器,美国立即做 出强烈反应,迫使苏方不得不放弃,从而避免了一场核战争。

中 国今天能走上改革开放的复兴之路,美国实际上是重要推手。上世纪70年代中美关系正常化,中国改变了国际上孤立、被动的境地,为改革 开放作出铺垫。一九七 九年中美正式建交、邓小平访美——这次访美,坚定了邓小平改革开放的信心和决心。中美建交后的80年代,中国经济改革和政治民主化进 入全面发展的时期,取 得了丰硕成果。如果不是中共在八九年“六四”学生爱国运动期间血洗京城,引致美国等西方民主国家的制裁,中国的改革开放可能取得更大 的成就。

改革开放至今,中国留学生大量前往美国恶补学问;美国给予中国大量的投资;美国是世界上进口中国商品最多的国家;为了把 中国拉入世界贸易大家庭,美国在WTO谈判中,容忍了中国在新闻舆论领域的不开放,在知识产权保护领域的严重问题……等等。
美 国总统奥巴马上任后出访亚洲,访华行程第一站就是上海,和520多位中国大学精英进行社区会谈式的近距离接触。奥巴马与学生之间的互 动,非常谦卑、非常的 诚恳。他在谈到中美两国利益的共同点、分歧点时,都是本着十分诚恳的态度。奥巴马的演讲告诉人们,美国坚持不寻求遏制中国,不寻求围 堵中国的策略。他把中 美关系定位在全面的、正面的、建设性的合作关系。此外,他在开场白和回答学生问题中,都在强调普世价值观的理念,也就是言论自由、宗 教自由、信息开放、尊 重人权等等。当然,奥巴马也特别提到,美国并不寻求把美国的政治体制强加给其他任何国家。他也强调了中美之间在社会制度上的较大差异 及分歧。但是,他更强 调,美国会持续的来充当一个强调普世价值观的推动者,当别的国家存在践踏普世价值观的情况下,美国会作为一个正义的力量挺身而出。

奥巴马没有意识说美国要当“世界警察”,当他看到中国在落实与推进普世价值观方面与一个文明古国很不相称时,他并不试图 向中国政府施压,但他却不能不敦促中国,要尊重和加强普世价值观方面的建设。

当 今世界,一些地方独裁主义者和极端伊斯兰势力,兴风作浪,凭藉石油、毒品等带来的暴利,利用世界一体化带来的便利,利用民主机制 的宽松弱点,行使极端政 策,推行极端伊斯兰原教旨思想。如前南斯拉夫屠杀伊斯兰的科索沃、萨达姆侵略科威特并在本国搞高压独裁、伊朗威胁世界石油能源安 全并搞核武器、基地组织和 塔利班在世界各地和阿富汗搞恐怖袭击、利比亚、朝鲜极端的独裁体制和穷兵黩武寻求核武器、非洲南部和中部的种族大屠杀等等。美国 顶着误解和猜疑,每年耗费 巨大,牺牲众多,在全球范围内执行警察的任务,维护世界的稳定,并推行民主制度和自由价值。

一个社会不能没有秩序,维持秩序不能没有警察。 国际社会也一样。中共常常指责美国是国际警察,把美国主持公义的行为妖魔化。美国的确是今日世界当之无愧的国际警察,但美国这个 国际警察却不是妖魔,因为 妖魔是令人恐惧的,而美国只会让人感到安全。只有美国能对付国际上那些滥杀无辜的恐怖主义分子。美国能成为这个世界上公认的国际 警察,不是偶然的,也不是 美国自己强要的,是世界历史自然形成的。

一、美国没有殖民地的历史,是世界上唯一的一个不要殖民地的强国。美国历史上虽然也曾经殖民过菲律 宾,但那不是美国想要的。美国与葡萄牙、西班牙的战争中取得了胜利,带来了两个殖民地的独立,一个是古巴,另一个就是菲律宾。当时的 菲律宾还没有能力成立 政府来管理国家,国际社会就要求美国负起责任。美国承诺:当菲律宾人民能够成立起政府自己管理国家的时候,美国的责任到此为止。事实 上美国做到了这一点。 甚至当年菲律宾曾要求加入美国,成为美国第51个州,但遭到美国国会拒绝。在列强中没 有一个国家像美国这样坚决不要他国的一寸领土和殖民地。

二、 美国主持正义。两次世界大战都是因为美国主持正义,并最终参加了战争,才改变了战争双方的力量对比,使战争向正义的一方倾斜。中共说 美国是为了自己的利益 才这样做的。但是,如果美国选择助纣为虐,坐地分赃,以获得更多的利益,世界格局将是另一个样子。但美国没有那么做。

三、 美国坚决反对侵略 他国。两次世界大战,美国都是站在反对侵略的一方。当年日本侵略中国,美国要求日本停止侵略并撤出中国,为此联合英、荷等国共同对日 进行经济制裁,对日本 实行钢铁、石油、橡胶等战略物资禁运,由此招致日本忌恨,并最终引起日本对珍珠港的袭击,可以说是为中日战争引火烧身。朝鲜战争,执 行联合国决议反对中共 及金日成政权对南韩的侵略。领导多国反击伊拉克对科威特的侵略,等等。至于中共说海湾 战争美国入侵伊拉克、打击利比亚是为了石油,是中共为了让中国人反对 美国的价值观而撒下的无耻谎言。美国的主要石油进口国是墨石哥和加拿大,而不是中东地区 。美国 为了清除专制独裁这个毒瘤,耗费了天文数字的金钱,是为了整 个国际社会的和平民主而做出的额外付出,绝对不是战争狂人肆意对外侵略。

战 后的伊拉克重建,其石油项目公开对全世界招标,真正得益的是中共的垄断企业中石 油

利比亚也同样如此。而几十年前的朝鲜战争和越南战争针对的同样是暴力恐怖的共产极权。阿富汗战争是为了制衡另一个共产极 权国家苏联。美国建国以来,从 来没有打击过一个民主国家,在海外没有一块殖民地。

四、美国反对邪恶暴力。一九九八年五月印尼苏哈托为保住自己的权利而制造混乱,派出特种 部队士兵穿上便服上街以极其残忍的手段杀戮华人,强暴和虐杀华人妇女,造成2,000多华人惨遭屠杀,1,000多妇女遭强暴。制造 了印尼历史上最惨绝人 寰的杀人惨剧。对此,中共江泽民统治集团做缩头乌龟,并在国内封锁所有相关消息。反而是美国政府和美国军方出面强烈谴责印尼的反华暴 行,以全面停止对印尼 的军事援助责令印尼军方立即停止虐杀华人妇女的暴行,制止了印尼的反华骚乱。如果没有美国出面相救,还能指望什么国家能在暴力迫害时 出面解救呢?由于美国 伸出援手,海外华人喊出了“宁做美国狗,不做中国人” (I rest my case) 的口号。

五、美国是世界上最让众多中小国家信任的世界强国。美国是一些小国家的国防委 托人。如冰岛,其国防就是由美国负责。有一年美军想从冰岛调走两架飞机,冰岛人得知后上街游行表示反对,说美国对冰岛的安全不够重 视。美国只好放弃原来的 计划。这些小国他们不怕美国把他们吞并了吗?不怕美国藉机要挟他们吗?不怕美国假公营私做损害乃至出卖他们的事吗?可是,人家就是不 怕!

六、 美国是民主自由的典范。在美国,谁都可以办电视台,但政府不可以在美国,什么报纸杂志你都能找到,就是找不到“党报党刊”美国,什么人都可以找“小 三”,但是政府官员不能找;在美国,谁的收入都 可以保密,但是政府官员的收入必须公开;在美国人民可以自由地生活、呼吸、表达不满;在美国,你不 能骂黑 人和一切少数民族,你不能拿宗教开玩笑,你不能拿妇女开玩笑,你不能拿残疾人开玩笑,甚至你都不能拿胖子开玩笑。在中国的央视大肆狠批微博造谣的时候,美 国几乎从来不辟谣。甚至对9.11是美国人自己派飞机撞的这样恶毒的谣言也从不澄清,更不会去批判和禁止它。相反还允许它自由传 播。当然,造谣者也不担心 自己会被抓。

美国国家历史博物馆把种族隔离时期的“白人专属柜台”搬到展览现 场,让国民牢记这个国家曾经的耻辱。他们还展览了当年对印地安 人的战争,美国内战,广岛和长崎的原子弹爆炸,越南、阿富汗、伊拉克等冲突。把历史的真相告诉国民,而不是像中共那样极力去掩盖真 相,让国民去判断是非。 这是美国对待历史的态度,它展现了一个民主国家的自信与坦诚。

在美国,共和党和民主党可以随便加入。只要你登记选民时勾一下就行。不需交党费,党也没什么决定要你服从,没什么纪律要 你遵守(守法就行),没什么秘密要你保守,更不需要你作出牺牲。也不用你对党忠诚,可以随便叛党,也可以随时回来。

西 方到底是霸权,还是民主?西方到底是强盗,还是老师?150年前,小渔村香港被西方掠走;150年后,中国人收 回香港的主权时,小渔村变成了一颗东方明 珠。中国北方海滨城市青岛最美最辉煌的建筑是德国人建设的;同样,东北城市哈尔滨、大连、沈阳等地的最著名建筑也都是外国人留下的。 东北的重工业基地是日 本人打下的底子。还需要举更多的例子吗?所以,当指责150年前西方用强盗式的手法,把小渔村香港夺走的时候,中国人在气愤的同时, 还应该多几分思考。有 人可能会说,美国也不是活雷锋,它有自己的利益考量。但是,其他国家在考量自己利益的时候,为什么没有如美国般照顾到中国的利益呢? 除美国之外,你上哪再 去找到第二个如此顾及中国利益、如此仗义、大度、开明、磊落的国家呢?!能找到吗?

二零一零年二月二十七日,国务院总理温家宝接受中国政府 网和新华网联合专访,与广大网友在线交流时,在回答网民“您觉得如何能让百姓活得‘更有尊严’”的提问中,温家宝明确指出:“第一, 就是每个公民在宪法和 法律规定的范围内,都享有宪法和法律赋予的自由和权利,国家要保护每个人的自由和人权。无论是什么人在法律面前,都享有平等;第二, 国家的发展最终目的是 为了满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求,除此之外,没有其他;第三,整个社会的全面发展必须以每个人的发展为前提,因此,我们要给 人的自由和全面发展创 造有利的条件,让他们的聪明才智竞相迸发”;还指出:“最重要的是民主,只有民主才不会出现人亡政息”。

自由、人权和民主,这些价值观是在 西方诞生、成长、成熟并蔓延世界的;显而易见,温家宝总理就是用西方这些价值观的实现来定义中国老百姓是否能有尊严。一个人民没有尊 严的国家,就不可能有 什么崛起;一个自由、人权和民主受到钳制的国家,更不会创造出对世界有榜样意义的“模式”。

因此,中国如何看西方,西方到底是强盗还是老师;美国到底是美帝国主义,还是民主自由的典范?这是每个中国人都应该深思 的问题。


多少年来,中共邪党一直把“西方国家”当做贬义词灌输给民众,们告诉民 众“美帝”是最坏的。但它们的子女却在西方国家,它们的存款在西方国家,甚至它们的退路也都在西方国家……。留在 这里的,只有从小以来被洗脑被欺骗得不成人样的草民。

“六 四”过后,北京民间流传过这样一个故事:有一天,“六四”期间信誓旦旦的向全世界宣称 “天安门广场没死一个人”的中国国务院发言人袁木的千金到美国使馆申 请签证,当使馆官员发现此人是袁木的女儿时,故意大声问道:“你真的是袁木的女儿?”这位女子低声回答:“是的,我是袁木的女 儿。”然后,美国官员用更大 的声音说:“我不敢相信这么讨厌美国、天天诋毁辱骂我们美国的袁木,会让他的女儿到美国留学。”袁 木的女儿怯生生地说:“他是他,我是我。”使馆官员又追 问,袁木怎么会准许女儿到这么邪恶的国家念书呢?在场的所有人包括中国雇员及等待签证的中国人都忍不住爆发出笑声最 后,袁木的女儿得到了签证,因为她的 成绩不错,还得到了美国一所大学的奖学金。美国每年的外来移民三分之二是中国人,其中 绝大部份又是中共官员的亲属。

故意丑化美国、煽动仇恨 美国的根本原因是:美国先进的政治理念、先进的政治制度已为世界各地人民广泛接受,从而动摇了中共之流专制国家的独裁统治并触动了极 端自私者和既得利益集 团的利益,照见了专制独裁集团的丑陋。因为美国是一个法制健全的发达的民主国家,一个令全世界民众向往的国家。
看看吧!萨达姆、金正日、塔利班、本•拉登、伊朗……他们都是反美“英雄”,他们是些什么人?他们的政权是什么样的政 权?他们给人类文明带来了什么?他们为什么都是中共的朋友?想一想这些,就足以明白问题。

中国人对美国完全应该存有感恩的心,而不是仇恨。没有以美国为首的西方民主国家主持正义,中国的发展将面临很大的困难, 甚至连自己国家的领土与主权安危都成问题。如果没有美国对世界秩序的制衡,中国可能是另一番样子。

中国人,在对待价值观的问题上, 一定要有自己的理性思考