Thursday, January 11, 2024

Russi ato annex Uzbekistan after Ukaraine

 Uzbekistan summons Russian ambassador after nationalist writer and  politician Zakhar Prilepin suggests annexing 'territories where migrants  come from' — Meduza  

Russian Neo-Imperialist Assertions Spark Pushback in Uzbekistan

Reactions in Uzbekistan following Zakhar Prilepin’s comments are indicative of a larger, ongoing conversation about nationhood, independence, and national identity in Central Asia.

Russian official claims: "The territories from where migrant workers come  to us should be annexed" — Daryo News  Uzbekistan summons Russian ambassador after nationalist writer and politician Zakhar Prilepin suggests annexing ‘territories where migrants come from’

Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador to Uzbekistan, Oleg Malginov, after Russian nationalist writer and politician Zakhar Prilepin said that Russia should “annex” Uzbekistan, reports the ministry’s press service.

The ministry said that such “thoughtless” statements “carry a knowingly provocative character and can negatively impact historically friendly relations” between the two countries.

Russia’s ambassador said that “Prilepin’s statements have nothing even remotely in common with the official position of the Russian leadership.”

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