Sunday, February 11, 2024


 StandWithUs on X: "A report in @WSJ citing Israeli intelligence indicates  that at least 1,200 UNRWA employees - approximately 10% - are members of  the #Hamas or Islamic Jihad terror groups. This 

《华尔街日报》头版报道称,据以色列情报机构与美国政府分享的情报估计,加沙地区约有1200名 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(Unrwa)员工实际上是哈马斯或巴勒斯坦伊斯兰圣战组织的“操作人员”,其中约一半的人有亲属与伊斯兰恐怖组织有密切关系。




10月7日的情报报告显示,一名 Unrwa 阿拉伯语教师同时也是一名哈马斯恐怖指挥官,曾参与对 Be’eri 基布兹的恐怖袭击,造成97人死亡,约26人被绑架并作为人质带到加沙。

另一名 Unrwa 员工被描述为一名 Unrwa 社工,在夺取一名以色列士兵的尸体并将其带到加沙方面起到了一定作用,报告称他在被杀前还负责协调哈马斯的货车和弹药分发。

Hillel Neuer – The Forward Hillel Neuer
BREAKING: The “few bad apples” line pushed by the UN has just been obliterated. The Wall Street Journal front page is reporting that an estimated 1,200 Unrwa employees in Gaza are actual “operatives” of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and about half have close relatives who belong to the Islamist terrorist organizations, according to Israeli intelligence estimates shared with the U.S. government.

The report said 23% of Unrwa’s male employees—the agency has a total staff of 12,000 in Gaza—took active part in the Hamas organization’s military or political framework, a higher percentage than the average of 15% for adult males in Gaza.

The information in the Israeli intelligence reports is based on sensitive signals intelligence as well as cellphone tracking data, interrogations of captured Hamas gunmen and documents recovered from dead terrorists.

Nearly half of all Unrwa employees—an estimated 49%—also had close relatives with official ties to Hamas and other terrorist groups.

The Oct. 7 intelligence reports seen by the Wall Street Journal identified an Unrwa Arabic teacher who was also a Hamas terrorist commander and took part in a terrorist attack on Kibbutz Be’eri, where 97 people were murdered, and about 26 people were kidnapped and taken as hostages to Gaza.

Another Unrwa employee, described in the dossier as an Unrwa social worker, played a role in absconding with the body of a dead Israeli soldier, which was taken to Gaza, the reports said. He also coordinated trucks and munitions distributions for Hamas before being killed.

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