Monday, January 28, 2013

America Has The Most Sin Kah Generals

He is NOT the first and only, before him there were Patton and MacArthur:-

Unforgettable Quotes From Retiring General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis

Mattis, currently CENTCOM commanding general, is an icon of sorts in the Marine Corps, and arguably the most famous living Marine. He  co-author of the military's counter-insurgency manual (with David Petraeus)

Before heading into Iraq in 2003, all Marines of the 1st Marine Division received a letter from General Mattis. In the letter, he spoke candidly to his troops, telling them that "we will move swiftly and aggressively against those who resist, we will treat others with decency, demonstrating chivalry and soldierly compassion for people who have endured a lifetime under Saddam's oppression."

His quotations:-

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f* with me, I’ll kill you all."

"I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word."

"If in order to kill the enemy you have to kill an innocent, don’t take the shot. Don’t create more enemies than you take out by some immoral act."

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
          polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like brawling."

"We’ve backed off in good faith to try and give you a chance to straighten this problem out. But I am going to beg with you for a minute. I'm going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years."

"There are some people who think you have to hate them in order to shoot them. I don’t think you do. It’s just business."

"U.S. Marines don't know how to spell the word defeat"

"The most important six inches on the battlefield is between your ears." (haha)

"Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact."

"Treachery has existed as long as there’s been warfare, and there’s always been a few people that you couldn’t trust."
"Treachery has existed as long as there’s been
            warfare, and there’s always been a few people that you
            couldn’t trust."

"a country that armed Stalin to defeat Hitler can certainly work alongside enemies of al-Qaida to defeat al-Qaida."

"You are part of the world's most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon."

"For the mission's sake, for our country's sake, and the sake of the men who carried the Division's colors in past battles — "who fought for life and never lost their nerve" — carry out your mission and keep your honor clean. Demonstrate to the world there is “No Better Friend — No Worse Enemy” than a US Marine."

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