China (A BIG nation) Is Afraid Of A Woman (龍應臺)
Taiwanese writer Lung Ying-tai on August 1 speech at Peking University Centennial Lecture, said she has a "China Dream" and hopes China's "great nation" rooted in the rise of civilization. 這是她首次獲準在大陸公開演講,但演講內容遭封殺。 This is her first public speech allowed in the mainland, but the speech content was blocked. 龍應臺強調,只有誠實面對自己、面對過去歷史的 社會,才有會繁榮昌盛的未來;只有任何電影、電視、書籍不會被禁的社會,才是一個文明的社會。 Lung stressed that only honest with ourselves, face the past history of the society, only the future will be prosperous; just any movie, TV, books not be banned in the community, is a civilized society.
龍應臺8月1日在北京大學演講,以犀利之詞 表示的“大國崛起”不應只是“軍事耀武揚威,經濟財大氣粗,政治唯我獨尊”,應該根源於文明,不然這種崛起“最終將帶給人民災難”。 Lung Ying-tai on August 1 speech at Peking University to sharp words that the "great nation" should not "military swaggering, economic wealth, political conceit" should be rooted in civilization, or that the rise of "final will give the people of disaster. " 她還呼籲對人權和言論自由要“寸土必爭”。 She also called on human rights and freedom of expression to "every inch."
龍應臺的《大江大海:一九四九》迄今無法獲 準登陸大陸,但她8月1日在北大百周年紀念講堂發表的演說,是龍應臺首度獲準在大陸公開發表演說。 Lung Ying-tai's "Da Jiang Da Hai: 1949" can not be allowed to visit mainland China so far, but she was on August 1 Centenary auditorium at Beijing University speech, is Lung Ying-tai for the first time allowed to speak publicly on the mainland.
龍應臺的“中國夢” Lung Ying-tai's "China Dream"
龍應臺是應廣州《南方周末》之邀往北大接受 “中國夢踐行者”致敬杯頒獎並發表演講的。 Lung Ying-tai is to be in Guangzhou, "Southern Weekend" to accept the invitation to the North, "practitioner of the Chinese Dream" tribute Cup awards and give speeches. 其中以犀利批判筆鋒見稱的龍應台,更破天荒 在北大百週年紀念講堂發表題為《溫柔的力量:從鄉愁到美麗島》的演講,這是她聞名於華人世界20餘年來,首度獲准在內地公開正式演 講。 Among them, known for sharp criticism Bifeng Lung Ying-tai, but first time at Beijing University Centenary Auditorium entitled "soft power: from nostalgia to the beautiful island" of the speech, which she is famous in the Chinese world 20 years ago, for the first time allowed to open a formal speech in the Mainland. 不過由於由於出借場地的北大校方態度低調, 主辦單位無法全數開放場地讓更多聽眾進場聆聽。 However, because the northern site as lending low-key attitude of the school, the organizers could not fully open the venue for approaching the audience to listen more.
她一開始就以反詰之詞說:“這真的是北大 嗎?有1,000顆導彈對準我(指臺灣),我還要來談中國夢?”隨即引起臺下一陣哄笑。 She begins with the rhetorical words: "This really is the North it? Have 1,000 missiles pointed at me (referring to Taiwan), I would like to talk about China Dream?" Immediately aroused the audience burst of laughter. 一開場龍應臺以1949年後,臺灣的音樂演 變來解說臺灣歷史與民情的轉變的。 Lung Ying-tai in one opening after 1949, Taiwan's evolution to explain the changes in Taiwan's history and public sentiment.
她說她小時候聽著反攻大陸長大的,在國務院 教育下,讀著國民黨的教材。 She said she was a child growing up listening to retake the mainland, in the State Department of education, the reading materials the KMT. 到了1978年臺灣人的夢開始破碎了,1979年臺美斷交,臺灣被獨立成為國際孤兒。 To the people of Taiwan in 1978, the dream starts to crumble, and in 1979 Taiwan and the United States broke off diplomatic relations, Taiwan is an independent international orphans. 這個過程裏有的人覺得被拋棄了,有些人的中國情感認同反而被強化了,所以當時出現了那首《龍的傳人》。 This process, some people feel abandoned, some emotion recognition in China but has been strengthened, so there was that first "dragon."
龍應臺說,如今臺灣民主亂象,包括藍綠紛 爭、本省與外省,還有立法院的打架,在她看來這都是表現現象,大家不要被表面給騙了。 Lung Ying-tai said that Taiwan's democratic chaos today, including blue-green disputes, the province and other provinces, as well as the Legislative Yuan of the fight, in her view, this is performance, so the surface will not be fooled. 她說不管臺灣民主怎而亂,在她看來臺灣人都有著相同的價值觀,這個價值觀就是從小被教導的“禮、義、廉、恥”。 She said that no matter how Taiwan's democracy and chaos, in her view, the people of Taiwan all have the same values, the values are taught from childhood that the "propriety, righteousness, honesty, shame." 龍應臺指出禮義廉恥,國之四維,士不可以不 弘義,任重而道遠。 Lung Ying-tai that Honesty and Honor, the country of four-dimensional, persons can not not Hiroyoshi, long way to go. 構成了臺灣社會價值觀的基座,而且永遠不會 改變。 Constitute the base values of Taiwan society, and will never change. 包括當初紅衫軍包圍總統府時,很多民眾升起 的天燈上就是寫著“禮義廉恥”四的大字,她強調這是臺灣人的夢,是可以和大陸人共同擁有的夢,也就是兩岸人民基本的價值觀。 Including the Red Shirts had surrounded the presidential palace, many of the people is rising day light on the words "Honesty and Honor" four characters, she stressed that this is the dream of the people of Taiwan, and mainland China can co-owner of the dream, that is, both sides people's basic values.
龍應臺指出,她看一座城市的文明尺度是這座 城市怎樣對待精神病患,怎樣對待民工、盲流。 Lung Ying-tai said that she look at a city scale of civilization is the city how to treat the mentally ill, how to deal with migrant workers, a permanent residence. 衡量一個國家文明的程度,也有很清晰的尺度 就是它怎樣對待弱勢,怎樣包容不同意見,怎麽對待異議人士,也包括多數怎麽對待少數,她還說當然也包括13億人怎麽對待2300萬 人。 Measure of the degree of civilization of a country, there are very clear how to deal with scale is its weakness, tolerance of different views on how, how treatment of dissidents, including how to treat the majority of the minority, she said, including 1.3 billion people, of course, how to treat 2,300 people.
她強調,自己對中國是有夢的,這個夢是希望 中國的“大國崛起”,是根源於文明的崛起,而不是來自於軍事力量或經濟富強,否則,這樣的大國很危險。 She stressed that the Chinese have their own dream, this dream is the hope that China's "great nation", is rooted in the rise of civilization, not from military power or economic prosperity, otherwise, this power is very dangerous.
龍應臺說:“誰在乎大國崛起?如果所謂'大 國崛起',是人民引以自豪的軍事耀武揚威,是經濟的財大氣粗,是政治勢力的唯我獨尊,那寧願它不崛起。這種崛起,最終帶給人民的是災 難。” Lung Ying-tai said: "Who cares about the rise of great powers? If the so-called 'Rise of Great Powers', is the people's military swaggering pride, is the economic wealth, political power of the conceit, that would rather it did not rise. This rise eventually brought to the people is a disaster. "
讓下一代有免於恐懼自由 Freedom from fear for the next generation
龍應臺稱,臺灣原有的“中國夢”在經歷退出 聯合國、臺美斷交後,臺灣人普遍認清事實與現實,並逐漸轉型為“臺灣夢”。 Lung Ying-tai said that Taiwan's original "Chinese Dream" in the experience out of the United Nations, Taiwan and the United States broke off diplomatic relations, the Taiwanese people in general know the truth and reality, and gradually transformed into "Taiwan's dream."
她強調,“臺灣夢”雖有分歧,但不論藍綠都 有共識,也有基本的價值觀,“因為權力侵蝕是無所不在的,所以個人權利、言論自由,是要每個人寸土必爭,絕不退讓。” She stressed that "Taiwan's Dream," despite differences, both blue and green are common, there are basic values, "because the power of erosion is ubiquitous, so individual rights, freedom of speech is to every inch of every person, no concessions . "
她說:“這是臺灣人的夢,是可以與中國人共 同擁有的夢,也就是兩岸人民基本的價值觀。如果兩岸在文明價值觀沒有共識,血濃於水又算什麽呢?” She said: "This is the dream of the people of Taiwan, is jointly owned with the Chinese people's dream, that is, the basic values of people on both sides. If the two sides there is no consensus in the values of civilization, blood is thicker than what they count?"
最後她引用她自己80年代《野火集》出版之 後,離臺赴歐前的留下的一句話。 Finally, she cited her 80's "Wild Fire" after publication, from Taiwan to Europe left in front of a word. 當時她說,今天晚上站在這裏說話,生怕帶來 生產後果,但我有夢,希望有一天我們可以在任何地方講我們想說的話,我們的下一代有免予恐懼的自由。 At that time, she said, standing here tonight to speak for fear of the consequences brought about the production, but I have a dream that one day we can speak in any place if we want our next generation the freedom from fear.
據悉,當日龍應臺的演講到場者眾,北大百周 年紀念講堂座無虛席,其間全場掌聲不斷。 It was understood that those who attended the public lecture Lung Ying-tai, Beijing University Centenary auditorium was packed during applause continued. 但內地媒體2日對此全無報導,甚至北大網站也找不到有關消息。 But the domestic media have no reports on the 2nd, and even Beijing can not find the news site.
今年5月底龍應臺攜其紀錄片《目送 1949》赴廣州,在中山大學舉辦大陸首映暨交流會,被問及如何比較80年代的龍應臺和當今的韓寒,她曾回答:「一個健康的時代,應 該有各種各樣的韓寒。」 Lung Ying-tai by the end of May this year bring the documentary "watched the 1949" went to Guangzhou, China premiere held at the Zhongshan University, cum exchange, was asked to compare 80's and today's Han Han Lung Ying-tai, she replied: "a healthy times, there should be a variety of Han. "
《目送1949》是根據《大江大海 1949》而拍攝的紀錄片,講述遷臺60年的故事。 "Watched the 1949" is based on "Da Jiang Da Hai 1949" and a documentary film, tells the story moved to Taiwan 60 years. 龍應臺參考了上百本史料書籍,行跡遍布臺灣、馬祖等地所拍攝而成。 Lung reference to the hundreds of historical books, and Trace over Taiwan, Matsu, made the shot. 首映會當晚座無虛席。 Packed premiere night.
龍應臺說:「在一個健康的社會,應該有各種 各樣的、各個年齡段的韓寒。我寫作《野火集》時能一夜爆紅,是因為當時的臺灣有各種各樣的禁忌,一拍就會紅腫,一拍就會有血跡。」她 希望,社會進入開放健康的時代,就應該讓每個人的聲音都能夠發出來。 Lung Ying-tai said: "In a healthy society, there should be a variety of, of all ages Han. I wrote" Wild Fire "Red explosion when one night, because then Taiwan has a variety of taboos, a film will be red and swollen, a film will have blood. "She hopes that the health of the community into the open era, we should let everyone's voice can be sent to.
去年龍應臺新書《大江大海1949》,內容因涉及國共內戰,在大陸遭到封殺。 Lung Ying-tai last book, "Da Jiang Da Hai 1949", the contents of involving civil war, blocked in mainland China. 龍應臺曾在北京談起這本書時稱它為「和平之書」,她曾形容,大陸決策者如果真的看了這本書,應該會說「趕快出吧!」而 龍應臺的前一本描述親情的書《目送》則在大陸獲得出版,並曾舉行新書會。 Lung Ying-tai in Beijing about this book called "Book of Peace," she once described the mainland policy-makers read this book if it should say "Hurry up now!" And the first Lung Ying-tai a description of family book "watched" was published in the mainland, and new books will be held.
有夢龍應臺想找個情人去旅行 Lung Ying-tai has a dream to travel to find a lover
龍應臺、易中天的演講與對談,北大學子的提 問五花八門。 Lung Ying-tai, Yi Zhongtian lecture and on talks, Beijing University students questions varied. 理性與感性兼具的龍應臺,在一位女學生提問時,不禁泄露出「個人夢」,她說:「想找一個情人陪我去旅行」。 Sense and Sensibility both the Lung Ying-tai, a female student in question, can not help but leak out "personal dream", she said: "Travel with me looking for a lover."
目前從事寫作、教學的龍應臺,昨天首次接受 北京大學學生提問。 Currently engaged in writing, teaching of Lung Ying-tai, Beijing University students yesterday that the first question. 現場座無虛席,她說希望可以有女生提問,結 果獲得這個機會的女學生問:「你個人有什麽夢呢?」 Site packed, she said girls can hope to ask questions, the results obtained this opportunity to female students asked: "What are your personal dreams?"
龍應臺微笑回應說:「首先我希望找一位情人 陪我去旅行;然後是希望安德烈、菲力普,我的兩位小孩不要嫌我煩,可以讓我跟著他們,他們都嫌我了。」語氣中顯露出母親的慈愛及難得 流露出「小女人」嬌嗔姿態。 Lung Ying-tai smile responded: "First of all I would like to travel with me to find a lover; then is to Andrea, Philip, my two kids should not complain that I'm sick, can I follow them, they too of me. "tone reveal the mother's love and a rare showing" little woman "Jiaochen posture.
北大學生也問「中國夢與臺灣夢有沒有交 集?」,龍應臺說可以回歸到她認為的共同價值觀基座上;還有粉絲提問時先表達仰慕之意,全家都是龍應臺的書迷,這次全家動員來北京聽 她演講。 Beijing University students asked, "Dream of China and Taiwan have nothing in common dream?" Lung Ying-tai said that she could return to that base of common values; have fans question the meaning of the first expression of admiration for the whole family is Lung Ying-tai The fans, the entire family to Beijing to listen to her speech.
龍應臺說,目前她在大陸點閱率最高的一篇文 章是〈不相信〉,她鼓勵在座的人說,年輕人應該對很多事情都抱持懷疑。 Lung Ying-tai said that at present she was the highest click rate on the mainland in an article that
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