Saturday, May 18, 2024

Taiwan is moving too slowly to prepare for war. Japan can help

How Japan Can Help Save Taiwan: Securing the First Island Chain - War on  the Rocks 

Taiwan is moving too slowly to prepare for war. Japan can help

"Taiwan must be ready to fight on its own for weeks if not months," argue Yuster Yu and Michael A. Hunzeker, saying that in case of a sustained Chinese attack, the island has to be able to hold out "long enough for its security partners to forcefully intervene on its behalf."
The authors, the CEO of Taiwan Cyber Security Foundry and a George Mason University associate professor, respectively, write that "the island has a lot to do to get ready for protracted combat against an invader."
Given the stakes for Japan, they suggest that Tokyo should push Taipei toward embracing an asymmetric military posture that would be more effective in a prolonged conflict. "Cross-strait deterrence will rest on the strongest possible foundations if Beijing knows it cannot win a rapid military victory," they write.

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