Sunday, October 26, 2014
The 10 Biggest Energy Company Bankruptci
Running a multi-billion dollar energy company isn’t easy. Just ask the executives in the corner suites of some of the energy companies that have gone bust over the years. Some, like Enron, were brought down because of insider malfeasance. A few, like ATP, blamed damaging government policies, while others went off the rails due to market forces that left the company and its shareholders flat-footed, deep in debt, and eventually broke. Here are the bankruptcies that will be etched into the tombstones of failed energy fortunes for time immemorial.
Saudis Deploy the Oil Price Weapon Against Syria, Iran, Russia, and the US
Asian stock markets
continued to fall today, propelled at least in part
by the adverse reaction to the Saudi
announcement yesterday that they would let oil prices
fall to $80 a barrel. And further reports indicate
that the Saudis intend to keep oil prices low enough to
force a realignment of prices not just among various
grades of crude, but also for intermediate and long-term
It is critical to remember that the Saudis have no compunction about imposing costs on other nations to maximize the value of their oil resource long term and hence the power they derive from it. The 1970s oil shock produced a nasty recession in the US and most other advanced economies and gave a further impetus to inflation, which was already hard to manage and dampened growth by discouraging investment.
The current alignment of factors gives the Saudis the opportunity to make life miserable for a long list of parties they would like to discipline, including the US.
The sharp rise in the dollar means that lowering the price of oil in dollar terms is unlikely to leave the desert kingdom worse off in local currency terms. But it undermines US energy development, both fracking and development in the Bakken, as well as more development by the majors, who were regularly criticized by analysts for how much they were spending on exploration when the math didn’t pencil out well at over $100 a barrel. Countries whose oil is output is mainly heavy, sour crude, like Iran and Venezuela, find it hard to sell their oil when prices are below $100 a barrel (or at least when the dollar was weaker, but the $80 price point, even with a strong dollar, may be low enough to cause discomfort).
In other words, this is a classic case of predatory pricing: set your price low enough long enough to do real damage to competitors, and reduce their market share, not just immediately, but in the middle to long term.
Now admittedly some pet targets may not be hurt as badly as hoped. Russia will suffer more of an opportunity loss than an actual cost from the price reduction, since the ruble has fallen significantly against the dollar. The Saudis may hope to partially displace Russia as a supplier of oil to Europe (now roughly 1/3 of the total) but refineries would need to be retooled to refine the Saudi’s light crude, so it isn’t clear whether even what amounts to bargain prices will offset this cost (and readers point out that Russian crude may also produced a better mix of distillates for European use, since they are much heavier users of diesel fuel than the US).
But aside from the not-inconsiderable economic impact, the surprise Saudi step looks to be an even bigger geopolitical winner. The US and Riyadh have been at odds for over a year; the Saudis were particularly unhappy over the US failure to try to topple Assad last summer (you may recall the intensity of the Administration warmongering versus the dubious US interest; even Congress showed an unexpected amount of backbone and made its lack of support for Syrian adventurism clear). The Saudis have also long been less than happy with the US refusal to attack Iran (which is a rare case of the US acting as a responsible hegemon and curbing a putative ally with a bad case of blood lust). That unhappiness has ben compounded by the US now effectively helping the Assad regime and working in as distanced a manner as possible with Iran in targeting ISIS.
These parts of Marcy Wheeler’s analysis are spot on:
And as Pam Martens and Russ Martens point out in a post today, Oil Price War Throws the Fed into Crisis Mode, the Saudi move has the effect of increasing deflationary forces, which is a nightmare for the Fed and other central banks. So just as the Saudis used their oil weapon to amp up inflation in the 1970s, so they again they look to be willing to provide more firepower to another war central bankers are losing. From their article:
As much as I am no fan of Riyadh, it’s hard not to admire their strategy. The Saudis look to have executed a masterstroke. They come out winners on many fronts that are critical to them and appear to at least hold their ground on others. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the neocons, who have US energy independence as one of their core assumptions, were caught flat footed by this audacious move.
It is critical to remember that the Saudis have no compunction about imposing costs on other nations to maximize the value of their oil resource long term and hence the power they derive from it. The 1970s oil shock produced a nasty recession in the US and most other advanced economies and gave a further impetus to inflation, which was already hard to manage and dampened growth by discouraging investment.
The current alignment of factors gives the Saudis the opportunity to make life miserable for a long list of parties they would like to discipline, including the US.
The sharp rise in the dollar means that lowering the price of oil in dollar terms is unlikely to leave the desert kingdom worse off in local currency terms. But it undermines US energy development, both fracking and development in the Bakken, as well as more development by the majors, who were regularly criticized by analysts for how much they were spending on exploration when the math didn’t pencil out well at over $100 a barrel. Countries whose oil is output is mainly heavy, sour crude, like Iran and Venezuela, find it hard to sell their oil when prices are below $100 a barrel (or at least when the dollar was weaker, but the $80 price point, even with a strong dollar, may be low enough to cause discomfort).
In other words, this is a classic case of predatory pricing: set your price low enough long enough to do real damage to competitors, and reduce their market share, not just immediately, but in the middle to long term.
Now admittedly some pet targets may not be hurt as badly as hoped. Russia will suffer more of an opportunity loss than an actual cost from the price reduction, since the ruble has fallen significantly against the dollar. The Saudis may hope to partially displace Russia as a supplier of oil to Europe (now roughly 1/3 of the total) but refineries would need to be retooled to refine the Saudi’s light crude, so it isn’t clear whether even what amounts to bargain prices will offset this cost (and readers point out that Russian crude may also produced a better mix of distillates for European use, since they are much heavier users of diesel fuel than the US).
But aside from the not-inconsiderable economic impact, the surprise Saudi step looks to be an even bigger geopolitical winner. The US and Riyadh have been at odds for over a year; the Saudis were particularly unhappy over the US failure to try to topple Assad last summer (you may recall the intensity of the Administration warmongering versus the dubious US interest; even Congress showed an unexpected amount of backbone and made its lack of support for Syrian adventurism clear). The Saudis have also long been less than happy with the US refusal to attack Iran (which is a rare case of the US acting as a responsible hegemon and curbing a putative ally with a bad case of blood lust). That unhappiness has ben compounded by the US now effectively helping the Assad regime and working in as distanced a manner as possible with Iran in targeting ISIS.
These parts of Marcy Wheeler’s analysis are spot on:
Cutting prices will make it far harder for Iraq’s Shia led government to invest in the fight against ISIL. So long as Western sanctions continue, it will destabilize Iran significantly, not only making it a lot harder for Iran to help Iraq and Syria, but also undermining the government that has chosen to deal with the US. The cuts will also destabilize Iran’s allies in Venezuela and Ecuador. Oligarchic forces have been trying to foment a coup in the former country for some time and this may well help to do so…The Saudis have been trying to undercut Russia for some time and — to the extent the ruble exchange with the dollar doesn’t shelter Russia from these changes [Update: though see Mark Adomanis on how this is hurting Russian consumers] — this price cut will hurt Russia too.
Ultimately, though, I suspect the US is just as much the target of this move as Iran and Russia are. Since the US refused to take out Assad last year and inched forward with its Iran deal, the Saudis have been worried about having Shia Iran and Iraq take over its role as the swing producer in the world, mirroring what happened in 1976 when the US replaced Iran’s Shah with the Saudis. By destabilizing the government in negotiations with the US, the price cut will make it a lot harder to achieve such a deal.
Just as importantly, the US is now a petro-state. And this price cut will make fracking (and deepwater drilling) unprofitable. We’ve been fracking largely to give ourselves some breathing room from the Saudis; cutting the price will make it far harder for us to sustain that effort (and will make some renewables uncompetitive).
To me, then, this move looks like part of an effort to force the outcome the Saudis have been chasing for a decade and even more aggressively since the Arab Spring: to paralyze Shia governments just as the chaos of ISIL threatens to remap the Middle East.
The Saudis may well claim to be supporting our fight against ISIL, but the long-term commitment to dropping oil prices, looks more like an effort to undercut it.
And as Pam Martens and Russ Martens point out in a post today, Oil Price War Throws the Fed into Crisis Mode, the Saudi move has the effect of increasing deflationary forces, which is a nightmare for the Fed and other central banks. So just as the Saudis used their oil weapon to amp up inflation in the 1970s, so they again they look to be willing to provide more firepower to another war central bankers are losing. From their article:
It was only a matter of time until the evidence became irrefutable that the only way out of a global deflation on the order of the Great Depression was to address the fact that 571 U.S. billionaires simply don’t have enough hours in the day to spend adequate money to buy enough goods that would require the restocking of shelves, create new factory orders and thereby ramp up job hiring to keep a nation of 317 million people afloat.Yves again. As much as central bankers detest inflation, they fear deflation even more, particularly when debt loads are high. I differ with the Martens as to the Saudi cuts being driven by desperation; oil market analysts expected them to hold the line at $90 a barrel. But whether this move is informed opportunism or aggressively defensive is moot. It throws a massive wrench into the global geopolitical and economic equations, both of which were already looking plenty rocky.
A nation where the top 10 percent reaps more than 50 percent of the income is doomed to end up in the quicksand of deflation, dragging down the rich along with everyone else….
A key component that has allowed both the Fed and Congress to keep from taking strong measures to address a looming deflation has been the price of crude oil. Because oil impacts everything from transportation costs that inflate the price of food and other products to the cost of an airline ticket or heating a home, the high price of this commodity has, to a degree, masked the growing deflation threat.
Now the mask has been removed. Oil prices are in freefall and an oil price war has broken out among OPEC members, raising the specter of 1986 when oil prices fell by 50 percent in just an eight month span. A serious global slowdown has effectively turned the oil cartel, OPEC, into a beggar thy neighbor band of go-it-alone dealmakers who hope to sign individual contracts with customers and grab market share before prices decline further…
In other words, a sudden, sharp drop in inflation expectations caused by an oil price war raging around the globe was not present in the Fed’s crystal ball just a month ago. But it should have been: other commodity prices have been sending up red flags for some time now…
The market has delivered epiphanies to the Fed on multiple fronts – some of them blazing with sirens – but the Fed seems to have had its head in the sand just as securely as it did heading into the 2008 crisis.
As much as I am no fan of Riyadh, it’s hard not to admire their strategy. The Saudis look to have executed a masterstroke. They come out winners on many fronts that are critical to them and appear to at least hold their ground on others. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the neocons, who have US energy independence as one of their core assumptions, were caught flat footed by this audacious move.
crude oil,
Middle East,
Politicians on markets,
DAVID EINHORN: Long Greece, Short France
Einhorn recommended going long Greek banks, Alpha Bank an
d Piraeus Bank using warrants, our source says.
Last week investors in Greece got absolutely demolished. The Athens Stock Exchange fell 7.3% before staging a big rally on Friday. Bank stocks were the brightest spot that day, gaining 6.4%.
There were two main reasons why Greece got clobbered, both were political. First, the market got uneasy about the rising popularity of Syriza, an anti-austerity radical political party. Second, the country’s Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, said he wanted to end the Greek bailout early without taking over $8 billion more dollars available.
France was no picnic last week either. The country has a serious demand issue — as in there isn’t enough. Unemployment is high. Deflation is at 0.4% with core inflation at 0. It’s got a big debt problem, and the country’s economy simply isn’t growing.
The CEO of UK retailer John Lewis recently said the country was “finished.”
To change all of this, France would have to implement serious reform. Greece, on the other hand, needs to stay the bailout course to stabilize, at least relatively.
It isn’t hard to see why the latter may be more likely than the former.
China is again slowly turning in on itself
Communist Party slogans in China are stressing
"traditional" culture and values. Above, Tiananmen Gate.
(STR / AFP/Getty Images)
By Carl Minzner
Deng Xiaoping is back … but only on television.
This year — the 110th anniversary of his birth — Beijing is sparing no expense to commemorate the former leader who launched China's modern reform era in the late 1970s, bringing decades of blazing economic growth and steady resurgence as a world power.
Unsurprisingly, Deng's mantle is being deployed for political ends. A new 48-episode documentary on his life airing on state networks draws a thinly veiled analogy between Deng and Xi Jinping, China's current top leader. The suggestion is clear. Xi is a new Deng. And when top Communist Party leaders assemble at their annual conference this week, China will witness a revival of the spirit of reform.
But China's reform era is over. A different — and more unstable — one is dawning.
Now, China is again slowly turning in on itself. New party
slogans stress “traditional” culture and values. The language of
Confucianism is increasingly being invoked to legitimize a new
dynasty of red emperors. Windows are being shut. State
researchers are being warned against foreign collaboration.
Archives previously open to Western scholars are being closed
off. And Beijing is reaching for a fly swatter — or a hammer —
to deal with influences it perceives as threats. Liberal public
interest lawyers are being subjected to a chilling crackdown;
Christian churches in Zhejiang province to a selective
demolition campaign; Hong Kong pro-democracy media to increasing
Economically, the decades of double-digit growth rates that marked the reform period have ended. The infrastructure and real estate booms driving China's economy since the 1990s have peaked. Even the state media now speaks of adjusting to the “new normal.”
Attitudes to foreign investors are shifting as well. Since the early 2000s, the rise of state industrial policies has favored the growth of domestic “national champions.” The announcement in August that China plans to launch a homegrown operating system to replace Windows and Android is simply the latest reflection of these trends. And a spate of state actions — jailing of corporate investigators, aggressive antitrust raids on firms that included Mercedes and Microsoft — have left expat managers nervously seeking transfers.
Most important, Chinese elite politics are shifting dramatically.
With Deng's rise, key elements that marked Maoist rule during the 1950s and '60s vanished. Gone were the all-powerful supreme leader, the frenzied cult of personality and the regular purges of the top ranks. Deng and his successors settled into a low-key style of collective governance marked by a search for consensus. Elite politics became institutionalized. Sure, periodic campaigns occasionally ensnared mid-level cadres. But unwritten rules guaranteed that the very top echelon was immune, untouchable.
Now, these norms are steadily being broken.
Since 2012, Xi has concentrated an astounding array of power in his hands. Special leadership groups on economic reform, on domestic security, on media propaganda now report to him. A whiff of a personality cult has emerged.
And Chinese elite politics has suddenly become very interesting
again. A sweeping anti-corruption campaign is shaking the
bureaucracy. Retired leaders once regarded as untouchable are
falling left and right. These waves are even beginning to lap
around the Shanghai power base of China's former top leader,
Jiang Zemin, who not only remained a power broker long after he
left office, but even facilitated Xi's rise.
What does this all mean?
At a deep level, China is experiencing a backlash against many of the economic, ideological and political winners of the reform era. The last three decades saw the world's most rapid accumulation of economic wealth fuse with an unreformed authoritarian political system. The result: a generation of well-heeled “red capitalists,” furiously texting on their iPhones as chauffeur-driven Audis sped their children past migrant shantytowns to English cram schools in preparation for studies overseas.
Such things might have seemed the very epitome of success to an earlier generation of Chinese leaders ruling over a country just emerging from crushing poverty and Maoist isolation. But they look very different now. To a new leader worried about maintaining one-party rule in a nation with a history of revolution, and where just 1% of the population controls one-third of the wealth, this is not just an image problem. It is a latent threat to the stability of his regime.
In Xi's eyes, the legacy of the reform era poses other challenges too. Entrenched political and economic interests built up since the 1990s hamper his efforts to solidify personal control over the apparatus of governance. Decades of dependence on foreign software expose China to cyber threats from abroad. Cultural imports — Hollywood films or “The Big Bang Theory” — challenge his dream of nationalist revival.
This is precisely why these are all under attack. And it
resonates with ordinary citizens, particularly those who feel
they missed out on China's go-go years. For them, the sight of
cadres who once sped past them in limos being humbled by Xi's
disciplinary teams is no small source of pleasure.
Unsurprisingly, Xi's popularity has soared.
Nor are these policies necessarily wrong. Corruption must be contained. And if party authorities actually follow through with plans to increase the number of college spots for poor students (presumably at the expense of the urban elite), that would represent a real step toward redressing the education inequality gap that has grown since the reform period.
However, tackling the problems facing China today requires addressing the core political factors behind them. Excessive, unchecked power in the hands of a few has fueled the viral growth of a long list of social and economic problems. Indeed, Xi himself has flagged the need to restrict power in a “cage of regulations.”
But in the years since 1989, party leaders have systematically stymied the gradual evolution of positive local experiments with the kinds of institutions — an independent judiciary, meaningful legislatures, bottom-up electoral participation — that might help seriously curtail these problems.
This year — the 110th anniversary of his birth — Beijing is sparing no expense to commemorate the former leader who launched China's modern reform era in the late 1970s, bringing decades of blazing economic growth and steady resurgence as a world power.
Unsurprisingly, Deng's mantle is being deployed for political ends. A new 48-episode documentary on his life airing on state networks draws a thinly veiled analogy between Deng and Xi Jinping, China's current top leader. The suggestion is clear. Xi is a new Deng. And when top Communist Party leaders assemble at their annual conference this week, China will witness a revival of the spirit of reform.
But China's reform era is over. A different — and more unstable — one is dawning.
In a nation with a history
of revolution and where just 1% of the population controls
one-third of the wealth, [the leader sees] a latent threat
to the stability of his regime. -
Ideologically, Deng decisively broke with Maoist isolationism
in the late 1970s. China opened up. Students flowed out; outside
influences flowed in. When other party leaders criticized such
policies for allowing dangerous foreign influences to circulate,
Deng famously responded, “If you open the window for fresh air,
you have to expect some flies to blow in.”Economically, the decades of double-digit growth rates that marked the reform period have ended. The infrastructure and real estate booms driving China's economy since the 1990s have peaked. Even the state media now speaks of adjusting to the “new normal.”
Attitudes to foreign investors are shifting as well. Since the early 2000s, the rise of state industrial policies has favored the growth of domestic “national champions.” The announcement in August that China plans to launch a homegrown operating system to replace Windows and Android is simply the latest reflection of these trends. And a spate of state actions — jailing of corporate investigators, aggressive antitrust raids on firms that included Mercedes and Microsoft — have left expat managers nervously seeking transfers.
Most important, Chinese elite politics are shifting dramatically.
With Deng's rise, key elements that marked Maoist rule during the 1950s and '60s vanished. Gone were the all-powerful supreme leader, the frenzied cult of personality and the regular purges of the top ranks. Deng and his successors settled into a low-key style of collective governance marked by a search for consensus. Elite politics became institutionalized. Sure, periodic campaigns occasionally ensnared mid-level cadres. But unwritten rules guaranteed that the very top echelon was immune, untouchable.
Now, these norms are steadily being broken.
Since 2012, Xi has concentrated an astounding array of power in his hands. Special leadership groups on economic reform, on domestic security, on media propaganda now report to him. A whiff of a personality cult has emerged.
The bottom line is the West can't maintain the absurd imbalance of payments with China. It was made sense when China needed to be pulled up out of the morass, but $30 billion a month just with the USA? It is nice to see their corruption at least being discussed, but odd when your they park...Big Jim Sladeat 8:42 AM October 20, 2014
What does this all mean?
At a deep level, China is experiencing a backlash against many of the economic, ideological and political winners of the reform era. The last three decades saw the world's most rapid accumulation of economic wealth fuse with an unreformed authoritarian political system. The result: a generation of well-heeled “red capitalists,” furiously texting on their iPhones as chauffeur-driven Audis sped their children past migrant shantytowns to English cram schools in preparation for studies overseas.
Such things might have seemed the very epitome of success to an earlier generation of Chinese leaders ruling over a country just emerging from crushing poverty and Maoist isolation. But they look very different now. To a new leader worried about maintaining one-party rule in a nation with a history of revolution, and where just 1% of the population controls one-third of the wealth, this is not just an image problem. It is a latent threat to the stability of his regime.
In Xi's eyes, the legacy of the reform era poses other challenges too. Entrenched political and economic interests built up since the 1990s hamper his efforts to solidify personal control over the apparatus of governance. Decades of dependence on foreign software expose China to cyber threats from abroad. Cultural imports — Hollywood films or “The Big Bang Theory” — challenge his dream of nationalist revival.
Nor are these policies necessarily wrong. Corruption must be contained. And if party authorities actually follow through with plans to increase the number of college spots for poor students (presumably at the expense of the urban elite), that would represent a real step toward redressing the education inequality gap that has grown since the reform period.
However, tackling the problems facing China today requires addressing the core political factors behind them. Excessive, unchecked power in the hands of a few has fueled the viral growth of a long list of social and economic problems. Indeed, Xi himself has flagged the need to restrict power in a “cage of regulations.”
But in the years since 1989, party leaders have systematically stymied the gradual evolution of positive local experiments with the kinds of institutions — an independent judiciary, meaningful legislatures, bottom-up electoral participation — that might help seriously curtail these problems.
And this is dangerous, because it risks taking China backward. And not to the Deng era, but to far more unstable ones that preceded him.
Carl Minzner is a professor at Fordham Law School, specializing in Chinese law and politics.
Is China
Abusing History?
China’s mix of historical and legal claims in the South China Sea are inconsistent, says Frank Ching. Beijing can’t have its cake and eat it.
US scholar Lucian Pye once famously said that China was not a country but ‘a civilization pretending to be a state.’ That may have been apt at one time, but today’s China has been transformed into a modern state that plays an active role in international forums.
However, China also tries to capitalize on its long history when pressing its case in international disputes. Nowhere is this more clear than in the current South China Sea territorial dispute, which pits China against several of its neighbours. Also embroiled in the various rows are the United States, India and, increasingly, Japan. It’s a potent mix.
In 1996, Beijing ratified the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and publicly embraced the treaty’s provision that ‘China shall enjoy sovereign rights and jurisdiction over an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles and the continental shelf’ – a hitherto unknown concept.
At the same time, however, it reaffirmed its claim over the islets, rocks and reefs in the South China Sea on historical grounds—grounds that aren’t recognized by the convention. That is to say, China claims all the rights granted under international law today and, in addition, claims rights that aren’t generally recognized because its civilization can be traced back several thousand years.
Historically, China was the dominant power in East Asia and considered lesser powers as its tributaries. By insisting now on territorial claims that reflect a historical relationship that vanished hundreds of years ago with the rise of the West, Beijing is, in a sense, attempting to revive and legitimize a situation where it was the unchallenged hegemony.
The ambiguity about what parts of international law China recognizes and which bits it doesn’t gives rise to the current dispute, which directly involves Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei, and indirectly involves the interests of many other nations.
The claims made by Southeast Asian countries rest primarily on the provisions of the Law of the Sea. China, however, is taking the position that its sovereignty over the territories concerned precedes the enactment of the Law of the Sea, and so the law doesn’t apply. History trumps law.
In 2009, China submitted a map to the UN Commission on the Law of the Sea in support of its claims to ‘indisputable sovereignty over the islands of the South China Sea and the adjacent waters’ as well as ‘the seabed and subsoil thereof.’
The map featured a U-shaped dotted line that encompassed virtually the entire South China Sea and hugged the coasts of neighbouring countries including Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. This was the first time China had submitted a map to the United Nations in support of its territorial claims, but there was no explanation given as to whether it claimed all the waters as well as the islands enclosed by the dotted line.
This was a radical departure from the position China took when it ratified the treaty. Back then, China said that it would hold consultations ‘with the states with coasts opposite or adjacent to China respectively on the basis of international law and in accordance with the principle of equitability.’
Significantly, especially for the United States, China’s position on UNCLOS has also shifted in another respect. In 1996, it took the position that foreign warships required its approval in order to pass through China’s territorial waters. Now, China says that foreign warships must obtain its approval before they can pass through its exclusive economic zone – a much wider area that isn’t part of its sovereign waters.
The United States disputes that position, maintaining that waters in a country’s EEZ are part of the high seas and that naval vessels are free to enter them and even conduct operations without any need for approval.
This difference in opinion between China and the United States (as well as most developed countries) has led to confrontations between the two countries, with US naval surveillance vessels carrying out information-gathering missions in China’s EEZ and being challenged by the Chinese.
China’s resort to history is a relatively new development in international law, although it isn’t completely unprecedented. For example, coastal states have been allowed to claim extended jurisdiction over waters, especially bays or islands, when those claims have been open and long-standing, exclusive, and widely accepted by other states.
In China’s case, however, its claims are evidently neither exclusive nor widely accepted by other states since they are being openly contested. Still, Chinese officials and scholars have attempted to buttress their arguments by appealing to historical records.
For example, Li Guoqiang, a research scholar with the Research Center for Chinese Borderland History and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences wrote in July in the China Daily: ‘Historical evidence shows that Chinese people discovered the islands in the South China Sea during the Qin (221-206 BC) and Han (206 BC-AD 220) dynasties.’ China’s maritime boundary, he asserts, was established by the Qing dynasty (1644-1911).
‘In contrast,’ he wrote, ‘Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines hardly knew anything about the islands in the South China Sea before China’s Qing Dynasty.’
Vietnam, in pressing its case, has cited maps and geography attesting to its ‘historical sovereignty’ over the Paracel and Spratly islands going back to the 17th century. This doesn’t match the antiquity of China’s claims, but, at the very least, it shows that Chinese claims have been contested for centuries, and that China didn’t enjoy exclusive and continuous jurisdiction over these islands.
And, if history is to be the criterion, which period of history should be decisive? After all, if the Qin or Han dynasty is to be taken as the benchmark, then China’s territory today would be much smaller, since at the time it had not yet acquired Tibet, Xinjiang or Manchuria, now known as the northeast.
One compromise that China has offered to its neighbours is to shelve the territorial disputes and engage in joint development of natural resources. This was proposed by President Hu Jintao as recently as August 31, when he met the Philippine President Benigno Aquino.
However, there are serious problems. Just what does China mean by this policy?
The Chinese Foreign Ministry website explains: ‘The concept of “setting aside dispute and pursuing joint development” has the following four elements:
‘1. The sovereignty of the territories concerned belongs to China.
‘2. When conditions are not ripe to bring about a thorough solution to territorial dispute, discussion on the issue of sovereignty may be postponed so that the dispute is set aside. To set aside dispute does not mean giving up sovereignty. It is just to leave the dispute aside for the time being.
‘3. The territories under dispute may be developed in a joint way.
‘4. The purpose of joint development is to enhance mutual understanding through cooperation and create conditions for the eventual resolution of territorial ownership.’
These four points make it clear that instead of shelving the territorial disputes, the idea of joint development is China’s way of imposing its claims of sovereignty over the other party. Chinese sovereignty is the stated desired outcome of any joint development. No wonder that no country has taken China up on its proposal.
Perhaps because of the conflict between historical claims and the UNCLOS, other Chinese scholars are now calling for a review of the Law of the Sea.
Li Jinming, a professor at the Center for Southeast Asia Studies at Xiamen University, says that there are ‘shortcomings’ in UNCLOS and, as a result, ‘China should consider its own situation before enforcing UNCLOS.’ That is to say, even though China has ratified the treaty, which has been in effect for 17 years, Beijing shouldn’t abide by its provisions unless the convention is somehow revised to support China’s territorial claims.
Beijing, it appears, wants to be made an exception in international law. It wants to have its cake and eat it. But law is law. What is the point of having international law when it is no longer international, and when it is no longer law?
Sex and HSBC
According to lawsuits by two of her former subordinates, during her time as a senior vice-president and head of business development for North America, Eileen Hedges told another one of her subordinates, 27 year-old “Jane Doe,” to:
- Dress provocatively on the job
- “…have sex with male HSBC executives and clients at company-sponsored events”
- Specifically, “have sex with an unnamed senior executive at the bank’s Mexico unit”
- “…falsely told co-workers that Doe was having sex with clients when they traveled to bank functions outside the U.S.”
- “…told Doe about her own alleged extramarital affairs with HSBC executives.”1
- “… attempted to pull down Doe’s blouse and expose her breasts in the presence of male HSBC employees.”
The previously unreported suits, filed June 20 and Aug. 14, claim that Eileen Hedges, formerly the senior vice president and head of business development for the bank’s North American unit, repeatedly harassed an unnamed 27-year-old subordinate referred to as Jane Doe. The complaints say Hedges inappropriately touched Doe, encouraged her to dress provocatively and pressured her to have sex with male HSBC executives and clients at company-sponsored events. The retaliation claims were filed by Michael Picarella, a current HSBC employee who was supervised by Hedges, and James Rist, a former employee who says he dated Doe and personally witnessed some of the alleged harassment. Picarella says he was effectively demoted after reporting Hedges’ conduct to bank officials, while Rist claims his yearly bonus was cut by more than 60 percent. HSBC said in a Sept. 12 court filing that it had fired Hedges following an investigation, though the bank denied engaging in retaliation. During a brief hearing in Manhattan federal court Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Andrew Carter said he was “extremely unlikely” to dismiss the litigation at the current stage, and encouraged the parties to engage in settlement discussions.
伟大祖国崛起 有形没格
联合国就中国对埃博拉反应公开表 示不满联合国对中国援助埃博拉捐款缓慢公开表示不满,
大力投资 少量捐款
Former Cream Bassist Jack Bruce Dies of Liver Disease
The 71-year-old former bassist for Cream co-wrote unforgettable hits including "Sunshine of Your Love" and "White Room"
Jack Bruce, Cream’s former bassist, songwriter and singer, has died of liver disease at the age of 71.“It is with great sadness that we, Jack’s family, announce the passing of our beloved Jack: husband, father, granddad, and all round legend,” his family said in a statement, according to The Guardian. “The world of music will be a poorer place without him but he lives on in his music and forever in our hearts.”
Bruce was the principal singer and songwriter in Cream, co-writing hits including “White Room” and “Sunshine of Your Love” with lyricist Pete Brown. He had an ongoing rivalry with drummer Ginger Baker that guitarist Eric Clapton was often helpless to stop. Bruce struggled with drug addiction and financial troubles in the 1970s after Cream’s breakup, but continued to play as a session musician and as part of small groups. In 2003 he underwent a liver transplant after being diagnosed with cancer, and played with a reunited Cream for a series of shows in 2005.
Yoko Irie常来清扫这栋房屋外人行道上秋天的落叶。不过,
根据野村综合研究所(Nomura Research Institute)房地产部门Wataru Sakakibara的说法,上世纪80年代,典型的日本房屋都是木质结构,设计寿命大约是30年。2000年以后,日本房屋的设计寿命增加了不止一倍,
Yoko Irie常来清扫这栋房屋外人行道上秋天的落叶。不过,
根据野村综合研究所(Nomura Research Institute)房地产部门Wataru Sakakibara的说法,上世纪80年代,
这些购买ISIS石油的人们包括来自土耳其、伊拉克库尔德人社区和巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al- Assad)政权的中间人。
以上这种说法是美国财政部负责反恐和金融情报事务的副部长戴维•科恩(David Cohen)在卡内基国际和平研究院(Carnegie
Endowment For International
土耳其外交部发言人坦茹•比尔吉奇(Tanju Bilgiç)表示:“对于这个问题,我们已非常明确地表达了我们的立场。土耳其外交部长梅夫吕特•恰武什奥卢(Mevlüt
Çavuşoğlu)和能源部长塔内尔•耶尔德兹(Taner Yıldız)都曾反复重申,土耳其并未购买过(ISIS的)石油。”
土耳其外交部发言人坦茹•比尔吉奇(Tanju Bilgiç)表示:“对于这个问题,
FCPO - Can Bulls Do It This
Time ? - 10/27/2014
The market has flashed a new buy signal on last Thursday after coming back from a holiday. Price closed above the bottom band with the Stochastic turning positive. I bought on the next day. The MACD is trying to turn around but it remains negative. The DMI has turned positive but with the D+ and D- stuck within the 20/30 signal line. The ADX also remains flat and stays below the 20's signal line. Both these 2 are telling me that the market is lacking a trend. I would place my stop at the prior day low and see how the market goes . My thinking would be to keep my stop as tight as possible because I also notice the Bollinger Band continues to get tighter. The tightening usually mean there will be an explosive move ahead.
But if price can go further and closed above the top band, then it would warrant a new review. Since the ADX is low and flat, use the Stochastic to trade.
The weekly chart stays almost same as the previous. Both the MACD and Stochastic stay positive and continue to rise. The DMI stays negative with the D- falling again. But then the D+ also is not rising. This means the sellers are chicken out again but the buyers are still staying aside. The ADX stays flat, so there is no new trend yet. The weekly Japanese Candlestick is a white body candlestick but as it did not break anything , so there is no signal from here. I continue to monitor the bottom band support of 2064 as if it is broken, then another new round of correction may kick in.
As I mentioned last week, if price can go a bit upward or even stay around here, it would continue to add more "power" to a longer term bull cycle. It is not yet there yet, but it is continuing to head for that direction, though subtly.
FKLI - A Technical Rebound So
Don't Get Too Carried Away -10/27/2014
The market continues to retrace and hit the bottom band on last Monday which effectivel closed off my prior shorts positions. The market continued to improve and triggered a new buy signal as price stays above the bottom band with the Stochastic crossing above its 20's signal line so I bought in again. As I mentioned here last week, though I do not believe the correction is over yet, but I would still have to obey the new signal and bought.
The MACD has already crossed up and turned positive. The Stochastic continues to rise toward the 50's signal line. The DMI remains negative with the D- continues to fall from its extremity. This is confirming that the sellers have been closing out their positions. The D+ has been rising from below the 20's , this confirms the buyers' strength. The ADX has begun to fall as it confirms the end of the prior trend. Price continues to rise and may go test the middle band next. I would watch 1826 resistance level as it has been tested several times in the recent past. If that level can be taken out, then this market may be shaking off the bearish cycle again.
The weekly chart's extreme D- forewarned a correction last week. Price has stopped falling and instead has made a 24 points retracement but it has not able to close back above the bottom band. The Stochastic has turned positive while the MACD continues to fall. The ADX is still rising so it means the trend is still intact.
The short term chart is favoring a upward move but the longer time parameter charts seem to be confirming bigger bear coming. With the presence of bearish divergences written all over them, I continue to biased in a super bear market thinking over any bullish one. Fundamentally I fear our economy may be heading for a stagflation and I think the charts are merely reflecting what is about to hit us.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
5 Of The 10 Deadliest Wars Began In China
Of the 10 most damaging wars in history based on combatant and civilian deaths, five started in China. This does not even include the horrors that China faced during World War II, when parts of China suffered under an incredibly brutal Japanese occupation.
China wars often stemmed from internal revolts and might have influenced modern China’s heavy-handed approach to internal dissent. Indeed, Beijing’s heavy emphasis on order and societal peace in particular could shed light on the current tumult in Hong Kong, where protesters have demonstrated against the central government’s attempts to strip the territory’s autonomy.
Below are the five deadliest conflicts that started in China, in descending order of estimated death toll.
1. The Qing Dynasty Conquest Of The Ming Dynasty
The Qing conquest of the Ming dynasty was a period of extreme political turmoil in China. The conquest started with a rebellion against Chinese imperial authority in Manchuria, in far northeastern China. As the rebellion gained speed and approached Beijing, a series of smaller peasant revolts broke out through the rest of China.
By 1644, the Qing were in control of Beijing. However, southern China and Taiwan rebelled against Qing authority and sided with Ming loyalists.
It took until 1683 — nearly another 40 years — for the Qing to establish their authority throughout China. During this time, almost 25 million people died in the hostilities.
2. The Taiping Rebellion
1850 to 1864, with an estimated 20 million casualties
The Taiping Rebellion was a Christian millenarian movement aimed at unseating the Qing Dynasty. The rebellion, led by Hong Xiuquan, took the major Chinese city of Nanjing as its capital. At the height of the rebellion, Hong and his Taiping Heavenly Kingdom ruled over 30 million people.
The rebellion focused on social reform, demanding the abolition of foot-binding and land socialization and opposing strict gender separation. Hong also claimed he was Jesus’ little brother. His army, which was made of largely irregular forces, scored a number of victories through brutal methods and religious zeal.
The rebellion took an estimated 20 million lives, and the French and British eventually had to intervene to help the Qing restore order.
3. The An Lushan Rebellion
The An Lushan Rebellion was sparked when General An Lushan declared himself emperor of Northern China, which was directly opposed to the leading Tang Dynasty. This conflict lasted through the reigns of three Tang emperors before ending in 763 with the fall of the Yan Dynasty that An Lushan had created.
The war had a lasting impact on the economic and social systems, and a million people died from the mass starvation and diseases the conflict triggered.
4. The Dungan Revolt
The Dungan Revolt, also referred to as the “Hui Minorities’ War” and the “Muslim Rebellion,” was a mainly religious uprising that overlapped with the Taiping Rebellion by two years.
The main goal of this war was to establish a Muslim country near the western bank of the Yellow River. When the revolt failed, there was a mass exodus of Dungan people into Imperial Russia.
5. The Chinese Civil War
Without a signed peace treaty, there is still some debate about whether the Chinese Civil War between the Republic of China and the Communist Party of China ever legally ended because the nationalist forces fled to Taiwan and established a competing government.
Lasting more than 20 years, the conflict led to the creation of the Republic of China (in Taiwan) and the People’s Republic of China (in mainland China), with both claiming to be the sole legitimate government of China.
Meanwhile, as the US prepared to entered the Korean War, President Harry Truman announced goals for a “strong, united, and democratic China” and ordered the Navy’s Seventh Fleet into the region. But by 1954, opposing armies disbanded and the Chinese Civil War began to fade.
中国怕得罪美帝 对俄“握紧钱包”
长期活跃于俄罗斯的投资银行家、美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)前 莫斯科主管伯纳德•舒谢(Bernard Sucher)透露,今年早些时候美欧宣布第一轮制 裁后不久,他提供咨询的一家俄罗斯企业派出一个小组到中国争取投

Temptations - Hear to Tempt You / Bare Back (2014 reissue)
Click on CD
to listen or purchase
to listen or purchase
The year was 1977 and The
Temptations were a mess. Yes, THE Temptations, the act
that nearly defined soul music in the 60s and early 70s.
But the loss of Dennis Edwards and Eddie Kendricks,
combined with a series of mediocre, uninspired albums on Motown in the
mid-decade left them increasingly irrelevant on R&B
radio. Blaming much of the problem on dysfunction at
Motown in the years following its relocation to So Cal,
the quintet joined former labelmates The Four Tops, Gladys
Knight and The Spinners in bolting for a new recording home. For the Tempts, it was
Atlantic Records, the iconic label that made The Spinners
and Aretha Franklin stars, but which by 1977 was not
showing the kind of commitment to R&B radio that The
Tempts had enjoyed during their decade and a half at
With the change, founding
members Otis Williams and Melvin Franklin wanted to make a
statement that The Temptations were a contemporary force,
so they teamed with hot Philadelphia producers Baker,
Harris and Young (Philly's other Big Three after Gamble, Huff and Bell) for the
label debut, Hear To Tempt You, now being
reissued along with the Atlantic follow-up, Bare
Back, on a new Soul Music Records 2-for-1 set.
As the excellent liner notes
by Kevin Goins detail, Hear to Tempt You was not
an intimate collaboration between artist and producer. The
Temptations, trying to assimilate new lead singer Louis
Price and falsetto lead Glenn Leonard, arrived at the
recording studio in New York to find the album's nine
tracks completed, simply awaiting the vocals. For a group
that was, itself, in a bit of disarray, this was not an
ideal experience. Part of the greatness of the Motown
machine was in the competitive matching of songs with
groups -- and vocalists within groups -- and following
with dynamic recording sessions on Grand Boulevard in
Detroit. Hear To Tempt You was clearly less
tailored in its approach, and it showed in the results.
Baker, Harris and Young were best known for their work
with the Trammps, and parts of Hear to Tempt
You sound like outtakes from a Trammps session,
even though the two groups were markedly different acts.
Newcomer Leonard showed
himself to be a near perfect fit for The Tempts sound, as
he glided through the album's first single, "In A Lifetime," a
Latin-tinged disco song, the upbeat nature of which belied
the sad confession of a man to his betrayed lover ("I
could never find another love like yours in a lifetime"). It
was a rougher go for Price, a talented Chicago baritone
who was still finding his voice (he was just 24) when he
was thrust into the spotlight. So it wasn't surprising
that the ballads "Can We Come And Share In Love" and
"Let's Live In Peace" fell flat, in part because of
Price's lack of early vocal chemistry with the group and
in part because the songs just weren't very good.
Fortunately, Price redeemed himself, strutting his vocal
chops beautifully on "It's Time For Love," a
quintessential Philly "let's all get along" dance number.
The remaining group members, Richard Street, Williams and
Franklin, also all had leads (unusual for a Temptations
album), with Otis drawing the long straw on "Read Between
The Lines," another fine dance number. As on their albums
with the Trammps, the BHY production team here proved far
more adept at delivering upbeat material. Nearly all the
memorable cuts were disco songs -- driven by Young's
legendary drum work -- with the remaining ballads being
far more generic and tending to drag down the affair.
Atlantic didn't really know
what to do with the new Temptations sound, and Hear to Tempt You disappeared from
radio almost as quickly as it came, dying an undeserved
death that prevented even "In A Lifetime" from hitting the
R&B top 10. So, for the follow up album, Bare Back, the
Temptations moved to the familiar, bringing in former
Motown hitmakers Brian and Eddie Holland. Unfortunately
the Holland brothers of 1978 were not
Holland-Dozier-Holland of 1968, and the resulting product
proved - despite strong vocal performances - to be one of
the more forgettable Temptations albums
Radio gave some notice to Bare Back's first
single, "Ever Ready Love," a melodic ballad that sparkled
with the sweet lead vocal of Leonard, who was increasingly
proving to be a great asset to the group. The
Hollands also leaned heavily on the always-brilliant
Richard Street, and his empassioned vocals on cuts like
"Touch Me Again" and the title track brought the maximum
life to fairly mediocre underlying material. Conversely,
Louis Price was largely placed in the background for Bare
Back, getting the full lead only on "That's When
You Need Love" -- a really fine vocal performance that
showed much better chemistry with the group than his work
on Hear....
One hidden gem late on the album was "I See My Child," a
string-filled ballad that is at times a bit saccharine,
but which includes simply beautiful group harmonies that
make it the mostly likely "keeper" on the album.
The failure of Bare Back to
win -- or even keep -- the longtime fans of The
Temptations, led the group to return, successfully, to
Motown in 1980 for Power, a fine album to which
Berry Gordy personally attached his name as producer and
which thrust The Tempts back into the top 10.
In the end, Hear to Tempt
You and Bare Back are unusual historical
artifacts. They mark the most confused period in the
history of the greatest male vocal group of all time.
That confusion certainly seeped into the music, which was
both uneven and even occasionally unrecognizable as
belonging to the Temptations. But, as with any period in
The Temptations recorded history, this 2-for-1 collection
has enough high points to make it an interesting find for
the group's millions of fans. While the albums, long
unavailable in any form, are on the whole certainly not
essential, they include enough rare, fine performances to
make them hard for classic soul music fans - or devoted
Tempations fans like this reviewer - to resist. Selectively Recommended.
By Chris Rizik
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