Monday, July 29, 2024

ASEAN ministers at loggerheads over Israel-Hamas conflict

Principles underpinning Singapore’s position on the Israel-Hamas conflict ASEAN ministers at loggerheads over Israel-Hamas conflict

VIENTIANE -- Top diplomats of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) released their joint statement on Saturday, after days of grappling with wording reflecting member states' stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict that has sparked a humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.

Indonesia is deeply saddened by the deteriorating situation in Gaza, particularly the horrid humanitarian conditions,” he said, adding violence against civilians "must stop".

“Conversely, efforts to achieve a ceasefire must continue and the safe passage of humanitarian aid must be wide and accelerated," he said.

ASEAN has not made a formal statement about the war, which is not surprising given each member of the bloc sees the conflict differently.

Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei - the three ASEAN members with Muslim-majority populations where religion is significant in domestic politics - have long been strong supporters of the Palestinians. None of them has diplomatic relations with Israel.

Malaysia's Defence Minister Mohammad Hasan condemned the bombings of civilians, homes and hospitals in Gaza and "the consequential massacre of innocent lives, children, women and men".

Singapore took a firm position against Hamas and strongly condemned the attacks the militant group launched inside Israel on Oct 7, starting the war. Singapore's strong stance against Hamas leaves it out of step with its larger Muslim-majority neighbours.

“The more important lesson for us is that peace can be stolen or lost very quickly,” said Ng Eng Hen, Singapore's defence minister. "While we are now in a relative area of peace and security, we can lose it if we as leaders in our nations do not pay attention. I dread to think what would happen if there is conflict in Asia.”

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