Monday, April 30, 2012
If Japan Is Broke, How Is It Bailing Out Europe?
TOKYO. If you want to understand Japan, try watching what people do rather than listen to what they say. More even than in other parts of the world there is a difference — and what people do is, of course, a far more useful insight into their true situation. It is interesting therefore to note that as the International Monetary Fund wound down its semi-annual meeting in Washington yesterday, the Japanese government emerged as by far the largest single non-eurozone contributor to the latest euro rescue effort. Yes, this is the same government that has been going round pretending to be bankrupt (or at least offering no serious rebuttal when benighted American and British commentators portray Japanese public finances as a trainwreck).
Japan is putting up $60 billion. That is equal to 14 percent of the total of $430 billion in pledges drummed up by the IMF’s overworked managing director Christine Lagarde. By comparison the United Kingdom with almost half of Japan’s population is throwing in a mere $15 billion, or one-quarter as much. And the U.K. actually looks generous by comparison with the United States and Canada, neither of which is prepared to proffer so much as a single brass cent. Besides Japan, the most significant contributors are Saudi Arabia and South Korea.
This is not the first time that Japan has stepped up to the plate as lender of last resort to the world financial system. At the height of the global panic in 2009, the Tokyo Ministry of Finance more or less single-handedly rescued this system when it injected $100 billion into the IMF.
How can a nation whose government is supposedly the most overborrowed in the advanced world afford such generosity? To say the least there seems to be a paradox here — but then paradoxes have always been a dime a dozen in the West’s understanding of the Japanese government.
The betting is that Japan’s true public finances are far stronger than the Western press has been led to believe. What is undeniable is that the Japanese Ministry of Finance is one of the most opaque in the world — and rarely speaks fully frankly to the Japanese press, let alone the foreign press. Opaqueness is a big help in batting off domestic interest groups pressing for handouts. It also helps in politely waving away third world nations seeking overseas development aid.
One technique for keeping outsiders at sixes and sevens is that the Japanese budget is announced every year on Christmas Day. That is, of course, the one day of the year when virtually all senior foreign correspondents can be guaranteed to be otherwise engaged.
Let’s be frank: outsiders have little or no ability to delve into Japan’s true government finances. Indeed many commentators who have been particularly outspoken in promoting the story of the Japanese government’s supposed bankruptcy cannot even read the Japanese language.
It is also questionable whether they can read a balance sheet.
Let’s note that a balance sheet has two sides. The Japanese government’s liabilities may be large. But it is important to take a look at its assets before resorting to extravagant denunciations of its financial policy. What is clear is that the Tokyo Finance Ministry is increasingly borrowing from the Japanese public not to finance out-of-control government spending at home but rather abroad. Besides stepping up to the plate to keep the IMF in business, Tokyo has long been the lender of last resort to both the U.S. and British governments. Meanwhile it borrows 10-year money at an interest rate of just 1.0 percent, the second lowest rate of any borrower in the world after the government of Switzerland.
Few Anglophone economic commentators are able to read the Japanese government’s accounts in the original. But the yields on JGBs, as Japanese government bonds are known to the cognoscenti, are printed daily in the Western press. It is time the commentators took note.
C 說,中共仍未妥善處理好薄熙來事件,
Stuff that brighten up your life,
A Famed ‘72 Marvin Gaye Concert That Almost Did Not Happen
NSO Pops revisits famed ‘72 Marvin Gaye concert
MATTHEW LEWIS/TWP/ The Washington Post ) - Marvin Gaye at the Kennedy Center on ‘Marvin Gaye Day.’
It’s hailed now as an historic
concert event — one that gets a big sold-out two-day 40th
anniversary re-creation this week at the Kennedy
Center with John
Legend, the National Symphony Orchestra Pops and Sharon
Jones and the Dap-Kings.
But Marvin Gaye’s original “What’s Going On” homecoming performance at the then-new Kennedy Center on May 1, 1972, almost didn’t happen.
But Marvin Gaye’s original “What’s Going On” homecoming performance at the then-new Kennedy Center on May 1, 1972, almost didn’t happen.
“I didn’t really want to do this
concert,” Gaye told The Washington Post at the time. To his
biographer, David
Ritz, he was more emphatic: “I resented the whole
thing, and I desperately didn’t want to do it. Until the last
few minutes, I wasn’t going to go.”
Gaye also had a complicated relationship with the District, where he was born and raised. It began in the troubled relations with his own family. He was raised by a strict father, a failed preacher in an unusual sect who beat him as a child, and a mother who held back her protection.
And there was the city itself.
“I was still mad at Washington,” Gaye told Ritz. “What had they ever given me? Why would they all of a sudden love me now that I’d sold a few records? Where were they when I needed them? For years I’d considered Detroit — not Washington — home.”
The future Motown star honed his singing in the hallways of Randall Junior High School and Cardozo High, formed doo-wop groups like the DC Tones and the Marquees before joining Harvey Fuqua and the Moonglows and moving to the Midwest.
He returned to the District a couple of times as a Motown artist — initially at the bottom of the bill in the first Motortown Revue in 1962 at the Howard Theatre, where he had seen so many inspiring performances in the past; but had visited his friends and family less and less. As if to distance himself more from his family (and to emulate Sam Cooke), he changed his name from Gay to Gaye shortly before his first single was released in May 1961.
Childhood friend Dewey Hughes, later a D.C. broadcaster, helped arrange a homecoming Marvin Gaye Day event as a fundraiser for Pride Inc., an organization co-founded by Marion Barry to provide job training and jobs to unemployed African American youth in the city. For the Washington show, Gaye told The Post, “my mother kept calling and asking me if I’d do it for her. Mothers are like that.”
The concert was arranged and a full day of celebration preceded it, including a speech at Cardozo High (“I’m sure I was a little stoned,” he admitted to Ritz later), a motorcade procession, a key to the city from Mayor Walter Washington, another reception at the Rayburn Building and a kiss from Miss Black D.C.
All the ceremonial activity may have cut into rehearsal time for the main event, though.
After opening acts, testimonials and an introduction from then-city school board president Marion Barry, Gaye didn’t get onstage until after 11 p.m.
But it didn’t work out that way. Gaye was “tired, scared — and stoned,” according to Harry Weinger, who produced the 2001 deluxe edition of “What’s Going On” that included the full Kennedy Center performance on CD for the first time.
After a 13-minute medley of his ’60s hits, Gaye skipped straight to the second half of the album first, following it with the first side. It was because of nervousness, Weinger said.
Personal Post
(Ellsworth Davis) - Marvin Gaye (center) with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Gaye, Sr. on 'Marvin Gaye Day' on May 1, 1972 in front of the District Building.
And while one song flowed to the next with a rhythm and purpose in a suitelike manner, the show also had the occasional feel of rehearsal as when, two minutes into “Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler),” he made the band stop and start it again.
“I got to have to have it grooving, ” Gaye explained to the audience, apologizing for his band. “See, when I leave the piano, they kind of lose it.”
The crowd, who didn’t seem to mind hearing it again — or even a third time, when in an extraordinary conclusion to the show, he chose to do two songs over again “because I’m not satisfied in my heart.”
“I’d like to do just a little bit more of ‘Inner City Blues’ before we leave, and after that we’re going to do ‘What’s Going On,’ and we’re going to call it a night. Thank you.”
In the third and final version of “Inner City Blues,” he made sure to recognize his parents and family in the audience, “who I love very much.”
It would be his fourth time that day playing “What’s Going On,” the song that encapsulated the era’s frustrations, from Vietnam to protests, in a manner that made it timeless. “War is not the answer,” he sang. “Only love can conquer hate.”
Because the issues of 40 years ago — war, poverty, concern about the environment, still ring true today, the Kennedy Center spent months devising a curriculum around the 40th-anniversary concerts.
“As far as a piece of music, I think it holds up very well,” says Steven Reineke, the principal Pops conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra, who will be conducting the concerts this week. “It really is a song cycle much in the vein of Schumann, Beethoven or Schubert. It’s fascinating to have had a guy in the late ’60s and early ’70s writing something like that.”
The Kennedy Center’s first digital youth arts and media campaign, What’s Going On . . . Now (,has drawn videos and contributions from hundreds of students nationwide, inspired by Gaye’s landmark work. A youth summit this week coinciding with the concerts will bring dozens of students and faculty to the Kennedy Center this week; free performances and screenings of their work will be presented Wednesday and Thursday on its Millennium Stage.
It all points to a new generation inspired by Gaye’s timeless words, says Darrell Ayers, the Kennedy Center’s vide president for education.
“I was surprised how relevant the issues from the album were and the lyrics that Gaye wrote,” Ayers says. “An artist could have written those today.”
For all its prescience, though, it was all Gaye could do in 1972 to perform the workonstage.
“I got through it,” Gaye told his biographer . “But I was a wreck. I hardly remember what happened. I must have blocked it out.”
Indeed, it took a while for him to fully realize what Marvin Gaye Day in Washington had meant to him.
“I understood that I’d been punishing myself by staying away so long,” Gaye said. “I’d been denying self-love, and that’s one of the most foolish things a man can do.”
More than what the day meant for him, he said he recognized “it was certainly the biggest day of my parents’ life. There they came to Washington in the ’30s without a penny and their son was being honored by the mayor as some sort of hero.”
Still, it wasn’t enough to reconcile their familial division — less than 12 years later, on the eve of his 45th birthday, Gaye was shot dead by his elderly father in Los Angeles, ending his life and career but not the music or its enduring influence.
Marvin Gaye’s homecoming concert set list
Here are the songs from the original concert performed May 1, 1972, at the Kennedy Center. (The set list for the 40th-anniversary commemorative concert there this week will be different.)
“That’s the Way Love Is”
“I Heard It Through the Grapevine”
“Little Darling (I Need You)”
“You’re All I Need to Get By”
“Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing”
“Your Precious Love”
“Pride and Joy”
“Stubborn Kind of Fellow”
“Right On”
“Wholy Holy”
“Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)”
“What’s Going On”
“What’s Happening Brother”
“Flyin’ High (in the Friendly Sky)”
“Save the Children”
“God Is Love”
“Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)” reprise
“What’s Going On” reprise
NSO Pops: Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On”
with John Legend and Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings. Kennedy Center, Thursday and Friday, 8 p.m. Sold out.
What’s Going On . . . Now Youth Showcase will present live and digital performances. Kennedy Center Millennium Stage Wednesday and Thursday, 6 p.m. Free.
Hugh Hendry Thinks China Will Do A Weimar Depression
HUGH HENDRY IS BACK: Here's What's In His Monster New Letter To Shareholders
Hedge fund manager Hugh Hendry of The Eclectica Fund is finally back with a monster new letter to shareholders. In it, he says, is his most lengthy writing since the winter of 2010.
We've read it, and summarized his key points into bullets.
Hendry is still very bearish on China. He doesn't think that China will be supplanting the US economy as the world's #1 in GDP anytime soon, and in fact he's fairly bullish on the US thanks to the burgeoning energy business.
The problem in China is that its success was long based on the artificial depression of the currency, and financial repression that prevented banks from offering decent interest rates to savers. Anyone with their money in a bank got crushed, so to get around this financial repression the people bought houses like crazy.
The scale of the Chinese housing bubble has been unprecedented, and the scale of underground credit is enormous. There are trillions of dollars of loans that originate through firms that are nominally in businesses like shipbuilding, but which ended up in the mortgage credit game.
China is so freaked out by all this, it's given death sentences to some of the underground players in the real estate bubble.
Hendry sees a Weimar-like situation where Chinese leaders thought they could get away with fiscal profligacy on the back of strong exports, but the weakness abroad means it might not happen.
The Chinese market is a casino, pure and simple. It only benefits insiders. There's no reason for anyone to invest in it.
The way Hendry has shorted it, however, is via Credit Default Swaps on Japanese corporates that are exposed to China. Japanese companies remain very troubles with debt loads that are way too high. This is why Japan is a value trap that has taken in suckers for years, thinking that stocks are very cheap.
In Japan he sees, what he calls "The Tranquility That Could Rock the World."
Ultimately, he thinks we'll see one more washout in the market, with 30-year Treasury yields hitting 2.5% (they're currently at 3.125%) and the VIX surging to 80, at which point we'll have a truly 'generational' opportunity to buy risk assets.
All in all, great stuff.
伯肯诺纳粹集中营死尸翻转狂笑 !
温总访集中营 称
鐵達尼號海難一百周年,除電影以三D重映外,多個相關地域都有紀念活動 。其中一件被人再次提出的醜事是:災難發生,船上共有八名男
華人,其中六人逃出生天,以全船的生死比率來說很幸運 。但
能夠如此幸運,是因為其中五人乘亂登上只載婦孺的救生艇,用這種極不光彩的方式保命 。當時有維持秩序的人想開槍射擊,但擔心誤中婦孺而作罷 。我讀過一些西人談鐵達尼乘客逃生的文字,他們全都認為這是卑 鄙的懦夫所為。
該讓男人保住性命 。
度 。其中可以說同樣沒有平等觀念,而是我強你弱。但一旦自認是強者,就要有強者的付出 。在性別方面如此,在階級方面也一樣:我是高高在上,享盡福
樂的貴族,這也是不平等的 。但外敵來侵犯時,我就必須披掛上陣,衝鋒在前 。
弱者 。從階級方面來說,外敵來犯,要由下面的人去抵禦,上面的人
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
1969 年5月至8月,就有海洋地质学家发表研究报告,
就 中国而言,虽然是以「和谐海洋」作为其发展海军的新理念,
2011 年5月,越南与中国就南海(越南称东海)
事 隔不到一年,刚获得海上武力提升的菲律宾海军,
然而,现在似乎很少人记得,北京曾经在1999年誓言签署 1995年「东南亚非核武区协定」(SEANWFTZ)议定书,
这 次不光武嚇,北京也不忘文攻。代表军方的《解放军报》近日反击,
瞭解军事参谋作业的人 士都知道,演习不是在几天之內就能安排好的。4月20日刊登在《
Will The Three Gorges Dam Becomes China's Curse ?
Six years later, the government says a further 100,000 people may be displaced over the next few years, including 20,000 this year alone, because of increasing landslide risks in the area around the dam, Reuters reports.
The Three Gorges Project is located at Sāndòupíng in the Xilingxia gorge, one of the three gorges on the Yangtze river.
It's one of the biggest hydropower complexes in the world.
While official estimates put the cost of production at $23 billion, international experts believe it cost more than double that.
The project took more than a decade to complete.
It serves a purpose, however — The dam generates more than 18,000 MW of power a year.
Additionally, it's intended to stop the frequent flooding in the region.
The project also increased the amount of cargo transported across the river to 50 million tons, triple the maximum annual amount prior to the dam's construction.
But the system has had some major problems from the very get go.
A further 100,000 will be moved over the next three to five years because of landslides and bank collapses.
The number of landslides and other natural disasters has increased by 70 percent since the reservoir filled up in 2010.
Some say it played a role in the devastating 2008 Sichuan earthquake, which killed 87,000 people, though the government denies this.
1,300 archaeological sites have also been submerged.
The dam may have exacerbated China's 2011 drought.
The drought negated most of the dam's plus points: ships were stranded and central and eastern China faced a power shortage.
Environmentalists say the reservoir is accumulating silt and waste from cities and industries.
The government finally acknowledged the problems in 2011, five years after Three Gorges was built.
But China still wants to build more dams.
Motown Week magic on Dancing With The Stars 2012
We still haven’t seen any perfect scores of 30 thanks to stingy scoring judge Len Goodman, but two couples came within a point and two others were right on their heels. At this stage of the competition, everyone should be hitting good performances every week, and this week they did.
In addition to the individual dances, couples had the chance to capture between three and 10 bonus points competing in the “Motown Marathon,” a side-by-side cha cha competition. Judges eliminated couples one by one until a winner was left.
Motown’s own Empress of Soul, Gladys Knight, hit the dance floor to open the show. With her sleek bob hairdo she looked decades younger and no one has more fun in the ballroom than she does. But she had some rough spots in her rumba, scoring 21. She was also eliminated first in the marathon, for the low score of the night at 24. She’ll need a lot of fan votes to avoid the dance duel and a trip home.
Melissa Gilbert and Maks Chmerkovskiy are tied with Maria and Derek Hough at 30 but this represents a good week for Gilbert. She danced a lovely Viennese waltz and seemed at home in her skin for the first time. Melissa and Maks’ fans are aggressive about getting out the vote. We’ll see if it saves them from the dance duel.
There is a gap between the bottom four and the top four dancers, none of which need to worry one bit about being in the dance duel or going home Tuesday.
Donald Driver and Peta Murgatroyd’s foxtrot was as bright and exuberant as their bright blue costumes. Driver has charm to spare and the sharp moves and control of the athlete. He’s getting better every week and he really wants that perfect 10. Three nines this week had to do, plus a seven in the marathon, for a score of 34.
William Levy and Cheryl Burke had a mixed week. Bruno Tonioli and Carrie Ann Inaba enjoyed Levy’s steamy rumba, but Len Goodman found it too raunchy. His score of 27 got help from a second place finish in the marathon for 36 points.
Jaleel White and Kym Johnson had the comeback of the season, surviving last week’s dance duel to score 29 points. Why Len Goodman couldn’t cough up a third 10 is a mystery. If White continues to dance this well, he could make the finals. But he doesn’t seem to be getting fan votes, so he has to keep up the quality performances. He added eight points in the marathon with energetic moves and lifts, for a score of 37.
Smokey Robinson treats fans to several of his greatest hits. The ageless singer was in good voice. The Tempations also knocked out hit after hit, and Martha Reeves rounded out the trio of Motown greats. Motown founder Berry Gordy Jr. was on hand in the ballroom audience.
So who will be sent home? We’ll bring you the results straight from Hollywood. I will be sitting in the ballroom as a member of the audience Tuesday night and promise to share all the behind the scenes secrets.
Watch the results Tuesday, April 24 at 9 p.m. Eastern/Pacific on “Dancing With the Stars” on the ABC Television Network, then read about them here on Communities at Washington Times.
The Fall of China's Kennedy Family
REPORT: Bo Xilai's Family Is Worth Hundreds Of Millions And His Son Worked At A Top Investment Bank
The investigation into Chinese politician Bo Xilai and his connection to Briton Neil Heywood's death has shone a global spotlight on Bo's extended family and their wealth.
Bloomberg is out with a huge investigative piece on what this high-level politician/communist party member is worth.
The latest revelations include the news that one of Bo's sons attended Columbia University and was employed at a top American financial firm; in addition to the fact that Bo's family had an accumulated wealth of over $136 million in a country where politicians are paid modestly, according to Bloomberg.
An American lawyer that has worked with investment firms in China told the New York Times last week that the Bo family were like the "Kennedys of China."
In addition, two sisters of Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, has at least $126 million in real estate investments, Bloomberg reported. Gu Kailai has been arrested in China on suspicion of Heywood's death.
Bo's eldest son Li Wangzhi—from his first marriage—was employed at Citigroup's Hong Kong office from 2005 to 2006, according to Bloomberg, which cited two of Li Wangzhi's acquaintances, a Chinese website that lists the affiliation, and a Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission registration.
A former classmate of Li Wangzhi told Bloomberg that Li did not seem to like his father, but that Bo's name certainly opened lots of doors for him.
Li Wangzhi's affiliations with high finance doesn't end with Citigroup. According to Bloomberg, Li Wangzhi also worked in private equity in Dalian, China—the city that his father was mayor of from 1993 to 2000—after graduating from Columbia in 2003. Li is currently linked to at least two other investment firms in China, including one where he holds a managing director position.
Li Wangzhi has also used the names Brendan Li and Li Xiaobai in his business ventures, Bloomberg reported.
Read the full Bloomberg report here >
Sunday, April 22, 2012
KCPO - Are The Bulls Taking A Nap Before Charging Again ?-4/23/2012

The market hardly move down much last week and I notice that the band begins to tighten, so I would tighten my stop to 3513. I would add if price goes below 3455.

The weekly chart price maintains above the top band with a positive MACD that is been solidly supported by the rising ADX. With these, I would remain bullish about the market. The question to be asked about this market would be:- when will the bulls resume the run or will the market take a breather and stay sideway ? Looking at the falling daily ADX, I would think that it should be stay sideway for a while before the bulls return.

The market hardly move down much last week and I notice that the band begins to tighten, so I would tighten my stop to 3513. I would add if price goes below 3455.

The weekly chart price maintains above the top band with a positive MACD that is been solidly supported by the rising ADX. With these, I would remain bullish about the market. The question to be asked about this market would be:- when will the bulls resume the run or will the market take a breather and stay sideway ? Looking at the falling daily ADX, I would think that it should be stay sideway for a while before the bulls return.
FKLI - Will Something BIG Happening Soon ?- 4/23/2012

As noted the past few weeks, this market is still whipping around and flashing many false signals but going nowhere. The ADX has again begun to fall again which is conforming this total lack of directions. Though I have been mentioning that I am reluctant to enter new trade, but in order to stick to the trading plan, I had engaged new long on last Tuesday only to see the trade collapsed the next day when price closed below the top band. And I went to engage on new short trade on last Friday when I get a negative Stochastic complimenting the prices below the top and middle band. Will this trade work out ? I am not sure as the ADX is do discouraging. So I will use the prior day high plus 1 as stop.
Despite all that, we may have to start to pay closer attention from now onwards. I take note that both the Stochastic and MACD are negative while we may see a DMI negative crossdown by the coming week. We would need to pay attention to the market's next line of defense at the lower Bollinger Band of 1585. Another vital line of support will be at 1580. If prices fail to hold above these levels, we may see the beginning of the end for this bull market. And since the Bollinger Band has been squeezing, I would say the end would be of those shocking type.

At the weekly chart, the most significant sign would be its the Japanese Candlestick of a shooting star. This usually signify that the prior bull cycle is at its end. Whatever follow in the coming week is very important. Please take note now price has closed below the top band which may be taken as an initial sell signal by itself. The Stochastic is negative and falling. I would pay attention to the Stochastic when if it crosses down its 80's level as another initial sell signal. The MACD is still positive but is turning around its top, so watch out for a negative crossover on this one too. ADX has stayed flat for the 6th. week at 16's, so trade with the Stochastic rather than the MACD.
With the presence of the bearish divergence at the daily chart and the MACD falling downward and getting nearer to its zero signal line, my current mental setup has been waiting for a big massive sell down. So if you are still holding those big caps, GLCs and "blue chips", may be it is time for you to review your portfolio and start unloading some regardless how the "experts" are still telling you otherwise.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The Good News About Warren Buffett's Stage 1 Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Berkshire Hathaway's CEO Warren Buffett announced today that he had been diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer.
Buffett, 81, was upbeat about his diagnosis in his letter to shareholders saying it isn't even "remotely life threatening."
Here's why the "Oracle of Omaha" should be so optimistic.
According to the American Cancer Society, the relative five-year survival rate for men with stage 1 prostate cancer is nearly 100%.
From ACS:
According to the most recent data, when including all men with prostate cancer:
The relative 5-year survival rate is nearly 100%
The relative 10-year survival rate is 98%
The 15-year relative survival rate is 91%
Keep in mind that 5-year survival rates are based on patients diagnosed and first treated more than 5 years ago, and 10-year survival rates are based on patients diagnosed more than 10 years ago. Modern methods of detection and treatment mean that many prostate cancers are now found earlier and can be treated more effectively. If you are diagnosed this year, your outlook may be better than the numbers reported above.
位 于华盛顿的彼得森国际经济研究所 (Petersen Institute for International Economics)副所长、朝鲜问题专家马库斯•诺兰(
Clark, Entertainment Icon Nicknamed 'America's
Oldest Teenager,' Dies at 82
Dick Clark, the music industry maverick, longtime TV host and powerhouse producer who changed the way we listened to pop music with "American Bandstand," and whose trademark "Rockin' Eve" became a fixture of New Year's celebrations, died today at the age of 82.
Clark's agent Paul Shefrin said in statement that the veteran host died this morning following a "massive heart attack."
PHOTOS: 2012 in Memoriam: Dick Clark Dies
Born in Mount Vernon, N.Y., on Nov. 30, 1929, Richard Wagstaff Clark began his lifelong career in show business began before he was even out of high school. He started working in the mailroom of WRUN, a radio station in upstate New York run by his father and uncle. It wasn't long before the teenager was on the air, filling in for the weatherman and the announcer.
pursued his passion at Syracuse University, working as a disc
jockey at the student-run radio station while studying for his
degree in business. After graduating in 1951, Clark went back to
his family's radio station, but within a year, a bigger city and
bigger shows were calling.
Clark landed a gig as a DJ at WFIL in Philadelphia in 1952, spinning records for a show he called "Dick Clark's Caravan of Music." There he broke into the big time, hosting Bandstand, an afternoon dance show for teenagers.
Within five years, the whole country was watching. ABC took the show national, and "American Bandstand" was born.
a New Trail in Pop Music
"American Bandstand's" formula was simple. Clean-cut boys and girls danced to the hottest hits and the newest singles. In between, Clark chatted with the teens, who helped "rate-a-record," turning songs into sensations. Everyone showed up on "American Bandstand," from Elvis Presley to Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry to Chubby Checker.
When Dick Clark moved to Hollywood in 1963, "American Bandstand" moved with him. He started Dick Clark Productions, and began cranking out one hit show after another; his name became synonymous with everything from the $25,000 "Pyramid" to "TV's Bloopers & Practical Jokes" to the "American Music Awards." In 1972, Dick Clark became synonymous with one of the biggest nights of the year.
PHOTOS: Dick Clark's Celebrity Guests on 'American Bandstand'
New Year's Rockin' Eve
"Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" on ABC became a Dec. 31 tradition, with Clark hosting the festivities for more than three decades, introducing the entertainment acts and, of course, counting down to midnight as the ball dropped in New York's Times Square.
But the traditional celebration saw a temporary stop in 2004, when Clark suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed and struggling to speak. Regis Philbin stepped in. But by the next New Year's Eve, Dick Clark was back, his speech still impaired. In halting words, he told the audience, "I had to teach myself how to walk and talk again. It's been a long, hard fight. My speech is not perfect but I'm getting there."
But that didn't stop him: he returned each year, and recently he was joined by Ryan Seacrest, the radio and television personality known for E!, "American Idol," and a reality TV empire.
"I am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend Dick Clark," Seacrest said in a statement today. "He has truly been one of the greatest influences in my life. I idolized him from the start, and I was graced early on in my career with his generous advice and counsel. When I joined his show in 2006 , it was a dream come true to work with him every New Year's Eve for the last 6 years. He was smart, charming, funny and always a true gentleman. I learned a great deal from him, and I'll always be indebted to him for his faith and support of me. He was a remarkable host and businessman and left a rich legacy to television audiences around the world. We will all miss him."
Robert Iger, Chairman and CEO for the Walt Disney Company -- the parent company of ABC, also remembered the television icon who was known for bringing memorable music to the masses.
"For more than half a century, Dick Clark brought the best of American music to audiences across the country, creating careers and countless fans for artists on his iconic shows, American Bandstand and New Year's Rockin' Eve," Iger said in a statement. "We're proud that ABC was home to those programs and will always be part of his legacy. On behalf of everyone at Disney and ABC, we send our sincere condolences to Dick's family, as well as the three generations of fans who will miss him as much as we do."
The Museum of Broadcast Communications has done the math, and figures that Dick Clark Productions has turned out more than 7,500 hours of television programming, including more than 30 series and 250 specials, as well as more than 20 movies for theatre and TV.
The Game Show Network plans to air a special tribute to Clark on Thursday along additional airings of "$25,000 Pyramid," the rest of the week and Saturday.
All this earned Clark a long list of awards and accolades: Emmys, Grammys, induction in the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It also made him one of the richest men in Hollywood; he also had stakes in a wide range of businesses, including restaurants, theatres and real estate.
In March, he put one of his homes on the market, asking $3.5 million for a one-of-a-kind house on 22 acres in Malibu, modeled after Fred and Wilma's house on "The Flintstones."
"America's Oldest Teenager"
Clark, whose eternally youthful look earned him the nickname "America's Oldest Teenager", is survived by his three children and his third wife, Keri Wigton, married to him since 1977. He credited his appearance to good genes, once saying "if you want to stay young looking, pick your parents very carefully."
Now, America's Oldest Teenager is gone, leaving his indelible mark on generations of fans, and helping change rock 'n' roll and TV forever. His signature sign-off was always "For now, Dick Clark … so long," said with a salute. Today, generations of Americans are saluting back.
Dick Clark, the music industry maverick, longtime TV host and powerhouse producer who changed the way we listened to pop music with "American Bandstand," and whose trademark "Rockin' Eve" became a fixture of New Year's celebrations, died today at the age of 82.
Clark's agent Paul Shefrin said in statement that the veteran host died this morning following a "massive heart attack."
PHOTOS: 2012 in Memoriam: Dick Clark Dies
Born in Mount Vernon, N.Y., on Nov. 30, 1929, Richard Wagstaff Clark began his lifelong career in show business began before he was even out of high school. He started working in the mailroom of WRUN, a radio station in upstate New York run by his father and uncle. It wasn't long before the teenager was on the air, filling in for the weatherman and the announcer.
Clark landed a gig as a DJ at WFIL in Philadelphia in 1952, spinning records for a show he called "Dick Clark's Caravan of Music." There he broke into the big time, hosting Bandstand, an afternoon dance show for teenagers.
Within five years, the whole country was watching. ABC took the show national, and "American Bandstand" was born.
"American Bandstand's" formula was simple. Clean-cut boys and girls danced to the hottest hits and the newest singles. In between, Clark chatted with the teens, who helped "rate-a-record," turning songs into sensations. Everyone showed up on "American Bandstand," from Elvis Presley to Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry to Chubby Checker.
Dick Clark, shown in this Dec. 2,
1976 photo,... View
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Dick Clark Dead at 82 Watch
Dick Clark Remembered in Times Square
When Dick Clark moved to Hollywood in 1963, "American Bandstand" moved with him. He started Dick Clark Productions, and began cranking out one hit show after another; his name became synonymous with everything from the $25,000 "Pyramid" to "TV's Bloopers & Practical Jokes" to the "American Music Awards." In 1972, Dick Clark became synonymous with one of the biggest nights of the year.
PHOTOS: Dick Clark's Celebrity Guests on 'American Bandstand'
New Year's Rockin' Eve
"Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" on ABC became a Dec. 31 tradition, with Clark hosting the festivities for more than three decades, introducing the entertainment acts and, of course, counting down to midnight as the ball dropped in New York's Times Square.
But the traditional celebration saw a temporary stop in 2004, when Clark suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed and struggling to speak. Regis Philbin stepped in. But by the next New Year's Eve, Dick Clark was back, his speech still impaired. In halting words, he told the audience, "I had to teach myself how to walk and talk again. It's been a long, hard fight. My speech is not perfect but I'm getting there."
But that didn't stop him: he returned each year, and recently he was joined by Ryan Seacrest, the radio and television personality known for E!, "American Idol," and a reality TV empire.
"I am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend Dick Clark," Seacrest said in a statement today. "He has truly been one of the greatest influences in my life. I idolized him from the start, and I was graced early on in my career with his generous advice and counsel. When I joined his show in 2006 , it was a dream come true to work with him every New Year's Eve for the last 6 years. He was smart, charming, funny and always a true gentleman. I learned a great deal from him, and I'll always be indebted to him for his faith and support of me. He was a remarkable host and businessman and left a rich legacy to television audiences around the world. We will all miss him."
Robert Iger, Chairman and CEO for the Walt Disney Company -- the parent company of ABC, also remembered the television icon who was known for bringing memorable music to the masses.
"For more than half a century, Dick Clark brought the best of American music to audiences across the country, creating careers and countless fans for artists on his iconic shows, American Bandstand and New Year's Rockin' Eve," Iger said in a statement. "We're proud that ABC was home to those programs and will always be part of his legacy. On behalf of everyone at Disney and ABC, we send our sincere condolences to Dick's family, as well as the three generations of fans who will miss him as much as we do."
The Museum of Broadcast Communications has done the math, and figures that Dick Clark Productions has turned out more than 7,500 hours of television programming, including more than 30 series and 250 specials, as well as more than 20 movies for theatre and TV.
The Game Show Network plans to air a special tribute to Clark on Thursday along additional airings of "$25,000 Pyramid," the rest of the week and Saturday.
All this earned Clark a long list of awards and accolades: Emmys, Grammys, induction in the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It also made him one of the richest men in Hollywood; he also had stakes in a wide range of businesses, including restaurants, theatres and real estate.
In March, he put one of his homes on the market, asking $3.5 million for a one-of-a-kind house on 22 acres in Malibu, modeled after Fred and Wilma's house on "The Flintstones."
"America's Oldest Teenager"
Clark, whose eternally youthful look earned him the nickname "America's Oldest Teenager", is survived by his three children and his third wife, Keri Wigton, married to him since 1977. He credited his appearance to good genes, once saying "if you want to stay young looking, pick your parents very carefully."
Now, America's Oldest Teenager is gone, leaving his indelible mark on generations of fans, and helping change rock 'n' roll and TV forever. His signature sign-off was always "For now, Dick Clark … so long," said with a salute. Today, generations of Americans are saluting back.
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