Goldman Sachs’ Next Slaughter of the Stock Market Lambs
Goldman Sachs may not be the Devil, but he sure is whispering sweet nothings in their ears.
First off, I want you to SEE CLEARLY how these fast talking crooks keep playing investors for suckers – so you can forever be protected against their manipulations.
We know they lied through their teeth to pump the TECH BUBBLE – ‘laddering’ & “spinning” worthless companies into billions in IPOs – when it collapsed YOUR bank account took the hit while they got even richer!
We know they pumped the MORTGAGE BUBBLE – while packaging and pumping the subprime “liars loans” to the public — they were SHORTING the market – making huge profits while destroying the value of YOUR HOUSE and devastating the world economy.
We know they pumped the OIL Bubble driving gas prices up over $4 a gallon — and made a killing on the backs of regular investors – while inciting food riots from starving families throughout the third world as the bubble rippled through markets.
We know the oil bubble created huge increases in gas prices which cut into consumer spending… leading to the housing collapse of sub-prime mortgages… collapsing the complex, fraudulent derivative plays of the investment banks… causing the largest destruction of wealth since the Great Depression.
We know Goldman Sachs and their cronies are now posting their most profitable year ever – set to pay out their biggest bonuses ever in their 140-year history – while the rest of the world struggles financially because of their actions and the actions of their cohorts.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to understand if someone MADE YOU $700 Million you’d probably do them favors.
Some people don’t want to believe it happens but these fat cats are MASTERS of the old “give and take.”
Social scientists at Cornell University studying methods of influence found if someone does you a favor you’re likely to return favors up to 500% more financially valuable than the favor you received. And get this: Former Goldman CEO and U.S Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson, a 30-year Goldman veteran, made his $700 million net worth at Goldman Sachs – including about $500 million from Goldman stock! Are you really surprised he used billions of taxpayer dollars of the TARP money, as architect of the bailout, to benefit Goldman Sachs financial interests?
Why do you think Lehman Brothers – a COMPETITOR of Goldman Sachs – was allowed to go belly up and bankrupt… but AIG, who was in debt to Goldman Sachs for $12.6 Billion received $85 Billion in BAILOUT money – for doing exactly the same thing Lehman Brothers did?
Did you know, Goldman Sachs, its lobbyists and executives were the TOP FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS to political campaigns in 2008? If anyone has congressman and senators in their pockets – wouldn’t it be the slime-balls who gave them the most money?
Or that current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner worked closely under TWO former Goldman Sachs CEOS – Hank Paulson and 26 year Goldman veteran Robert Rubin? Guess where Geitner’s chief of staff comes from? Yup, Goldman Sachs.
Charles Ellis, author and chronicler of Wall Street’s insiders, explained a little about what it means to work for Goldman Sachs on Bloomberg T.V., “There’s a very strong, almost tribal, commitment to the firm and to what YOU can BECOME through the firm. It’s scary.”
And now this old boy’s network of “you scratch my back, I scratch your back and to hell with the rest of the world” is creating another freight train barreling down on you.
Goldman Sachs actually had the law blocking them from creating bubbles OVERTURNED!
In 1991 a Goldman Sachs subsidiary, J. Aron, a commodities trading company, petitioned the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to overturn the 1936 post-depression law designed to prevent market bubble manipulation.
After rampant speculation in the great depression a law was passed to make sure it could never happen again. So there could never be MORE SPECULATORS in a commodities market than real producers and consumers. So prices would NOT be subject to forcesbeyond supply and demand.
That law was quietly overturned at the prompting of this Goldman trading subsidiary. Goldman Sachs and fourteen other companies became EXEMPT from the ANTI-BUBBLE LAW! Later, when a staffer from the House Energy and Commerce Committee requested a copy of the letter exempting Goldman from the law – CFTC officials refused to release their letters of exemption until THEY GOT PERMISSION FROM GOLDMAN SACHS!! Regulatory officials waiting to get permission from the folks they’re supposed to regulate?
The inmates are running the asylum.
On the 4th of July, 2009, Goldman Sachs ADMITTED in a federal court of law they have the power to manipulate markets!
July 3rd, 2009 the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York received a call from Goldman Sachs, claiming a former employee, Russian immigrant Sergey Aleynikov, had stolen Goldman Sachs program trading codes.
Less than 24 hours later, less time than needed for a thorough investigation, the FBI has Aleynikov in custody. Why such urgency? In court the prosecuting attorney reports Goldman Sachs is concerned that, “in the wrong hands” this program trading script could be used to manipulate markets.
We’re left to believe Goldman’s hands are “the right hands?”
Greg Roy
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