Thursday, October 17, 2024




 今年8月底,台湾国防部公布获选制造军用级无人机的民间厂商名单,长荣航太、智飞科技、神通资讯科技和中光电智能机器人四家公司分别在总共六款机型得标,总值近70亿新台币(约2.13 亿美元)。这是台湾军方首度向民间发出“军用商规”无人机标案,从召开招标说明会到决标,历时近两年。





每两年发行一次的《国防报告书》是了解台湾国防政策的重要窗口,2023年最新版本写到:“借镜俄乌战争不对称作战启示,在有限资源条件下,寻求适宜之建军项目与战备整备。” 记者查阅12年来的《国防报告书》,发现最新版提及“无人机”的篇幅较以往明显增多。


十多年来, 台湾无人机厂商大多是小规模公司,大多是提供无人机应用服务,当时使用的无人机,或多或少使用中国制零件,由台湾完全独立开发制造的机种不多。
































Inspired by Ukraine war, Taiwan launches drone blitz to counter China国防安全研究院国安所政策分析员陈彦廷分析,台湾厂商有能力生产90%的无人机零组件,但目前台湾还没办法做到的关键零件是光电球(相机云台),这是无人机最重要的部件之一:装上结合光学镜头、热感应器,搭配云台支架保持拍摄稳定,无人机就像有了眼睛。



Taiwan's Military Learns From Ukraine To Bolster Drone Capabilities |  TaiwanPlus News曾任美国飞机制造商和国防承包商麦道航太(McDonnell Douglas)驻台代表的廖宏祥认为,台湾过去的强项是代工生产,但“系统整合”有待加强:如何在一台无人机上将硬体、软体结合起来,让它飞得稳、能够执行指定任务,就是系统整合必须发挥之处。




Taiwan shows off its drones as key to 'asymmetric warfare', main weapon  against Chinese military廖宏祥认为,台湾迫切需要类似于美国“国防创新单位”(Defense Innovation Unit,简称 DIU)的组织,让拥有技术的厂商和开出需求的军方快速对接,加速商业技术和军民两用技术在国家安全的应用。





拿下“监侦型”与“微型”无人机两标案,共3037架,总金额约22亿新台币的中光电表示,22亿(约6.82亿美金)听起来是一笔巨款,但是“对我们来讲,整体利润其实并不太高。”中光电透露,若加上前期开发成本及后续人员训练费用,“甚至可能自己要补贴一些。 ”







中国警告美国 “勿开绿灯”台湾前总统蔡英文访问美国


中国警告美国 “勿开绿灯”台湾前总统蔡英文访问美国


Politico 15日引述知情人士指出,蔡英文打算在欧盟访问行程结束后前往美国,可能是11月总统大选投票日前,也可能是投票后,新总统当选人尚未宣誓就职前。


傳蔡英文將出訪美國中國警告「勿開綠燈」 | 太報| LINE TODAY两名知情人士向Politico的国家安全新闻NatSec Daily透露,如果蔡英文在11月5日美国总统大选前抵美,很可能成为共和党和民主党议员争相合照的对象,并藉此塑造对中国强硬的形象。










听其言,观其行 - 习近平称愿和美国做伙伴和朋友

Xi Jinping Says US "Trying to Bait" China Into Attacking Taiwan, Taipei  Slams "Troublemaker" Beijing 







前国防部长办公室资深官员约瑟夫·博斯科(Joseph Bosco)告诉美国之音,这种示好的话中国以前也说过,但往往并不持久,很快就又回到“美国助台独立”那一套强硬话语中去,所以他并不认为习的“和美国做朋友”有什么重大的立场改变

The Cagle Post博斯科说:“中国可以通过一些举措来证明他们的诚意啊,比如停止在台海军演,停止越过中线。他们可以停止实施反分裂法,可以在台湾人民同意的前提下要求统一,而不是武力解决。”


布鲁金斯学会外交政策项目资深研究员何瑞恩(Ryan Hass)认为习近平表示和美国“做朋友”一说无足轻重。他对美国之音说:“美国民众现在主要关注即将到来的总统大选。除了美国那些关注中国事务的人士,习近平主席的言论不太可能引起太多关注。”


乔治城大学美中全球议题对话项目研究员韦德宁(Dennis Wilder)直言,他完全不把习的说法当回事。他告诉美国之音:“如果习近平真的想成为美国的合作伙伴,那为什么在俄罗斯非法入侵乌克兰这件事上,他是普京最重要的合作伙伴?”


华盛顿智库史汀生中心的高级研究员罗伯特·曼宁(Rober Manning)则认为,习的说法值得观察,跟他目前面临的经济困境有关。









一位名为“Michel McMahon”的网友在路透的贴下留言说:“只有看到习近平在中美伙伴关系和友谊问题上采取切实行动,而不是空谈,我才会相信他。信任的缺失根深蒂固,仅靠热情的言论无法解决。”



网友“McFual”说,“千万别相信中共的鬼话连篇”;“Reykyavik”说:“习主席既要疯狂反美,又要和美国做生意”;另一位“Dennis Wahng”说:“美国受骗过多,不再像墙共老百姓那么容易受骗了!”




媒体询问中国军演及犯台 哈里斯:台湾有权自卫


 媒体询问中国军演及犯台 哈里斯:台湾有权自卫


FTNN 新聞網台湾中央社报导,哈里斯在密歇根州底特律机场接受媒体短暂提问。有媒体指出,中国日前在台湾附近军演,中国国家主席习近平隔天到与台湾一海之隔的福建省视察,升高紧张情势,如果她是总统,她对中国武力侵台的立场为何。

台湾警告:如果中国侵犯海域和空域,将进行反击- WSJ哈里斯表示,她要重申她说过很多次的要点,她相信“一中”政策,也相信台湾有权自我防卫。有媒体问,美国政府是否会提供武器给台湾,也有媒体同时询问,她是否支持加州将举行加强惩罚罪犯的第36号公投。她未回答与台湾相关的追问。

哈里斯本月7日在美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)新闻节目《60分钟》(60 Minutes)受访时指出,美国必须确保维持“一中”政策,包括支持台湾有能力自我防卫。至于美国是否出兵保台,哈里斯回应指,她不讨论假设性问题。



英国前首相苏纳克国会质询 关切中国军演吁捍卫台湾民主 政府疑似阻挠台湾前总统蔡英文访英

 英国前首相苏纳克国会质询 关切中国军演吁捍卫台湾民主 政府疑似阻挠台湾前总统蔡英文访英























Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Israeli Black Ops: The Strike on Syria

 Operation "Orchard"

The Israeli military operation, codenamed "Orchard," executed in September 2007, remains a significant chapter in the annals of Middle Eastern geopolitics. A preemptive strike against a nascent nuclear reactor in Syria, constructed with the assistance of North Korean engineers, the operation underscored Israel's determination to safeguard its national security.

The reactor, a burgeoning threat to regional stability, was believed to be capable of producing plutonium, a crucial component for nuclear weapons. Israel, having closely monitored its development for several years, concluded that the facility was nearing completion. The decision to launch a military strike was a calculated gamble, a testament to the perceived urgency of the situation.

Eight Israeli F-16 fighter jets, flying at low altitude to evade Syrian air defenses, delivered a devastating blow to the reactor. The precision of the strike, which resulted in the complete destruction of the facility, showcased Israel's military prowess.

While the Israeli government has maintained official silence regarding its involvement, the details of the operation have been widely disseminated. The attack dealt a significant setback to the Syrian regime's nuclear ambitions, hindering its progress. Moreover, it served as a stark reminder of Israel's capacity to assert its interests in the region.

The justification for the operation has been a subject of intense debate. While Israel contends that the strike was necessary to prevent Syria from acquiring nuclear weapons, critics argue that it constituted a violation of international law. The incident continues to be a contentious topic, with no consensus on whether it was a justified act of self-defense or an unwarranted aggression.

Hezbollah falsely believed its domination of Lebanese politics was permanent

 Hezbollah leader wiped out in a 'massive blow' for the Arab world, claims  IDF
The Rise and Fall of Hezbollah

The group falsely believed its domination of Lebanese politics was permanent.

Hilal Khashan

The rise of Hezbollah began in the early 1980s. Following the success of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini sought to export the ideology of the revolution throughout the Arab region. During the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, he saw an opportunity to expel the Palestine Liberation Organization from its bastion in the country. He sent a small contingent of troops from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to Lebanon to spread his revolutionary principles. Hezbollah attributed its success to the vision of its organized and unpretentious leaders, who came from impoverished socio-economic backgrounds. Its efficient and personal way of communicating with its Shiite support base also aided its rise as Lebanon’s unrivaled political and military organization.

How Hezbollah's Nasrallah Went From Canny Strategist to Corrupt WarlordBut its emergence on the political scene put it on a collision course with another Shiite political force: the Amal Movement. Founded by Musa al-Sadr and backed by Syrian President Hafez Assad, the group evolved as the armed wing of the Movement of the Dispossessed, which was established in 1974 on the eve of the Lebanese Civil War. Hezbollah and the Amal Movement fought for two years beginning in 1988 in what came to be known as the Fraternal War. It ended in 1990 with the signing of the Damascus Agreement, effectively placing Amal under Hezbollah’s wing.

This arrangement aided Hezbollah’s growth and appealed to a broad sectarian constituency that was oppressed for a millennium by Sunni-dominated imperial states. For centuries, Shiites had searched for a heroic leadership to redeem them. However, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was assassinated by Israel last month, adopted a propagandistic political posture that exaggerated the party’s military resources and grossly downplayed Israeli capabilities. The party failed to understand how sectarian power-sharing works in Lebanon. It also failed to make strategic concessions that could have prevented its own demise.

Charismatic Leader

Once in Lebanon, IRGC forces headed to the city of Baalbek in the northern Bekaa Valley, where they proselytized a Shiite cadre to follow Khomeini’s rule as the jurisconsult, or supreme religious leader. Khomeini argued that this interim arrangement, which did not have a specified end time, was a prerequisite for the return of Muhammad al-Mahdi, the twelfth Shiite Imam who went into occultation in 874 and was expected to return to defeat evil and lead humanity to salvation.

Hezbollah mastered the art of martyrdom and turned it into a highly effective weapon through which it gained popularity and credibility. The death of one of Nasrallah’s sons in a confrontation with the Israeli army in 1997 dramatically increased Nasrallah’s popularity because no Arab leader had ever before sent his children to the frontlines to fight against Israel. Nasrallah always said that a fighter’s strength was determined not by the type of weapon he carried but rather by his will and willingness to die. Hezbollah considered the pursuit of martyrdom without hesitation to be the key to its victories and what distinguished it from Israeli soldiers who did not want to die in war. Nasrallah presented himself as a man on a mission to transform Lebanon into an Islamic state following the Iranian model and further its regional pursuits as a religious duty. His charisma and religious zeal and the promise of better days ahead appealed to Shiites, who cherished his forceful and convincing political rhetoric.

Propaganda Obscured Israel’s Resolve

Successive victories against Arab armies since 1948 had given Israel an aura of invincibility. But its decision to withdraw from southern Lebanon in 2000 gave Arabs the impression that Hezbollah finally succeeded in doing what no other Arab army managed do before. Nasrallah declared that Israel was “weaker than a spider’s web.”

In 2006, war broke out when Hezbollah, facing steady pressure from other Lebanese groups to disarm, launched a cross-border raid, capturing three Israeli soldiers. To prove the worth of its military wing, Hezbollah hoped to swap them with Lebanese prisoners in Israel. Israel had no interest in going to war against Hezbollah, but the death of 13 soldiers in the raid compelled Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to action, which inflicted a heavy toll on Hezbollah and displaced hundreds of thousands of Shiites. Nasrallah appealed to then Prime Minister Fouad Seniora to convince the U.S. to back a cease-fire. Washington supported the issuance of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701, which demanded Hezbollah’s evacuation from the border area to north of the Litani River. When the war ended, Nasrallah called it a “divine victory.”

In 2022, Nasrallah threatened Israel with harsh retaliation if it assassinated Hamas or Islamic Jihad officials on Lebanese territory. However, his response to the assassination of a senior Hamas official in the southern suburbs of Beirut early this year was superficial, consisting of a few Katyusha rockets, most of which the Iron Dome intercepted. Nasrallah expressed Hezbollah’s approval of any agreement between Lebanon and Israel to delimit the borders of their respective economic zones. After a deal was concluded in 2022, Nasrallah said he agreed with the Lebanese government’s compromise – but not before he threatened to prevent Israel from exploiting the Karish gas field if Lebanon did not get a fair deal.

Nasrallah declared that Israel wanted to avoid a war because of Hezbollah’s military strength, especially its missiles, which are capable of hitting targets anywhere in Israel, including the Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev desert and the city of Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba. Hezbollah officials claimed that Israel was unprepared to deal with the massive human and material toll its advanced weapons would inflict.

Hezbollah misunderstood the social implications of the massive demonstrations in 2023 throughout Israel against the government’s planned judicial reforms. In addition to the protests, several thousand reserve soldiers announced their abstention from military service in protest against the proposal, which would have reduced the powers of Israel’s Supreme Court. Nasrallah misread the warnings of senior Israeli military personnel (including the army chief of staff) about the dangers of approving these amendments for the army’s combat readiness and the fabric of Israeli society.

In his eulogy for Hezbollah’s chief of staff, who was killed by Israel in July, Nasrallah warned that the party would fight without restraint if a widespread war with Israel broke out. However, even after his assassination last month, this threat rang hollow. Israel has said the group has lost more than two-thirds of its missile arsenal, which Lebanese media claimed in recent years totaled 200,000 missiles. (Hezbollah has launched up to 10,000 rockets against Israel to support Gaza since the war there began more than a year ago.)

Neglecting Lebanon’s history

Hezbollah considered its domination of Lebanon permanent and belittled the country’s rich history. Just north of Beirut, the stelae of Nahr al-Kalb documents Lebanon’s deep history with 22 inscriptions outlining foreign armies’ conquests of the country, starting with Ramses II’s military campaign in the 13th century B.C. In 2000, Hezbollah intruded on the stelae by placing an inscription marking Israel’s voluntary withdrawal from southern Lebanon as a liberation, as if it represented the final cycle of Lebanese history.

When France granted Lebanon independence in 1943, the leaders of this religiously heterogeneous country created a confessional political system predicated on a delicate sectarian balance. Civil war broke out in 1958 mainly because President Camille Chamoun allied himself with the Hashemites in Iraq and Jordan and supported the British-sponsored Baghdad Pact, which was vehemently opposed by the popular Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. The unconditional approval of Muslims of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s military presence in Lebanon placed the country on a collision course as Christians viewed the arrangement as an infringement on Lebanon’s sovereignty and destructive to its sectarian balance. This eventually led the country to a 19-year civil war, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties and the destruction of the Lebanese economy. Hezbollah took shape between 1982 and 1985, during Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon. It thought that resistance to the occupation, penetration of Lebanese politics, and the ideological and material sponsorship of the Iranian Revolution would ensure not only its survival but also its permanence in and domination of Lebanese politics.

Hezbollah failed to appreciate that popular movements cannot last indefinitely in Lebanon’s political system. The assassination of towering Lebanese Prime Minister Riad al-Solh in 1951 eroded the balance of power between Christians and Muslims, encouraging Chamoun to promote regional policies unpopular among Lebanese Sunnis and effectively facilitating the 1958 civil war. The assassination of charismatic President-elect Bashir Gemayel in 1982 delivered a severe blow to the Christian Lebanese Forces, effectively shelving its political project. In 2005, Hezbollah killed Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, ending his post-war reconstruction efforts. It became unavoidable that Israel would deliver the coup de grace to neutralize Hezbollah after its devastating military setbacks. The party’s survival hinged on Nasrallah as its central public figure. Killing him would drive a wedge between Hezbollah – whose poor military performance stunned Shiites – and its base of popular support.

Negotiations Closed

The U.S. president’s special envoy to Lebanon, Amos Hochstein, paid five visits to Lebanon to try to prevent war with Israel, focusing on the need for Hezbollah to de-link itself from the Gaza conflict, implement Security Council resolution 1701, and withdraw to six miles north of the border with Israel. Hezbollah refused to comply with these conditions. Even the pro-Hezbollah Beirut newspaper al-Akhbar indicated in a front-page story its opposition to Hochstein’s plan, describing him as an Israeli mediator. This prompted the Biden administration to inform the Lebanese government shortly before Israel assassinated Nasrallah that the door to negotiations was closed. Israel promptly launched a massive air campaign ahead of a major ground offensive to drive Hezbollah away from the south, creating an unprecedented internal displacement, which the government in Beirut is ill-equipped to handle.

After Israel’s success in eliminating Hezbollah’s military and political leadership, Nasrallah’s deputy, Naim Qassem, informed Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati of the party’s readiness to withdraw to north of the Litani River. He also authorized the head of the Amal Movement, Nabih Berri, who has been parliamentary speaker since 1992, to negotiate arrangements on behalf of Hezbollah to stop the war, paving the way for placing the party under the mantle of the Amal Movement, which would be a major shift in the balance of power among the Shiites of Lebanon.